My First Time
Final Chapter (Part 3)
A three-shot story only!
I did it.
My mother is no longer in between Robert and I. No more distractions from his 'wife'. The morning of her run, she didn't return. Robert was worried and went looking for her down the trail she always runs. No success.
After about two hours he returned with a worried look on his face and the phone was attached to his ear. He didn't know where she was. I did.
Robert thinks mom does her morning run at the local park, but she and I both know that's a lie. She's not at the park. She never runs in the park. Three months ago before the affair between Robert and I, I caught my mother fucking James, Robert's best friend, in their room! I was so surprised. How could she want to cheat on someone so perfect as Robert Jones?!
I demanded that she stop fucking off on him, and be the wife she's supposed to be, and not a little thot. She promised she was and that she would leave him alone. I believed she did; until she blew off my birthday for a business trip to China. She wasn't on a fucking business trip! I called her assistant pretending like my mother had a big meeting that she is forgetting and I needed to find out where she is immediately. Her assistant was scared that she was on the verge of losing her job and quickly gave me the information I needed. My mother took off an entire week and had her assistant drive her to the airport trusting her to her car. She had her assistant book a week stay at the Desert Riviera Hotel in Palm Springs.
That stupid bitch was still fucking off on Robert!
I'll admit, that might have been a key motive to sleep with Robert, but it was really the only push I needed to go for what I always wanted, and that was Robert.
Here he was, running his mouth on the phone trying to see if he should call the police. His beloved wife is never late from her morning run, and she never misses breakfast with us if she doesn't have to. So he immediately assumed the worse.
He wanted to call the cops, but I persuaded him the police ain't going to do a thing if it hasn't been 72 hours.
It was about 9 am when a knock sounded at the door. Robert rushed to it and I found myself quickly following behind him. There at the door was a cop. I immediately knew they found her. She was laying on the sidewalk in her own throw-up.
Robert was so distraught that he couldn't even plan the funeral, and I was so focused on him and his well-being we left everything to my mother's assistant. Her funeral was simple and quick. She was cremated and everyone dear to her gathered around the river and scattered her ashes across the waters.
James even had the audacity to show his face. No emotions were coming from him. It was as if he didn't care that his mistress just dropped dead a few miles from his home. Of course, he didn't know that I knew about him and my mother's affair so why wouldn't he come to his 'best friend' wife funeral.
Robert was heartbroken. He wouldn't eat for days. He would just lie in the bed and cry. Emotions were running inside me. Emotions I couldn't explain. I wasn't sad for what I did to my mother. She deserved it. I was sad because of how my mother being gone is affecting Robert. He isn't paying me any attention. My mother's death should be enough for us to be together. This is how it supposed to be. It didn't dwell on me that Robert might really do love my mother, and me killing her only pushed him away more. It's been about three weeks since my mother's funeral and Robert haven't touched me. I gave him the time he needed to morn and the time I needed to pretend to morn but I am getting impatient. Time to slap Robert out of this stage.
"Daddy," I knocked on the bedroom door my mother and him once shared. Of course just as usual, no reply. Except for this time, a noise of things being moved around could be heard. I twisted the doorknob to see that the door was unlocked.
I walked inside to see that the room is a mess. Clothes are scattered everywhere and Robert was throwing things into a suitcase. "Daddy?" Robert's head shot toward me. His eyes are bloodshot red from the days of crying he was doing. He looked a mess. "What are you doing?"
"I can't do this," He said as he turned his back toward me and continued to place clothing into the suitcase.
"What do you mean?" I asked. My heart pounded frantically as I pondered Robert's words into my head. He ignored me continuing to stuff his suitcase. "Robert!" I snapped grabbing him by his arm. "What do you mean?!"
"It hurt too much!" he screamed. "I am overwhelmed with guilt. I can't stop thinking your mother's death is on me. That it was nothing but karma since I'm fucking," He trailed on unable to finish his sentence. "I can't stay here and look at you every day when all I see is your mother."
"I am not my mother," I countered.
"No, you are not," he said as he looked at me with a look of hurt and regret. My body overwhelms with this emotion I can't explain. My nose started to burn as well as my eyes. What is wrong with me? He turned his back toward me once again before starting to throw more clothing into his suitcase.
"Do you regret it?" I asked. I noticed his back stiffened as he hesitated to pick up the clothing. "Do you regret filling my hot burning pussy?" I asked as I pushed him from behind. He turned around with a look of warning on his face. "Huh?" I asked pushing him again with all of my might.
"Robin enough," He said.
