WARNING: Some scenes are not suitable for children. Please see your way out if you are offended by off color language, premarital sex or awkward situations.
I met Jessie Harris at a party my best friend Beth forced me to go too; He was cool, confident and he held back my bangs while I vomited whisky all over his bedroom floor.
Wait, lets just back up for a minute.
JUNE, 11, 2012
"Come on Alice, take the shot, since you're the big man and all." He spat confidently.
Hold up! Further back!
JUNE, 11, 2012. 8:06 PM
"Sam, please? Don't be such a party pooper."
I didn't want to argue with her, let alone tell her the phrase 'party pooper' hasn't been used in- never. That was probably never okay to say out loud, but parties were just not my deal. I sighed as I smothered my eyes with a thick coat of black eye shadow. I'm just not a drinker, it seems silly for me to go to a party, sit alone and not drink. But she looked so happy.
"Let me finish my make up, okay?" I said dabbing hints of glitter on my eyelashes.
Beth squealed as she threw some things into her obnoxiously large purse.
"You'll have fun, I promise!"
Yeah. I'll have fun. Totally.
She herded me into the car as I pocketed my favorite knife and tussled my hair.
How had she talked me into this? I hate parties, let alone the ones where all the hillbillies come to gawk at the freak with the pink hair. God forbid there's a keg, then all hell is going to break loose and I'm going to end up knifing someone. Jesus, I will not retire another knife because some jackass wanted to play hardball and make me get my knife bloody.
By the time I had convinced myself I was going to have an awful time Beth was already pulling into the driveway, teenagers flooded the yard and it seemed like I was lost in a maze of red plastic cups and slightly sober hicks in cowboy boots. Beth lead me into the house by my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen. She was raiding the fridge for something she thought I could keep down, she poured some monstrosity in a yellow can into a red cup and shoved it into my hand before going back in for her own.
After some debate she sipped her drink and smiled at me.
"I saw some guys I know out front, do you mind-"
"Just go." I rolled my eyes as she giddily pranced off. I knew this would happen. It always happens. I guess I could just wonder to the couch and awkwardly sip my drink.
Sip. Gulp. Demolish. Same thing right?
I was done with my drink in less than a few minutes, my head was pulsing wonderfully, I wasn't sure how this had happened.
"Haven't seen you around these parts," I turned my head to see who was talking to me "Who are you?" It was some hillbilly in overalls and work boots. Imagine that. Typical Beth type.
"That's Sam." Beth said from behind me, I wasn't sure where she came from but I was glad she was back, and my god she brought me a boy.
I love this woman. How could I ever doubt her?
And she brought me another drink!
"She looks more like an Alice to me." The pretty boy said.
"Well its not." Beth smirked as she pulled me closer to them "Its Sam."
"I'm going to call her Alice." He said as he took my hand, "You don't mind, do you?" His lips touched the back of my fingers in a slow burst of '50s Esq romantic bullshit. I shook my head anyway, he could call me whatever he liked.
He smiled as he released my hand. "Come on, lets go play some pool."
The pool table was downstairs, away from all the crazy hillbillies and general fucktards, thank god.
"Sam that's Jessie, he went to college with my sister." Beth gestured to the pretty boy, he smiled as he took sips from an amber colored bottle. "And this," She patted the muscular boy she was sitting on "is Tommy. And he's mine." She teased.
"Play some pool?" Jessie handed me a pool stick, I used it to steady myself.
"I've never played before." I said meekly.
"Oh good," He grinned as he put the balls into a strange triangle-thingy "That'll give me all sorts of reasons to touch you."
"Awe come on Jessie, she's drunk don't pick on her." Tommy said as he rubbed Beth's thigh.
"She's not that drunk," He looked innocently at me "Are you Alice?"
I shook my head. I could feel my face again, that was a good thing, right?
"Great, then lets play. Couples? Tommy break." Jessie said casually as he put his arm around me as Tommy took his shots. "Now look here babydoll," He said into my ear "We're stripes, so I want you to take your stick on your thumb like this-" He softly pushed me up to the pool table and positioned me correctly to make a shot. "and hit this white ball into that green striped one over there, easy enough?" he ran his fingers down my hip, I could feel his breath on my neck.
