His blood tastes different than other samples she's had in the past. More wild, thicker, and somehow…bloodier. It's a drug to her, and she craves more after every suck. But she knows she can't take too much; it would kill him. And, unlike her other victims, this one she cares about.

"Aah…'Mega…that's enough…" he pants, looking up at her with somewhat hazy light amber eyes. His tail flicks limply against the floor, his breath coming slower. "Gonna…pass out…"

She pulls away, licking the holes to close them. "I'm sorry," she says, pulling away and licking her fangs. "Jou just taste…so good," she purrs.

He meets her gaze, smirking and revealing his own fangs. "Well, now that your thirst is satisfied; let me have my own~"

She hums and moves onto her back, pulling his smaller body over him. "Jou know the rules; fangs away," she reminds with a smirk.

He pouts, but changes to his more human form; the ears, tail, and fangs disappear, along with the slightly thicker body hair. His eyes clear up from lupine to human, but also darken to a more human brown color. "That better?"

"Much." She spreads her legs, letting him line up between them. "How do jou want me? Doggy style?" she asks with a smirk.

"Oh ha ha ha," he deadpans, before smirking back. "And sure. Flip over and show it to me," he purrs.

She raises an eyebrow but flips, moving at her usual unnatural speed. Her skirt rides up a bit, showing off her damp, sinfully red panties between toned, tan thighs. She looks over her shoulder at him, red eyes lustful. "Ready for jou~"

He purrs and moves closer, pressing open mouthed kisses along the backs of her thighs. With his natural stamina, he's already hard despite their other rounds that had her shirt and bra in tatters on the floor around them, and him naked. (He never wore a shirt regardless; it was too itchy when he half-changed, and it was annoying when he changed all the way. Pants were the only necessity; he forgo boxers as a general rule.) He licks at her skin, getting closer and closer to the damp spot on her panties. "Love when you dress girly."

She shivers and leans back against him, spreading her thighs a bit further. "The things I do for jou…"

"You know you love me," he says with a smirk, sticking his head between her legs like a foal looking for milk. But, in his opinion, the liquid he searched for was much sweeter. His tongue flicked out, lapping at her clit through the ruby fabric.

She groans, rocking her hips down against his tongue. "That I do." His tongue was teasing, running along the edges of her panties, before he finally pressed a hot, open mouthed kiss over her entrance. She gasps softly and pushes back, arching her back down like a dog in heat. "Feels so good, love."

Robin smirks and does it again and again, until he's basically eating her out with a fabric barrier in the way. He keeps going until she's right on edge, before he pulls away, enjoying her hiss of frustration.

"What the fuck?" Omega growls, looking back at him with a sneer. "Why the hell did jou stop?"

He growls back, his more feral and animalistic. He changes back halfway, ears, tail, and fangs coming back. His eyes lighten to their usual amber, and his next growl is one of possession. While Omega may be the physically bigger one between the two, most of the time it was a battle of instincts between them to decide who was in control. Most of the time they ended up sparring, which rapidly turned sexual, which turned to real fighting, which then turned sexual and ended up loving and apologetic licking with some sucking from Omega – but given her species, it was expected. And sometimes, like right now, the cycle restarted; but skipping to the second step.

She hisses, eyes narrowing as she looks back at him. She bares her fangs in warning, but doesn't move to touch him, seeing what he had in store.

He bares his in reply, and mounts her, letting his instincts take over. He grinds his hard cock against her, soft grunts escaping him as he drags his fangs over the back of her neck.

Another hiss tears from her throat, and she moves out from under him, her speed her ally here. But while she was faster, he was stronger.

He grabs her waist and pulls her back down, the twisting movement ending up with him on his back and her with her back to his chest. She hisses and tries to wriggle away, but he keeps her pinned to his chest, placing a warning nip to her neck. He bucks his hips up, a rugged moan escaping him as she squirms and rubs against his dick. Mine, all mine. My mate, mine.

She's not her clan's best fighter for nothing, but she can feel him keeping her trapped. Speed does nothing to aid when you physically can't move. She arches her back, trying to free herself from her shoulders up, but the movement pushes her ass further against the base of his cock, drawing a groan of pleasure from the man beneath her. She bares her fangs and sinks her teeth into his arm, not sucking now, just for pain.

He hisses in shock and pain, and in retaliation bites down on her neck, his fangs piercing the skin like hers were doing to his arm. If she had done this to a normal person, they would have been undergoing the Change by now. But given his own magic resistance, the worst – and best – she could do was suck his blood. For some reason, vampires had the ability to make the process of drinking blood either extremely painful or extremely arousing. There was no between. Not that Robin was complaining.

