"Hikaru-chan! Seiji-kun is here to pick you up!" Hikaru blushed and lightly smoothed down her outfit before moving downstairs. Even though it was for New Year's...
"Hikaru-chan, that yukata looks great!" Her mother complimented. Seiji, who had been talking to her, peered around her to view Hikaru.
She was in a violet yukata that was decorated with little blue flowers. When Seiji's eyes landed on her, she blushed heavier and averted her gaze. "H-happy New Year, S-Seiji..." She stammered.
"You too..." He replied slowly. Soon enough, he held out his hand. "Shall we go, my Lollipop Princess?" He asked with a sweeping bow.
She took his hand and smiled, leaving the house with a small goodbye to her mother.
"That yukata really does look good on you, Hikaru. Did you pick it?" Seiji gave Hikaru's hand a light squeeze as they walked slowly up the Kirikami Shrine steps. People all around them were laughing and talking, but they were focused only one one another.
"The lady at the store helped me a little." Hikaru laughed. "My mom's yukata was really pretty, but it didn't fit me, so we went to a fabric store and they recreated it, just in my size." She smiled and swung his hand a bit as they reached the top. A festival was in the middle of happening, with lots of stalls for food and games.
"Wuah..." Hikaru smiled in awe. "We haven't been here in years! Nothing's changed, but still... it's so cool!" She pulled on Seiji's hand and pointed. "Come on!"
He smiled lightly. "Alright. Let's go have some fun!"
They visited different stands to eat, played a few games (which Hikaru failed at miserably and Seiji had to help her with), and finally paid their tribute to the shrine to pray.
Seiji peeked at Hikaru while she was praying. He wondered absently what she was wishing for. She looked so concentrated. It was actually kind of funny looking.
I hope that Hikaru and I have a good year together. And that this relationship goes well. I don't want to lose her.
They finished at the shrine and ended up wandering the stalls, looking for something they hadn't done. As they were walking past one particular stall, Hikaru paused, tugging on Seiji's hand. "Look." She was staring at the little stall.
"Goldfish scooping?" Seiji raised a brow. "Now what would you do with a pet, Hikaru? Your mom takes care of the kitten you so desperately wanted a few years ago."
"That's not true! I feed Ryn all the time! I clean his kitty litter every three days!" Hikaru responded indignantly. "I... used him as an outlet during the time we weren't speaking. I put all my energy and time into caring for that fat ball of fur."
Seiji glanced down. Damn. Now he felt bad. He glanced up. Hikaru was staring so longingly at the fish swimming in the tank. "Alright, alright. I believe you. I'll get one for you. Wait here." And he ran up to the stand.
Soon enough, he came back to her, goldfish in hand. Gently, he placed the bag containing the small creature in her hands. "Want to name him?" He asked with a smile.
She stared intently at the orange fish, then shook her head. "I can't think of one right now. Later."
"Right." He offered her his hand and their fingers linked again. "Shall we get you home? You look sleepy."
Fireworks burst into the air, causing Hikaru to gasp, her eyes widening as her gaze was immediately directed upward.
"I-I'm not anymore..." She stammered as more of the colorful explosions appeared in the night sky. They both moved with the crowd to go to the overlook, the one where the apple tree sat.
Firework after firework burst into the air, but it was so noisy with all the people. Seiji pulled Hikaru lightly, speaking in her ear. "Come on. I know a better spot." He said.
She allowed herself to be led away, to another set of stairs. Though she probably would have missed them had Seiji not stopped. They were hidden by plants and trees and overgrown with moss. Climbing them, Seiji and Hikaru reached the top and found another overlook, this one as clear and as quiet as the night. The fireworks were the only sounds here.
As Hikaru watched the explosions, she leaned on Seiji. He blushed and glanced down. She seemed to be unaware of her actions. Her eyes were wide with wonder and she was smiling, goldfish bag tightly in her hand. The sight warmed his heart as he put an arm carefully around her.
Who falls asleep during a fireworks show? Seiji sighed as he carried Hikaru home on his back. One minute, she'd been peacefully watching the fireworks, but by the time the little show had ended, he looked over and his girlfriend was sleeping, snuggled into his side with a little smile on her face.
She was so quiet. It was strange. They'd stopped yelling at one another at school and were even deemed the couple of the year. Hikaru seemed content, though, and that was all that mattered to Seiji.
As he entered her house (a feat on its own), he noticed a note taped to the hallway wall.
Went out with dad. Be good!
He sighed and slowly adjusted to carrying Hikaru bridal style so that he could get up the stairs easier. "Geez... you don't even wake up. Just how heavy of a sleeper are you?" He asked the other. Of course, there was no answer.
He finally got Hikaru into her room and tucked into bed before he moved to find something to put her little fish in. He couldn't last in the bag. That was when he saw it. A goldfish bowl on Hikaru's desk.
There was a little sticky note. "Have Seiji win me a fish." he read. He filled the bowl with water and put the little fish in it. Hikaru had prepared for it.
He moved back to Hikaru and sat on her bed, before leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Goodnight, Hikaru. Happy New Year's..." He murmured softly.
And as he was leaving her room to go home, he thought he heard her whisper "Happy New Year's... I love you." in reply.
This story panned out with 23 pages and is over now, but I'd like to thank everyone that read it~! It makes me so happy that I actually finished it and it's great that I got lots of support from everyone! I hope you continue to read my releases. Look for 'Closed Off and Run Off' Chapter 7 and 'Jump to OVERDRIVE!' Chapter One! See you soon!