"Easy enough." I chirped as I hit the ball with my stick, it was all just basic angles. I mean come on, what is this, grade school? I easily knocked the ball in the hole. Beth did that awful thing she does when she's excited. Jessie smirked "See, she's obviously not drunk enough."
Minutes passed like hours as I sipped my drink and suppressed sighs as Jessie continued to teach me how to play this childs sport, resting his hand on my hip, squeezing when I made a shot, sending electrifying tingling all up my spine.
"Lets do something fun." I sputtered drunkenly "This game, too easy."
"Alright," Jessie's eyes gleamed with a child like excitement. "I'm not going to help you anymore. Any time you miss a shot you take a shot. You two in?"
Beth quickly agreed, made her shot and smiled at Tommy.
"Your turn Sam." She smiled as she reached for some small glasses from the bar. I rolled my eyes as I staggered to the table to line up my shot.
My legs were shaking, it wasn't even as easy to stand on my own without Jessie's coaching, let alone make a shot.
"Are you sure that's the shot you want to take?" Jessie smirked "Looks like a long shot."
"I thought you weren't going to help her anymore." Tommy laughed "Let the girl make, miss and take her shot on her own."
Jessie was right, I had to think this through, I'm not swallowing my pride because I was too drunk to put a ball in the hole. I switched positions, lined up my shot and I hit. The white ball went sailing to its target, ball in hole. Easy.
It went this way for a long time, eventually Jessie and I were crowned victorious and we decided it would be fairer if it was boys verses girls.
Tommy broke again, Beth took her shot and grinned as she made one of her first shots of the night. Jessie missed his shot and took a gulp of that awful smelling stuff he was cradling in his arm.
"Ohhh come on Jessie, getting beat by some girls?" I teased as I lined up my shot and banked it into the corner pocket.
"The night has only just begun my dear. He smirked as Tommy took his turn. "I can just see your first shot now," he laughed "You're probably going to hurl."
Beth went, missed, took her shot with an awful look on her face.
Jessie made his shot and turned to me, whisky on his breath and fire in his eyes, he put his arm around me and smiled.
"Don't miss." He lifted his hand to my cheek. He ran his thumb across my jaw and brought my face close to his, I could smell him, he smelled like some sick mix of sweat, alcohol and axe body spray. "You don't want to end up drunk like me."
I took my stick and rested it on my thumb like Jessie taught me, I staggered, how could I let him get into my head like this? It had to be those eyes, those freakish green eyes. Maybe it was his voice, soft and smooth like velvet. "Don't miss."
I hit the ball, it jumped off the table and onto the floor.
Jessie erupted into drunken laughter as he poured me a shot.
I looked at the amber liquid in the tiny glass. My stomach turned.
"Come on Alice, take the shot, since you're the big man and all." He spat confidently.
I sneered as I took the glass in hand and tipped it into my mouth. It felt like fire in my lungs, in seconds I could see things clearer, my breathing was labored and painful but I loved every second of it. I stumbled into Jessie's arms and looked him in his eyes and smiled as I took the bottle from his hand and took a swig.
"That wasn't so bad." I smirked.
He smiled a sick smile and took my hand and kissed it softly before taking another drink.
"You kids want a room?" Tommy laughed
"If you wouldn't mind terribly." Jessie smirked not breaking my eye contact.
"Seriously?" Beth giggled
"Did I stutter?" Jessie growled
Tommy smirked and threw Beth over his shoulder as she laughed like a lunatic.
"I'm not leaving you alone with my best friend." Beth said in between giggles "I know what you do."
"Suit yourself." He said as he put his hands on my hips and lifted me onto the pool table.
"What are you doing?" Beth wailed as I sat in awe on the table watching Jessie remove his shirt. His body was just barely toned and his left arm was covered with pictures of dragons and tribal ink.
"What do you think I'm doing?" He smiled as he cupped my chin and kissed me deeply. His mouth tasted like whiskey, and his his hands were warm and wonderful against my cold skin.
