Jason peered around the corner cautiously.
"I don't think this is going to work, man." he whispered, turning back to his friend and catching her before she could push him out of their hidey hole beneath the stairs. "I don't trust you when you have that look in your eyes. C'mon, Irene. You can't expect her to have a positive reaction to this." He shook the small bouquet of roses nervously under her nose.
"I'm the girl here," Irene replied coolly. "Just get on with it. She's not going to sit there alone all day. Sooner or later, her wittle girlfriends will come swarming around her and you'll never be able to get close then," flicking a piece of her brown hair dismissively at him; she turned and pretended to pick her nails.
"You know what, I don't need this," setting the bouquet down carefully, Jason stood. He shakily brushed imaginary flecks of lint off his shirt. "I'll just tell her I like her and get it over with."
"Everyone knows Jenna likes roses!" she hissed, scrambling up and thrusting the flowers back into his hands. "Trust me on this one!"
"But I've never heard anything about her liking flowers!"
"Just girly gossip. What would you know?!"
"This is stupid! What if I get rejected?"
"This reduces your chances of getting rejected!"
"How the hell will a bunch of stupid flowers affect my chances anyway?"
"It makes a good impression! Everyone who's anyone who has ever confessed to Jenna gave her flowers! It's her tradition, ASSHEAD!"
They both stopped short. "That was too loud."
"Fine, whatever. As long as you shut up," rolling his eyes, Jason grabbed the bouquet and stormed out.
Can't miss this, can't miss this. Irene tiptoed gleefully after him.
Jenna stirred her cold coffee lifelessly. Her thick shiny hair tucked away in a complicated braid and long lashes lowered over enormous sparkly eyes. She turned at the approaching footsteps, her full lips already perfecting their permanent pout.
Guys are such shallow creatures. There's nothing good about her below that face. Poor Jason. Can't say I didn't warn him.
"Hi. You're the guy from Class 2B, aren't you?"
"Hey, Jenna. Yeah, the name's Jason. Nice to meet you."
"What's that you're hiding behind your back?"
"Wha-? Um..oh..this is just…"
"Oh, is it something for me? Why, you're such a darling!"
Jason flushed beetroot, "Well…"
"Thomas, Thomson or something… what's his name? He gave me a silver necklace yesterday too. Too bad he's not good-looking enough. I love how people get more creative with Valentines Day. Who wants chocolates all the time, they'll only make you fat and ugly. Tara used to be so cute before she stuffed her face with those icky stuff. Now no one gives her any! Poor Tara. Oh, there she is! Tara, darling, we were just talking about you!" trilled Jenna.
"I got your tea, Jenna! I can't believe I made you wait so long. The rest were right behind me. There they are!" Tara glanced back at the gaggle of giggling girls as they approached. "Who's this guy?"
"Oh, this is James. He was going to give me something."
Jason handed the bouquet over, his face still flushed. "I heard you liked them," he muttered under his breath.
It's Jason, you idiotic bitch. You're lucky he likes you.
"Roses? That's so sweet, James. Here," the bouquet was passed to Tara without a second glance.
"Jenna, I just wanted to say that…"
"Oh, James. You're such a darling, really. But you're just not my type," Jenna waved her fingers delicately in show of maiden exasperation. She took a breath to continue, but before she could, she was knocked aside as Tara ran screaming in the opposite direction.
"What's wrong with you…! OH MY GOD. IT'S A RAT, A RAT!" The corridor erupted with screams and the confused sound of running feet. Thick shiny hair and pouty lips fled after the rapidly retreating girls. "YOU'RE DISGUSTING! MAKES SURE YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME," Jenna's piercing scream echoed faintly back down the corridor.
Jason walked over to where the bouquet was thrown; now a sorry pile of wrapping and crushed petals. The rubber rodent lay quietly underneath a layer of scented leaves. He picked it up wordlessly.
"You know, Jenna never really had enough sense to appreciate roses. I do though." Jason looked up at Irene as she slipped out of the bush she was hiding in.
The glint was back in her eye again.