Part Three of Three.

Time to walk down the aisle. Brett closed his eyes and inhaled a shaky breath. To say he felt apprehensive put it mildly. He felt inside out without Bryn in his life and now didn't know if he could get her back. He waited as all the other groomsmen and bridesmaids lined up on opposite sides. Frantically looking around, he wondered where Bryn was since she was supposed to walk down with him next.

Bryn's heartbeat frantically increased as she strolled up next to him. So much for controlling her emotions. She sighed deeply, without much force so she didn't announce her presence. She stared at him for a moment and took in his appearance… he really looked like hell. Bryn could tell from the angle she currently stood at that he seemed exhausted. His muscles looked tense and she wondered just how badly he hurt. To say she didn't feel guilty wasn't true. She felt slightly guilty, yet a part of her knew he sort of deserved it.

The young woman decided to scurry along to his side and looped her arm through his as per usual wedding ordinance. Brett's head snapped to her instantly. She felt him take a sharp intake of breath as his eyes bore into hers. "You look… stunning." Her heart skipped a beat.

"Thanks," she susurrated, but looked away quickly to avoid the awkwardness.

"I mean it, Bryn. You are amazing, beautiful – " He was cut off from the wedding march and it was now their turn to walk down the aisle.

The young girl felt numb and out of her body. Did he really just…? Focus, Bryn. She acted as though the words had no effect on her. Finally as they approached the nave, they unlinked their arms and took their place beside their designated party.

The ceremony was elegantly beautiful. Bryn looked into both Thom's and Macy's eyes during the whole service. Anyone could see plainly just how much they loved each other – their eyes never once left one another and gleamed bright with adoration and happiness. It was the kind of love Bryn wanted to have one day.

Brett scrutinized Bryn watching the couple. She looked astonishing in the red halter dress. The way it hugged her breasts and sashayed down her hips, ass, and legs didn't help his undeniable desire for the woman. He felt his pants tighten and had to look away momentarily before he lost his grip on reality. Dude, you're in a church.

Parker watched the way Brett gazed at Bryn. He would be a fool to step between them and felt some small relief at his realization. He knew Brett would make her happy once he got his head out of his ass and Parker would need to have a long serious talk with the man.

She glanced over at the penetrating eyes she sensed during the entire service. Surprise flickered across her face and Brett had to stifle his ever-growing smirk.

The minister's deep voice shot Bryn out of her trance, yet Brett's intense stare never wavered. "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Cheers and catcalls erupted throughout the church and Bryn tried her best to ignore the eyes upon her.

Soon enough, the wedding party climbed into a black, stretch limousine with tinted windows. They enjoyed sparkling champagne as they exchanged best wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds. Bryn simply smiled as she watched everyone's interactions with one another. She avoided Brett's still lingering gaze and tried to focus instead on her own breathing.

His staring caused her skin to crawl uncomfortably. To say it annoyed her put it mildly. Finally exhaling a large breath of air, she glowered at the culprit of her agitation. Brett's smirk never faltered as he raised an eyebrow questioningly. She suppressed a grimace and returned back to her breathing.

Within half an hour, the reception was in full swing. Dinner had been served and everyone reported to the dance floor.

Parker maintained his composure as he walked toward the source of his discomfort.

Brett's eyes flickered toward Parker, who neared closer with each passing second. "You must be Brett," Parker prompted.

"And you must be Parker," Brett stated, trying his best to hide the repulsion in his voice.

"I'm not here to fight over her – she deserves the best though and you best damn well do everything in your power to keep her happy or I swear to kingdom come I will hunt your ass down and kick it so hard you won't be able to sit down without thinking of me."

Brett blinked a couple times before recognition dawned on him. Parker was relenting. "You… you're not going to even try?"

Parker snorted. "No, it's obvious she feels way more for you than she ever would me. And I know you can make her happy, that is if you remove your head from your sphincter."

Brett chuckled. "The past few weeks have been hell; it definitely gave me a wakeup call."

"And you would be wise to listen to it. I'm going to dance with the maid of honor once, and then I will leave. By then, I suggest you compose yourself and grow some balls to confront her." Brett viewed Parker's receding form and tried to wrap his head around the current predicament.

Bryn heard a deep voice behind her. "Care to dance?" Looking up, she saw Parker and she genuinely smiled.

"Of course. I'm sorry I haven't been able to socialize much since I'm in the wedding party."

Leading her onto the dance floor, he provided her with a smile. "No harm done."

"Everything alright? You look… disheartened," she stated.

