A/N: I created these character descriptions as part of the commission. I was asked to provide a summary of the physical appearance of each character.
The original brief shows the original information about the characters which I was given. These original character briefs were all the information I was given in order to create the Introductory chapter, along with the specification that they were to become stranded upon an island.
Stranded Character Descriptions
Cameron Brooke (17 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Cameron has classic good looks, with broad shoulders but a slender physique. He is tall with a particularly narrow waist and slender wrists, two things which makes him boyishly attractive, rather than manly. He is athletic however and has some tone and definition about his stomach and upper arms.
He has relatively short light brown hair which he pushes back behind his ears. Stray strands of hair group about his ears, however, and pick out the smooth line of his long neck. He has fine hair upon his arms, legs and lower stomach, unlike most of the rest of the group who do not exhibit much body hair at all. He does not have facial visible facial hair, however.
His eyes are hazel, with flecks of green and there is a natural, sweetness to him.
He is kind and compassionate and smiles easily but can also be harsh when he needs to be, frowning quite severely. He is self-conscious and reserved, often looking away and becoming absorbed in his own thoughts.
Original Brief: Cameron is the oldest, even though Cash and Gage kind of take over the leadership roles for the group. Cameron is the guy other guys come to for advice-I see Cash really going to Cameron when he has a problem. Cameron also looks after the youngest kids (Aaron, Jacob, Carter).
Ethan Falkes (14 years old)
Physical Appearance:
In many ways he looks older than he is, more mature, as he has a masculine, sculpted jaw-line. In other respects he is attractively boyish with black hair, blue eyes and thick, well-shaped eyebrows. He has a short modern fringe which is swept to one side but often falls in his eyes. His skin is a healthy creamy hue and his lips are thin and dark brown in colour, a little reddish. He wears bright silver braces which, rather than making him seen young, gives him a severe look.
He often smiles in a derisive, arrogant way, which curls his lips cruelly but he can also give a softer, sincere smile which reveals a sweeter nature.
Original Brief: While all the other guys are mostly good and decent, Ethan is probably the one bad seed. I don't mean he's evil or anything, just that he likes to have his way and he's kind of a bully. He and Gage become a couple.
Cash Dawson (15 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Cash is a heart-breaker, generally acknowledged to be remarkably good –looking. His dark chestnut brown hair is cut into a fashionable style with a long, uneven fringe that is prone to falling into his eyes. His good looks, however, are very much down to good bone structure and colouring. He is not very especially well-groomed and his hair is often disordered, his nails dirty and bitten. He has a tanned skin tone, a soft honeyed brown, and deep brown eyes. He has a wiry, boyish physique but his arms and legs are toned, more muscular than other children his age. He has begun to grow hair upon his legs and abdomen but is relatively smooth otherwise.
He is confident and laughs easily, showing off neat white teeth. His lips are dark in tone and sensuous.
Original Brief: Cash becomes the sort of leader of the group after they get stranded. He just takes charge almost right away. He's really handsome, and constantly had girls attention before he came to the island.
Gabe Spencer (15 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Gage has light brown hair which is parted in the centre, with stray locks pushed to either side of his face, neatly. His eyes are a dark brown and intense, framed by thick eyebrows. His face is long, with a strong jaw, and he has a straight Greek-style nose. His physique is well-toned and he is broad-shouldered, with muscular limbs.
Original Brief: Gabe is good friends with Cash before they were stranded. They are both natural leaders, but the other guys end up following Cash for the most part. Gabe is really into sports and working out.
Riley Hawkins (13 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Riley has auburn hair, a subtle tone that is closer to a dark brown rather than a red but still a striking colour. His eyes are a warm brown and there is a faint smattering of freckles across his skin. The tone of his flesh is more pale than natural, but not uncannily so. He has a healthy appearance, bright and alive with vitality. He is average for his age, in height and muscle-tone, relatively skinny.
He has a strong sense of humour and is incredibly friendly. He usually wears a wide smile upon his face, rolling his eyes in an ironic and self-depreciating gesture.
Original Brief: Riley is the funny one. He's always trying to lighten the mood and make everyone laugh. He's a little sarcastic and likes to party and have a good time.
Mason Grant (13 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Mason has over-long dirty blonde hair that tumbles about his shoulders, always askew and somewhat tangled. His fringe has grown out and is swept behind his ears but no hair stays in place, making him look perpetually dishevelled. He has fair skin and flushed pink lips, making him seem particularly pretty. He is strong, for his age, but not particularly muscular. His physique is soft and young, with tender limbs and a flat, childish stomach.
He has bright green eyes that glitter, invitingly, and neat white teeth. His nose is small and pert, like a young child's, but his face is long and well-shaped.
Original Brief: Mason has tons of survival skills. His parents were hippies, and they taught him how to live in the wild. He's been living outdoors more often than indoors most of his life. He's the hunter of the group and he's actually probably the most useful kid on the island. He becomes Cash's "right hand man" and the two of them become really close. (Cash and Mason will become a couple)
Jacob Quinn(11 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Jacob possesses a rare and unusual beauty, with dark hair and strikingly pale skin. His lips are a bright red, giving him an almost vampiric appearance, with a long straight nose and prominent cheek bones. Although his aesthetic is essential gothic he is not a difficult child, just a little bit of a loner, subject to shyness and insecurity.
His is very skinny, with a visible rib cage. His physique is childish, with soft unblemished skin.
Original Brief: I group Aaron and Jacob together because their personalities are mostly similar. They're innocent and kind. I don't really have much for them, so they might need some more development.
Aaron Tyler(10 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Aaron is an exceptionally pretty child with soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His face is soft, feminine, with a pointed chin and high cheek bones. He has a cute smile, trained by a career in modelling, but is, by nature, an introvert. He is small for his age, slender, with creamy white skin that flushes a bright pink in its extremities. His lips are particularly pink, as if he were constantly wearing a subtle shade of lipstick, as are his fingers.
Original Brief: See above.
Carter Rhodes (10 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Carter has short cropped light brown hair and densely freckled skin. His eyes are a very dark brown, verging upon black and glitter with an intensity. They are framed by high, arched eyebrows which he often tweaks up higher, when certain mischievous thoughts entertain him.
He has a very young physique, with bony limbs and soft smooth skin. He lacks any muscle or definition but is angular, rather than feminine. He has a wild look and nature, and often clenches his fists and kicks his feet impatiently.
Original Brief: Carter is really rambunctious and adventurous. He's sort of the wild card of the group. He likes to start fires (I kind of see him as a little pyromaniac-lol) and play fight with the other boys. He and Axel become really close.
Axel Dawson (10 years old)
Physical Appearance:
Axel much resembles his brother, Cash, with the same untidy chestnut hair and brown eyes. He is much younger however and so retains the childish rounded facial features, with softer skin and larger, more innocent eyes. His skin is also a tanned brown but his lips are pinker, flushed in appearance. He has a skinnier frame, lacking in the definition that comes with adolescence. His arms and legs are bony and his stomach is soft, feminine in appearance.
He is quite shy, and instinctively looks down when talking to people, shielding his eyes.
Original Brief: Axel is Cash's younger brother. Cash calls him "Ax" for short. Cash and Axel grew up with an alcoholic mother and an absent father. Axel's name sounds a little edgy, but he's actually a really sweet and kind-hearted kid. Cash and Axel get along extremely well, and Cash is very protective of his younger brother.