How do you put thoughts
Into words?
How do you put feelings
Into words?
How is an embrace
Worth a thousand
Well-formed sentences?
But a thought
Is not a word
And no one is a mind
Reader thoughts
Must be released
Flown from lips
And you must
Let someone
Hold this
Word thought
Because what you think of someone
But don't release
Might be all they want to hear
Because I'm trying
To read your mind
(Because I want to see
If I'm there but I
Can't see anything at
But a feeling is
Not a word it is
Inside and buried
And sometimes you're
Scared of it and sometimes
It's beautiful but if you feel it and
Don't say it and people
Have to guess then
It becomes so
Confusing and you
Start to feel lost
And a few words
Could change
Everything (and while
We're on feelings
It's not just about
Me; someday, my
Darling if someday
Exists, will you tell
Me why you look so
Sad all the time?)
An embrace, sweet
Though it
May be and heart
Racing though it may
Be doesn't mean
As much as beautiful
Truths whispered in ears
Because you can hold
Anyone or press your
Lips to someone else's
And send creeping fingers
Up their spine but it's
Words and truths along
With butterflies
Whispering though
Internal organs that
Will bring the entire
World to a halt
And bring light to a
Confused mind (not
That I hate embraces
Because I do crave
More than what I get
Because a soft kiss
Every now and then
Does not equate to
Being wrapped around
Someone – not
Necessarily to be sexual
But to lay a head on
Their chest and hear
Their heartbeat and
Just lay there for
I feel like I'm always
The one with words
And questions and the
One who cares the most
(someone does always
Have to care more
It's a fact) but I
Don't feel like you
Care at all because
You have no words
Or questions and it
All slips away
And I know you
Aren't built of words
And they don't quite
Flow but maybe
Just once or twice
Every now and then
You could try?
(I'll show you
The part of me
That aren't
And the parts
That are if you
Want me to
But that means
You have to show
Me all sides of you)
©The Last Letter