This story starts with a sandwich.

If someone had told me that the biggest thing in my life would happen because of a sandwich I would have thought them crazy, after all it doesn't really make any sense. But it did start with a sandwich, a sandwich and two abnormally handsome twins.

My first year in High-school, I tried to be as invisible as possible, and for a long time it worked. I always wore the baggiest clothing I could find because they hid the curves I was so ashamed of, and I tried to hide behind my glasses and my curly mop of hair, inherited from my African-American heritage as much as I could. I was often overlooked, and people didn't notice me, so much that sometimes, they would talk about the most intimate stuff in front of me. As a result, I knew almost everything that went on in the school, but that didn't serve much since I had no one to share it with, and it was better that way.

I never made friends, not because I was socially inapt, because I wasn't and I was a pretty good public speaker, but because I didn't feel the need to. It might also have had to do with the fact that I was ashamed of my modest upbringing. Paul Ravensky academy was a private school only the rich and famous attended, and I was one of the rare exceptions. I was here on a scholarship, one of the charity cases the school took on because of it's higher than average grades. It goes without saying that without this scholarship, I wouldn't even have had enough money to set foot on the property, with my mother's salary as a maid and my father's as a gardener, we got just enough to be able to survive.

I loved my parents, I really did, and I knew how many sacrifices they made for me, and I knew how much it hurt them that they weren't able to give me everything I wanted, because they also had to fend for my three little brothers and sisters. It was because I knew this that I couldn't bring myself to tell my mother that the 1 dollar bill she gave me every day for lunch couldn't even buy me a bottle of water, and I was starving at school. I couldn't buy anything, and this is why I made the decision to start stealing.

I hated myself for doing it, but I preferred to think of what I was doing as avoiding waste. Of course I never stole money, but what I did steal was food. I had come to realize that the people of this school rarely ever ate the expensive lunch their maid packed for them. At first I would steal a bar of cereal here and there, then it became two. My plan probably would have worked if it hadn't been for the brand new cafeteria that opened at the school featuring everything from a sushi bar to a salad's bar. The kids were less wasteful than I had anticipated as almost all of them stopped packing lunch preferring to buy it at school.

At that point, I was desperate, and I needed a miracle to save me from dying from hypoglycemia. That miracle came in the form of the Dante twins. The Dante twins were the dream of every girl come alive, in double. With their honey colored hair, piercing green eyes, straight nose and plump lips, of course they had the body to go with the face, and the fact that they were both part of the baseball team helped greatly. It goes without saying that every girl in the building was head over heels in love with one twin or the other, and sometimes even both, and I was no exception. I had always harbored a secret crush for them, but of course, they didn't even know I existed.

One day, as I was sitting in an empty classroom reading and waiting for class to start, as I was always the first in class, I had the surprise to see one of the twins, Lawrence, enter the room along with one of the guys from the baseball team. I wasn't surprised because of the fact that they were in the class, even though they were seniors and I was a freshman, after all, I was taking mathematics with the seniors, but because of the fact that they were here so early. Usually, they always came in late and looking like they had just gotten out of bed. I lowered my eyes trying not to look at them, hoping, as stupid as it sounds, that if I couldn't see them they couldn't see me either. As they sat and started talking, I paid no attention to them, until the most delicious smell I had ever smelled filled the room. I looked up, only to be met by the most mouth-watering sight, a huge beef and cheese sandwich.

"Hey are you gonna eat that?" Lawrence's friend said

"Nah man, you know I hate that shit" Lawrence responded, and I couldn't believe my ears

Have you no shame? I thought to myself, who could hate such a delicious looking thing

"Thanks man" Lawrence's friend said, before eating the whole thing in a record amount of time

"I don't know why you still insist on bringing these sandwiches to school if they just end up in your gym bag till' you dump them in the trash in the locker room bro"

"I can't tell my mother I hate the sandwiches she insists on making us, the only meal she can actually make if you ask me"

"Why does she cook for you guys anyways, don't you have a chef?"

"Of course we do, but ya know it's one of her motherly phases, last time she insisted on shopping matching outfits for us, it'll pass her"

"I hope not" He said and they both laughed

It was at that moments the wheels started turning in my head and I started devising my plan of attack to save these delicious beings from the incapable hands of Lawrence Dante and putting it my empty and growling stomach instead. I knew for a fact that the baseball team sometimes had training during lunch time, and it was the perfect opportunity for me to put my plan into action. I just so happened to know which locker was Lawrence's, as he was the captain of the baseball team, and as such, he got a special stickers on his locker in the boy's locker room. A quick research on google taught me everything I needed to know about lock picking, and soon, I was putting my plan into action.

My little stunt worked for a month approximately, I would go into the boy's locker room when I knew they were in practice, I would pick the lock, and I would steal the sandwich then get out of there as soon as possible, but not without my prize of course. I think my plan would have continued to work hadn't it been for my own stupidity. One day, as I was about to enter the boy's locker room as usual, I saw a paper taped to the door saying: practice for the baseball team adjourned to after school. At that point I was so addicted to these sandwiches, I decided to wait until after school to steal it.

I waited for the Baseball team members to leave before entering the room, but as I picked the lock in my usual fashion, I heard a deep voice stating:

"So you're the little punk who's been stealing my food" I turned around startled only to find a very amused looking Lawrence Dante facing me.

