Something was making that sound. It was waking me up. I didn't want to. I was tired, someone else could turn off the alarm for once!


Hello? Turn off the alarm, people. Wait a second, that didn't sound like the alarm clock. Wrong tone entirely.


What was that infuriating noise?

I opened my eyes. I took a breath. A light on the ceiling glared down at me, the beeping sound sped up and slowed down. It sounded like one of those heart moniters. And then I realized where I was. Hospital. I was in a hospital. Not good. Hospitals were for sick people. Or hurt people. Or dying people.

I started to sit up but I couldn't. I was too weak. I stopped struggling to move, already tired. Where was I? A hospital, I knew, but which one? What happened to Dom?

"- and make sure that patient 102 has enough fluids." A doctor entered my room, holding a clipboard and pen. He went to my heart moniter, writing down the information it told him and then turned to me. "Oh, you're awake." He said with a grin. "I'm Dr. Shultz." He was an older man, gray hair, blue eyes. Kind face, needed a shave.

"Akeera Dustcatcher." I replied croaked. Why was I always hoarse?

"Yes, I know." Shultz said with a grin. "Dominic told me."

"He's alright?" I asked.

"He'll be fine. Few scratches, nasty cut on his cheek, dehydration, a concussion but he's fine otherwise. You, on the other hand, could use a few weeks in bed."

I'd ignored him after "fine otherwise", relief flooding through me. "I'm glad he's alright." I said. I didn't think I could live with yet another life on my conscience.

"You've got some serious injuries so you'll have to stay immobile for a few weeks." Shultz replied.

"Serious injuries?" I repeated.

"Yes, I had to take some skin and muscle from your knee, it got infected. And that injury to your side almost pierced several major organs. You also lost a pint of blood. But the injury to your shoulder seems alright. When you've gained some strength, we'll try to do something for your nose. I'm surprised you even survived."

Oh, right. My nose. I thought something was off. But at least it might have some chance at revival. Might.

Over the next few days, I did little more than sleep and eat. Dominic came to visit me when he was discharged two weeks later. Turns out he was a spy for the remaining states and had been captured. He was going back out into the field soon and stopped by to wish me luck.

"Thanks for helping me." He said, holding out a hand.

I took it and we shook. "Thank you for keeping me alive. I appreciate it." I replied.

He grinned. "If we ever run into each other again out there, feel free to join in on the fight. We need more people like you."

I smiled back. "Deal. Take care of yourself."

"You too, kid."

Another week passed and I was able to sit upright again. My shoulder injury had healed completely, my knee was taking its sweet time getting better, but my side made the fastest recovery- much to my surprise.

Roughly a month later, I was hobbling around the hospital. Turns out we were somewhere near the edge of the American controlled land, somewhere around Nebraska and Iowa. But I was itching for any news of Jamison & Co. I asked around but no one had heard of a seven-person team coming into the area. I also asked about my family but my story was no different than the stories of hundreds of others that flooded West.

I wasn't the only one that'd lost family and thousands of people were misplaced, looking for loved ones. I had family in both Colorado and California, aunts and uncles, so there was a chance that they'd know what had happened to my parents and siblings.

Unfortunately something came up. I never made it to Colorado or California. Because a week after I started moving around the hospital, we got news that the West coast had been struck by hostiles from North Korea.

I was almost healed, my leg injury had actually closed up properly and my nose had undergone surgery two weeks prior. But I wanted to find someone I knew. I was alone, even though the city I was in was full of people. I didn't know anyone's names, I wasn't even sure I wanted to get to know anyone else for fear that they'd die.

The war had changed me. And it was only just beginning. The faces of the people I'd known ran through my mind. Spacey, Rhy, James, my mum, dad, sisters, brother, Wren, Allen, Jamison, his team, and Dominic. . .

And I didn't know where any of them were. 15+ people and I had no idea if even half of them were still alive. In two months, the geography of the United States had changed forever.

But I wasn't going to give up them. I'd find them. After all, I'd promised.

I went to the roof of the building the night I found out that we'd been attacked on the West coast and stared up at the stars.

"Hey, God." I said. "Sorry it's been so long." I lay down on the concrete roof, put my hands behind my head, and started talking. I told Him everything, from beginning to end. "I still don't understand." I said as I got to the end. "What's Your plan?" I whispered.

The stars twinkled down at me, like tears caught by a ray of light that ran down His face every time someone went further from Him. There was so much pain and loss in the world, more so than before.

"I miss them. I can't remember what my family looks like." I said, letting all the pain and fear out in sobs. "Please forgive me, the mistakes I've made, and the things I didn't say and should have when I had them with me. . ." I wiped at my face with a hand. "But, if it's Your will, please bring them back to me."

I spent the rest of the night on the roof, no longer alone. And my mind was made up. I'd stay put until the war was over. I'd fight for those who couldn't and if we won, then I'd start looking again.

Till then, I thought to myself, this is my home, this is my land. And I'm not going down without a fight. Bring it on.

Note for you:

Dear readers, I so appreciate you coming so far with me and my cast of characters. I wouldn't have made it this far without your support! Special thanks to Terra Booma for coming up with the character of Allen, I had no idea that Allen's character would be so profound in this story. ^^

Got a few questions for you, since we're coming to a close. (Don't worry, one more chapter to go.)

Who is your favorite character(s)?
What is your favorite part(s)
What can I do to improve on my characters?

Thanks again, and keep an eye out for the sequel, A New Nation.

Ink out.