On the Brink of Birth

I shed my skin bit by bit
full of cuts and slashes,
screams and sobs
I fill in with premature bravery;
heal with adolscent resolution

Comprehend not my name
with your mere ears, for it is
not a face nor a feeling

it is a legacy
of blood and sacrifice
of tears and cries
of a million and one bones, buried
deep into the heart of my memories
under a sky streaked with freedom
in the midst of a raging devastation

Take my word,
I am everything but a name;
ten thousand hopes and dreams
in the tilt of her silent mouth
in the frozen smile of his eyes
I am liberty; fledgling; blooming; flying
from the vast Will of the Creator.

Take my word
you will call me,
yearn for me
when I finally unfold
from the shackles of your errors;
to stand taller than the skies
to reach deeper than the seas—

no matter, though
I will rise, and I will behead injustice.

A/N: To a land and a people so beloved to me, not by blood but by faith, that even through bouts of huge writer's block these sentiments were bursting to get out of me. Written a month or so ago; some changes made. By all means it's not even 1% of perfect, so (constructive) opinions are very welcome!