"H-how did you…?" I said but before I could finish my sentence I was cut by a second voice, this time, belonging to the second Dante twin, Hunter.

"How did we know you were going to be here, oh honey, you really think coach would postpone a baseball training? Paper on the door, oldest trick in the book"

"I'm sorry, I swear I will never do it again"

"Oh we know you won't, but that's not the point"

"Wh-what do you mean that's not the point?" I said and they looked at each other and I could see they were communicating through some weird twin telekinetic thing that only they could get.

"Well babe, you stole from a Dante, no one steals from a Dante, and for that you need to be punished" Lawrence said, as he started towards me, my first instinct was to run, and so I did, but before I could even reach the middle of the room, I was stopped by Lawrence holding me by my shoulders, then my arms so I couldn't escape, it's not like I had a chance anyways, since they were much taller and bigger than I was with my 5ft2. As Lawrence held me I heard the door lock, and I realized that Hunter was no longer by our side for he was the one to have locked the door.

"You know, I don't think I've seen you around" Hunter said as he came back to where I was standing trying to get out of Lawrence's grasp

"I don't like to get noticed" I said still struggling to get out of Lawrence's iron grip, my glasses fell on the ground in the process.

"Well that's a shame, I think you've got plenty of potential" Hunter said, almost to himself, before tucking strands of my hair behind my ear. That's when I realized how close we were.

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible but failing greatly

"Well originally, since we thought you were a guy we'd planned on beating you up but now, we'll just give you what you deserve, of course, since it's Lawrence's food you stole he gets to do the honors" Hunter said, and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

They led me to the middle of the room to a big bench, and I was even more confused when Lawrence handed me over to hunter as he sat, before I knew what was happening I was flung over Lawrence's lap, with his arm over my waist preventing me from escaping. I gasped as Lawrence's hand met my bottom at the first blow. I couldn't believe what was happening, he was spanking me, in a locker room, with his brother present. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, only for my hair to be pulled roughly, by hunter, who had kneeled in front of me his face Inches from mine.

"Stay still" He hissed, but it only made me wiggle harder.

"You're a feisty little thing aren't you" He said, and I continued to struggle.

Suddenly, he let go of my hair, and for a second I thought I had won, but I realized it was far from the case, as I felt my uniform skirt being tugged down along with my white cotton panties, and soon I could feel the air touch my most intimate parts.

"No, please don't…."I tried to say, but my pleading was only met by Lawrence's hand spanking me even harder than before. It was at that point I started crying, but the more I sobbed, the harder Lawrence's blows became.

"You can cry and scream all you want honey, no one will hear you, and everyone is gone by now, we made sure of that" Lawrence said

I think it was between the 25'th and 26'th blow that I realized the pain I was feeling from the spanking was quickly transforming into something else, something I had never felt before, and I could feel myself becoming moist below, and my moans of pain, became moans of pleasure. When Lawrence finally stopped the spanking, I felt his grip loosen and I was about to get up and get the hell out of there.

"Wait! Oh my God, she's enjoying this" Hunter said, his fingers rubbing my most intimate place, only to show his brother his fingers, coated with the evidence of my arousal

"You're an inner little slut aren't you?" Lawrence said, amusement thick in his voice.

"I-I…" But before I could finish my sentence, Hunter gripped my hair, flinging me from Lawrence's lap, and forcing me to kneel on the bench, which he quickly climbed onto. He unbuckled and unzipped his pants, as his massive member sprung free, and I gasped at the sight of it, and he took the opportunity to force it into my mouth, making almost gag.

"Suck" He said, and I obeyed, because deep down, I was loving every minute of what they were doing to me. Hunter caressed my hair as I sucked him, and soon, I felt a second pair of hands on me, caressing my shoulders, before going lower, to my breasts. I realized Lawrence had moved behind us, and he was now undoing the buttons of my oversized blouse , he must have gotten frustrated with the tiny buttons, because soon he was ripping the shirt off of me, startling me and making me gag on Hunter, who by the noises he was making seemed to be greatly enjoying it. I tried to remove my mouth from Hunter so I could breathe, but as soon as I had gotten his member out of my mouth, he gripped my hair, once again forcing himself into my mouth.

"Breathe through your nose honey" Lawrence said, and I did as he said, finding it to help greatly. Lawrence latched his mouth onto my neck, placing open mouthed kisses, his hand returning to my bra clad breasts, playing with my nipples through the tissue, creating sensations I had never felt before. Before I could register what was happening, I felt the air hitting my nipples, only then realizing that Lawrence Had also discarded my bra leaving me naked and vulnerable. Before soon, one of Lawrence's hands abandoned my breasts, only to head south, to unexplored territory. I moaned and whimpered as his fingers started rubbing me in my most secret place, he inserted a finger inside of me, and I had to struggle to concentrate on the task of sucking off Hunter, as well as the sensations Lawrence was making me feel.

Lawrence added one finger into me then another one and finally a third, stretching me, my screams of pleasures muffled by Hunter's member in my mouth.

