I was still sitting there, in a daze.
His Girlfriend.
"You have a girlfriend?"
"Mhmm. Crissy." He said trying to light is cigarette. "Cute. Blonde. Satan. She was just here."
"And you thought it was okay to have sex with me, knowing you have a girlfriend?" I prodded.
He sighed as he twisted the cancer stick between his fingers, nonchalantly pushing his bangs back and smirking to himself.
"Yeah. I don't see why not. Did you have fun?"
I hit him in the back with a pillow.
"Jessie! That is not okay!" I wailed.
He looked almost confused, like a small child with a broken toy.
"What?" He smiled "No, 'was I better than her?' No 'I'm way prettier than her.' Not even a tiny 'I can see why you have sex with other girls, she's a total bitch'."
"No! It doesn't matter about any of that! She's your girlfriend. I'm disgusted with how you treat her." I spat
His eyes gleamed with something strange as he looked into my raging eyes. Almost like a mix between desire and sorrow.
"I'll call and apologize then." He said taking my hand and kissing it before he reached for a cell phone.
Was it really that easy? Is he really going to apologize? My head throbbed with pain as I took a bite of the apple pie Jessie offered me. It was warm and it felt good in my hands that had grown cold since I had awaken.
"Crissy?" He said with an exhale of smoke. "I'm sorry. I kind of treat you like garbage and that isn't right of me," I smiled, maybe he is a good guy, maybe he's a total sweetheart.
"Even if you are a raging bitchaholic." He finished. Have I ever been so wrong? "And in light of the raging bitchaholic thing, I think its time we take a break." I could hear screaming on the phone, he clicked the 'end' button and set his phone on the side table and extinguishing his cigarette. He looked at me with a clever gleam in his eye before taking my hand between his and rubbing the cold out of them.
"Better?" He smirked as he breathed hot air onto my frigid hands.
It was better. I did feel better now that I was sitting half naked in a big bed with a beautiful, single, man. Plus my hands were warm, but that was just gravy.
"I didn't mean break up with her." I murmured under my breath.
"Are you complaining?" He teased.
I took my hands from him and continued to stuff my face with McDonald's.
"Yeah. Didn't think so." He said throwing his wrapper into the bag and taking a bite out of a hash brown. He stood "I need to shower. You wanna come with?"
Yes. I screamed in my head. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yesitty, Yes, Yes, YES.
"I think not." I smirked. He sighed, pulled off his shirt and sat back down next to me on the bed.
"Alice, I know you're a good girl." He took my hand and smiled "And I know you want to come shower with me, but you're afraid that isn't what a good girl would do."
"I know it isn't what a good girl would do." I laughed.
"Why not? I'm single, you're single. I've already seen you naked. Besides, its not like we're having sex. Its just a shower."
I looked at him like he was completely crazy. Of course I'm going to have sex with him if I go shower. Is he really that stupid or is he just damn good at getting girls to shower with him? He must have picked up my vibe.
"And even if we did have sex, so what? Its just sex. Its not like we're virgins and we're giving each other some sacred part of us. Its not like it means something. Its just that you're a good kisser and I'm a sex fiend. Its simply a few moments where we are deciding to give in to our human urges and have hot crazy sex. No biggie."
"I don't want too." I lied. He let out a deep breath.
"Alright Alice." He stood "I'll tell you what though, from now on if you want to do something, anything at all, but you don't want to feel like you're being a whore, or whatever, just say "Jessie, I really don't want to have sex with you." and I'll just pick you up and take you. That way its my fault and not yours, you said you didn't want too."
I calculated in my head. Does that work? That is technically me telling him no. I'm not sure if that's okay.
He smiled as he rolled his shoulders and started walking to the bathroom, undoing the tie on his sweat pants.
"Jessie, I really don't want to have sex with you." I said through my teeth. He stopped, turned around and smiled.
"Really? After all that fuss?" He slowly walked back to the bed and knelt by my legs. He took my hand and smiled sweetly. "I don't mind, I didn't want to go alone." he played with my fingers and kissed my knuckles. "Besides, you're freezing. I won't take no for an answer."
He stood, he looked like a god as he picked me up princess style and carried me off. His arms didn't waiver at my weight, his body was warm and slightly tanned, muscles toned just enough to make me want him.
The bathroom was like a haven. It was all pretty with aqua tiles and matching towels. Not something I expected from Jessie. The bathtub was huge, like it could fit four people, and the shower was nothing if not larger with two over head water spouts.
"Jesus. You have parties in here?"
"Sometimes." He laughed. "Depends on who I bring home."
"Charming." I said as he put me down and turned on the water. He smirked and turned back to me.
