Ten Year Reunion

Hello everyone! So I know I promised this months ago, and I said it'd be up before the end of summer, but I kind of failed... Once I get focused on a new story, everything else gets forgotten, and I'm sorry I made you wait so long. To those of you who may be confused, this is a oneshot sequel to my story All of a Sudden. It's their ten year high school reunion! So basically, you get to see where everyone is after college. You get a peak into everyone's point of view, and it switches off a lot. I got pretty carried away, so it's kind of really long, and I apologize. I hope you guys enjoy this. Please favorite if you liked it and leave a review! Now on to the story!

Holly's POV

I sighed and looked in the mirror. I turned and flattened out my dress, but I still wasn't satisfied. Riley and Noah were going to pick me up in ten minutes. I slipped into some tall black heels, readjusted my dark brown curls, and applied another coat of lip gloss. I wore a tight, navy blue dress that Riley suggested ahead of time, but I wasn't sure if it looked good. But I didn't have time to change, so it would have to do.

I grabbed a small black clutch and dug my phone out of my other purse. Riley texted me saying that they were outside, so I quickly dashed out and locked the door to my apartment. I had just moved back to the area less than two months ago. I got a job as an editor of a popular magazine about a half hour away. I had previously been working as an assistant at another magazine in New York, but I didn't like being so far from home. This way, I could still visit my family often.

I had kept in touch with Riley throughout college – even though we went to different schools – and I was even the Maid of Honor at her and Noah's wedding. They got engaged in college and had the wedding shortly after they both graduated. Riley was working as a third grade teacher, and Noah had some management position in some business…I really didn't know, but he was paid well.

When I got outside, Riley immediately jumped out of the car and ran over to me. Despite living in the same area again, I'd been so busy with work that I didn't really have time to see her.

"Holly, you look beautiful," she squealed as I followed her to the car. She was still the same old Riley. I climbed in the back seat and smiled at Noah.

"Hey, Noah, it's been so long," I said. It'd been a couple of months since I'd seen Noah, with both of us so occupied with work.

"It's great to see you, Hol," he replied as we drove away.

"So, how are the kids?" I asked eagerly. Riley and Noah had two, beautiful twin girls named Addison and Teagan. You would think that Noah would be disappointed that he had no one to play lacrosse with, but he loved those little girls more than anything – except Riley, of course. They really had him wrapped around their little fingers.

"They're wonderful," Riley cooed, "They'll be starting preschool next year."

"I can't wait to see them again."

Shawn's POV

I still couldn't believe I was being forced to go to this stupid reunion. I mean, the only people I cared to see were Holly, Riley, Noah, and maybe a couple guys from the lacrosse team, but I didn't need to see the whole grade again. But, I promised Catie I would go, and I could never say no to her.

"You look great," she said, adjusting my tie. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. She giggled as I pulled her in and began to kiss her neck. "Shawn, stop, we have to leave soon," she scolded.

I groaned. "Why don't we just stay here? I think we'd have much more fun."

"Shawn, no," she said sternly, but she was smiling. "Don't you want to see your friends?" I sighed.

"Yeah, but it's only been a year," I replied. "Can't we just get the gang back together? Why do we have to go see everyone?" Catie rolled her eyes and wiggled out of my arms.

"Come on, it'll be fun," she told me.

"But why do I have to wear a suit?" I whined, giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Because, you look so handsome in a suit," she said. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss. "Now come on. We're going to be late." When Catie turned to grab her coat, I quickly ran into my bedroom and grabbed a little black box out of my bedside table.

Riley's POV

"Ooh, remember that time in senior year when we all went over to Shawn's house for some party he was throwing?" I said, barely able to stifle my laughter.

"Oh yeah, the one when his parents came home early and busted him?" Holly finished.

"Oh my God, he was grounded for a month at least," Noah jumped in. For the past twenty minutes, Noah, Holly and I had been reliving the hilarious times we spent together in high school. It was fun, but every time a memory popped into my head, I had to stop myself from sharing it. I was being so careful not to mention a certain someone in front of Holly. I wasn't sure if she was thinking about him, too. I knew he'd be there, so it was only a matter of time before all those memories came flooding back to her.

"Babe, are you okay?" Noah asked, glancing over at me. I quickly gave him a smile and tried to act natural.

"Of course," I replied. He gave me a knowing look, as if he just read my mind. And he probably did read my mind. He knew me too well.

"Ooh, we're here," Holly announced from the back. I gave Noah a warning glare as he stopped the car, and he nodded in response.

Here we go.

Holly's POV

Here we go.

I tentatively opened my car door and climbed out. After a few years of working in a couple of different offices, I was finally able to walk comfortably in heels, but I couldn't get the thought of tripping out of my head. I flattened out my dress one more time and took a deep breath.

"Ready, Freddy?" Riley chirped, a cheery smile on her face. There she went with that same, natural confidence that she had back in high school. I sighed and nodded, trying to plaster on a smile of my own. I followed her and Noah towards the building. The second they laced their fingers together, I regreted not bringing a date. I mean, I'd been single for a while, so it's not like I had anyone to bring, but I could've at least tried. I bet one of my old college friends would've come with me.

We entered the school, and I realized that it looked exactly like it did on our last day of senior year. I almost felt nostalgic.

"Welcome!" a chipper voice called out. I glanced towards a table outside the gym entrance and my jaw dropped. Well what do you know? It was Tanner Heart. She was wearing a skin-tight, red dress, and her shimmering blond hair fell in perfect curls down her back. I felt like nothing had changed.

"Hi," Riley replied with a friendly smile.

"Riley?" Tanner exclaimed. So she was one of those girls. The one who pretended like she was besties with everyone when, in reality, she never spoke two words to Riley.