"She's ready" Lawrence said, and I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down, and before I could register what was happening I felt something hard and soft at the same time against my thigh, and a sharp pain, as I realized Lawrence had penetrated me, taking my virginity in one swift thrust. I screamed in pain, only for it to be muffled by Hunter's members in my mouth. I tried to pull back, but as usual, he firmly kept my head in place, as Lawrence pulled out slowly, only to thrust back deeper. He continued to thrust in and out of me, and before soon, I started to feel something other than pain, pleasure. As he continued to thrust, the pain subsided, being replaced by pleasure. As much as Lawrence's fingers had been good, his dick was so much better.

Soon, I felt something to build thorough me, as I was brought higher and higher, until I reached my peak, and I couldn't help but throw my head back in pleasure as the world was turned upside down. I didn't even register the hot liquid spilling all over my chest. Lawrence continued to thrust inside of me before groaning as I felt something hot being spilled inside of me. He slowly pulled out of me looking satiated, I thought that was it, but before I could even recover, I was pushed onto my back, and it was Hunter's turn to push inside of me. He was much faster and much less gentle than Lawrence, but he turned my world upside down just the same.

When Hunter finally pulled out, they both got up and pulled up their pants, as I searched for my discarded clothing on the floor. As I tried to cover myself they walked to the door, before pausing in front with his hand in front of the doorknob, Hunter turned around.

"Oh and…?"

"Jules, my name is Jules" I said quietly

"Yeah, whatever, if you tell what happened to anyone, my father will make sure you are expelled from this school." He said before fishing a shirt from his gym bag and throwing it at me, opening the door leaving me there, naked and confused.

I don't remember how I dressed or how I got home, it was all a blur of sobs and tears. All I know is that when I woke up the next morning I was so sore I wasn't even able to walk, so I decided to stay home, and faked an illness, in the room I shared with my three little brothers and sisters. When I did go to school however, the next day, they both acted as If nothing had happened and ignored me.

I vowed to myself to never let it happen again. Two weeks passed before my next encounter with the Dante twins. Imagine my surprise when I was convoked to the principal's office, I imagined a million scenario's, convinced that I was in trouble for whatever reason. When I entered the principal's office, I was surprised and confused to find Lawrence sitting there, and I wondered if they had put their threat into action.

"Ah, Juliette, we were waiting for you" The principal said motioning for me to sit in the empty sit next to Lawrence

"Good Evening Principal Williams" I said

"I'm sure you know Lawrence Dante" He said pointing to Lawrence

"Yes sir" I responded

"Well good, because you are to be his tutor"

"Wh-what? But I…"

"No but, you seem to forget that it is because of generous people like 's father that you even have a scholarship" He said, and I knew there was no place to argue

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir, of course I will be his tutor"

"Good. Lawrence has graciously accepted to take you to his house himself, since we know there is no bus in the area where he lives, you will start Friday. You may be dismissed now Juliette"

"Oh and Juliette, it would be greatly appreciated if you kept this to yourself, you see, Lawrence wouldn't want the word to spread around that he is in need of a tutor."

"Of course sir, Thank you sir" I said before leaving the room.

I couldn't believe they would make me do that. This tutoring thing was all bullshit, since I knew for a fact both Lawrence and Hunter were straight A students despite their almost incessant partying, and it had always irked me that life was so unfair to give these two guys everything from looks to smarts, not to forget a millionaire daddy. It wasn't as if I could do anything about it.

Friday came faster than expected, and as I went out, I saw Lawrence waiting for me leaning on his Bentley in the parking lot. I dreaded being alone with him in the car because I knew images of our night would resurface, and I thanked God for my caramel complexion, which prevented my blushes from being apparent.

"Hey" He said as he opened the door motioning for me to get in before going to the driver's seat

As we boarded the car, the atmosphere was pretty awkward.

"So… I heard that you were a freshman" He said

"Yeah, I am"

"Yet you're taking Math with seniors, that's pretty impressive I must say"

"Thanks" I said not knowing what else to say

The next thirty minutes, the time it took to get to their house, were probably the most awkward of my life, Lawrence didn't seem to mind as he plugged in his IPod and sang along to a woman singing about something about summer and sadness.

As we finally arrived to a big gate, I felt relief as well as dread. Relief because this awkward car ride was finally over, dread because I knew it wasn't tutoring he wanted from me. After an endless drive down a paved road, the house finally came into view, if it could be called a house, it was more of a mansion than anything. When Lawrence had finally parked his car, he led me out of his car and into the house. After endless corridors, we finally came to a stop in front of what I assumed to be his room.

At this moment, I thought my suspicions had been confirmed, as Lawrence went in and sat on the huge bed in the middle of the room, motioning for me to sit next to him. With no other choice than to comply, I sat at what I judged was a reasonable distance from him.

"So, where do we start?" He asked

"Lawrence, I can't do that again, and especially not with you" I said

"But… we've never studied math together have we?"

"M-math?" I asked confused

"Yeah, aren't you here to tutor me?"

"Uh…yeah…of course, I'm sorry" I said blushing furiously.

The next three hours were devoted to studying math, I almost felt stupid for thinking that he wanted something else from me, even if it was obvious that Lawrence needed no help from me as every exercise I would make him do, he would get perfectly. As we finished the last exercise, the door opened, revealing a boxer clad Hunter. I couldn't help but notice his perfectly chiseled chest, but it was only when he entered the room, closing the door behind him that I started panicking.