"You generally shower with all your clothes on?"
"What if I do?"
He swiftly removed my baggy t-shirt and smirked.
"Not today." as he pulled me into him by my hips. He smelled like alcohol and sex and for some reason that drove me completely crazy. His eyes were bright and his eyeliner was smeared from last nights antics. He tilted my head to his and looked into my eyes.
"You are the strangest girl I have ever met." He said quietly. "We've been standing half naked in a steamy bathroom and you have yet to even move your hands from your sides."
I hadn't noticed, but he was right. His hands were wrapped around me and mine were at my sides. I instinctively put my hands on his shoulders.
"Better?" I smirked.
"I wasn't complaining." He pressed his lips to my forehead. "I think its cute you don't know what to do with yourself in the presents of a man."
I didn't have time to be offended before he took my lips with his. In the same moment, he laced his left hand through my hair pulling gently as he unhooked my bra with the other. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip as if begging for entrance. I giddily obliged as He started pulling off his pants. So there we were, room full of steam, stripped to our underwear, making out, pulled chest to chest, and what does Mr. Jessie Harris say?
"I thought we were just gonna shower, Alice." He laughed
"We are." I smirked, removed my panties and handed them to him. "I mean, I thought we were going to have shower sex, but if you insist." I smirked as I got into the pulsing hot water. I watched him stare at my wet panties before he grinned and followed me into the water.
"I changed my mind." He said touching my hips again.
"Nope." I laughed. "Too late. Which shampoo do I use?" I motioned to the wall of hair care products and body washes. If his dick wasn't stabbing me in the leg, I'd swear he was a woman.
"Personally, I like the lavender, but your hair is freakishly thick and fried from all the bleaching so I'd have to say the grape seed oil one and then finish with that avocado mask."
"Why do you have all this stuff?" I questioned as I squirted the recommended shampoo into my hand and started lathering it into my hair. "Its not bubbling... Why isn't it bubbling?"
"I was a bottle blonde too once, it really fucks your hair up. I like my hair." He rolled his eyes. "Its not supposed to bubble. It ruins the shine on your hair. Let me do it."
I felt his hands in my hair, he was so good at this. How many other girls had he had in this shower, in this place where I am now? I could feel him getting closer to me.
"Rinse." He breathed
"How many other girls have you done this with?"
"Showered with?" He asked
"And washed their hair?"
I was a bit shocked. He slept with Crissy's sister, her best friend made out with her brother and he's only washed two girls hair? I thought this was some strange pick up. It was nice enough to be.
"How many girls have you showered with?"
"I have no idea." He laughed "Probably 20-ish"
"I can't say I'm surprised." I laughed as he rubbed some sweet smelling elixir into my hair.
"You've known me a day and you aren't surprised?" He smirked as he rubbed my scalp.
"You made out with your exgirlfriends little brother." I giggled.
"Hey man, he's a big boy and he wanted to know what it was like to kiss a man. Who am I to deny him that? What if he likes men?"
"Does he?"
"He does now." He laughed. I loved the way he laughed it was sick how we were here, naked, laughing together. Not having sex, or even making moves to mess around. Just a guy and a girl showering.
"Here use this." He smiled as he handed me some fruity smelling goo. "It'll make your skin happy."
"It'll make my skin happy, huh?" I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. I uncapped the bottle and began to rub it over my face and neck, I watched him close his eyes as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair and spit water all down the front of him. He smirked, not his usual "I'm smarter than you" smirk, a sweet, childish one. Probably meant to keep to himself. I rinsed my face clean with a wash rag, my skin did feel happy; and it smelled like grapefruit.
His eyes opened like slits of emeralds leaving the mine, hazy with unpolished wonder. I must have stared a bit too long, because when he opened his eyes fully he just stared back at me with a stupid grin on his face.
"Whatcha' lookin' at prudy girl?" He said like the stupid hillbillies from last night.
"You and your stupid face." I said splashing him with water.
"Well that isn't very nice." He said as he grabbed my wrist. "Not at all." He put my wrist on his shoulder and pulled me close, our warm skin touching softly as the hot water ran between us. He rested his hand on my hip and brought his face close to mine.
"Maybe you should apologize." He purred.
"Maybe I'm not sorry." I whispered
"Maybe I should make you sorry," He said, his lips close to mine.
I did my best not to move, not to breath, not to beg him to kiss me. I couldn't let him know I wanted him so badly.
"Alice." he whispered.
I couldn't contain myself, it was all over, the moment he said my name. My lips crashed into his. He slammed me into the shower wall, gels and goos and shamoo went flying everywhere. His hands lid down my wet skin and his lips locked to mine. I let out soft moans as his nails dug into my hips and his tongue ring made clinking noises against our teeth.