"Sam! Are you just going to let him do this?" Beth was astonished, her shocked features made my face grow red but I didn't stop kissing him, I couldn't. I only laced my fingers in his hair, pulling softly as he nibbled my bottom lip. I could feel his tongue ring tangled with my tongue, a moan escaped my lips as he helped me unzip my hoodie. He dropped the bottle and the last shot of whisky dripped out onto the floor.
"Beth doesn't it look like I'm a little busy?" I groaned as I felt him run his fingers up my shirt.
"You heard the girl." Tommy smiled as he tromped away with Beth giggling all the way.
He stopped to take a swig out of the bottle before he pulled himself in between my legs and held my face in his fingers.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" He smiled as he ran his thumb along the curve of my chin. "You did just meet me, you are pretty drunk and I have to say your friend isn't wrong about me, this is what I do."
"What, you get little girls drunk so they fawn over you and then sleep with you?" I laughed as I wrapped my legs around him and put my arms around his neck as he cradled me gently in his arms. "This is not about you." I said into his ear "If I didn't want to fuck you, I wouldn't."
He smirked wildly as he squeezed my hips. "Good then I won't feel bad for this." He growled as he pushed my body onto the table and smiled as he undid the button on my pants. He pulled off my shirt and kissed hot trails down my stomach, nibbling my hip bones and smiling when I moaned lightly. "Last chance to back out Alice." he smiled as he took a flask from his jacket pocket, took a swig before handing it to me. I took a large drink as he tugged at my pants.
"Alice," he said with a final tone "Are you sure this is what you want?"
My head was pulsing with a fantastic tone, everything he said sounded like a melody, I could feel his lips tracing the bottom of my hip bones and his fingers like whispers on my thighs. I let out a small moan in response. He smiled as he let his fingers wonder further up my thighs. My body was hot, I could feel the pressure building in me as he put his hand in my panties and found my clit with his thumb, he rubbed lightly in small circles as he let his fingers grace over my wet opening.
"I suppose I didn't need to ask as much as I did," He smirked "You didn't get this wet in the last five minutes. How long have you wanted me?"
He's such a cocky asshole. Who the hell does he think he is anyway?
He slid a finger inside of me and I let out a loud moan.
"Answer me." He growled
"S-since Beth introduced us." I sputtered between moans.
He laughed as he slid in a second finger, he thrusted them rhythmically as I squirmed beneath him. I could feel him rest his head on my thigh, his hot breath trailing closer to my clit.
"How bad do you want it?" He teased as his tongue traced up my thigh as I tried to steady myself.
"Not that bad." I tried to keep my voice from trembling "You aren't that great."
I felt his tongue hit my clit, the small metal ball on his tongue ring pushed it just right as the tip ran to my wet core. His fingers thrusted harder and I let out a loud moan as I dug my fingertips into the table.
"No?" He said innocently between licks "You want me to stop?"
"N-no." I cringed as he teased me with the tip of his tongue.
"What do you want me to do, Alice?" He said calmly as he tasted me again.
"I want you to fuck me." I screamed.
He stood as he quickly removed his fingers, I gasped loudly as he licked his fingers and unzipped his pants.
"Yeah? You think you'll get off that easy?" He smirked as he pulled me into a sitting position. "You better ask really nicely."
My head was pulsing, body aching, I wanted him so badly.
"P-Please" I breathed as I put my arms around his neck.
"Please, what?" He growled as he kissed down my neck.
"Please fuck me." I groaned
"Say pretty please." He laughed
I laced my hands through his hair and yanked his head to eye level and stared spitefully into those beautiful eyes.
"Pretty please."
His smile widened as he pulled his pants off and pulled me to my feet before turning me around. I could feel his hardened member at the back of my thigh and his hands assaulted my hips. He kissed my cheek lightly and slowly bent me over the table. I could feel him kissing down my back.
"You ready?" He laughed as my body twitched
"Yes." I said with my face in the table.
He laughed as he entered me, I could feel myself stretch and tighten around his throbbing cock. I gasped as he slowly pushed in and out, thrusting softly. I moaned and tried again to dig my nails into the table.
He quickly began thrusting, I backed myself into him as his hands guided me by my hips. I could hear him breathing loud, my insides turned as my entire body shook with the rumble of an orgasm.
"Harder!" I cried as I felt my body tensing again.
