3rd persons POV

Melodi walked along the dirt path the she'd avoided for so long, as she reflected on what had happened so far, she thought of how her mother had told her that even though she was yin she still had to go to high school and how she stormed out of the house to the lake. She loved that one place because it was private and of course because she was yin she happened to like escaping at night to the lake in the forest. The first time it was a full moon and when she looked at her reflection her eyes were completely black. Melodi smiled as she remembered her own shock, until she realised that there was nature around her, she was at a lake and it was a full moon -she was in full yin. After the shock wore off she made it her newest tradition to go to the lake on a night of the full moon. As the memory ended the yang in her started to take over and she ended up changing her mind about going to her lake, so that's how she ended up going to register at the local high school which was Stonegate High School.

Melodi's POV

As I arrived there I immediately noticed the buildings because they looked like someone took it out of an old fairytale or book or history itself. The main building was made of red and brown bricks with larger white stones on the corners, I spotted on one side there was some ivy creeping towards the 3rd floor and the windows were large and arching letting in the afternoon light. All I could do right now was hope for the best here.

"Excuse me miss," I hear my own voice say with my clearly, "could you please tell me where the head office is?" The girl I spoke to had short brown hair and as she turned I noticed her bright hazel eyes. "Well you enter the first building there, then you turn left, then another and you're there. Well, nice meeting you umm," she said blushing as she realised that she didn't know my name. "My name's Melodi and you are?" I said figuring my mother would be off my back if I knew one persons name. "My names Jana, and if I were you I'd hurry up and get to the office."

Jana's POV

'There's something strange about that new girl' I say to myself as I go to get my things for the next period which happened to be chemistry. I knew that she wasn't normal and it went deeper than her strange appearance. 'Theres something off with that Kyle too...' And as soon as I think that, well speak of the devil Kyle walks around the corner with his 'gang'. I try to continue but my thinking got disrupted but the bell, so I went to my next class. Hoping that I would find a way to figure it out

Melodi's POV

After sorting out my schedule and supplies I notice a boy with the strangest hair, -next to mine of course, it was the lightest shade of blond you could imagine but it wasn't void of colour at the same time but black streaks of hair were scattered around his head all in a choppy haircut. I also felt a sort of connection with him but also a type of rivalry it was the only word I could really use to describe it, I ignored it and decided to keep moving to my next class which was drumroll please... Chemistry. My first class I'm this school is the one I hate the most, lucky me. It was confusing how there were so many elements and two of this and fifteen of this make this and that. I preferred to learn about the universe and the moon. But when I entered the classroom I was met with the strangest pair of eyes, they were both extremely light blue with a dark patch to one it hit me like a a ton of bricks- there, right in front of my eyes was yang.

Author's note

That's the first chapter done! I really hope to get a review or two soon! Oh I still need a beta reader but I don't know how to get one. :( So, that's all I have to say really but if anyone's going to read this until I finish (if I ever do) then I will probably won't do any really long chapters and I might not update too regularly either...