The Heart of Spade
"Hide. Run. Don't look back." Spade said. "When you've found a safe place, do your best to live a full life. After this war, I promise to find you. It's a promise never to be broken."
I covered my ears with my pale hands as I ran through the endless halls of this mansion. Where am I? Why am I running? What are those loud sounds I'm hearing?
I keep seeing bright lights from the windows as I run. I don't know why but I want to look for someone. I don't even know who I want to see, but I want to see that someone. What am I even thinking?
A gate! It's my chance!
I leave the big mansion, and I run to a forest? I can't complain now. The loud noises are getting a bit distant, but they're still loud. My ears are going to shatter at this point.
"You heard something?" I hear. Immediately, I get on the ground on crawl into a safer hiding place. I hid behind some bushes, and stayed low. My [e/c] orbs focused on the small openings of the bush. As I waited and waited, there I saw a couple of men pass by. I did my best to look up to see their faces. Unfortunately, I just saw the view up to their chests. And I noticed that there's some sort of Spade symbol on the long black cloaks they wore.
Even though I have no clue on what's happening, I feel like they're bad news. I waited a few minutes before going for another run.
Why is it that my body knows what to do? I feel like I want to stop, but my body kept on advancing. The sounds of gunshots increase as I moved forward. Just where is it coming from? Damn it, this dress is just so long! I stop for a few seconds and rip most of the bottom part off. Now, they're only up to my thighs. Gosh, I didn't think I'd rip it off that short. What am I thinking? Run! Then I ran. I would've removed my high-heeled boots, but the ground has some sparkling objects on it. It may be shards of glass, so I have to be cautious.
Where am I running off to again?
Oh yes, I'm trying to find someone. Someone who I don't even know.
I look to my left and saw –besides the trees and bushes– a bright orange radiance. My body decides to head for the light source, my mind says otherwise. Since it's my body deciding to run, I shut my eyes. Surely, I'm to bump someone or something.
And I did.
I felt something warm envelop me. I opened my eyes, and realized that a man is holding me. I lift my head, and saw his gorgeous blue orbs.
"Heart?" he asked. "What are you doing here? I told you to stay an–"
"Who? Is that my name?"
"Yes, we've talked about this before I left."
"We're still in the forest. Now, tell me… What are you doing here?"
"I was looking for someone… I think it's you who I'm looking for."
He looked at me, a bit surprised. Then, his blue eyes softened, and he puts his gloved hand on my hazelnut hair. Then his gloved hand falls down and lands on the higher part of my back. His other hand remained by my waists.
Who is he? Why do I feel comfy with him?
"Your dress… It's your favourite, you know?" he says, tightening the embrace. He places his chin on my shoulder. Should I hug back or something…?
"I missed you." He says.
"Sorry I couldn't visit you the past few months."
"I wish this moment would last longer."
And that's when I decided to speak up. "What do you mean? Who are you anyway?" Then I pushed him away a bit, and then I look into his eyes.
Sadness fills him, and I read it in his eyes. But, his expression remains firm and unreadable to others. "S-sorry. Never mind I asked…" I add, looking away.
"Please don't. Just look at my eyes. Don't avert your gaze."
I blinked a few seconds, and it took a few seconds to sync in. Once again, I look up at his attractive blue irises.
"Tell me, what is it you feel when you look at them." He says.
"I-I feel a bit… worried and tired. Also, I feel like my heart is hurt, and I want to cry because of the pain. And, I want to… umm…" I feel myself blushing.
"Want to..?"
He smiles and gently puts his soft lips against mine. Even though gentle, he was ravishing me. He was kissing me as if it's his last. Why?
And something hit me. Not literally.
"Y-you're Spade…" I say after breaking the kiss. "We're currently in war with the Blue Clover family. But before that war, we're a-"
"Hide. Run. Don't look back." Spade said. "When you've found a safe place, do your best to live a full life. After this war, I promise to find you. It's a promise never to be broken."
I look at him, surprised. Just when all the lost memories return to me, he wants me to leave?! But, we are in a war. I felt a few tears stain my cheeks, and nod. He pulls away his arms, and walks off. I have to be strong!
Before disappearing in sight, he mouthed three words. "I love you." I smiled, and nod.
For the last time, I ran like the devil was chasing me. I'm sure it was a few days journey, but I just found myself in France.
Luckily, there's a family there who took me in. I had to work to pay off the expenses, of course.
The first month is such a hard time. I did my best to learn French since not all is accustomed to speaking Italian. The family that took me in hired a tutor just for me! I couldn't believe how hospitable they are. You know, French is a fun language.
Then, months passed. I still kept on thinking about Spade. He's the reason I'm always so eager to wake up early and go to work. I'm thinking of earning a lot of money before returning to Italy. All for Spade, the one I care for the most.
I waited for Spade.
I hoped for Spade.
I prayed for Spade.
I love Spade.
And this small engagement ring is a proof of our love. As I look at it, I can't believe how I forgot him! It was foolish.
He made a promise that he'll find me. I'm sure he's not going to break it. Never in a million years would he break a promise. It's Spade we're talking about! He'd never break a promise… right? That's what I remember about him...
Well, enough of that. Today, I'm returning to Italy after a year. I was about to pull my hair up into a bun then when suddenly, someone knocks on the door. I answer the door after a few brushes here and there.
"Yes?" I ask, smiling at the red-haired man who had many tattoos on his face.
"Are you Heart of Kings?" he asks, glaring at me. I could tell that something bad is going to happen. I braced myself for any possible attacks.
"Yes. How can I help yo–"
"Spade's dead." the red-haired man said, glaring at me. Staring straight into my red eyes as if he was to attack at any second.
Then he lends me a letter, and walks off. I was too startled to react. My hands were shaking as I looked at the white envelope. I open the letter and read its content. It only said a few but it meant so much.
My dearest Heart,
I'm sorry I kept you waiting for nothing. I love you very much, please don't forget. I'll watch you and guide you forever and ever.
Eternally yours,
Spade of Queens