"Do you regret making love to me?" I asked.
"What do you want me to say, Robin?" Robert snapped. "That your mother's death was a blessing? That now that she isn't in between us that we will be together?" My face said it all. That was exactly what I wanted. Mom is no longer in our way. Robert was supposed to be mine. "Well sorry to be a fucking disappointment, but Robin, fucking you was the biggest mistake of my life."
It was like a wrecking ball has swooped in and destroyed my world, demolished my heart. "No, you're just saying that," I said shaking my head, hoping the movements would shake the words out. "We are meant to be," I said wrapping my arms around his waist. "I love you,"
"Robin, please stop!" Robert snapped pushing my hands away. "Stop making this a lot more awkward than it has to be."
"You made it awkward the moment you fucked me!"
"And you right and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have thought with my dick. But Robin I can't just keep fucking my deceased wife's daughter."
"It wasn't such a problem when you were fucking me when she was alive!" I snapped. The tears didn't take long.
"Robin," Robert sighed as he placed his hand over his face. "Please just leave it alone. We will never happen."
I couldn't just stand there watching him deny me, watching him throw me away as if I was nothing. I stormed away walking to the bathroom slamming the door behind me. I sat on the toilet crying my eyes out.
How can he not want me? How can he just be so willing to not pursue what we built? What we will accomplish.
My vision was blurry and the white and pink stick sitting on the counter caught my eye. I grabbed the stick. The two crossed lines mocked me and what I assumed would be great news, but in reality is a disgrace to everything I ever believed in.
In love with and pregnant by my stepfather, I killed my mother so we can be together, but he doesn't want anything to do with me. Here I am, a damn fool. I tossed the positive pregnancy test across the bathroom before letting out a toe-curling scream. It was like my emotions got the best of me and I found myself picking up what even my hands touched tossing it around the room. I know Robert hears me. He's chosen to ignore me.
I found myself suddenly in the bathtub crying uncontrollably. Somehow the shower started and the water soaked through my clothing. The shower waters disguised the tears and I found myself laying there letting the water drench me. My clothing stuck to my body and I trembled tremendously.
I love Robert. I've loved him since I was even capable of loving anyone in my life. I love Robert more than I love anything in my life. More than my mother, more than me.
How long was I in the shower? How long did I lay under the shower nozzle allowing the water to completely soak me?
I don't remember getting out of the shower stripping down to absolutely nothing. I don't remember walking down the hall soaking wet toward Robert's room. It was completely dark outside and the only light illuminating in the house was coming from inside Robert's room.
I opened the door still surprised Robert didn't lock it. He was sitting at the computer desk with his back turned toward the door. He was bare from the chest up with only a pair of boxers. He didn't hear when I walked into the room.
Slowly, I walked over toward him. I noticed he was on the phone. "Yea, I'll be on the next available flight in the morning." Hate overwhelmed my body and I felt anger I never felt before. He's really leaving me.
Slowly, I trailed my hands down his chest. He jumped up startled. He turned toward me with a look of fear before a sigh of relief released from his mouth. In his hand was a big fucking pair of silver scissors. "Fuck you scared me!" he said as he placed the phone against his chest.
Robert took the time to examine my body realizing I am completely naked. "James let me call you back," He hit the end button on the phone before placing the phone on the bed and the scissors on the nightstand next to his bed. "Robin what are you,"
I rushed myself into his arms kissing him ferociously. I wrapped my legs around his waist and found myself grinding onto him. "Robin," Robert tried to pull me from his arms but I held onto him so tight, he wasn't able to get me off.
"Please," I said in between kisses.
"Robin, no," He said pulling me by my arms. I wasn't letting go. "We can't do this,"
"Please," I begged. "One more night,"
"Robin," I kissed him with so much force, he wasn't able to pull away.
"Please, Daddy," I said, kissing down his neck.
Robert sighed before squeezing me so tight I lost my breath. "Robin, I can't," He said.
"One more night," I begged. I looked up at Robert's eyes before giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. That was all it took. Robert threw me on top of the bed before hovering over me. He kissed me again before roughly squeezing my breast into his hands. His soft kisses I was used to; are now painful bites along my neck and chest. The pain was making my pussy tingle with pleasure I had no idea exist. My hands ran through his soft hair as his kisses trailed down my chest. He began roughly pulling off his boxers. I immediately knew he was planning on making our last time, quick as possible.
