1st April 3:46PM - Back Garden
Dear Diary
Nope that's too weird. I guess I don't really know how to start this. My cousin Lana gave me this diary for my birthday last month and I am only getting around to writing in it now… I should probably start by introducing myself right?
My name is Violet White and I was born into a cursed family. I'm not just being dramatic. Okay some of them prefer to call it unlucky but I think it's a curse. One of our ancestors probably pissed off some God or something.
Women in my family haven't been shown their soul mates for generations; they had to find other men to father their children. It was only a couple of months into my mother's pregnancy when my father had his vision of his soul mate. Soon after he was happily married, now he has a daughter a year younger than me and a seven year old son. I don't see them often.
I desperately want some of my father's good luck. I have been dreaming about my soul mate for as long as I can remember. Everyone wants to find their soul mate and live happily ever after right?
Well no, not everyone. There are some people, a minority – it's usually not ever spoken about – who have banded together and formed a sort of cult. They have weird meetings and make pacts promising they will reject their soul mate if they have the vision. I suppose they have their reasons. They all change their minds when they have their visions. They fall in love and leave the cult behind them.
Anyway that's depressing for the first page of my diary. Ugh I'm not good at this. I believe a change of subject is in order. Starting now.
I am currently out in the garden playing fetch with my dog Jinx. She's a golden retriever. She arrived at our gate in a cardboard box when she was a puppy. After some nagging mom let me keep her. That must have been about three years ago. I picked up a stick and threw it down the garden. It flew through the air spinning with a whooshing noise. Jinx was bounding after it tail wagging. She jumped into the air and caught the stick like a pro. She trotted back proudly. I patted her silky fur.
Eww she just slobbered on this diary. Gross. I pulled the stick out of her mouth and threw it further away this time.
Today is April fool's day and I haven't been tricked once. Okay I'll be honest Lana got me once earlier but I was half awake so I don't think it really counts. She came running into my room and told me that my crush Aaron was downstairs at the door asking for me. I launched myself out of the bed and then I realised what day it was. She also started laughing hysterically which also led me to believe she was lying. I crawled back into bed after shoving her out the door.
When I went to make my morning coffee someone had switched the salt and sugar. Luckily I checked first, they did the same prank last year. I'm not sure if that was my mom or my aunt. I'll have to ask them later at dinner.
Oh I'll have to check the salt and pepper shakers too…