Perve Swerve—PTB Smut University 2013

Stairway to Heaven

By Daphodill

His key slid into the lock and he turned the knob, opening the door. Although it was just five in the evening, his kitchen was cast in shadows; the sun was setting earlier and earlier now that summer had burned away to fall. Peering out the window as he passed, Sean noticed the leaves of the elm tree in his yard beginning to yellow, a few had already begun to fall. In a few weeks, the grass would be covered in a kaleidoscope of color. It was pretty to look at, but not to clean. He made a mental agenda for the weekend, which now included raking the yard.

Moving through his home, he sat his bag down on the dining room table and then went into the hall bathroom. The house was eerily quiet. Sean wondered where everyone was on this Wednesday evening. Where the hell was the dog?

Exiting the bathroom, Sean went to riffle through the mail. As he did, he listened up the stairs for any signs of life. There was none.

Just as he had reached for his collar to loosen his tie, the front door opened.

Clutching her chest, Nicole yelped in surprise. "Sean, what the hell?" Her chest heaved, and Sean noticed a droplet of sweat run down her elegant neck and into the swell of her breasts, which were barely covered by her sports bra and her idea of a tank top.

He licked his lips, mesmerized by the sweat glinting on his wife's café au lait skin. Continuing his perusal, he saw she wore track shorts, the kind he loved that were nothing more than a loincloth flapping against her luscious backside as she ran.

Nicole stared at her husband curiously, as he gaped at her. "Are you okay, baby?" she asked, stepping fully in the house, their happy labradoodle panting beside her. "Me and Lucky went for a run. The kids are all out until at least eight. It's just me and you for a few hours, so I thought I'd get my run in early, since I don't have to make dinner tonight."

Sean's mind stopped higher function as all blood moved to his loins at the mention of his children being out of the house for at least three more hours.

Cocking a brow at her normally highly intelligent husband, Nicole reached out to pat his broad, muscular chest that was hidden under his starched dress shirt and tie. He was all business from the waist up, complete with tortoiseshell reading glasses. From the waist down, his dark wash jeans and casual shoes kept him comfortable as he molded the minds of the high school students he taught. My sexy teacher man, Nicole thought as her hand slipped across the expanse of her husband's chest.

Dropping the dog's leash, Nicole let Lucky trot off to get a drink. She took a large swallow from her own water bottle, staring into the suddenly stormy eyes of her husband, all dark golden brown and expressive as she drank. "Okay…well, I'm gonna shower." She reached up to peck him on the lips.

Sean surprised her by holding her hand against his chest. "I love you," he whispered before capturing her mouth more completely. His mustache needed a trim and tickled her face. She loved it. Opening her mouth to release a moan, Sean plunged his tongue there, enjoying the coolness that was quickly giving way to heat. Their mouths moved together with the fluid synchronicity of two well-practiced lovers.

His hands found no one place to settle as they tangled in her upswept braids, squeezed her breasts, ghosted down her rib cage, or cupped her backside. The planes and ridges of her lithe, athletic form had him bucking against her.

Tearing her mouth from her husband, Nicole peppered his face with kisses. "Well hello to you too," she said with a laugh. "I missed you today." She tried to remain lucid as Sean licked up and down her neck, swirling his tongue in the dip between her collarbones.

"You drive me crazy when you wear this stuff…so sexy, Nic," he growled near her ear. The vibration travelled quickly to the apex of her thighs, causing her insides to clench.

Nicole pushed against his chest in a plea to be released. He acquiesced, although reluctantly.

Pointing up the stairs, Nicole stammered over her words as she moved. "We can't…I gotta…I need to…not right here…need shower." When her heel bumped the first step, she pivoted and began her assent.

Sean watched with rapt attention as his wife's hips swished and swayed up the stair. Those flimsy polyester shorts billowing slightly with each flex and extension of her creamy thighs. He palmed himself over his jeans, uncomfortable with the sudden tightness.

Reaching out, he caught her foot before she was out of his reach. Nicole yelped in surprise as Sean gave her foot another tug, bringing her to her knees. Moving his hand to her calf, he gripped harder and gave a little twist, silently telling her to turn around.

She did, and he was upon her. Snatching at her shirt, pulling it over her head. He growled at the spandex bra, those were never easy to remove. I'll come back to that, he thought. His large hands splayed possessively across her taught abdomen. She worked hard to keep in shape after squeezing out his four jug-head kids.

Sean sighed and kissed his wife's belly with reverence. Twenty years…they were just children themselves, thrust into marriage and parenthood just weeks after graduating high school. Now look at them. He loved her, desired her more today than he did when he was seventeen. She was a woman now; Nicole was now so much more than the girl he adored.