I slid, he caught me, laughing as he kissed my neck.
"Stand much, baby doll?" He giggled as he kissed down my chest.
"Shut-" I couldn't finish my sentence before his lips found my erect nipple. He swirled his tongue as his finger tips left red welts down the sides of my thighs.
I moaned as he released me, smirking as he slid down onto his knees, pulling me down to the shower floor.
"Oh Alice, Simple, brave little Alice." He said as he brushed my sopping bangs from my eyes. "You've made a grave mistake in coming into this shower with me."
I looked him over, his wet skin glistened in the light and his eyes no longer seemed misted, but bright and shiny like the sun through green glass.
"Do you know what I'm going to do to you?" He smiled as he slipped me onto my stomach.
"Not really." I said into the shower floor.
"Any guesses?" I felt his lips on my back, the warm metal of his tongue ring down my spine, I felt the blood pulsing in my head and I moaned loudly.
"Exactly." He said as he pulled my hips up and entered me from behind. I felt my insides shake as my screams echoed off the tiled walls. He kissed my back softly as he rocked me back and forth, his hands leaving white fingerprints on my hip bones.
"Scream for me Alice." His voice sounded clear and strong through my whimpers and moans. He pulled my hair and laughed when I cried out. "Scream." He repeated as he hit my inner pleasures. I let out a loud groan as I came, the water washing away any remnant of my orgasm.
"You want another?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. I hated him for a moment for asking. "Hmm?" He thrust into me again and I let out a moan just as intense as the last. He only laughed as he gripped me again and rocked my hips at a different speed with one and and massaging my clit with the other. My brain tried to wrap itself around everything that was happening.
How many girls had he fucked on this floor? I tried to make myself think about it but all I could think about was the pinpricks of pleasure all over my body. My breasts bounced to the rhythm and my nipples dripped hot water onto the floor. I came again as he pulled himself all the way into me. I screamed his name as I collapsed onto the floor, my arms shaking and my body limp and wet.
"You aren't finished." He smiled as he pulled me onto his lap. "You ready?"
I looked at his still erect member, slightly confused at first before he smirked down at me.
"I'll show you." He smiled as he positioned one of my hands at the base and the other on the head. "Okay, now squeeze there," I firmed my grip at the base at his instruction and slid my free and up and down his shaft. He let out small moans as he ran his fingers through my hair. I lowered my face and slowly put the head in between my lips. I glanced up to see the wonderful look of desperation on his face, eyes slit, breathing rapidly, I could feel his heart beating in his member.
"What?" I smiled, then ran my tongue over his tip softly. "Is this what you want?" The hot water beat heavy on my head as I teased him once again, taking only the head in my mouth and sucking gently.
"Jessie." I smirked, my voice teemed with the sound of sweet revenge. "Ask nicely."
"You're a little twerp," He gasped as I ran my tongue into his precum before the water washed it away. "You know that?" he whimpered.
"That wasn't nice." I looked at him sweetly, batting my eye lashes and rubbing him softly. He gently pulled my hair and bit his lip before gasping again.
"Alice, please." He said as his body twitched.
"As you wish." I smiled again before taking him into my mouth, humming softly as I bobbed up and down. Running my tongue across his soft skin, and softly playing with his balls. He moaned softly as he pushed my head further onto himself, I gladly obliged and took him in entirely into my mouth. I sucked softly as I moved my head back and forth, tracing circles on his thighs with my fingers.
"Ah-Alice" He gasped between breaths. "I-I think I'm-"
His body shook as he expelled his orgasm into my mouth, I gladly swallowed it and licked off the remaining mess from my lips. It was almost unfortunate that we were in the shower, it was all washed away before I could even get to it.
I pushed myself up to look at him, he smiled, almost sweetly, and took his fingers from my hair.
"I need a smoke." He did his best to balance himself on the wall and he turned off the water. He reached out into a cabinet and handed me an obnoxiously fluffy towel. I stood to dry myself, my legs still weak and my eyes blurred by the steam.
"Come on babydoll," He helped me out onto the tile. "Lets get you something clean to wear."
"Jessie?" I looked at him strangely
"Why does that taste like-"
"Yeah. Its not normal."
"I take a multi-vitamin, makes it taste like watermelon. Weird right?"
"Fantastically weird."
"You like watermelon?" He laughed
I freaking love watermelon.
"Its okay, I guess."
Jessie gave me come comfy looking pants and a t-shirt and watched me dress before handing me an xbox controller.
And once again, Jessie Harris had captured my heart.
Okay my loves 3
still looking for an editor.
And reviews. Love the reviews.
Much love,