Chapter 1
I really hate this class.
I would have never, in my life, signed up for this. They call it Physical Education, but it's really just forty-five minutes a day that jocks can injure the un-athletic by throwing balls at them, and get a grade for it.
Just as I thought about why they would consider this education, someone screams, "Yo, nerd ….. LOOK OUT!"
At least they can pass one of their classes.
"Miss Benson, could you please tell us what the theme of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' is?" called my English teacher, Ms. Duncan. She always tried to call on me when she thought I wasn't paying attention, but her trick never worked, much to her dismay.
"The theme of Mr. Shakespeare's play is love, and its effect when it is had in a forbidden way", I said with a triumphant smile. I saw the vein on the left side of her forehead start to throb, like always, as she realized that she had failed.
"Thank you, Miss Benson", she said, in the most fake polite-voice I had ever heard.
"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Duncan", I replied. I'm pretty sure I saw steam coming out of her ears. As she moved on to another student, I began to doodle in my notebook. Kristen, my best friend in the whole entire world, tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey, Cammy, what was that all about?" she whisper-asked me. Kristen was always trying to keep me out of trouble, mainly because I usually, somehow, get her into some.
"I was simply answering a question", I whispered back. Kristen rolled her eyes and went back to scribbling down her excessive notes. She was always going over the top, thinking that a college might turn her down, even though she's one of the smartest people in the school.
At 2:50 p.m., the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I packed up my things and walked to my locker to get what I needed for homework that night. As I was about to leave, I noticed someone staring at me out of my peripheral vision. I looked over to see a tall, blonde-headed guy standing in the corner farthest away from my locker. As soon as he saw me looking back at him, he pushed himself off of the wall and left. "Strange", I muttered to myself as I started to make my way to the door.
"What's strange?" asked Kristen, as she suddenly appeared beside me.
"Nothing, just this guy was staring at me, and I thought it was kind of weird."
"Oh, Cammy, he was probably staring because you're just so beautiful", said Kristen, with a fake dreamy look on her face.
"Shut up", I said, as I playfully punched her in the arm. "That's exactly what it was, thank you very much!" I exclaimed.
"You're welcome", said Kristen, as we walked out of the school and to our houses, laughing the whole way.
When I got home, the house was completely silent. As usual. I wandered into the kitchen, trying to decide what I would have for an afternoon snack, when I discovered a note was stuck to the fridge.
It said:
"Staying late at the hospital. Dinner is in the freezer. Put it in the oven at 375 for 15 minutes. Be home around 10 p.m. Love u! -Mom"
What else was new? My mother, being a surgeon at our town's hospital, always had to work long hours. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, but it still got to me sometimes. Anyway, I opened the freezer to see what Mom had left me. She made thin crust pizza with pineapples, bleu cheese crumbles, and bacon. I know it sounds weird, but it's always been my favorite pizza in the world. Mom always made it for me because my dad used to make it, and he taught her, and no pizza place could make it like they did. Putting the pizza in the oven, I brought my book bag to the dining-room table to start on my homework. When I was finished with my biology, I picked up my phone and called Kristen.
"Hey, Cammy, I was just finishing my bio homework."
"No way, me too! Hey, Kristen, do you wanna come over and compare answers?" I asked. I heard Kristen sigh on the other end.
"Mom's staying late at the hospital, isn't she?" she asked, already knowing.
"Yeah, she is." I don't know why, but I've always hated being alone, even though I was 17-years-old.
"Don't worry, Cam, I'll be over in twenty with my sleeping bag and some chocolate."
I blew out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, K. Love you." Kristen was always there for me, whenever I needed her.
"Oh, I know. Who doesn't?"
She hung up, and I started pulling out snack choices.