She was still very much that girl, grinning broadly and blushing when he would wink at her. She was still just as giving and self-sacrificing. If she were not they would not be as successful, living as well as they did. When asked what the secret to his family's success was, Sean would always answer in one word…Nicole.

Nervous, Nicole's heart pounded in her chest. Sean was always gentle and tender, despite his large size. He was her protector, her lover, her best friend. She felt alive whenever he was near. A small touch, a kiss on the cheek, a brush of his finger on the top of her hand, it all was just as powerful, just as intimate as them making love. And it never got old.

"Thank you…" Sean sighed against Nicole's belly.

Leaning up on her elbows, she eyed him with great curiosity. "For what?"

"For staying with me…putting up with me all these years. You didn't have to."

Shaking her head, Nicole reached down to lift her husband's face to meet her eyes. "I didn't have a choice. There's no real life for me without you in it," she said as she slid his tie from Sean's neck and began to unbutton his dress shirt.

Quickly, they became lost in one another. Sean licked a trail up Nicole's belly and nipped at her bra, growling into the fabric. Nicole laughed, he was always so eager and easily frustrated when he didn't have easy access to her body. Sitting up, she reached behind her and released the clasps.

Sean looked on in awe as her full, pert breasts were revealed to him. Her chocolate brown nipples stood erect and firm. He was very nearly forty, but boobies were still mesmerizing, and his wife had gorgeous breasts.

Nicole inched her shorts over her hips and down her thighs. Sean felt as if he could watch her undress all day, every day, and he would never tire of the sight. She was perfection. The small strip of soft curls drew his eye to her sex, glistening, plump, and heated for him. Always for him…only for him.

"So, so pretty," he said with a sigh as he gently stroked her neatly trimmed hairs before bending down to kiss her there. His tongue darted out, flicking her nub before he dipped lower, lapping at her dripping slit.

Nicole writhed and moaned above him. Her hands clawing at her breasts, Sean's cleanly shaven head, his shoulders, her thighs. He knew how to pleasure her, learning the most efficient methods through years and years of practice.

Soon, she was quivering around his tongue. He began licking her clit with firm, rapid flicks while his fingers curled inside her, pressing on a fleshy mass that had her crying out in sexual bliss. Her sweet, tangy juices coated his fingers, and he quickly sucked them clean, not wanting to waste a drop.

Working his jeans down to his knees, Sean released himself from its cotton confines. The cool air made him twitch, which always made Nicole laugh, so he did it again, loving the jiggle of her breast and the glow of joy that radiated through her.

He loved her unequivocally, without question and beyond measure. She was his heart, beautiful and beating outside of his body. He lived for her, he had a life because of her, he created life through her. She was perfection; so wise and strong, unrelenting in her drive for a better life for them. Taking shit jobs while he finished college and then graduate school—while he found his way. Always putting herself last…sometimes, she never factored herself into the equation.

Now, now it was her time. He has insisted she take time off work to go back to school full-time. It didn't matter that she wouldn't graduate until she was in her forties—she'd be a college graduate all the same. He couldn't give her much, but that. Finally, he could make something happen for her like she had always done her him and their children.

Scooping his bride in his arms, Sean held her tightly to his now bare chest. "I love you," he moaned as he entered her.

Nicole's head fell back at the feel of him. So full, so firm…so complete. He rocked her on his hips, buried to the hilt in her tight, wet heat. Euphoria did not give this feeling adequate measure. It was so much more…much, much more.

He kneeled on the stairs, gripping her hips firmly to plunge her down on his shaft. He was so deep, touching every secret part of her that only he was privy to.

Before long, Nicole was quivering again. Sean's lap was slick from her wetness—sweat and juices mixing for a perfect blend. Sliding a hand between them, he pressed his thumb onto her clit, and she was falling again.

Her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth fell open in silent screams. Sean watched, he always watched, loving that he was able to bring her this pleasure. He throbbed inside her, pulsating as his own release drew nigh. Nicole scratched at his shoulders, overwhelmed by the sensation of his now erratic thrusts, before he finally stilled as he emptied himself deep within her.

They lay there on the stairs for several minutes, catching their breath, nipping at necks, massaging spent muscles.

"I love you, too," Nicole finally said, planting a kiss to his lips. Sean chuckled in response as his cock softened and slipped out of her.

Lucky barked, startling the couple. They listened as the dog got worked up and the back door opened. Heavy footsteps made their way through the house.

"Hello? Where is everybody?" The cracked tenor of their eighteen year old son called. "Ma? Ma you here?"

Sean and Nicole quickly and quietly gathered their clothes and raced up the stairs, giggling like the teenagers that they still felt they were.


I usually write Twilight FanFiction, but I wanted to start sharing some original stuff. I thought these Smut University homework assignments would be a great way to debut these characters.

Thank you for reading.