"Hum, it's getting late, I should probably head home" I said starting to get up, but I was stopped by Lawrence's hand on my wrist

"Where do you think you're going honey? It's not like you can just walk to your house, you don't even know where you are right now" Lawrence said

He was right, I had no idea on how to get home, and even if I did, my house was so far, I couldn't get there by walking or by taking the bus.

"You didn't really believe you were here to tutor, come on Jules, you're smarter than that" Hunter said as he approached us.

I was trapped, I realized as Hunter closed the distance between us, pulling me flush against his rock hard body, it wasn't even worth fighting or pretending that I didn't like what they were doing to my body. I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he pushed me on my back and into the bed. They both climbed in, placing themselves on either side of my body. Hunter pulled me into a kiss, my first ever, it was ironic that I'd lost my virginity before having my first kiss. I felt myself being pulled out of Hunter's arms into those of Lawrence, as he too kissed me.

Hunter pulled me out of Lawrence's arms, pushing me once again onto my back and climbing in between my legs. I didn't even protest as he began unbutton my blouse and kissing my neck, as his mouth descended lower and latched onto a nipple through the fabric of my bra, I arched my back, moaning in pleasure. He suddenly stopped and got up on his knees, still in between my legs.

"On your knees" He said and I obeyed

I understood why as Lawrence moved behind me, and I realized he had shed his clothing and was only in his boxers. His hands went to my uniform skirt unzipping it and pulling it down along with my underwear. Hunter made a quick work of my bra, leaving me naked in between their two rock hard bodies, skin against skin, the sensation was amazing.

"You have such a beautiful body, I don't know why you insist on hiding it" Lawrence said

Lawrence's hand went to my hot center as he started rubbing my little button of pleasure, I moaned throwing my head back onto his shoulder. Hunter's mouth once again found my breast, latching onto one nipple, while his hand pinched and pulled the other. I was overwhelmed in sensations as Lawrence penetrated me with his fingers. Hunter's mouth left my nipple, and I whimpered and disappointment.

"Touch me" Hunter whispered in my ear before kissing me and bringing one of my hands to his throbbing member. I gasped, rubbing him through his boxers, as I felt it twitch under my hand. Hunter got out of the bed, pulling his boxers down, and revealing himself in all his glory. He climbed back on the bed, taking my hand and wrapping it around his member, showing me how to caress him. It felt so weird to have it in my hands, hard and soft at the same time. I caressed him at the same rhythm Lawrence was moving his fingers inside of me, and before soon, we both came.

Hunter moved out from the bed as Lawrence pushed me onto my hands and knees before penetrating me in one swift thrust, and fucking me into oblivion. They didn't give me a chance to recover from my high as Lawrence was replaced by hunter, and just as last time he was rough and quick, but just as effective as his brother.

I knew it was just the beginning, as both of them climbed out of the bed, and while Lawrence pulled something out of a drawer, Hunter positioned me into a kneeling position. I was perplexed, as I realized what Lawrence had pulled out of the drawer was in fact rope and some sort of cream, and it was only when Hunter took both my wrists, binding them together, I realized what it was for. Panicking, I tried to struggle out of the links but it only served to irritate my wrists. Hunter took my hands once again, this time binding them to the head of the bed, which was made of iron.

Suddenly, I felt something cool on my anus, and this was when I really started to panick, I thrashed around as hands gripped my hips keeping me in place.

"Please…please…not there…it's not Christian…please… I swear…I'll do anything"

"Shh honey, you'll enjoy it" Lawrence said, and I realized Hunter must have been the one behind me, because Lawrence was standing next to the bed holding a camera in his hands.

I felt Hunter insert one finger into my anus, before adding a second, then a third.

"No… Hunter…please… I don't want to" I said as his cream coated fingers slid in and out of me

"Shh" Hunter said rubbing my back reassuringly

Without warning, Hunter removed his fingers, replacing them quickly with his rod, entering it inch by inch. I screamed for my life, I felt as if I was being ripped in two. He reached around my body and started rubbing my clit, as he pulled out completely before thrusting in once again. Before soon he was sliding in and out,I kept hoping it would get better, but it didn't, it still hurt, and several minutes, I felt a hot liquid spill on my back, and I knew it was finally over. I started sobbing hysterically.

"Oh shit honey are you okay?" Lawrence said as he pulled out a pair of scissors from his drawer, freeing me from the rope and I fell onto the bed still sobbing hysterically.

"I think we might have gone too far this time around Hunter" Lawrence said

"Jules, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Hunter said sounding sincere

"I'm gonna run her a bath, stay here" Lawrence said, and Hunter pulled me to him, letting me sob into his chest.

Lawrence came back to the room several minutes later, cradling my naked body into his arms. We entered a huge bathroom where he gently lowered me into a big baththub, climbing in behind me, so I was in front of him, his legs on either sides of my body. I continued shaking as I cried harder from the pain of being seated. I felt Lawrence's hands gently rub some soap on my body, while he tried to console me.

