Hello, everyone! This is the final chapter of this story. I'd like to thank everyone who's been following, favoriting, and reading this story. Now, I want to write a sequel, but I need your help. I'll be posting a poll on what to write next. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this final chapter!
Martin Sean Publishing
I ran into a bookshelf and several books fell on me. Richard said, "Lizzie, are you okay?"
I looked at him, "I'm sorry! My mind was somewhere else!"
"Finishing proofreading leaves you in a sort of stupor, huh?" Justin said.
"Yeah, right." I answered. The real reason I can't myself into work mode because of what happened the day before.
Flashback, The Day Before, Elliot's Front Door
I was shocked. I didn't hear Elliot walk toward the door at all. Yearwood said, "I told you to stay in there and go to sleep."
"What are you doing jabbering in front of someone's house? Both of you, go home!" he commanded.
"You think I could leave you alone in your state?" Yearwood asked.
"I'm not a kid. You've got to get home and give my dog some food." Elliot said, then he turned his attention to me, "Howard, are you okay?"
Yearwood walked away. I said, "Sorry for the disturbance. Please excuse me."
I went to my door with Elliot yelling behind me, "Hey, Howard!"
Present Day
Since then, he's tried to contact me, but I haven't answered back. I need to talk to him, though. I'll talk to him when he comes back from the meeting.
Elizabeth ran into the bookshelf again. Richard asked Aaron, "What's with Lizzie today?"
"No clue." he replied.
After The Meeting
"Yearwood, did you take a look at that sales proposal of Howard's from the other day?" I asked.
"Yeah. And?" she replied.
"Got a minute? We need to talk." I told her. We went to another meeting room.
"What did you say to Howard yesterday?" I asked her.
"Nothing." she answered. I could tell she was lying.
"Don't lie. I saw the face she was making. Anytime she looks like that, it's a given you've said something. What did you do?" I wondered.
"I didn't do anything. I just said that I could take care of you while you were sick, so there was no need for her to bother." she replied.
I looked at her, "I've had this feeling for a while, but is the reason for your attitude with Howard possibly because of how you feel about me?"
Her poker face cracked for once. She looked down, "What the hell?"
"Yearwood, I know we hooked up in the past, but I also know that we decided up-front that it wasn't going to happen again. You said you understood, so I figured we were fine and could continue our friendship the way it was. Is that not it was for you? I love Elizabeth Georgina Howard. That's why if you do anything more to her, our friendship is through." I explained.
She scratched her head, "You know, Elliot, when are you gonna open your eyes? You can tell she's stringing you along for the hell of it. Have you forgotten that it was her fault you lost it back then?"
"That's not true! Howard was only one of the reasons for my breakdown. There were problems with my family, and everything was so crazy that it got like that." I told her.
It didn't seem to faze her, so I continued, "I think you're great as a co-worker and as a good friend. However, my romantic relationships are none of your business."
She looked sad. It's rare for her to show emotion. She looked in my eyes, "Even though I've got a horrible disposition, I was the only one you kept as your friend when you completely fell apart and I was also the only one who was able to get you back on your feet, wasn't I? Even though after that time, you erased all of the numbers from your phone. Mine was the only one you kept. Isn't it normal to fall in love with someone who does that?"
Tears were forming in her eyes, but she continued, "When you said we'd just be friends, I figured it just wasn't the time. It I could just stay by your side, then I thought you'd come around eventually. Wouldn't anybody start to get their hopes up during that time?"
It was hard to see her like this, but she kept talking, "So why?! Why, of all people, did you have to choose Howard?! She's the one that hurt you in the first place!"
I waited for her to calm down, then I gave her my response, "Even so, I still love her. It really did throw me for a loop when we met again and I realized it was her. I never thought I'd fall for her again, but then living and working alongside her, I realized that past or present, it doesn't matter. She's definitely the one I love."
Yearwood took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes, "So, basically, the only thing for me to do now is give up?"
I didn't say anything, but I didn't have to. She already knew the answer. She sighed, "I won't let work suffer because of this and I still want to stay friends with you, but give me some time."
I nodded in understanding, "Yearwood, I'm sorry."
She shook her head, "Idiot, don't apologize."
The Editing Department
When I made it back, I didn't see Elizabeth. I asked Aaron, "Where's Howard?"
"She went home about 30 minutes ago. Said something about retuning some books to the library, I think." he explained.
While I was walking toward the library, I felt out of it. I should tell him about what I said, but I don't know how. Then I felt rain. I ran to an area where there was a roof and a bench. I might as well wait for the rain to lighten up. Thank goodness for these gazebo-like roofs and the park bench and I'm glad there's no wind. I heard someone run my direction. It was Elliot, of all people. He said, "Where the hell did this come from? Was it in the weather forecast?"