"Yeah," Riley replied. "Tanner, right?" The look on Tanner's face was priceless. Of course Riley knew who she was. I wanted to kiss her.

"Yes, it's been ages," Tanner said, trying to cover up her brief falter. "Oh, your nametags are on this table. Put 'em on and join everyone in the gym!" I reached out and grabbed mine, which was the first one since they were in alphabetical order. "Oh, Holland, I hardly recognized you," Tanner said. I could hear the bitterness in her voice. She totally recognized me. I was, in fact, the reason she and her high school sweetheart broke up sophomore year. Or at least she thought I was. I smiled and said nothing.

"Well, shall we go in?" Noah asked, taking Riley's hand. I began to follow them, but quickly glanced down at Tanner's left hand. Ha! No ring. I smirked to myself and entered the gym.

Tanner's POV

God, that bitch. I still hated her after all these years. She kissed my boyfriend, and although he claimed to have no feelings for her, he broke up with me. The nerve! I crossed my arms and plastered a bright smile on my face as more people arrived. I didn't remember them at all. A guy named Jackson Matthews and a girl who didn't go to school with us.

"Hello," I said perkily. "You can just write your name on a blank nametag." I handed the girl a sticker and a black Sharpie. I looked her up and down. She wasn't that pretty. I kept up my cheery demeanor, but it quickly faded when they left. I sighed and looked down at all the names before me. I recognized some – football players, band geeks, some of my old friends – and I wondered what became of them all. I was sure more than half of them were way more successful than I was.

After college, I flew out to LA to pursue a modeling career. When that flopped, I took up a job as a hostess in some restaurant to pay rent for my one-bedroom apartment. I hadn't even had a boyfriend in five months.

More people came in. Time to plaster on that smile again. But when I saw who it was, my smile immediately vanished.

Brett's POV

"Thanks for coming, babe," I said as I take her hand in mine. Amber smiled up at me.

"Of course I would come," she replied sweetly. "I can't wait to meet your old friends." I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek.

I met Amber in college. She was the shy, studious type, but it was love-at-first-sight. After rejecting me ten – no – eleven times, she finally agreed to go out with me, and we hit it off immediately. We got engaged in our sophomore year, and got married right after graduation.

"Here we are," I said as we walked through the door. It looked exactly the same. I laughed out loud, so many memories rushing back to me. "Oh, God," I muttered. "It's like nothing has changed."

"Hey," Amber teased, scrunching her nose adorably.

I shook my head. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, I froze in mid-step.

"Shit," I muttered.

"What is it?" Amber asked, sounding concerned.

"Bitchy ex-girlfriend straight ahead." Amber slowly followed my gaze, and her jaw dropped.

"She's your ex-girlfriend?" She gaped at me. "Wow, well I feel insignificant."

"What? Are you kidding me? No way. You are a million times better than she can ever be," I assured her, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Honestly, she was awful in high school. I don't know why I ever went out with her." Amber still seemed unsure, but she smiled anyway.

"Welcome," Tanner shouted, falsely happy. "Please find your nametag, and then the party is in the gym." I smirked to myself. Pretending not to remember me? Real classy, Tanner. I found my sticker and proudly smoothed it across my shirt, making sure she saw it.

"How are you, Tanner?" I asked with a smug grin. She tensed up a bit.

"Wonderful, and you?"

I slipped my arm around Amber's waist. "Better than I've ever been," I replied. "This is my wife, Amber."

"W-wife?" Tanner sputtered, briefly losing her cool. "How sweet. It's nice to meet you. Oh, here's a nametag and a pen." Amber took it and quickly jotted down her name.

"Thank you," Amber said with a smile. "I guess we'll see you around. Tammy, was it?"

"Tanner," she corrected bitterly. Amber then put her hand on my back and leaned into me.

"Right, well, bye." As we entered the gym, I leaned down and pulled her closer to me.

"God, do I love you."

Shawn's POV

"Will you just stop messing with it? I think you're making it worse." Catie was still trying to fix my tie as we walked toward the school entrance. She rolled her eyes and gave up.

"Fine, you'll just have to go in with a crooked tie," she replied, crossing her arms. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, baby," I said close to her ear. "Thank you so much." Catie laughed and playfully shoved me away.

"Come on," she said. "Let's go inside."

"Wow, it feels like it was just yesterday," I reminisced. Not that I miss high school whatsoever.

"Welcome!" An obnoxiously cheery voice got my attention. I looked over to a tall blonde standing behind a table. I snorted under my breath. Tanner Heart certainly hadn't changed at all.

"Hi," Catie said politely. She looked over the nametags and grabbed mine first. She peeled the paper off the back and placed it on my jacket as if I was incapable of doing it myself. I reached over and grabbed hers before she got the chance.

"Here you go," I whispered teasingly as I stuck it to her dress.

"Oh, I remember you two," Tanner suddenly interrupted. "You guys are still together?" I grinned and pulled Catie to my side.

"Yep, going strong," I proudly declared. Catie giggled just like she did when we were together in high school. She was too adorable.

"How sweet," Tanner gushed. As if she really cared. I nodded curtly and headed for the gym.

Holly's POV

After saying hello to several people I hardly remembered, I finally spotted a familiar face. I squealed giddily and ran over to him. "Shawn!" I shouted as I ran into his arms. I'd missed him so much.

"Holly," he said, laughing. "It's only been a year." I pulled back and frowned at him.

"Fourteen months," I snapped, glaring at him. Shawn rolled his eyes. And there was that warm, familiar laugh.

"I didn't realize you've been counting," he teased. I shook my head and turned to my attention to his date.

"Catie, it's so nice to see you," I said, pulling her into a hug, as well. Shawn and Catie went through a bit of a rough patch after college, and they were broken up for a year or two. Their colleges were only an hour or so apart, so they made the long distance relationship work, but after they both graduated, something went wrong. I was glad to see they were back together.