"Nothing a night of vodka won't fix," he replied, winking. After a few minutes of dancing, he spoke into her left ear. "Trust your heart – it won't lead you astray. Never put mind over matter when it comes to love. It's scary, without a doubt. But it can be the most wonderful feeling you've ever experienced if you let it. I have to go now, I wish you the best of luck." Before Bryn could even react, Parker vanished into thin air.

The void was soon filled as Brett wrapped his arms around her waist while she was preoccupied trying to find Parker. She whipped her head around, hoping he came back, but knew from the difference in arms, it was not.

"We need to talk," Brett began, but she shook her head in response.

"No," she declared. "I'm done talking to you." She even folded her arms across her chest to prove her point. Her tenacity only made him more ambitious to receive her attention.

Brett ran a hand across the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his. "I need to tell you something."

"What, Brett? What could you possibly tell me?!" She knew she was creating a scene, but she didn't give a rat's ass.

"Lower your voice, please." He grabbed her hand to try to lead her own into the gardens outside the reception hall.

She ripped her hand out of his, yet still followed.

"These last few weeks have been dreadful without you. I can't not have you in my life Bryn. I –"

"Don't. Don't even start with me, Brett. I have stood by way too long and harbored irrevocable feelings for you for over a decade. I can't have you in my life anymore and spectate how often you go around screwing all these… these whores who could give two shits less about you. I've given, and given, and given. Well, I'm tired of breaking and not getting anything in return. You take and take, yet you don't see how you tear me up every day. Your actions and your words fracture my heart a little bit each time. You were too wrapped up in yourself, with your head shoved so far up your ass I'm sure you couldn't see the light of day. I'm done. I am not yours to have. I am not your property, another whore. I am a beautiful, intelligent young woman who has pretended we could be something. I'm done living in a dreamland. Is there any part of that you do not understand?" Her voice never rose once, which angered Brett. How could she act like nothing mattered anymore?

"You can't just stand there and act like I don't matter to you, Bryn." He thought she couldn't act? She crossed her arms across her chest, cocked a hip out, and rose her right eyebrow in sequence.

"Then you don't know me as well as you think. This girl? Over your shit. Done. Finito. The end. Capiche?"

She turned on her heel and walked through the doors. Brett ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Of all the times for the woman he loves to grow a backbone, it had to be with him?

He ran through the doors after her, grabbed her shoulders, and turned her around. He broke out in a song, her favorite by Matchbox Twenty.

"She said I don't know if I've ever been good enough. I'm a little bit rusty, and I think my head is caving in. And I don't know if I've ever really been loved by a hand that's touched me. Well, I feel like something's gonna give. And I'm a little bit angry. Well, this ain't over. No not here, not while I still need you around. You don't owe me, we might change. Yeah we just might feel good. I wanna push you around. Well I will, well I will. I wanna push you down. Well I will, well I will. I wanna take you for granted. I wanna take you for granted. Yeah, well I will. She said I don't know why you ever would lie to me. Like I'm a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt ya. And I don't know why you couldn't just stay with me. You couldn't stand to be near me when my face don't seem to want to shine 'cause it's a little bit dirty."

Bryn's eyes started to gather tears and overflowed onto her cheeks. He remembered. She used to stay up late at night just to sneak into her parent's CD collection and replay Push by Matchbox Twenty over and over. Sometimes he'd sneak up on her and catch her off guard.

Finally, he grasped both of her tender hands and looked at her, as if looking deep into her soul. "Bryn Lenzley Richardson, I know I haven't been the best friend in the world like you have been to me. I know in no way do I deserve you, in this life, or possibly the next five. But if you let me, I swear I will be the best man I can be for you. It's not going to be roses and butterflies all the time. I'm difficult, stubborn, and rough around the edges. But I can't not have you, my everything, in my life anymore. You are the reason I wake up every morning, the reason I smile daily, and the person I can't stop thinking about incessantly. So if you will, will you please be my girlfriend finally?"

Full on crying now, Bryn wrapped her arms around Brett's muscled neck. "Yes! Of course I will."

Macy looked at her baby sister with bright shining eyes. "About damn time," she heard her parents mutter behind her.

Brett picked her up and swung her around. Things were finally falling together. Setting her on her feet slowly, he whispered against her lips, "I'm a disease, but you're my cure."

A/N: Phew, I can't believe I finally finished this. I started it when I was having some issues with my boyfriend. Things sort of fell apart, and picking up the pieces is harder than you can imagine. He's currently my ex, but we're trying to work things out. A piece of advice: never take anyone you love for granted, no matter the situation.

I do intend to continue Apologize and Spitfire. I'm not sure if I will continue The Challenge as it's kind of out of my reach. The high school stuff is getting old for me. As I age, my interests change, which is normal.

I love you all. I appreciate any feedback. :)

Much love, mwah!