Spencer Chase always figured her temper would get the best of her, but she was hoping she would at least get this month's rent paid before it did. Unfortunately, that was not going to happen. At the current moment, she was being yelled at by her manager and the moron with hot spaghetti adorning his Armani suit.
"Honestly sir, I am so sorry about this and I can assure you she will no longer be a bother to you or anymore of our patrons," said my brown nosing boss.
"Well I would hope so because this is unacceptable," as the man raised his nose to the world.
Spencer had had enough of the men talking as if she was not even there and figured why the hell not speak her mind since she had been screwed over anyway. "Since obviously I am going to be fired regardless of argument, let me give you some sound advice. Next time you touch a woman inappropriately a ruined suit will be the least of your worries because it could be like this," she said as she kneed him in the groin and threw her apron in her bosses face.
She did not care about the scene she caused or that she could be in serious trouble for what she had done because she was already used to it. As she was walking home she was trying to think of the gentlest way to tell her roommate Amanda that she had lost another job. She was already dreading it because unlike Spencer, Amanda was the kindest and quirkiest person she knew. However, when it came to making rent she was reminiscent of a rabid dog.
As soon as Spencer opened her apartment door she could hear Amanda singing in the kitchen to some new song that of course Spencer had never heard. "Spence is that you?" she said as she came into view.
"Yeah" she mumbled as she put her things down and headed for the couch. "Why are you already home I thought you were closing tonight?" "Well, it's kind of a long story actually..." she said as she looked anywhere but at Amanda."
"Oh not again! Spencer Chase you are being ridiculous that was your fourth job in three months. I know you have had a hard time Spencer but we cannot make rent without both of us working and you of all people know that." she said as she paced back and forth in front of the TV that Spencer was already zoning out in. "You know that I can only do part-time with my classes right now and I was counting on you and you promised that you had it handled". Spencer eyed her with a weary look. "I do, you know me, I will go out looking tomorrow and I will not let you down."
Amanda got a sad look on her face and sat down next to Spencer. "You have to Spence or else I will have to get a new roommate. You know how my dad is and if he finds out that I am not making rent he will pull me back in and that life is not the one I want. I want to be somebody for me, not my name." She got up and went into the kitchen starting dinner. Spencer felt awful because she knew Mr. Sharp and he was a no nonsense type. He owned one of the biggest law firms in New York and bred his only child to take the helm when it was time to be passed.
However, he had not expected for her to be a free spirit and have no desire to do so. Spencer and Amanda had become friends shortly before Amanda had finally decided to leave her father's shadow. It had been hard for Amanda at first, being cut off from her family and the world she grew up in, but Spencer was there to help. At the ripe age of 20 she had already seen her fair share of rough times. Amanda got lucky with her full ride to NYU but she always doubted herself and believed that it was her name not her merit that got her in. She was determined to prove herself and now Spencer felt like crap because she was currently jeopardizing it for her.
Spencer knew she had to get on the ball and make sure that she and Amanda made rent. Amanda was like a sister, and Spencer would do anything for her family. She got up and went to help Amanda while her brain racked trying to figure out what to do.
When Spencer woke up the next morning Amanda was already headed to her first class, and Spencer knew it was time to get the ball rolling. She tried various restaurants and shops but they all seemed to be a miss. After 5 hours she was done for the day and ready to take a breather. She looked around as her stomach rumbled for a place to eat and sadly the only place was a bistro called Cyprus. "Oh well," she thought "at least it looked clean."
As she walked in she was struck with the sound of a woman yelling at someone and the sound of breaking glass. "You are a ridiculous excuse for a man and a boss I hate you." Spencer looked around and to see a petite blonde yelling at tall black haired man who looked extremely bored. Trying not to eaves drop but failing miserably cause let's face it this situation was like a train wreck and you just can't look away. "Well maybe this is a lesson to not mixed business and pleasure then. Just take your paycheck and get out Kelsey." He then turned and walked to the bar to get a broom and dust pan to begin cleaning up. Kelsey exited the restaurant almost knocking over Spencer in the process.
"God, what a Bitch." Spencer remarked as she walked further into the bistro. "Yeah tell me something I don't know," snapped the man cleaning.
"Okay…. " She said as she turned to leave. "What? Lose your appetite?" said the man. Spencer just looked at him like he had grown an extra head. She stood there a minute staring at the man and finally began to appreciate what she saw. He was tall, dark hair, green eyes, and most definitely too good looking. Worst of all she could tell he knew it too. Luckily for Spencer she was immune to men like him.