"Is she going to be okay? Can I do anything?" Hunter said as he entered the bathroom

"I think you've done enough for tonight, go to bed, I'll take it from here" Lawrence said, his voice cold

Hunter kneeled next to the bathtub, taking my hand and kissing it

"I'm sorry Jules, I really didn't mean to hurt you" He said before getting up and leaving

6 years later

"Hello sir, welcome to Mindy's diner, may I take your order?" I said in my usual jovial tone without looking up at the client seated in front of me

"Uh…yeah I'll just have…Oh my god! Jules! Is it you? It's been so long!" I looked up only to find the second person I least wanted to see in the world

"Lawrence! Oh my God! What are you doing here?" I said trying to sound as happy as possible

"Well, actually, I was on my way to a business meeting but then my car broke down not far from here!" He said

"Wow, you look different…much more… womanly" He said looking me up and down

"Well yeah… I guess time has a way of doing this to people, but, can I take your order?" I said, thinking that the sooner he got his order, the sooner he would be out of here, and maybe this unexpected meeting could go without any incident

"Oh, yes, of course, I'll just have some coffee, but I remember you being very smart, how come you're working here?" He asked me, but before I could answer his question, the thing I dreaded the most, my worst nightmare come true, happened.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard as the door of the diner opened, and I closed my eyes in pain, as two little pairs of hands circled my waist.

"Hi babies, did you have fun at school today?" I asked trying to sound as natural as possible

"Yeah, we made moucoroni brachelets" Keegan said showing me his pale little wrist, where a macaroni bracelet sat

"I made one for you mommy" Lena said, giving me a bracelet she took from her jean pocket.

"Aww, this is very nice guys, but how about you go to the back room show them to aunt Mindy huh?"

"Yeah mommy!" They said in unison as they both ran to the backroom where Mindy was waiting for them, as soon as they were gone I turned back to Lawrence, trying to act as normal as possible

"What the fuck is this Jules?" He said sounding surprised and angry at the same time

"What are you talking about Lawrence?" I said acting confused

"Don't you play this little game with me, we both know what I'm talking about" He said getting up abruptly

I looked around and saw that several clients had their head turned at us, staring curiously at the scene unfolding before them.

"M-maybe we should take this somewhere more private Lawrence" I stuttered

"Lead the way" He said, his eyes shooting daggers

"First, I have to go tell Mindy to watch the kids for me, will you wait here a second?"

"Sure" He said sitting down reluctantly

I quickly made my way to the back room, grabbing my purse in the process.

"Guys, we have to leave, now!" I said taking Keegan and Lena by the hand before running through the back door to my old beat up beetle.

"But mommy! We didn't get to show aunt Mindy our moucouroni brachelets" Keegan protested

I quickly buckled them up, got into the car, putting the key into the ignition, but as usual, it wouldn't start right away. I looked behind me only to see Lawrence coming out of the back door, starting towards me.

"Come on, come on!" I said and the car finally started, I pressed the accelerator and got the hell out of there before Lawrence could get to us, I saw him running behind us but he quickly gave up and I let out a breath of relief.

That night, in my small two story house, after giving the kids their bath, I started reading a story to them, al the whilst thinking about the fact that I would have to find a new job, even after all these years working at Mindy's, and despite the fact that she had been so good to me, employing me when I had two toddlers to take care of, and no job prospect whatsoever. Mindy had taken care of the kids for me while I worked, without ever asking for anything in return.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell ringing, and I frowned wondering who would bother people at this hour, I told the kids to continue reading alone for a moment, and I put on my robe before going to the door and opening it without thinking. I gasped, because standing before me were two very angry looking Dante brothers, I tried to close the door, but they were faster and stronger than me, and they held it, pushing it and letting themselves in forcefully. Lawrence closed the door behind them before turning to me, I couldn't help but wrapping the robe tighter around me under their piercing gaze.

"I think you have some explaining to do Jules" Hunter spoke first

"Wh-what about?" I said, but I could see he was no longer looking at me, but as I followed his surprised gaze, I saw Keegan and Lena, in their pajamas looking at us percher from the stairs.

"Guys, go to your room, mommy needs to have a grown up talk" I told them

"But mommy… you didn't finish reading to us!" Keegan protested in his usual fashion

"Go to your rooms…now!" I said and they must have sensed the desperation in my voice because they both obeyed

"So… do you guys want something to drink tea? Coffee? Since you already invited yourselves in might as well make yourselves comfortable"

"Oh cut the crap Jules, we both know these kids are ours" Hunter said and I couldn't even protest because the twins looked exactly like them, with their honey colored hair, piercing green eyes and plump lips and pale skin, the only thing they took from me were the slight curls in their hair, while their fathers' were straight.