"Your wish is my command." He laughed as he pulled out and threw me up against the wall. I gasped and wrapped my legs around his body as he re-entered me.
My breasts bounced as he thrusted, my head was spinning as I squeezed him between my legs. His hands at my hips and his lips at my neck I screamed again as I felt my thighs streak wet for a second time, my body shook again, I felt the intensity ripple through my entire being. Jessie groaned as I felt his body shake as mine had. He squirmed as he let us slide down the wall together.
He rested his head on the wall behind us, handing me my panties he searched for his flask. Once he had located it he took a small drink and pulled up his pants.
"Did I please you, Alice?" he asked softly as he pushed my bangs out of my face. "Are you happy?
I took his hand and kissed it gingerly.
"Yes." I croaked as I slumped into his lap.
He smirked as he handed me his flask. "I'm glad. I was worried I was too drunk to please anyone," He laughed as he tipped my hand and the entire contents of the small shiny bottle fell into my mouth "Or maybe you're too drunk to care"
I forced it down some how before I looked up at him, eyes flaring and heart pounding. He stood me up right and helped me get dressed and fix my hair.
"I don't know about you, but I need another drink." He laughed "You're coming with me."
"Why?" I giggled
"I wouldn't want some asshole to come down here and take advantage of you while you're drunk." He winked as he scooped me off my feet and into his arms.
The rest of the night was a blur, it was completely strange and foreign to me. I remember Jessie holding my hand and keeping me standing on my feet, when I asked him for drinks he gave me cautionary looks but always returned with something fruity and gentle for me to sip and when I wanted to sit down he sat with me. It was freaking weird. Like honestly, the picture people were painting him into was not "Jessie the guy who'll take care of you when your're drunk." it was more "Jessie will meet you, fuck you and dump you all in the same night." Maybe I just haven't gotten to the 'dump you' part yet.
Beth wondered down stairs where Jessie and I were sitting, she was smiling and giddy like she had drank too much and she didn't have the faintest idea where she was. Tommy was close behind her, making obscene animal sounds every time she turned around to look at him.
"Sam!" Beth took my hand from Jessie and squeezed it "Isn't this the best party? Me and Tommy just fucked all over someones bedroom."
I looked at her with a strange look before turning my head to Jessie. He looked at me with concern in his eyes as he put his free hand on my forehead.
"You feeling okay babydoll?" He cooed. Now that he said something my stomach was turning. I shook my head and he smiled gently. "You want me to take you home so you can get some rest?" I nodded and he slowly stood me up.
"Beth I'm taking Alice back to my place, she's not looking so good."
"A-are you okay to drive?" Beth sputtered
Jessie laughed "I'm fine. I'll text you, okay?" He took my hand and helped me to the door "Come on Alice."
We hobbled down the drive way and he led me to a motorcycle in the grass.
"You want me to get on that thing?" I shot him a scared look as he helped me put on a leather jacket.
"You'll be okay. I promise." He said as he steadied the bike "Hop on."
I did as I was told, Jessie hadn't lead me wrong yet. I clutched his waist as he sped off into the night. The breeze was amazing through my hair and I felt like I was flying. When we arrived I barely remember Jessie carrying me in to the house, down the stairs and setting me gingerly into his bed. My stomach was gurgling, my head felt hot.
"Jessie..." I murmured "I don't feel so good..."
"Okay honey, I'll go get a garbage can."
"I'm not going to make it-" I said through an obscene amount of drool. Jessie dashed over to the bed and tipped my head over the bed and held back my hair as I expelled all the alcohol I had drank through out the night. He rubbed my back as my body shook.
"You okay?"
"I'm okay." I said wiping my mouth. "Bathroom?"
He smirked as he pointed out a room a few feet away. I stood up and hobbled there, when I returned from mouth washing and fixing my self Jessie had cleaned up my mess and was sitting on his bed with a sly smirk on his face.
"I told you so."
"Shut up." I said collapsing onto the bed.
"You want something more comfy to sleep in?" He asked, trying to wipe the smirk off his face.
I shrugged as I took off my pants and stripped down to my under wear. He looked shocked as I crawled back into bed.