"Are you going to stare at my lovely face all day or are you actually going to come in and eat?" He asked petulantly. "Are you even open? Or do people just generally know not to eat here, hence the lack of customer?" she snapped gesturing at the empty tables at him. He threw his hands up to his face and sighs. "Technically we don't open for another hour but since you're here and got to see the show, I figure the least I can do is feed you. Unless of course your really not hungry and really just wanted to look like stalker." He crosses his forearms and leans against the bar awaiting her rebuttal.
"I am hungry in fact, and FYI to be a stalker I would at least have to know you more than 5 mins." She rolls her eyes and takes a seat at the bar and grabs a menu from the stack. "So what's good here?" She asks as she flips the menu over.
"Well I would say everything, but since I am the one cooking this meal I'd say you'll just have to wait and see." He says as he pushes off the bar and enters the kitchen. Spencer sits there stunned for a moment wondering what this man is up to.
Spencer gets up from the bar and begins looking around the restaurant. From the vintage furniture to the unique eclectic lighting, she had to admit the place was beautiful on the inside. There were pictures all over the walls of famous people over the year. Dean Martin, Sandra Dee, Al Capone, and many others. It gave the feeling of stepping back in time. She saw a picture of a few people standing in front of the restaurant but before she could get closer she heard someone speak.
"Uh, you know we are closed right?" She turned to see a tall African American man in a black chef suit staring at her. "Well the lack of people could be considered a dead give away, but then again the guy in the back cooking my lunch could say otherwise." He looks at her strangely and then looks at the door to the kitchen. "Seeing as how I am the head chef, I don't know who is cooking for you." He gives her a stern stare as he says this. "Look, I don't know his name. He's 6'3 with black hair and seems to believe the world is at his feet." She gestures strongly with arms wide open as to say, What now?
"Shit, you got Ash to cook for you? You must have been good in bed cause that man never steps into the kitchen anymore. I doubt he even cooks for himself." He smirks at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Look, I just told you I just met this Ash guy or whatever his name is so wipe that smile off your face before I remove it, permanently." She glares at him. "Vicious, if he doesn't work out for you, come find me." He then turns and heads into the kitchen leaving a very mad Spencer in his wake.
As Spencer sat back down, Ash came out of the kitchen with a plate of something sizzling. Spencer relished in the smell as he sat it down in front of her. "It's a wood grilled NY strip with a mesquite rub and fresh homemade french fries. Now what do you want to drink?" he asked inquisitively. At first all she can do is salivate over her food but once she regain her composure she responded. "I will have a water with lemon."
Ash turns on his heel and pours some water into a glass for her. "So I met the chef, so who are you? Cause let me tell you, I can see his replacement right now." She says with her mouth full. "First, Chew then speak. Next, my name is Ash Cyprus and this is my restaurant." He looks at her with a cocked eyebrow and she immediately shuts her mouth and finishes her bite sheepishly before speaking again. "Good, then I feel obligated to tell you that your chef is a pig." He smiles at her "Ahh yes Marcus said he met you in here and that you threatened to maim him and efficiently stole his heart. Nothing like a feisty woman to get his gears going." He laughs a deep laugh that resonates through Spencer and makes her shift in discomfort. "Yea well he can keep dreaming."
"I am sure he will" he says as he moves around to clean the tables. Spencer finishes her lunch trying hard not to keep looking at what he is doing but failing miserably. Once she is done she turns to him, "how much do I owe ya?" He finishes the last table and comes to lay his cloth down beside her and pick up the dishes. "It's on the house." "I really appreciate that but I would much rather pay. I mean you worked to produce my food so you deserve to get paid for it." She takes out her credit card and slides it over to him. He shakes his head and sends it back. "Really, it's no problem. I needed to clear my head and cooking is sometimes the best remedy. My best bartender just quit and NY is playing Boston tonight and I am gonna have a packed house." He says exasperated. The wheels in Spencers head begin to turn. She had bartended many times before, granted before she didn't do it legally since she had only been 21 for 6 months, but she knew how good the tips were. "That is very interesting considering you are looking at a bartender in need of a job" she says with a large smile. "Yea, are you even old enough to drink?" he laughs at her. "As a matter of fact I have been for 6 months, and I bartended under the table for 3 years at my dad's bar in Syracuse." She stated with a smug look. He gave her a skeptical look and then left for the kitchen. Spencer shook her head and gathered her things to leave. As she opened the door Ash stuck his head out the kitchen door. "Be back at five. Dress code is black pants and nice top." He went back in the kitchen only to come right back. "What's your name by the way?" She stares at him dumbfounded then replies, "Spencer Chase."
"I'll see you at five Spencer" and with a wink he was gone again and Spencer felt like things were finally looking up.