"Why did you hide this from us Jules?" Lawrence asked and I could see that he was truly hurt from that fact

"What so you could take them from me too? Just like you took away my life from me?" I said

"How did you find my house anyways?" I continued truly pissed

"Well we have contacts, and what do you mean take them away from you? Who told you this?" Lawrence asked confused

"Your parents did" I said, lowering my gaze to the floor

"What the fuck are you talking about? Our parents knew about this?" Lawrence asked

"It's a long story" I sighed

"We have time" They said in unison

"Well sit" I said and they both obeyed sitting on the love seat while I sat facing them on the armchair

"After…our last night together, after Lawrence had brought me home, I felt so sick, I couldn't even get out of bed, at first, this sickness was mental, because of…you know… what had happened. Quickly though, I started feeling nauseous, and I thought it was still mental, but after a week of morning sickness, my mother decided to bring me to a doctor, and that's when we found out I was pregnant. I instantly knew it was with your child, since you guys were the only guys I had ever…you know… with. At first I refused to tell my mother whose child it was, but the she got very mad and she hit me, and forced me to tell her whose baby it was. I finally admitted it was yours, but instead of calling you guys, my mother decided to go directly to your parents, she knew someone who worked inside, and they convinced your parents to hear us out. At first, your parents didn't believe us, and they were about to kick us out, until I mentioned the tape…"

"Wait, what are you talking about, what tape?" Hunter asked

"That night… Lawrence, he'd filmed us, and… I guess he must have forgotten to delete the video because sure enough, when your father sent a maid to your room to fetch your camera, the video was still on there, and… and I begged them not to play it, especially in front of my mother, but they were so convinced I was bluffing…"

"Wait our parents saw that tape? You have got to be fucking me" Hunter said, putting his hands on his face

"Anyways, they destroyed it in front of our eyes, then they said they'd make a deal with us… They said that if we were willing to forget about…about the rape… because even if I didn't I had no proof anymore, they would pay us a hefty sum of money for me to aborpt, but they made me promise to never tell you guys anything, to never try to contact you…they said that if I really wanted to do the right thing, I would disappear and let you guys go to college and develop to your full potential, they said that if I were to tell you anything knowing you guys, you would take the kids from me, but…but I couldn't bring my self to aborpt, I already loved this little being inside of me, you know, and…and this little being turned out to be two little beings, so I took the money they offered me"I said , tearing up

"But… wait, if you took the money, how come you're working as a waitress in a crappy diner?" Lawrence asked confused

"I used half of it to pay off my father's debts, because turns out he had been gambling behind our backs, then part of it went to pay for my little brothers and sisters' tuition, and a house for my mother along with them. Then with the rest of it I brought this little house in a good neighborhood, and I set a trust fund for the twins…" I said

"You should have come to us Jules"

"Honestly, after what had happened, you guys were the last people I wanted to see"

"We were worried about you Jules, so worried, we came to your house, but your mother refused to let us in, she said…she said that you had left the country, all these years, I would sometimes stay up late at night thinking about you, about how badly we had treated you" Hunter said, sounding sincere

"You…you guys took my life from me…I had dreams you know! To you I was just that poor girl you could fuck then discard" I screamed, but then I tried to calm down as I remembered the kids were probably sleeping

"Marry us Jules" Lawrence exclaimed suddenly

"Wait what?" I asked surprised

"Yes, Marry us, we can be a real family, the kids can finally have a father, you'll come and live with us in our beach house in California" Hunter said kneeling in front of me

"I can't marry you! It's not even legal"

"You'll be married to one of us on paper, but we can all live together!" Hunter said

"What? No…no I refuse to marry you, I can't…"

"Then you leave us no choice then" Lawrence said

"No choice but to what?"

"No choice but to take them from you" Hunter said, his face serious

"You're kidding right? You can't do that…it's inhuman, besides I've been taking care of them alone since they were born, you couldn't take them away from me"

"Yes, but we have money Jules, lots of it, and even if you were the best mother in the world, it wouldn't be hard for us to prove you were an unfit parent, you don't want to go into a legal battle against us" Hunter said his gaze cold

"I-I Hate you!" I hissed

"Yes but you'll marry us" Hunter said, before leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Hunter will stay here and make sure you don't try and run away again while I go and make the arrangements for the wedding" Lawrence said before getting up and leaving

It had been three weeks since the wedding had taken place. It had been a pretty private affair, with only family and some of the twins' closest friends. I even recognized the guy from the baseball team. My mother, father and brother and sisters were the only people present that I actually knew. While Lena was flower girl, Keegan was the one bringing the rings to Lawrence and I, because yes, it was Lawrence I was married to on paper. Hunter was seated first row, but couldn't actually participate to the wedding since there were people from the press taking pictures of us.

From what I had been told, the news of Lawrence's wedding had been quite the shock, because no one had thought that this "player and eternal bachelor" would one day settle down, especially not with a girl who actually came out of nowhere with his two children. I was hated by half the female population, I read everything in magazines from me not being pretty enough for him to being the bitch who had trapped him into marriage. Some people even said that the kids weren't Lawrence's which was pretty stupid because it was obvious with just one look at them that they were.

The hardest part for me had been explaining the kids how come that Lawrence was their daddy, but that uncle Hunter would be living with us as their second daddy, because they were brothers and brothers shared everything just like they as brothers and sisters sometimes had to share their toys. I honestly didn't know which one, of Lawrence and Hunter, was the twins' father. I also knew I would never know since they basically had the same genetic code because they were twins. We just pretended that they were both the kids' father.

The "honeymoon" had been pretty awkward for me, since I had promised myself I would die before letting them put their hands on me. I thought they would force me, like they always did, but I was surprised when they just led me to my room, which I did not share with any of them, and wished me good night before going their own way. I have to admit that for a moment, I felt disappointed, but it quickly subsided into relief, because I knew that nothing good could come out of a relationship with these guys…except maybe a night of incomparable pleasure.

