If I'm wearing a skirt,
That shows off my legs
And when I sit down,
You see a flash of something
Between them,
That doesn't give you the right
To have a second look,
Check your fuckin' privilege.
If I've drank too much alcohol,
And passed out next to you,
And your creepy fingers
Keep going up my thigh even after
A hundred "no's" that I can't
Seem to say anymore, it doesn't
Mean I've changed my answer;
It means the alcohol stopped
Me from talking,
Check your fuckin' privilege.
If I'm wearing fishnets,
And tall boots,
And you can see the
Beginnings of my thighs,
That's not an invitation for
You to get between them.
Check your fuckin' privilege.
Just because we did it once,
Doesn't mean I want to again.
Check your fuckin' privilege.
If we're dating and you
Decide we should take
The next step,
I have to agree.
I don't care that it
Was your first time,
It was mine too.
Check your fuckin' privilege.
If you can see my bra strap,
Or if my shirt is more transparent
In this light
That doesn't mean I'm showing
Off for you
Or that you have any right to
Explore further.
Check your fuckin' privilege.
Nothing I do will ever mean
I'm "asking for it"
Check your motherfucking privilege.
©The Last Letter