Once, long ago, before history was invented, and no one kept records, there lived three very powerful wizards. They helped the community, and lived peaceful lives. They kept nature clean, and healed the sick. They were very powerful wizards indeed.

One of the three, could create dolls of others,which he could use to cure diseases and illnesses. His magic could save people from death, by ridding them of their cancer, or pox. He himself had used this to keep him and his fellow sorcerers healthy, so they could keep aiding the mortals.

One of the three, could sacrifice himself for others, by releasing his soul from his body, and catching the dead soul. He could then place it in his soulless carcass, which could bring them back to life. The carcass would morph to the person's old form, and they would be brought back to life. By doing this, he had kept his fellow sorcerers alive, if they ever unexpectedly died.

One of the three, could control others, by exchanging their mind with his. He has used this to keep crime down, by making sure others had no evil thoughts, and if they did, could not carry them out. He used this to keep other people away from his fellow sorcerers magic, so they did not use it for their own evil purposes.

These sorcerers kept the kingdom they guarded safe, and happy. Everyone regarded them as heroes, and everyone looked up to them.

They were friend wither everyone, and everyone would help them if needed also. They would dine with the peasants, and talk with the nobles. And soon a friendly contest had come up.

Which was the strongest wizard? There were many people, and so everyone was split between who was the strongest.

"It must be Alderen, he cures diseases for others, and has kept the others healthy!"

"No, it has to be Canstaus, he can sacrifice himself, which is what keeps them alive."

"No, if they get sick, they cannot use their magic, so Alderen is the most powerful."

"But you are forgetting Belderdan, he keeps others from stealing their magic, and using it against them. He is truly the most powerful."

And so it went on. No one really knew who was the most powerful, and it stayed this way.

Because the wizards themselves did not know either.

They did not care to figure out, as long as they could support each others, they were fine on their own.

So life continued.

However, these peaceful times were not to be held.

As time moved on, people advanced more, disbelieved easier, trusted less. They forgot about what the sorcerers had done for their lives, how they had saved them many times over. The began to question them, how did they do this, how did they do that?

And soon, they had decided that there was one answer.

It did not matter how they did it, they were different.

And different was bad.

So they set off to kill the evil, destroy the different, annihilate the unique.

Because different is bad.

As the marched up the roads to the wizards, they started panicking. The mortals did not know what they were doing, and they were getting dangerous. But they did not want to harm them, as that is what they were meant to stop. Keep harm from the mortals.

However, they had to defend themselves. If they did not, they would die. So they debated amongst themselves, who would guard the gates?

"I think it shall be I, for I am the strongest. I can control the people's minds, and stop them from advancing further."

"No, I shall, for I am stronger. I can fight, and if anyone dies, then I shall simply catch their souls. There will be no fatalities, and we will be saved."

"No, it must be I, for I am the strongest. I can keep the others away, because I can control their bodies with the dolls. They cannot disobey them, as the dolls are them, and they are the dolls."

And the arguing went on. But finally they decided that they would stick together, for there is strength in numbers. And the mobs approached, ready to annihilate the wizards.

Because different is bad.

And the mobs clashed with the wizards, and a battle ensued. The wizards held their own against the mortals, because of their magic, but could not keep fighting. As the clash continued, the wizards were forced to retreat, and hope that the mobs went away.

But they did not.

Because different is bad.

And they followed. They clashed again, this times, the wizards weaker. They fought as hard as they could, without causing injuries. But it did not work, and they were forced to retreat once more.

Finally, after many battles, the wizards were forced to the farthest tower of the land, and were losing ground fast.

"I shall stand guard, as I can keep the mortals back. I can control them, and keep them away."

"No, it must be me, as I can keep them alive, but still drive them back."

"No, it must be me, as I can control with dolls, and keep them away."

And another argument ensued. So finally, the wizards decided to send Belderdan to guard them, in case there was need for violence, he could keep the mortals from dying.

And soon, the mortals came.

And they pushed past Beldedran.

And the wizards were forced to retreat.

"We thought he was the strongest, but he was not."

"No, he was taken down by the mortals, and could not keep himself alive..."

"He was taken down, and unable to stay alive."

"We were wrong..."

And soon the mortals came back, to kill the wizards.

Because different is bad.

Finally, they were forced to the dark cliffs that marked the edge of the kingdom. They turned to each other.

"I should keep them back, as I can control them with my dolls."

"No, because if you accidentally kill one, you cannot save them."

"But I do not mean to fight. I understand where you are going though."

And so they stuck together, so save each other.

And the mortals advanced, to kill the wizards.

Because different is bad.

And the battle that ensued was fierce. And people died. And the wizards fought hard to keep themselves alive.

Believing the mortals would understand.

And finally the battle ended.

And there was no one to say they were the best.

And there was no different.

And soon everyone forgot about the battles, about the magic, about the wizards.

Because different is bad.