Now, three weeks later, none of them had tried to make a pass at me, and during the day we would spend a lot of time with Keegan and Lena, sometimes we would go to the beach and I would lay on a lounger while Hunter and Lawrence played with the kids, collecting sea shells and splashing around in the water. Sometimes Lawrence would come and lay in a chair next to me, and we would talk. I had discovered myself a great complicity with him, as we could talk for hours about everything and anything.

One night, after putting the kids to bed, I decided to go and take a nightly dip into the ocean. As I finished putting on my bathing suit and a Blouse over it to cover myself, I was stopped by none other than Lawrence. He must have just gotten out of work as he still was wearing his suit but his tie was undone, and he looked pretty tired

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Uh… I'm going to take a swim outside"

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked

"No…of course not!" I said surprised

"Ok, great, just wait a second while I put my bathing suit on" He said

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, he erupted from his room, with only his bathing shorts on, and I couldn't help but check him out, for he was just as fit as I remembered. We got out of the house together, and I felt conscious as I removed my blouse revealing the plain one piece bathing suit I was wearing underneath, after all, I knew I had never been thin, but the pregnancy had taken its toll on my body and I had gained quite a few pounds. But all my worries about my body were burned into ashes when I saw the hunger in Lawrence's eyes, as his eyes trailed up and down my small form.

Minutes later as we talked while swimming together, I don't know what took over me, maybe it was the beauty of the moonlight on Lawrence's skin, maybe it was the way he was looking at me, like I was the most delicious food and he had been starved forever. I don't know what took over me, but the fact is, that when I leaned in and kissed him, the world might have had been on fire, that I wouldn't have stopped.

Lawrence seemed surprised at first, but he quickly started responding to my kisses, and as his kisses got hungrier he pulled me closer to him, pulling my legs so they could wrap around his waist. His hands went to my bottom squeezing it playfully before going higher, but as his hands went to the top of my bathing suit, pulling it down slightly, he stopped abruptly.

"I think we should take this somewhere more…private" He said and I agreed

As soon as we entered Lawrence's room, we made a quick world of each other's clothing and as soon as my back hit the matress, Lawrence was inside of me with one swift thrust, not even bothering with foreplay. I moaned and whimpered, arched my back as he moved inside of me, my nails scratching his back. I screamed as we came together, finally, Lawrence pulled out of me, dropping next to me, both of us still panting.

"Oh shit!" I heard from the doorway and we both turned only to find a confused looking Hunter in the doorway, and I started to wonder if it was one of their plans.

"I'm sorry, I'll just go now…" He said before leaving.

I quickly got up and started putting on my discarded bathing suit.

"What are you doing?" Lawrence asked

"I-I'm getting dressed"


"I don't know Lawrence, I kind of feel bad… I feel…I feel like I've cheated on him"

"Where the fuck is that coming from Jules? We're married, we can do whatever the fuck we want! And I doubt that Hunter minds… I mean we share everything, we've always shared everything"

"Oh god, this was a big mistake, I'm sorry Lawrence, but I should go"

"Mommy, I want ice cream!" Keegan exclaimed

"Honey, we already talked about this, no dessert before dinner"

"Daddies always let me get ice cream" He said pouting

"Is my name Daddy?" I said rolling my eyes at his sneakiness

"No… your name is mommy" He said confused

"Exactly, so no ice cream for you mister" I said tapping his nose with my index finger

"But mommy!" He said pulling off his best puppy dog face

"Fine! Tell you what, after dinner, if you eat all your veggies, we'll go and get some ice cream" I finally relented

"Yay!" He said before running back to his sister

We were presently in the garden where Lawrence and Hunter had a playground built, and Keegan and Lena were really having fun. I suspected that Lena was the one behind Hunter's asking for ice cream. The thing about the twins was that even if in appearance Keegan was in charge, being the most outspoken one, Lena was really the mastermind behind all the operations. She seemed quiet and shy, but really it was just a façade, the girl was a real little genius, and I had witnessed on many occasions her talent for manipulating her brother, and I wondered where she got her sneakiness from. She had both her brother and fathers wrapped around her plump little I watched them play together, I felt my heart swell with joy and pride, they were so beautiful, and so smart. They were the proof that positive things could come of even the darkest times of your life.

"Okay guys, it's time for dinner now, I need you to come in and go wash hands" I said several minutes later

"Yes mommy" They said in unison, but I suspected their quick submission had a lot to do with the ice cream promise

As I entered the kitchen to start and set up everything for dinner, I was surprised to find Hunter standing there, taking out a beer from the refrigerator.

"Oh hey, you're home early" I said awkwardly

"Yeah… I kind of wanted to get home and relax"

"Long day?" I asked

"The longest"

"Well after dinner, I promised the kids I'd take them out for ice cream, you can come too if you want"

"Yeah…sure I'd love to" He said sounding surprised

"By the way, you and Lawrence should really stop spoiling them so much, you're going to turn them into little brats" I said half-joking

"You're probably right…but we can't help it if they're so darn cute!" He said grinning from ear to ear

"DADDY!" The twins said before running into Hunter's arm

"I never get that kind of welcome!" I joked

"Is your name daddy?" Lena said with a naughty glint in her eyes, and I laughed

"Hey kiddos, what have you two been up to today?"

