PROMPT: mute
AUTHOR: irmaida

Confessions of an Addict

It is silent.

Except for the occasional click(pause)click of the mouse, the taptaptap of the keyboard, the mmmm of the machinery, and the heyit'smeagain of whatever vlogger her younger sister is watching now.

This is life.


She smiles at an image that pops up.


She responds to another one of the online 'friends' that she's never met in real life.


The speakers hum along, fitting into the scene of her house - of her life - of her.


How annoying. She wonders when her younger sister will get over this vlogger.

This is life.


And then it stops.

It all stops - the click(pause)click of the mouse, the taptaptap of the keyboard, the mmmm of the machinery. The only sound in the background is the annoying heyit'smeagain as she shrieks because her life is over.

The computer is dead - mute - broken down - not to be fixed until tomorrow morning.

She panics. She can't go twelve hours without her computer! This. Is. Her. Life!


New plan for survival: steal sister's computer.