"It's been, what, three years?"

"Has it really been that long?" I asked in disbelief.

"Hey, did you see Tanner Heart?" Shawn cut in. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, she pretended like she didn't recognize me," I scoffed. Shawn snorted.

"Please, she knew exactly who you are," he replied, shaking his head. I scanned the room and recognized someone else.

"Ooh, look," I whispered, pointing out the person. "I bet that was awkward." Brett Lyles. He looked pretty much the same, but something seemed to be different. He seemed…happier? I don't know what it was, but I had a feeling that it had to do with the adorable brunette latched on to his arm.

"Yeah, especially with that ring on his finger," Shawn added. I took a closer look, and saw that Shawn was right. I couldn't help but feel happy for Brett. I was, in fact, the reason he broke up with his high school sweetheart. I chuckled and shook the thought away. Okay, maybe it wasn't not entirely true, but I liked to think that I was somewhat of a contributing factor to their breakup.

Riley's POV

"Babe, I'll be right back," I told Noah. He nodded and went back to his conversation with one of his old lacrosse buddies. I made my way to the bar and got some fruity drink for myself and a beer for Noah. When I turned around, I almost bumped into someone.

"Oops, my bad," he said. I glanced up and read his nametag. Jared. At the same time I realized who he was, he realized who I was. "Oh, Riley, hey," he mumbled.

"Hey," I replied awkwardly. Ever since the incident in sophomore year, I never spoke to Jared again. Not only did I feel just plain awkward around him, but he was a constant reminder of how I almost screwed up the best thing that ever happened to me.

"So, how are you?" he asked, filling the silence. I quickly hid my uneasiness and flashed a confident smile.

"I'm great," I replied. "Married, two children, wonderful job – I couldn't be better."

"That's awesome," Jared said, sounding sincere. "Anyone I know?" He pointed to my wedding ring.

"Yeah, actually," I said. "Noah." His eyebrows shot up.

"Wait, Noah Welsh? Oh my God, that's incredible. You guys have been together ever since then?" I nodded and smiled to myself.

"Yeah, he's my soul mate," I replied dreamily, almost to myself.

"Wow, that's just amazing," he said. "I mean, not many high school couples last."

"I guess I got lucky," I cut in. Then I held up the beer and said, "Speaking of, I gotta get back to him. It was nice seeing you." Jared smiled kindly.

"You, too." I turned and walked back over to Noah. That went a lot better than I expected.

Catie's POV

I laughed as Shawn told yet another memory from senior year. I glanced up at him, admiring his smiling face. How did I get so lucky? I mean, Shawn had his moments when he was frankly unbearable, but I honestly couldn't picture myself with anyone else. I tried dating other people after we broke up, but no one was as perfect as Shawn.

He'd been acting…funny lately. Like there was something he was hiding from me, but he kept denying it. But I could tell. He was a horrible liar. Anytime I brought it up, he got this adorable, guilty look on his face, but I just couldn't get it out of him.

"Well I remember when a certain sophomore decked Chris Bishop for being a jerk," Holly teased, suddenly drawing me back to the conversation. Oh, I remember that day. That was the day that I realized how I really felt about Shawn. In the days leading up to it, I had been getting this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach anytime I was around him, but I didn't really know what it was. I was dating Chris at the time, so it never occurred to me that I liked Shawn. In all honesty, I didn't really like Chris that much, and when I heard what he said about me, I knew I had to end it. When Shawn stood up for me like that, my heart began racing like crazy, and I knew. I'd been in love with him ever since.

Noah's POV

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Riley stood behind me with a beer in one hand and some fruity cocktail in the other. I reached for the beer immediately.

"How do you know that wasn't for me?" she teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Because," I began, wrapping my arm around her waist, "you know I don't drink anything with an umbrella in it." Riley giggled and kissed me on the cheek.

"God, you guys really haven't changed since you first started dating," Holly interjected, shaking her head. I smiled and looked down at Riley. She was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever met. I was just as much in love with her then as I was when we started dating freshman year. Maybe even more now.

Holly's POV

I watched Riley and Noah together. They seemed so happy and totally in love. Like they were the only people in the room. I didn't know how they did it – how they stayed together so long. I mean, they'd had their fair share of rough patches, but somehow, they got past them and came out even better than they were before. I sighed and took a sip of my drink. I really should've brought a date. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have been thinking about him so much…

"Are you okay?" someone asked, pulling me out of my daydream. I looked up and nodded. It was Shawn. Just like in high school, he was still looking out for me.

"Yeah, I'm great," I quickly replied, plastering a smile on my face. Shawn didn't seem convinced. He knew me too well.

"It must be hard," he said softly, "remembering everything." I nodded absentmindedly.

"Do you think he's coming?" I asked quietly, looking up at him.

"I don't know," Shawn replied. "Maybe. Listen, there's a chance he could be with someone, you know?" I nodded again. "And I know it's going to be hard, but you just have to remember how long it's been."

"I know," I urged. "I'll be fine."

Tanner's POV

I glanced up at the big clock on the wall. It was five fifty. Everyone was supposed to be here by six. I looked down at the table and saw that there are only ten nametags left. One in particular caught my eye. Hm, he wasn't here with her. He finally broke up with her, eh?Maybe he was single. He was quite the looker back in high school. Just then, a few more people walked in and grabbed their nametags. I didn't remember any of them.

"Welcome," I said. "It's so great to see you guys! The party is right through there in the gym. Have fun!" I glanced over at them as they left. Two girls and a man. Reese Corbin, Justin Halloway, and Margo Stanson. They must have been nerds or band geeks or something. I looked over the names again and blanched when I realized that I recognized another name. How did I pass over it before? Marcus King. Damn, was he an idiot. Why did I ever date him? Maybe he would show up late and I wouldn't have to welcome him. Maybe I could act like I didn't recognize him. I sighed and rested my head on my fist. This was going to be a long night.