Once he removed his pants, I flipped us over so I was on top. He let out a sharp groan as he fought with himself. He didn't want to enjoy this. I could tell he was fighting the pleasure so badly. I grind my already soaked pussy against his rock solid penis causing us both to moan from the friction. I grind on to him harder as I captured his lips with mine. I reached into between us roughly grabbing Robert before easing myself slowly onto him. We both let out a deep groan as he filled me completely. Robert clutched my body tightly as I squeezed myself against him.
When we were both used to one another, I moved my hips and a rocking motion as I moaned in pleasure. My body burned with fire as Robert grabbed my hips guiding me how he wants it. I tossed my head back from the intense pleasure Robert was giving me. My heart hurt at the emotions that are going through my body. The scissors on the nightstand caught my attention briefly.
Robert grabbed my shoulders before pulling me down so my chest was layered with his. His arms wrapped around my torso as he slammed himself into me. Loud moans escaped my mouth as Robert rocked into me repeatedly. Loud sex sounds from our skins meeting overwhelmed my moans. A loud groan escaped Robert's mouth and I knew he was close.
"Come with me daddy," I moaned as I pulled myself up, intertwining my fingers between his placing it above his head. I moved my hips in up and down motions causing Robert to squeeze my fingers tighter. I found myself truly enjoying the concept of riding. The control I have over Robert; It made my body overflow with desire.
"Oh fuck, Robin," Robert moaned as he tossed his head back closing his eyes opening his mouth wide open. I've never seen Robert so submissive toward me. It drove me wild. I found myself moving my hips in a figure 8 motion. "Oh, shit," My hips moved so frantically, the only thing stopping Robert from getting a concussion was the pillow between his head and the headboard.
My body burned with this usual fire as well as the similar tightness in my stomach. "I'm close, Robert," I moaned. Suddenly Robert pulled me aggressively toward him capturing my lips with his. The motion spread me open to him giving him just the access he need causing me to come all over his dick. I screamed as the orgasm shook my body. Soon, he was right behind me, filling me with his seeds.
"Don't make the mistake of pushing me away," I said as I looked into his eyes. "I love you," I whispered against his lips. Robert's body went stiff.
"Robin," Robert's voice told me everything I needed to hear. He didn't love me, he wasn't going to be with me, he is still leaving. He was only giving me what I wanted, what I begged. One more night.
Something inside me snapped. Something that I could register and I wanted this feeling gone. Quickly as I could, I grabbed the scissors off the nightstand. Before my actions caught up with my mind, I rammed the scissors into Robert's chest.
One time.
Two times.
Three times, but it went through the hand he put up to block with instead. His mouth was opened and I know he's screaming but no sounds are registering to my brain.
I went for the fourth time before he had the strength to push me off him as hard as he could. I fell on the floor with a huge thud hitting my head on the edge of the nightstand in the process. The throbbing pain in my brain was excruciating. Warm thick substances trailed down my face and I immediately knew I was bleeding. I had no time to register when I felt this unbelievable tightness on my throat.
My eyes flew opened to see Robert had both hands around my throat. He is strangling me. My hands clawed at his as I tried desperately to remove his hands from my throat. His body was laying completely on mine and there was no way I am able to move my legs.
"You gone try to kill me!" He said. Blood flowed from his mouth.
"Robert, please!" I begged, gasping for air. His grip was getting tighter and tighter and I was losing oxygen fast.
"Fucking die," He said his voice full of menace and absurd. My chest tightened and my head swell with the lack of breath.
"Please," I gasp. His grip never loosen. Robert is killing me. His grip tightened and it was harder and harder to breathe. "Robert," I gasped. I felt my body burning with the lack of air. I guess this is the way I will die. By the hands of the one man, I've ever loved. I loved more than anyone else in my life. More than my mother.
My mother.
Everything was getting darker. My head was getting cloudy and I could no longer see Robert's face anymore.
"Die," Robert's voice.
Everything was dark. Pitch black. Am I dead? The darkness overwhelmed me and I still found myself unable to breathe. Suddenly, a small blue light could be seen. When the light showed up, it was like the air rushed back to my lungs. After I was finally able to catch my breath, I looked down to see I was wearing a blue strapless flowing dress. I stood up and slowly found myself walking toward the light. It was like my body was drawn toward it.
I heard about the white light. It means I'm dead. But why is it blue? As I was inches away from the light a sudden gasp could be heard from behind me. I turned around to see that it was the last person I expected. "Robert?" He was wearing a pair of dark blue pants and a sky blue t-shirt.
He turned toward me with a look of confusion on his face. "Robin?" My body was frozen. "But I killed you,"
"I guess I killed you too," I said. No words were said as we looked at one another. I turned toward the light to see it was still there. "The light," I pointed out.