She growls in surprise at the teeth in her neck, but it rapidly turns to a half-purr. His instincts often dictated that he use biting as foreplay before actually starting anything with her, and she held no reservations over that fact. It meant his teeth latched onto the back of her neck for a reasonably long time, while his hands roamed and hips grinded, but he never touched her where she wanted most to be touched. Just like he was doing right now.

Robin flips them, pinning her below him and sinking his teeth into the right spot on her neck. With their combined healing abilities, neither of them walked away with too many scars. Save for two; a bite mark across the back of her neck that her hair hid, and marks against the major artery in his neck that his collars hid. He runs his hands along her sides, moving to her skirt. He knows she doesn't care about any type of feminine clothing, therefore that's enough clearance for him to rip off the skirt. He grabs her hips and pulls her closer against him, his chest over her back. He pulls her up so she's on all fours – a combination of his hands and teeth do the persuading – and then teases everywhere.

Oh fuck. His fingers went from tracing her abs to flicking her nipples to drawing patterns on her inner thigh and back again. His palms fondled her breasts and cupped her throat, pushing her neck farther into his teeth. If vampires had the ability to make the bites erotic or painful, werewolves certainly had it too. Then again, the throbbing cock she felt against her clit was probably helping the arousal process along. She's practically soaking her panties now, and she finds herself pushing back against him. She spreads her thighs obediently, even adding that little angle downwards she knows he likes.

He purrs. THIS was what he wanted. He rips the panties off and wastes no time sliding his cock inside of her. The sensation draws a pleased growl from him, his teeth digging deeper.

She moans and bucks her hips back, careful not to go too far back, should sheaccidentally take too much, too soon. Werewolves were like dogs in many ways; sex organs included.

Now that he has her where he wants her, beneath him and full of his cock, he removes his teeth from her neck, licking at the marks with a rumbling purr. His hands anchor on her hips and pulls back, sliding out until only his tip was inside her. He rolls his hips, thrusting shallowly inside her, his fangs bared as he smirks.

She growls in frustration, arching her back like an angry cat. Why isn't he just going for it? She bucks her hips back, trying to push him over the edge and take her harder.

Robin thrusts back in, slowly, teasingly, setting her nerves on fire. He wasn't the most endowed in his pack, but he certainly wasn't the small, wiry kid he was before his Change. He pulls out again, feeling the wet suction attempting to pull him back in; and damn, it's a struggle not to oblige. Then again, he wasn't really one to deny himself selfish pleasure, or so he tells himself as he bucks back into her, setting the pace harsh and rough.

She lets out a pleasured gasp, bending down a little bit further to start up his instincts further. She knew that she would cum many times in the next, say 10 minutes, so she wasn't bothering to chase her own orgasm. His pleasure is all that matters now, and if his desperate thrusts into her were saying anything, she was doing her job.

Robin pulls himself flush against her, his chest against her back and his mouth at her ear. "Feel so good, so tight around my cock. Pleasing my mate, making my pups, all mine."

She moans, nodding and pushing back against him. "Y-yeah, so good…please, I swear, please…"

"Swear what?" he growls, holding himself painfully still inside her. Every part of them is touching, their skin on fire. His hands stay on her hips, his breath washing over her ear. "Tell me," he demands, his fangs brushing the shell of her ear.

"I'm jours," she moans, tilting her head to the side to give him more room. The small, incredibly sharp feeling of his teeth gently dragging down her skin got her wetter than anything else.

Her moan makes him buck his hips forward again, fucking her harshly. He keeps going for a long while, his fangs teasing her skin with small pinpricks, making her squirm. But finally, finally he feels himself going right on the edge. He pushes flush against her filling her to the base and cums with a howl. His tail wags back and forth lazily as he releases, and it's not long before he feels himself swelling to knot within her. They wouldn't be going anywhere for 20 minutes, at most.

She cums with a nearly surprised gasp, feeling him fill her to the brim and cum within her. She relaxes, moving onto her forearms and pushing her hips back against him; not that it did any good, they were stuck together for a while. And until that was over, multiple random orgasms would rip through the both of them, taking her by surprise.

He purrs as she bends for him, and leans down to nuzzle her with a rumbling growl of possession. "My mate…feels good, doesn't it?" He feels his cock twitch within her and another shot of cum escape him. He merely sighs contently into her ear, his tongue darting out to lick at her ear. Despite her being a vampire, she was still very much alive; really, the only thing that had changed had been her speed, appetite, and healing ability. Her height, build, and mind had stayed the same, and when she was human, she had been the first of their friend group that accepted his own Change. Hers came as a bit of a surprise; while Were's were genetic, vampires were changed by force. Who her creator was remained a mystery, but thankfully the whole "ties to the master/creator" myths were just that; myths. Everything else they had to learn by trial and error. Thankfully, by the time her Change had come about, he had more or less the whole werewolf thing down pat; guidance from the elder members of his pack kept him in line. But she helped him keep a grip on his humanity.