Just as I looked up again, an attractive blond walked through the door. I immediately straightened up, knowing him right away, and smiled despite the equally attractive blond girl on his arm.

Catie's POV

"Hey, we should all go out afterwards," Riley suggested, "We could catch up and hang out."

"We should go to Johnny Rockets, like on prom," Noah said. I immediately glanced over at Holly. She tensed up a bit, staring at the ground, but quickly covered it with a smile. I felt bad for her. I'd been trying to avoid participating in the storytelling all night. I didn't want to say anything that could upset her.

"Uh, I don't know," Shawn mumbled, looking down. "Catie and I kind of already have plans." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No we don't," I retorted. "Come on, Shawn. It'll be fun." He looked around, avoiding my gaze. "Shawn, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing," he sputtered, finally looking at me. "I was just hoping we could be alone tonight."

"What do you mean?" I asked tentatively, suddenly nervous.

"Never mind," he muttered. "Forget about it." I looked away, but still felt uneasy. He was definitely hiding something, and I just hoped it didn't turn out the way it did last time he acted like this…

Brett's POV

I glanced around the room for more people to talk to. I then spotted a group of five people and snorted. It really was like nothing had changed.

"Come on," I said, grabbing Amber's hand. I led her over to the group. "Hey, guys," I said hesitantly, worried they wouldn't recognize me. I wasn't exactly friends with them per say, but I definitely had classes with them throughout the years.

"Hi, Brett," Holland said, looking a little confused. I smiled. She gave me that look quite a few times in sophomore year, especially in English class.

"Um, this is Amber," I said, placing my hand on the small of her back. "Amber, this is Holland, Shawn, Catie, Noah, and Riley. Holland, Shawn, Catie and I had English together sophomore year."

"It's nice to meet you all," Amber said with a smile. She quickly shook hands with each person and returned to my side.

"So, you guys are still together?" I asked, directing the question towards Shawn and Catie and Noah and Riley.

"Married," Riley announced, wiggling her left hand and putting an arm around Noah's waist.

"Wow, that's awesome," I told her. I then turned to Amber and said, "They've been together since freshman year."

"Oh my God," Amber replied. "That's incredible. What about you two?" she asked, looking at Shawn and Catie.

"Uh, n-no," Shawn stammered nervously. Catie gave him a suspicious look, and then turned back to Amber and smiles.

"We've been on-and-off since sophomore year," Catie explained. "Mostly on, though," she added with a chuckle.

"So when did you guys meet?" Holland interrupted, averting the attention from a strangely jittery Shawn.

"College," I told her. "We got engaged pretty soon after we started dating, and then married right after graduation." I looked down at Amber and smiled.

"But he had to beg me to go out with him," Amber continued with a smirk. "Brett was a bit of a party animal in college." The others laughed, probably not surprised.

"And you were a bit of a nerd," I retorted, nudging her playfully.

"But you fell for me anyway," she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek.

"That's so sweet," Riley interjected. Riley and Amber then began conversing, giving full details about their weddings, while Shawn, Catie, and Noah went on about something else. I turned to Holland, who seemed to be alone tonight.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking up beside her. She had a distant look on her face, spinning her drink around in her hands. She suddenly looked up at me and plastered a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. "I just sort of zoned out for a second." I nodded and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"So did you come alone?" I inquired, hoping not to upset her.

"Um, yeah," she said softly, her eyes glued to the ground. "I didn't really have anyone to bring."

"You and Happlings aren't together any more then?" I knew I shouldn't have asked that.

"N-no," she mumbled. "We, uh, we broke up in sophomore year of college. With him in Florida, and me in Pennsylvania, it just wasn't working." I instantly felt horrible for asking. I could tell she was still hurt by it.

"I'm sorry," I said, trying to sound sincere. "You guys were always so great together. Have you seen him since?" She shook her head.

"No, not since we broke up," Holland replies. "But it's okay. That was eight years ago."

"Wow, it really has been a long time since high school," I said, trying to change the subject. "Can you believe that it was fourteen years ago when we sat next to each other in English?" She shook her head, finally smiling a bit.

"Man, I feel old."

"But you look exactly the same as senior year," I told her, hoping to cheer her up. It worked. Her lips curled up into a wide smile as she looked up at me.

"Thanks, Brett," she said softly. "And congratulations. It's good to see that you're happy."

Noah's POV

"Well, it was nice to meet you all," Amber said, taking Brett's arm. "And Riley, you're girls are beautiful."

"Hey, half of that beauty came from me," I jumped in. Riley rolled her eyes and shook her head at me.

"It was nice talking to you," Riley sad. Then Brett and Amber left and walked towards the refreshments. Who knew the most popular, douche-y guy in the grade would marry a nice, sweet, intelligent girl like Amber? She and Riley really hit it off, and they even exchanged phone numbers. Which would have been nice if it didn't mean more dinner parties to attend.

"Is there anyone else you wanted to talk to before we eat, babe?" I asked her. It was a few minutes before six, when dinner was being served. She glanced around the room, lips pursed. I did the same, but immediately froze when I saw who just walked through the door…

Riley's POV

"Babe," Noah whispered, grabbing my arm.

"Hold on, Noah," I whined. "I know you want to eat, but I want to make sure I don't miss anyone."

"No, babe, look who just walked in," he urged, lowering his voice so only I could hear. I followed his gaze, and my jaw dropped.

"Uh oh," I uttered. I looked over at Holly, who had her back to the door. "Shawn," I hissed, trying to get his attention. "Shawn!"

