
We were once wild and beautiful,

strong like a pack

but now we're divided, in so many

more ways than one.

HE was strong and resilient,

Steady, with roots deep in the ground, an oak.

When I say I love the floor because

it's solid, I think of him.

YOU were wild, more than

just a little crazy,

and didn't treat me like a fragile doll, didn't

care that I wasn't a boy.

SHE was strong and fierce and beautiful,

that's never been a good mix, but I guess

she pulled off being not all nice, who is anyways?

At least she was real.

And I. I, I was the weakest of

our beautiful pack, fragile and wilted,

a flower growing in the desert sun,

but I loved the strongest of all, and I

knew no one could stop me,

not even God.

Then SHE went school, and she lost her real,

she lost her place in our pack, became just

a shadow we smiled at,


YOU moved away, so far away,

and soon you were fading, dying, lost in hollow

loneliness, I cried every time I talked to you,

did you do the same?

For a while, ME and HIM stayed,

a two-numbered pack,

we'd lost two of our own

and it showed, but we were

still beautiful.

Until suddenly, tragedy struck,

sudden and foggy, a mess.

We tried to stick together for so long,

But the difference was so heavy,

we didn't even know how to be

the same people anymore.

So slowly, painfully,

we ripped out the last of the

stiches holding us together.

Now alone, we lie, deaf and

dumb in our sorrows, drowning in

a desert, we wait for the carrion birds

to swoop down and pick at our

weary bones until they

gleam bleached and desolate in the

scorching sun.