Chapter One: Promise Me
"Seritaka-kun, good morning~!" Adakichi Hikaru glanced up from the homework she was trying to finish. Seritaka... that meant...
Seritaka Seiji, crimson red contacts in his eyes, entered the room. As usual, there were swooning girls and whispers from jealous guys. Hikaru rolled her hazel eyes. Same reaction, different day. She returned to her homework.
"Why don't you go talk to him?" Whispered a girl behind her. Her interest perked up as she continued to work on what she was doing.
"I can't! He's too cool!" Another girl squealed softly.
Hikaru sighed and leaned back in her chair, flipping her braid of auburn hair over her shoulder as she looked at the girls. "Cool is NOT the right word. He's a total idiot. He rarely takes notes in class and he didn't even make the student council." She snorted.
"And what would YOU know about note taking, Hikaru?" She started as a certain annoying voice reached her ears. The girls were blushing. That could only mean one thing.
She stood up and placed her hands on her desk, growling. "Listen here, Seiji. Anyone that has to borrow someone else's notes on a daily basis has no business talking to me about taking class notes."
"But you do, too." He responded with an arrogant smirk, angering Hikaru like no other. She took a deep breath to calm herself.
"I was just telling these girls that they'd suffer if they got close to you." She replied. His eyes narrowed slightly. He'd never say it, she knew, but he was annoyed.
"How so? I'm a charming man. Now, any guy that looks YOUR way, Hikaru, I feel sorry for." She grabbed him by the uniform tie and yanked him down to her level.
"What'd you just say?!"
"Can't you understand Japanese?" He was smirking again.
"I swear, Seiji, one day-"
"Adakichi-san! The library needs you!" A girl from another class had entered the room and was calling to Hikaru. She released Seiji and frowned.
"Stupid." She dismissed him with a huff and walked away.
"That Adakichi has a nasty temper... Seiji, why do you provoke her like that?" Glancing to his right, Seiji noticed a friend that he'd made at the start of the year before standing there. Kuromi Akira. Akira was staring after Hikaru, his forest green eyes concerned.
"You're lucky she doesn't lay into you, Akira. That bright red hair of yours probably sparks some conflict."
"She's never spoken a word to me." Replied Akira, grinning. "I've been lucky to escape the wrath. You know she's not like that to anyone else, right?"
"Just me?" Seiji's gaze softened as he watched the door Hikaru had long since gone out of.
"Class, we're going to have a seat change."
"EEEEEHHHHH?!" The cry of surprise that came from the whole of class 2-B was enough to rattle the windows.
Hikaru honestly wasn't surprised. She didn't care... well, as long as she didn't get stuck next to some arrogant guy... a certain arrogant guy, to be precise.
They were called up in order of current seat number, which meant Seiji went before Hikaru. She noticed his spot. Seat fourteen, almost the window seat in the third row from the front.
Please. She thought as she drew her number. Please don't put me next to him...
She opened the folded piece of paper and felt as though she'd cry.
Seat fifteen.
Moving to take her seat and sitting down, she pulled out her notebook with a sigh. "Oh? Are you actually taking notes today, Hikaru?" Seiji asked with a chuckle.
This is going to be hell! Thought Hikaru, internally sobbing and throwing the biggest fit she could muster.
"Yes." She replied crossly.
"What's wrong? Not mad at me because we sit next to each other, are you?" He put his head on the desk to see her face.
"No." Came her clipped answer.
He was silent after that, surprisingly, Hikaru guessed it was because he had nothing else to tease her with. Huh. Maybe if she didn't allow him any goading or teasing, he'd leave her alone.
"Hikaru, please!" Seiji was straddling a chair in front of Hikaru's desk, hands in a prayer-like position and his head bowed. "Please!"
"How does it feel to want? Get them from someone else. Better yet, do them yourself." She turned her head and stared out at the campus.
"But we have a test on this stuff! You know my parents! They'll kill me if I fail!" He stated.
She sighed and slid her notebook to him. "Today only." She said softly before stretching and pulling out her bentou for lunch.
"Thank you!" She glanced at him as he hurriedly began to take notes. He was being so... nice. It was probably because of desperation, but it was still different. When was the last time she'd seen him smile? Or ask her for something?
She ate her bentou quickly and hurried off to the library, returning her books before checking out new ones. "I'll come by for library clean-up after I finish with the class cleaning duty today." She told the student working the checkout counter. The male nodded and smiled.
"Reading more of those types of books? You must be used to pain by now, those are real sad."
She glanced down at the books in her hands. They were both about broken friendships and a love that could never happen. "Yeah... but I love them. What can I say? I guess it feels as though I can relate."
He nodded to her as she left the room and returned to the classroom. Seiji was still furiously copying down her notes.
The tension between them was unbearable as Hikaru took her seat. She frowned a little and thought about reading. No. That would never do. Seiji would get nosy.
"Seiji..." She started.
"Hey Hikaru, I'm going to take this home. You can come and get it from me later." He cut in, glancing up at her.
"No! I need it, Seiji. You can't just take my stuff without permission!" Cried Hikaru, making a grab for the notebook. He held it out of her reach and teased her with it.
"Come get it, Hikaru~."
"Seiji!" She jumped up and chased him around the classroom. She had him cornered at one point, but he held it above his head and smirked as she failed to reach it again and again by jumping. "Give it back!"
"Come over today." He responded, bargaining with her. "Come over today and I'll give it to you then. I promise."
"Why should I?!" She growled out, making another futile jump for the notebook.
"Don't argue, Hikaru, just do it." He replied softly, placing a finger to her lips before returning to his seat. "Promise me." He said as she sat down.
"Only if you give me my notebook back."
"I will." He nodded. She sighed a little and shook his hand when he offered it to her.
Hey everybody. It's Kyuu-chan~! Welcome to chapter one of my first truly SHORT fic, Lollipop Boy! I hope you're enjoying it so far and kind of have an idea of what Hikaru and Seiji's relationship is like. I'm writing this in between working on COARO and writing out a fic entitled "Yoru no BODYGUARD" or "Bodyguard of Night", which will be posted on here whenever I type it up. I know this chapter is a little confusing, but it will all start to make sense next chapter. I plan to write no more than six chapters, so, if all goes as this one did, that will be 18 pages. I have a lot to get out, though. Please forgive my first short fic writing and how much it sucks, it is, as I said, my first one. I'm not good with less detailed, short things.
COARO has a new chapter coming out either Saturday or Sunday, I hope! Look forward to it, dears.
Till next time, RxR and tell me what you think~!