"What?" he asked, turning to me. I raised my eyebrows and motioned to the door. He looked over and paled. Carson Happlings, looking yummier than ever, with a gorgeous blond at his side.

"That dick," Shawn muttered, clenching his fist.

"Sh! Holly hasn't seen him yet," I warned. I then addressed the group. "Hey, should we try to grab a table together?"

"Sure," Holly replied. We walked over to an open table with eight chairs and sat down. Holly tried to sit in a seat facing the door, but I made her sit with her back to the door. I took a seat across from her so I could try to keep her attention away from the rest of the room.

"Alright, everyone," Tanner's voice said into a microphone, "if you all could find a seat. We'll call tables up one at a time, and then we'll start the slide show!"

I smiled and clapped my hands together. "Ooh, a slide…" I began, but trailed off. Holly scrunched her eyebrows, and then turned and followed my gaze.

Oh shit.

Carson's POV

I glanced around the room for a table with two empty seats. Unfortunately, there weren't many, and where there were some, it was with people I didn't recognize.

"Where should we sit?" Chrissie asked, looking up at me. I pursed my lips and shook my head. But just then, I spotted some familiar faces.

"Well shit," I said. She looked up at me, concerned. "Chrissie, get ready for one awkward night." I began to walk over to the back of the room, Chrissie close behind me, and slowly approached the table. Just as I walked up behind it, Riley began to say something, but stopped short when she saw me.

"What is it?" an all too familiar voice said. The dark haired girl slowly turned around, but froze when she saw me.

"Hi," I said, my eyes locked on her. God, she was even more beautiful than I remembered. Holly. I hadn't seen her in eight years. Man did I screw up all those years ago. I glanced around at the others. Shawn, Catie, Riley and Noah. It was like nothing had changed. But there were only five people. Was Holly alone?

"Carson, it's great to see you," Shawn said, interrupting the silence. He stood up and shook my hand. I smiled gratefully at him. As he sat down, Catie gave him a disapproving look. Ever since Holly and I broke up, I became the bad guy, and I was forced to separate from the group. I did it willingly, though. I cared so much about Holly, so I would do anything if I thought it was best for her. I still would.

"Um, do you mind if we sit here?" I asked hesitantly. I made eye contact with Noah, who used to be one of my best friends, but he quickly looked at Riley, as if asking for approval. She immediately put a smile on her face.

"Sure," Riley replied, motioning to the open seats. I grabbed the seat next to Holly, but paused before sitting down.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" I asked her quietly. She looked up and met my eyes again. I couldn't help but notice the pain in her eyes.

"Of course," she said softly, her voice barely a whisper. I quickly sat down and turned to the others.

"Um, this is Chrissie," I mumbled. "Chrissie, this is Noah, Riley, Catie, Shawn, and…Holly." Was I still allowed to call her that? Chrissie smiled.

"It's nice to meet you," she said. I'd have to thank her later for dealing with the obvious tension in the air. I glanced over at Holly again, but her eyes were glued to the table.

"Nice to meet you, too," Riley said. I'd have to thank her later, too.

"So, Carson, how've you been?" Shawn asked me.

"Uh, pretty good," I lied. "I'm still working at the same place. Nothing much has changed."

"What do you do again?" Riley asked.

"I'm a pediatrician," I informed her. She nodded her head approvingly.

"Do you like working with kids?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, I love it," I replied. "I have three younger sisters, so I knew early on that I wanted to do something involving children."

"Riley works with kids, too," Noah chimed in. That was the first thing he's said to me. Progress.


"I'm a third grade teacher," she said, smiling widely. "And Noah and I have two of our own." I raised my eyebrows.

"No way," I said. "Congratulations! And congrats about the wedding, too. I got the announcement, but I never got the chance to respond. Really, that's so great." Riley tensed up a little when I mentioned the wedding announcement. She glanced over at Holly, who looked up at her in surprise. Shit. Holly probably didn't know they sent it to me. I mean, it wasn't an invite, but still, it was after the break-up.

"Uh, thanks," Noah said, realizing Riley wasn't going to respond.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" I asked, turning to Chrissie.

"Oh, sure," she said, standing up. I smiled at the others and followed her away from the table.

Holly's POV

I finally let out the breath I was holding the whole time Carson was sitting next to me.

"Holly?" Riley said hesitantly. I glanced up and met her gaze.


"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I snapped. Riley fell silent and looked down at the table. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.

"I can't believe him," Shawn muttered, ripping his napkin into little pieces. "I mean, first he brings a date, and then he comes over sits right next to you? What is wrong with him?"

"Shawn, I'm fine," I urged, irritated.

"No, that is not okay," he said. "Who does he think he is?"

"Hey, maybe they're not even dating," Riley jumped in. "They could just be friends."

"Please," Shawn snapped, shaking his head.

"Shawn, calm down," Catie whispered, resting her hand on his shoulder. He looked over at her and leaned back in his seat, still seething.

"Let's just all act like nothing is wrong," Riley said calmly. "We'll have dinner, make small talk, and then leave as soon as it's over, okay?" I nodded, staring into space. Shawn huffed and grumbled an 'okay.'

"Sounds perfect," Noah said. "Riley and I will keep him busy, and you two don't even have to look at him." Silence fell over the table as Carson and Chrissie returned. After a second, Shawn shot up from the table.

"I have to use the restroom," he said, walking away. Catie quickly stood up and followed him. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"So, Chrissie," Riley said. "How did you and Carson meet?"

"Um, we work together," she replied, looking over at Carson cautiously. "I'm a pediatrician as well." Great, pretty and smart.

"Oh," Riley said, "cool." Another awkward silence.

"What about you, Holly?" I looked up, suddenly being drawn into the conversation. Carson was staring at me expectantly, a kind smile gracing his lips.


"Are you working?" he asked. I exchanged a glance with Riley before looking at him again.

