Standing in front of the clinic was heart-breaking and she could feel a nauseating turning unsettle
her stomach but she felt that she had to do this no matter what she just had to. They had found her
brother next to the dog he'd cherished and now the only thing left from the two of them was inside
this place. She stepped inside and was greeted by Peter. No one knew Danny but the news of his
"accident" spread like wildfire and now she was in for another "I'm so sorry".
"Hi Uhm I'm sorry for your loss" Peter tried to take her hand as he gave his sympathies.
"Thank You" she didn't break stride as these now recurring and infuriating pitied looks just made
her angry. She stepped to the counter and saw the not so helpful clerk that had bothered her
brother at what seemed like a very long time ago now.
"I'd like to adopt a puppy" she said as she saw the clerk immediately recognise her.
"Hey I remember you, so you want one from that time that you were here" the clerk asked.
"Yes" she breathed deep and lifted her broad smiling face to the sky "I'd like to take one of Sam's