When they found out that I was a dragon-thing they went ballistic. I don't know how many experiments were conducted on me. I'm nearly bald now; they took all my hair for samples. They put me through a new trauma every day, testing my shifting, but it took them a while to find out that they are caused by adrenaline. They came up with a type of medicine that keeps me human even when I'm getting the adrenaline and another to keep me a dragon.
"Rise and shine, Iris," The head scientist, George, says, opening the door to my cell. I curl away from him, so he tugs the chain around my wrist, "UP!" He yanks me off the floor, but I lose my balance and fall on my face. He starts laughing.
"Let go of meh masteh!" George stops laughing and starts looking around with a confused look on his face.
"Yous heard what ah says! REALEASE DE CHAIN AN PUT YOUS HANDS ABOVE YOUS HEAD!" George does so. I'm beginning to think that I'm dreaming.
"Now ah want yous to say sorreh to meh Iris, cuz that was realleh mean!"
"Uh, I'm sorry?" George looks down at me and sneers.
"Good. You better mean that," Jake's voice reaches my ears before I see him. He steps up behind George points a gun at his head. "If you call for help, I'll shoot."
My dad squeezes through the door way and grabs my hand, "Walk by me like nothing weird is happening, okay?"
"Uh huh," He nods to Jake and Jake nods back. Dad helps me as I limp out of the cell and down the hall, he leads me to an exit and we stagger out of the doors. Once outside we find Chris, who is in his bigger form, waiting for us.
"Are Jake and Kyle still inside?" He asks as we approach.
"Yeah, they're still trying to get the fire going," Dad replies. I look up at the sky, which is grey, and I think of how much I missed it.
"He should be done by now…" As if on cue, a flame comes shooting from the building. Then Jake and Kyle come running out like madmen or mad dogs.
"WE HAS TO GOES! THEY'RE ON OUR TAILS!" They run to us and quickly climb onto Chris' back.
"THEY'RE GETTING AWAY!" A really brawny man with many tattoos comes running out of the flaming building with yelling and cursing, "THEY ARE GETTING AWAY!"
Chris opens his wings and we fly away from it all. The man diminishes to nothing and we are far enough away to only see the flaming building as a speck against the horizon. The wind in my face feels like heaven, I sit back and let the feeling of flying sink in. Dad asks about how I feel and if I was hurting any where, so I told him the truth. I'm sore all over and I think I'm extremely sick. After that there was no discussion, the only sound was the wind passing us by.
"You know, Chris, you were right." I say, breaking the silence.
"About what?" He asks.
"Being a dragon sucks," I look at my hands. "I want to be normal again."
And there's the end.