"I'm an editor at Lifestyle Magazine," I answered, trying to sound confident.

"Oh my god, I love Lifestyle," Chrissie cut in enthusiastically. I gave her a tight smile and nodded slightly. "That's really impressive."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Wow, that's incredible," Carson said. "You always were good at English." He winked at me. My eyes widened in surprise, but I didn't say anything.

"So how long have you been dating?" Noah blurted out. My eyes shot up, and Riley kicked him under the table.

"Oh, um, we're not-"


They both laughed awkwardly.

"We're not exactly dating," Chrissie finally said. I furrowed my eyebrows, not sure what she meant by not exactly dating.

Just then, Tanner appeared in front of us. "You guys can go get your dinner now," she said perkily, a wide smile on her face. But her chirpy demeanor seemed to falter when she looked back and forth between me and Carson. I furrowed my eyebrows, but she quickly covered up her obvious confusion. She scurried away and returned to her own table.

"I'll go tell Shawn and Catie," Noah said as the rest of us stood up. We got in line for the buffet and grabbed some plates.

"Can we talk?" Carson whispered close to my ear as I spooned some mashed potatoes onto my plate. I flitted my eyes toward him, but quickly looked away.

"Uh, s-sure," I stammered. "What do you want to talk about?"

"No," he replied. "Can we talk alone?" I pressed my lips together and shook my head.

"I don't know," I said softly.

"Please, Holly," he urged. I looked up at him and saw the urgency in his eyes. Those same green eyes that used to shine when he smiled at me…

"Maybe," I replied curtly. "After we eat." He sighed and nodded, finishing his plate and walking back to the table. I did the same and slowly sat down beside him. Shawn and Catie returned. Catie had worry etched into her pretty features, while Shawn's fists were clenched tightly as he sat down.

"If you could turn your attention to the back of the room," Tanner said in her high-pitched voice. "The slideshow is going to start!" The lights dimmed, and a picture appeared on a big projection screen. The first was a photo of the whole grade on graduation, with the words "Class of 2015" scrawled across the bottom in cursive. After that, pictures from all four years begin to pop up. There was one of the cheerleaders, some candid shots from the classroom, and even one of Shawn, Riley and me on the first day of freshman year.

"Oh God," Shawn groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I look like a baby." I giggled and pinched his cheek.

"We're so cute," Riley squealed, smiling at us both. Then came a picture of Shawn, Noah, Carson, and some of the other guys on the lacrosse team.

"Aw that was the championship game," Noah said, high-fiving Carson. They won, of course. After a few more pictures, the screen went black, and the music stopped. Just when we thought that it was over, a fuzzy image popped up, and we heard junior-Noah's voice.

"Alright, Shawn, go get her," the video said. We watched the screen, confused, and then all at once, we realized what the video is.

"No," Shawn groaned, sinking down in his chair. "No…who did this?" That cafeteria erupted with laughter. It was the video of Shawn asking Catie to prom in junior year. Junior-Shawn started singing, strumming his guitar, as junior-Catie turned bright red.

"Riley, did you send this in?" Shawn growled, glaring at her.

"Guilty," she replied, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh my God," he grumbled. Catie giggled and leaned over to kiss him. The video finally ended, and more pictures slid by. I gulped, feeling my cheeks turn pink. It was a picture of me and Carson at prom, me with my arms around his waist, and him kissing me on the cheek. I stared straight ahead, but I could feel his eyes on me. I saw him shift a little out of the corner of my eye. I involuntarily glanced over at him, and he met my eyes, giving me a small smile. I quickly looked away as a picture of Brett and Tanner came up. That must have been just as awkward, especially for Brett's wife.

Then a picture of Shawn and Catie showed. Catie grinned and looked at Shawn, but he didn't look at her. He had a serious look on his face.

"You know what," he said. "I can't do this anymore."

"W-what?" Catie stammered, fear and worry flooding her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows. No. He couldn't be breaking up with her. He just couldn't. He suddenly pushed back from the table and stood up, facing Catie.

"Catie Anna Banks," he declared. He then reached into his coat pocket and slowly got down on one knee. I covered my mouth with my hands. Catie's eyes widened to the size of saucers, and her cheeks turned pink. "I am madly in love with you," he continued. No one was watching the slideshow anymore. "And I have been since sophomore year of high school. I can't imagine my life without you, and frankly, I don't want to. Will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?" He then flipped open the little black box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring. Catie immediately started crying, her hands cupped over her mouth as her shoulders shook. She squeezed her eyes shut and fervently nodded her head.

"Y-yes," she squeaked out, sobbing. "Yes!" Shawn stood up, and Catie rose from her seat. She threw her arms around his neck as he lifted her into the air and spun around. Everyone began clapping and whistling as Catie sobbed some more. Shawn placed her back on the ground and slipped the ring on her finger. She smiled up at him and kisses him, her face streaked with tears. I felt tears stinging my own eyes, and Riley was already crying.

Catie's POV

Tears streamed down my face in a continuous waterfall. All the anticipation and fear I's been feeling ever since Shawn started acting strange evaporated as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. This was the big secret I could tell he was keeping. This was the reason he'd been acting jumpy lately.

We were getting married.

I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. "I love you," I whispered, my voice cracking from crying. He laughed and pulled me closer.

"I love you more," he replied, kissing me tenderly on the cheek. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and hugged him tightly, giggling and sobbing at the same time. I then released him and fruitlessly dried my face. Shawn chuckled and cupped my face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe the tears away. "Baby, don't cry," he murmured, kissing me on the forehead. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm gunna go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit," I said, grabbing my purse from the table. He nodded, and I quickly duck out of the room, feeling all eyes on me.