Robert turned toward the light. "Why is it blue? I thought it supposed to be a white light?"
"The same thing I said,"
"Do you think it's hell?" He asked. I humped my shoulders. Probably. We did just kill one another.
"Shall we," I held out my hand toward him.
Robert looked at my hand before looking at me. "Why did you do it?"
I didn't need for him to elaborate on what he meant, I knew exactly what he was asking.
'Why did I kill him?'
"I love you," I said. "I love you with all my life. You didn't want me and I couldn't stand the thought of you being with no one else."
"So you killed me?"
"If I can't have you, no one can,"
"But now you are dead as well."
I grabbed his hand, squeezing his fingers between mines. "I really wished you would've let me live," I said as we slowly started to walk toward the light.
"Why would I do that?" Robert asked, looking at me as we both walked toward the light.
I rested my hand on my extremely flat abdomen. "Because I was pregnant with your child,"
"Darling," A private plane rode through the sky zooming past the Grand Canyon. A pair of sad brown eyes looked from the plane's window where she been stuck at for hours, at her lover's comforting pale green ones. "You need to eat," Her lover said as he placed a plate of pancakes and fruit in front of her. "It's been days since you've eaten."
She tore her eyes away from him, only to pull the thin blanket over her shoulders before staring blankly out of the window once again.
"Renee, please," He begged, grabbing her legs through the sheets.
"I'm not hungry," Her voice was raspy and dry like from the lack of fluids she's keeping from herself.
"Fine," He said grabbing the glass of orange juice he placed on the table as well. "But you are going to drink this orange juice." He held it out for her to take. Slowly, she grabbed the glass of orange juice before taking deep gulps. She was on the verge of dehydration without even knowing it.
Her lover placed his palm on her cheek. She leaned her face into his touch as if trying to be one with his comforting hand. "Thank you," Renee whispered.
"Don't ever thank me for saving your life," He said as his index finger slid down her face. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with almost being killed by your daughter."
The day Renee found out about her husband and daughter's affair was the day Robin tried to kill her. She thought the way she caught them in his office the last time she was in front of them was weird. She tried hard not to think that Robin would be fucking her husband. She tried so hard not to think her daughter would betray her like that.
Yet, Reene found Robin later on that day with a needle filled with clear substance and was inserting it to all the cherry Gatorade. Renee's favorite. She knew Renee was the only one who drinks it since Robert is deathly allergic to Cherries and Robin has a strange high dislike for the fruit, so she didn't have to worry about no one but Renee drinking it.
Renee was so heartbroken! She didn't want to believe her daughter was poisoning her! But just as she assumed. It was antifreeze in the Gatorade. James, who is an FBI agent, tested it for her. She couldn't help but think its Karma, for the years she had been in love with James but still was married to Robert. Maybe that's why this is happening to her, through Robin.
James wanted to immediately bring them both in. The cherry Gatorade was enough to put Robin in prison. But Renee couldn't do that. She couldn't do that to her daughter. She really did love her, crazy and all.
So, Renee did what any other logical mother would do in her situation. She faked her death. It wasn't hard once she convinced everyone that she was in an abusive relationship and she has to get away from her husband. Amanda, her assistant, really paid a major part in it when planning the funeral. All the money Amanda got from the funeral to pay for everything went in her pockets, and she was enjoying Robbing him blind. 2 weeks after the cremation, here we are.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore," Renee said as she moved closer toward James to cuddle with him. "I just want to put everything about Robin and Robert..," Her voice trailed off as her cell phone rang.
They knew if anybody was calling that phone it was no one other than Amanda and she was only supposed to be calling for emergencies. "Hello," Silence as sounds of a woman voice could be heard. "What?" Renee said as all the color from her face drained. Her eyes widened as pure panic overcame her body. "Nooo!" She screamed as she jumped up from the chair throwing her phone.
James was lost for words. He couldn't explain his lover's antics and franticness. What could have made her reacted like this? What did Amanda say? James turned his head toward the flat screen tv that took up most of the media room.
"-was found in their family home." Robin and Robert's picture flooded the screen. Suddenly the screen where the two of them was being pulled out on stretchers. "18-year-old Robin Jones recently lost her mother and stayed in the house with her stepfather, Robert Jones, to comfort each other. No more information on regarding the victims but it is pretty sure Police are labeling it as a double homicide. Also, with the positive pregnancy test found in the bathroom, we are pretty sure Robin was pregnant."
A loud thud as Renee's body hit the floor rocked the plane.