I answered, "No clue. Why are you even here? It's the complete opposite direction of home."
"I heard you were going to the library and followed you." he replied. He followed me? Why would he go through the trouble?
He looked at me, "I set Yearwood straight earlier. I told her I can't date her because because I'm in love with you."
I looked at him. Is he serious? He kept going, "She was trying to place all the fault of my breakdown on you. It wasn't completely like that. Hearing that you had a fiancee and finding out that I wasn't related to my father by blood, it was a bunch of crap being thrown at me all at once. Looking back now, I think that I didn't need to snap like that, but I was a stupid kid back then."
Wow, so apart from his grandmother being sick, his father wasn't his biological father, I think anyone would snap. He continued, "I didn't make the connection when we met again because your name was different."
Ok, now I'm confused, "What do you mean?"
"When we were in school, your last name was Harris, not Howard." he replied.
I thought about it, then it hit me. I started to explain
High School, 8 Years Ago
I borrowed a book that Elliot read. I originally wrote Howard, but I still didn't want him to know about me just yet, so I wrote Harris on the card instead.
Present Day
After explaining, I feel immediate regret. Then he yelled, "What? You mean to tell me for the past 5 years, I didn't even know your last name?!"
"I'm sorry! I'm regretting it myself!" I retorted.
While we were sitting there, I was feeling awful. So he found out through the check-out cards. He groaned, "Man, I haven't been this pissed in a long time! What's your problem?"
"I'm sorry. You really tried to find me.?" I asked him.
"Yes, but then my parents divorced and I had to live with my mother, so I didn't have much of a chance to look for you." he answered.
I couldn't believe it. Even though circumstances separated us, he still looked for me. He looked up, "Oh, there's something else I forgot to mention. I'm not hung up on the past. What's done is done and I'm fine with that. The woman I love is the present you."
I looked at him. He did say when I realized who he was that he would learn to love the present me. I didn't think he would. My heart was beating out of my chest.
Elizabeth had a strange expression on her face. I asked her, "Are you okay?"
I didn't get a verbal response. Instead, she grabbed me and kissed me fiercely. When she stopped, she said, "Elliot Donovan Johnson, I love you. True, I believe you're a piece of work, but you're my piece of work."
He looked surprised, but after the shock, he smiled. Not his usual cocky smile, it was a genuine smile. He said, "I love you, too."
He kissed me back. When the rain lightened up, we ran home. We were in his place, making out. First our jackets were gone, then it was our shoes. He reached for my pants, but I stopped him, "That's not happening unless we're married."
"Speaking of which, what are you going to do about Andrew and your parents?" he asked.
"Let me figure that out later. Right now, I just want to get my revenge." I said, pushing him on the bed.
He laughed, "Revenge for what?"
"You've been calling the shots since we met again. Now it's my turn." I explained.
"So we're not going all the way, but I'm your slave?" he wondered.
"Exactly." I answered.
I couldn't help but to smile. She'll go through pure hell with Andrew and her parents, but I know she can handle it. I laid back on the bed and let her take over. She kissed and caressed me for a while til she touched my calf. That was my most sensitive area. The look on her face only spelled evil, but I was gonna enjoy this.
The Next Morning, Martin Sean Publishing
I walked inside feeling really light. Why I took so long to confess my feelings, I'll never know. On the elevator, I saw Yearwood. I said, "Good morning."
She nodded, then she said, "You're here early for an editor. Are you just that slow at work?"
I shook her head, "I just have to turn in the project proposal for the next volume."
She sighed, "Well, though I don't want to admit it, you do your job well."
We stepped off the elevator. Am I hearing her right? She continued, "That proposal, it was well done. You can move ahead with it. I'm doubtful as to whether or not you'll actually be able to pull it off, but I'll cooperate because it's my job."
Wow, she's actually praising me. I said, "I look forward to working with you."
"One more thing, are you love with Elliot?" she asked.
I figured she would ask sooner or later, so I answered in all honesty, "Yes."
She raised an eyebrow, then she said, "However you feel, if you hurt him, I won't hesitate to take him back. Just keep that in mind."
So she's accepting me at last. Then I heard Elliot's voice behind me, "Why are you on the 3rd floor?"
"I just got off on the wrong floor. Why are you here this early?" I asked.
"I've got a mountain of work piling up from being sick." he answered.
I made it to the editing department. Me and Elliot are the only ones here. Everyone needs to show up. Elliot walked toward me, "I forgot to tell you something. About Sadie's storyboard, it's boring. Have her start over."
I stood up in anger, "The deadline is next week and you want her to completely redo her storyboard?"
"That's exactly what I'm saying." he answered.
OH MY GOD! He may be my lover again, but he's still an asshole!
Well, writing this story was a lot of fun. Be sure to check out my poll about the sequel! Please review!