Shawn's POV

I let out a deep breath. I finally did it. I wished it could've been more romantic, but I couldn't wait any longer. Before I could sit down again, someone pounced on me and engulfed me in a bear hug. I laughed and wrapped my arms around Holly's shoulders.

"I'm so happy for you," she said into my shoulder. I pushed her away and smile.

"Thanks, Holly," I said softly, "and I'm sorry." I gave her a knowing look, and she responded with a sad smile.

"It's okay," she whispered back. Her eyes were rimmed with tears, but I couldn't tell if they were from happiness or sadness. She was the only one in our group who didn't have someone special in her life right now, and I felt a twinge of guilt for proposing right in front of her. But Holly was strong, and I knew she would be happy for me no matter what.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Riley cut in and threw her arms around me as well. I laughed as I released her and turned to hug Noah as well. Carson then stepped in and congratulated me, along with a some other people from the surrounding tables.

But when Catie reentered the room, I only had eyes for her.

Carson's POV

When we finished eating, everyone dispersed once again to mingle. Riley and Noah both excused themselves to the restroom, and Shawn and Catie seemed to be in their own little world.

"I think I could use another drink," Chrissie stated, holding up her empty cup. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm good," I told her. She smiled and headed towards the bar. I watched her for a moment, and then turned back to Holly, who was awkwardly the only other person there. She was staring at her cup, her head ducked down and a few strands of hair falling down against her face. I smiled slightly. I took a step towards her, but she pretended not to notice. "Holly," I said, trying to get her attention, "Can we talk?" She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," she told me. I frowned. Just then, a slow song came on, and some other couples began to dance. I grabbed her hand and dragged her out to the dance floor. She looked up at me in bewilderment, but I just smiled and pulled her in close. It took all the self-control I could muster up to refrain from kissing her right there. I wrapped one arm around her waist and held her hand gently in mine. She hesitantly rested her free hand on my shoulder and looked down. I swayed back and forth, leading her along to the music, and watched her.

"Holly, I'm sorry," I whispered. She glanced up at me, but then quickly looked away. "I'm sorry that things ended badly between us."

"It was eight years ago," she replied curtly. "It's in the past now." I sighed, hearing the pain in her voice.

"I know, but I never apologized back then," I told her.

"It's fine," she urged. "I'm over it." My face drooped slightly at her words. I didn't want her to be over it, but I didn't want to mess with her head.

"Okay," I said shortly. I looked away, feeling her eyes on me. As soon as the song ended, she released her hold on me, and I was forced to take my hand off her waist. She looked down for a moment, and then began to walk away. I hesitated, but then followed her back to the group. Chrissie was standing there, looking slightly irritated, but she smiled immediately when I returned to her side. Chrissie and I weren't dating, but I had a feeling her affection for me was stronger than mine for her. A twinge of guilt hit my stomach. I shouldn't have invited her.

The others were giving me and Holly curious looks, but no one said anything. Chrissie walked up next to me and cleared her throat.

"Um, so I think I'm just gunna call a cab and go home soon," she said, looking straight ahead. I sighed and glanced down at her.

"You don't have to leave," I told her.

"No, I want to," she said, looking up at me. "It's okay. I see the way you look at her, and I want you to be happy. No hard feelings, I promise." She gave me a warm smile and placed a hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Really, it's fine," she assured me. She then leaned in and pulled me into a hug. I gave her a quick squeeze and then pulled back.

"So I'll see you at work, I guess."

"Yep, bright and early Monday morning!" she joked with a bright smile. I chuckled. Chrissie then turned and told the others that she was leaving. I looked at Holly, whose eyes widened in surprise. She said a polite goodbye to Chrissie, and then exchanged a questioning glance with Riley.

Holly's POV

I glanced over at Riley as Chrissie walked away from us. "What's that about?" I whispered.

"Maybe she took the hint," Riley replied, grinning smugly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What hint?" I asked. Riley laughed and shook her head.

"Please, Holly, we all saw you and Carson getting cozy on the dance floor. It's obvious he still has feelings for you," she said, nudging my shoulder. I glanced up at Carson, talking to Shawn. He met my gaze and smiled warmly. I didn't know if he still had feelings for me, but that was definitely the same way he used to look at me all those years ago.

"And by that look in your eyes, it's obvious you still have feelings for him," she added. "Just let him back in, Holly. If he asks to talk, listen. You guys used to be the perfect couple. You're meant to be." I looked at her with concern.

"What if you're wrong," I said worriedly. "What if he doesn't still have feelings for me? If he does, then why would he bring another woman?"

"Because he probably thought that you were going to be here with another man," Riley told me. "He's just trying to move on from you. He thought he was going to be alright, but then he saw you, and all those feelings came flooding back. You need to stop being the ice queen and open up to him." I sighed and crossed my arms.

"I'm not very good at opening up to ex-boyfriends I haven't seen in eight year," I remarked.

"That's because you've never had to before now," Riley pointed out. "You're acting like your still in high school. Just because we're here, doesn't mean you need to revert back to your old ways. Come on. When he comes over here – which he will – you're going to talk to him." Riley patted my shoulder and abandoned me. I stood there for a second, not knowing what to do with myself. Maybe I was becoming my socially awkward, freshman self.

As Riley predicted, Carson made his way over to me. In response, I finished off yet another drink. "Looks like the party's going to end pretty soon," he said, almost sounding disappointed. I nodded, looking around at all the empty tables. Some people had already gotten their coats on. "Got any plans?" he asked hesitantly. I kept my head lowered, fiddling with the umbrella in my cup.

"Yeah, actually," I answered quietly.

"Oh, that's too bad," Carson replied. "I was hoping we could catch up." I didn't respond. "Holly, look. I know you're still mad at me, and that you don't want to even look at me, but please, just hear me out. I made a huge mistake eight years ago, and I have beaten myself up for it over and over. The last thing I need is to have you go on hating me for it. Please." I looked up into his eyes. For a second, my heart ached for him. He looked so hurt and broken. But then I remembered how hurt and broken I felt when he broke up with me.