"You've already seen me naked and skinny jeans aren't conducive to sleep." I said factually.
"You're going to wake up and wonder why you're not wearing clothes. I'm at least getting you a t-shirt." He laughed as he walked across the room and fumbled in a dresser. He replaced his own clothes with sweats and a t-shirt and brought me a shirt that he helped me put on before crawling in bed next to me.
"Get to bed sweetheart, you're going to have a long day tomorrow."
He didn't have to tell me. I was already snuggled up to him and closing my eyes. It didn't take long. I barely had time to finish my sent-
JUNE, 12, 2012 9:46 AM
I woke up in a strange place. It wasn't Beth's house, it looked like a basement.
Get a grip Sam. You're fine. You just don't know where you are. I'm sure Beth's around somewhere.
I looked around, it was a boys room. A pool table across the room, a big screen TV with an xbox laying on the floor, games stacked in neat piles. I could hear footsteps coming down the stairs, I guess I was going to find out where I was.
I pretty boy appeared holding a McDonald's bag and a drink holder, his hair was messed up and he was still wearing his pajamas.
"Good morning. How do you feel?" He smiled handing me biscuits and gravy out of the bag.
"Okay. Where am I?" I smiled, he knew my favorite McDonald's food.
"My house, you weren't feeling well and Beth was plastered so I thought I'd just bring you back here." He handed me a fork and sat down next to me. " Didn't know if you liked OJ or coffee so I brought both."
I sipped the juice gingerly, nodding my thanks.
"Not to be rude, but I have no idea who you are." I laughed
He laughed too, his green eyes flaring with joy. It was insane how many emotions he showed on his face.
"I figured, you were really drunk." He smiled again "I'm Jessie Harris."
"Jessie..." My eyes widened as I recalled the night before. "Oh...Ohhhhhhhhh."
"Yeah." He laughed "I get that a lot."
"I'd be mad at you for taking advantage of me while I was drunk, but you did bring my favorite breakfast." I giggled
"Look here little miss," He said taking a bite of his egg mcmuffin "You liked every bit of it. So you wouldn't have been mad anyway."
"Too true." I sipped my juice. "So, Jessie Harris, what are we going to do now?"
"You like xbox?"
And with that Mr. Jessie Harris had stolen my heart. I had never been so attracted to a man until I heard tromping down the stairs. A tall girl with short blonde hair and a crop top turned the corner and stared at Jessie.
"Who is she?" The girl snapped
"Oh. This is Alice. She was really drunk after the party so I brought her home. Hashbrown?" He smirked
"I can't believe this. You just brought her home knowing I'd be here at ten. Did you have sex?"
"Not here." He laughed and the blonde girl smacked him across the face. "Oh come on Crissy, you blew Tommy."
"Because you fucked my sister!" She huffed as she threw some things in a bag "And my best friend. And you made out with my baby brother!"
"Baby? Please he's 23 years old, he knows what he wants." Jessie said with a mouth full of muffin. "Besides, I don't know why you're so pissed off. You knew who I was when you agreed to be with me." He sipped his coffee.
"Jessie. I don't have time for this. I'm not very pleased with you." She growled
"We still going to dinner tonight?" He smiled deviously "I have to try to fuck your sister again before she moves to Florida."
"I don't know Jessie. We'll see. I am really unhappy this time. I thought we talked about this."
"Talked, yelled, hand cuffed me to my bed and left me to die. Whatever."
"I was coming back for you." She bit her lip as she threw her back pack over her shoulder. "In a few days when you had learned your lesson."
"You're a wonderful teacher babe, now throw me my cigarettes, I'm really worn out from last night." He purred
Crissy threw the red box at his head.
"I'm going to go fuck Tommy!" She yelled as she tromped back up the stairs
"Good! He needs a good dicking! I'm sure he'll be ever so excited that Satan wants to ass-rape him!"
I'm sure my face looked strange because Jessie smiled and pushed my bangs out of my face.
"My girlfriend. We have a complicated relationship. Pie?"
Okay. This is chapter one. This story isn't going to be in any specific order so the chapter order means nothing.
They are just little snip its of the life of Jessie and Alice.
I hope you kids liked it.
Still looking for an editor.