"Ja," she breathes, purring and nuzzling him back. His sudden orgasm and sigh takes her by surprise and she cums again, much harsher than the first one. By the time she makes it down from her high, she realizes that he's turned them onto their sides, still wrapped around her as best as he could be. He had grown about 4 inches because of his Change, but he wasn't quite at her height at 6'0". Now at a total height of 5'10", he was at a more "acceptable" height from a male's perspective. His muscles had filled out a bit, and, due to the Change, his strength developed with those muscles. "Jou always feel go-" She arches her back, moaning as she cums again around him when he cums inside her again. "…good," she finishes, panting.

Robin smirks, kissing along her neck and licking at his bite mark on the back of her neck. "I know, but thank you for saying so." His tail thumps happily against the floor, a pleased purr rumbling from his throat and chest. One of the things that a vampiric Change does to a person is take them back to their roots. And for some, like his mate and her sisters, it gave them different accents. Their appearance didn't change so much, but when one girl has roots in England, another girl with roots in Spain, and yet another in the deep South, the contrast is evident. (As was the fact that, while they all had the same mother, their fathers spanned around the world. That didn't change their minds, though; sisters until the end.) She still retained her American accent most of the time, but some German phrases and pronunciations snuck into her words at times. While it should have unnerved him, it really just made him love her more. "I love you, Omega," he breathes, cumming again with a pleased hum.

She cums with a long groan of pleasure, gasping "I love jou too, Robin." She feels him slowly unknot, and slip out of her. The resulting rush of cum out of her is both erotic and messy, and she bites her lip, careful of her fangs.

True to tradition, as soon as he's free and the tidal wave has passed, Robin gently flips his mate over, and spreads her thighs. He leans down, pressing the flat of his tongue against her entrance, knowing she was sensitive. He doesn't move it, just holds it there.

His tongue acts like a warm, soothing sponge, gently warming the oversensitivity away. She stays still, knowing from the ears flicking about in his hair and the tail wagging from the bottom of his spine that he hadn't changed back yet. Eventually the semi-throbbing ache fades away, and the relief from the soreness is almost orgasmic in and of itself.

He purrs softly, and pulls away, moving to cleaning up her inner thighs of their cum. This particular session hadn't been too rough, but this part of aftercare was a staple in their relationship. She did the same to him when she was mentally in charge, and it was definitely one of the most loving and trusting things between them.

She sighs as he cleans her up, her lust receding and keeping her from jumping him once more. Besides; she was completely sated, and wasn't sure she could handle another round. Once he's finished, she pulls him back up and kisses him soundly, wary of her fangs. She can practically feel his hips shaking as his tail wags furiously, and it brings a smile to her face. "Jou're a happy man, aren't jou?"

He lets out a soft yip, before blushing faintly and muttering his apology. "Sorry. Sometimes the instincts take over…"

She grins and nuzzles him. "No problem, Love. Now, let me get up and we can head to the moves, yeah? Think there's a new zombie flick playing…"

He laughs and stands up, pulling her to her feet. "You and your creatures. Will you ever get enough? I mean, we live in that world now."

She shrugs and collects her tattered clothing from the floor. "Given that it is our world now, I think that it's only fitting we try to understand what we could possibly run into. And to be wary of the stereotypes," she says, standing back up straight. "Now, watch what jou eat. Jou know I don't like it when jou taste sweet…"

He pouts as he changes back, taking her hand as they walk out of the room, into the hot summer night. He stands on the outside of her, so when they walk by streetlights he's the only one seen, despite the brilliant red hair walking next to him.

She laughs. "Don't worry, I'll give jou a big juicy steak when we get home. Deal?"

He perks up immediately. "Deal!"

She just smiles and walks on with him, headed to their apartment building. They most often had their little "trysts" in old buildings by the docks. Warehouses made for excellent sparring places, and were the best places for them to have as much messy sex as they wanted without having to worry about cleanup. It's not like humans aren't use to finding cum in random places, now are they? she thinks with a smirk.

Robin sighs and leans against her, always taking the side of her that would protect her from view. Despite the Hollywood stereotype that were's and vampires hated each other, that was as far from the truth as one could get. But with the fact that they cannot conceive together, relationships between the two of them mostly were unheard of; except within their circle. But Robin found he didn't mind being an outlier; that's what made them special.