"I can't just forget," I whispered, shaking my head. "Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?" It took all my strength not to break down and cry.

"I know I was a jerk," he replied, "but I just want to make it better. You don't have to forget, you don't even have to forgive me. Just let me talk."

"Holly?" a voice interrupted him. I turned and saw Riley standing behind me. "We're going to leave pretty soon."

"One second," I told her. She nodded.

"Holly, wait," Carson said exhaustedly.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Riley's voice came first. "You could come," she told him. My eyes shot back to her, giving her a warning glare. She disregarded me. "We're going to Johnny Rockets. You guys could meet us there."

"Holly?" Carson asked cautiously, waiting for me to approve.

"Fine," I muttered reluctantly, shooting Riley another glare. "I'll go get my coat."

Carson's POV

I watched as Riley and Holly walked away to get their jackets. I shoved my hands in my pockets and took a deep breath. This was my chance. I could win her back. I had to win her back. Even if I just got her to talk to me, it would be progress.

"Carson." I turned and saw Shawn. He looked serious, almost angry. He had seemed pretty pissed at me all night. Shawn was like a brother to Holly, so he was very protective of her. Riley and Noah at least sent me a wedding announcement after the break-up, but Shawn tossed me away completely. I couldn't blame him though. He cared about her just as much as I did.

"Hey," I said solemnly.

"I don't know what you're planning, but just know this: if you hurt her in any way, I will hunt you down and kill you. Understand?" I gulped in fear. Mostly because I knew he would.

"Understood," I replied. Shawn glared at me for a few more seconds before his lips quirked up into a smirk.

"Get her back," he said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What?" I asked confusedly.

"She's been miserable because of you," Shawn said. "So it's your job to make her happy again. And even though you don't deserve her, she'll only be happy if she's with you. Now go get her back." I smiled widely.

"Thanks," I replied genuinely. "I plan on it."

Holly's POV

I walked back over to Carson just as Shawn was walking away. He paused for a second as he passed me.

"He wants you back, Hol," Shawn whispered. My heartbeat sped up as I met Shawn's eyes. "Don't panic," he went on. "Do what you think is right." After a warm smile, Shawn left and walked out of the building with Catie at his side. I looked at Carson, who had a small smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded, although I wasn't sure if I was. Whatever happened that night could change my life forever.

But I followed him out anyway. He led me out to his car and opened the door for me. He then walked around and sat down in the driver's seat. Carson paused for a moment before starting the car. I turned and stared out the window, watching the familiar scenery pass by.

"Do you still live in the area?" he asked, glancing over at me.

"I do now," I answered. "I was in New York for a while."

"That's awesome," he said. "Why'd you come back?"

I laughed softly. "I didn't like being far from home," I admitted. Carson chuckled.

"How do you think I felt being in Florida?" His tone was joking, but his smile faded. "I quickly realized that I should have stayed here like you did," he said regretfully. I looked down at my hands. "I was miserable, too, you know. I regretted breaking it off the second I hung up the phone." He laughed again. "I mean, who breaks up over the phone anyway? I don't know what I was thinking."

"We were fighting," I cut in. "It was the heat of the moment." I didn't know why I was defending him. I guess I just didn't like seeing him so angry at himself.

"That's no excuse," he said, furrowing his eyebrows. "I shouldn't have said it. I didn't even mean it. I should have called you back the second it happened and begged for forgiveness. But I was too mad and stubborn."

"I would have taken you back," I whimpered, on the verge of tears. He looked over at me, pain in his eyes. We drove in silence for a few more minutes before a buzzing sound interrupted.

"Shit," he muttered. "That's my phone. It's in the glove box. Do you mind?" I choked back my tears and leaned forward. I opened the glove box, which only had two things inside: Carson's phone, and a little black box. I froze. The box looked scarily similar to the one that held Catie's engagement ring. Carson put out his hand, waiting for me to hand him the phone, but my eyes were transfixed on the box. Hesitantly, I reached forward and picked it up. My hands were trembling.

"Oh shit," Carson said. "Holly, I–"

My jaw dropped when I popped it open. A shining, diamond engagement ring. My eyes flooded with tears, but I managed to stop them from tumbling down my cheeks.

"What is this?" I croaked, looking over at him. At this point, Carson had pulled over on the side of the road.


"Were – were you going to…" I trailed off, not having the courage to say it out loud.

"Yes," he said softly. My eyes shot up as a tear streaked down my face. "I don't know what to say."

"Why is it in here?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"I moved a few months ago," he explained. "I put it in there for safe keeping, but forgot to take it out. I'm sorry." I stared at the ring longingly. I could have been happily married eight years ago. I could have avoided all the misery I felt after we split. I wiped my cheek, knowing I probably looked like a raccoon from my running mascara.

Carson unbuckled and turned to face me. "Holly, listen to me," he began desperately. "Breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life. I regret it every day of my life. This is me begging for you back. I need you, Holly. I still love you." I slowly looked up at him and unbuckled my seatbelt, too. I carefully set down the ring. Without thinking, I threw myself forward and kissed him, tears now streaming down my face. Carson wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

Our lips broke apart, and I rested my forehead against his. "I love you, too," I said in a shaky voice. His lips slowly curled into a smile, causing us both to laugh.

"Let's start over," he said, drying my face with his thumbs. But I shook my head.

"I don't want to start over," I whispered. He looked at me confusedly. "I want to pick up where we left off." Carson's eyes widened for a second, but then he smiled.

"Holland Marie Abbott," Carson said slowly, "will you marry me?" I giggled and kissed him again.