"We went to school, then we went to the playground and mommy is taking us for ice cream after dinner!"

"Yeah I've heard about that, and I'm coming with you!"

"Yay Daddy!"

"You know… I think Unicorns do exist…" I slurred

"And I think you've definitely had too much to drink" Hunter said smiling

"Nuh uh, I'm perfectly sober" I said, before bursting into a fit of giggles

"Come on, let's get you to your room" Hunter said rolling his eyes

After putting the twins to sleep which had been difficult considering the amount of ice cream they had ingested , we had decided to have a glass of wine on the patio. The conversation had flowed freely, but so had the alcohol, and I was currently finishing my 4th glass, or maybe it was my fifth? I couldn't really remember. I had never been much of a drinker, but tonight for some reason, I was drinking more than ever.

Hunter helped me get up, and seeing as I couldn't walk straight, took me into his arms carrying me bridal style as I laughed hysterically. We entered my room, and he went straight to my bed, and laid me down on my bed. My hands were still around his neck, and my drunk mind decided not to let him go.

"Stay with me"


"You can't leave me alone here, stay with me"

"Jules I don't think it's a good Idea"

"Come on pleeaaase" I said putting on my best puppy dog face

"I know where the kids get it from now…" He said more to himself than anything

"Alright fine I'll stay with you…but just until you fall asleep alright"

"Yay! Okay, you can lay next to me right over there" I said patting the spot next to me, finally releasing him

Hunter made his way around the bed, sitting next to me his back leaning against the headboard.

"I think I should put some music on" I slurred

I rolled over onto my stomach, and playing a song on the iPod dock that sat on my nightstand. As Beyoncé's Partition blasted in the room, I felt myself becoming more and more wanton, the music overtaking me. I sat up on my hands and knees and I crawled to Hunter sashaying as much as I could, considering the fact that I was wasted and on my hands and knees. As I finally reached him, I straddled him, and he looked up at me looking surprised. I started to grind to the rhythm of the song, feeling his already hardened member growing by the second.

"You know…the other night…when you caught me with Lawrence, I felt like I cheated on you…so I want to make it up to you…and I think this is the perfect way" I

"Jules…you're not yourself right now, we should really stop" He said, his voice sounding strained

Instead of responding I leaned in and kissed him with all my might. His response was instantaneous, he wrapped his arms around my hips, pulling me closer to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply my hips grinding to the rhythm of the song. Suddenly I felt him tense and he pulled away before gently removing my arms from around his neck.

"I'm sorry sweety, as much as I want you, I can't be with you, not when you're like that, I've changed Jules, I truly have, the old me would probably have taken this opportunity, but I know you will regret it in the morning… get some rest" He said before getting up and leaving the room leaving me confused and humiliated.

I woke up to a pounding headache, my head felt like it was about to explode, as soon as I tried to get up I felt nauseous. I ran to the bathroom before falling to my knees and vomiting all my stomach's content. When I was done I felt a little bit better, I brushed my teeth before hopping into the shower. I still had a headache and I was surprised to find a glass of water as well as two advils and a note.

Feel better

-Xx Hunter

All the event from last night suddenly came rushing back to me, how I had made a fool out of myself by throwing myself at Hunter and the pain of his rejection. I felt like such an idiot, I promised myself to never drink again. I dreaded facing him again, but I couldn't just hide out in my room all day. Furthermore, it felt suspicious that the kids hadn't come to my room to wake me up, or just to ask for breakfast. As I walked down the stairs, the mistery was solved when the scent of bacon filled my nostrils. Lawrence and the kids were sat around the kitchen island while Hunter was at the oven frying what looked to be bacon but also some pancake. The entire scene was so sweet it was hard not to feel happy at this sight.

"Good morning sunshine" Lawrence said when he finally noticed me smiling brightly

"Hello" I said

"Long night?" He said

"The longuest" I responded quickly glancing at Hunter

"Mommy come and have breakfast with us! Daddy is making us some bweakfast!" Lena said

"Oh, no thank you sweety I'm not really hungry"

"Breakfast might make you feel better" Hunter said, looking at me but I could not bring myself to meet his gaze

"Uh…okay sure then" I said before plopping down next to the kids

"Look mommy! Mickey mouse pancakes" Keegan says pointing at his plates

"Wow, looks delicious!" I said trying to sound joyful, but failing miserably, all I wanted to do was to get out of this awkward situation.

When everyone was finally done eating the kids asked for permission to go and play which I gladly gave, since we had a perfect view of the playground from the kitchen. I started to get up when suddenly Lawrence gripped my arm.

"Wait… I think we all need to talk"

"Lawrence it's really not a good time, I don't feel very well right now…" I started to say but was interrupted by Hunter

"He's right, we need to talk"

"Okay. Fine. Go on. Talk" I said sitting down and crossing my arms

"Well… first of all I would like to say, and I know it doesn't mean much to you, that I am genuinely and sicerely sorry for everything we have put you through, we were teenagers and assholes that thought the world owed us everything, we abused an innocent girl that had nothing to do with our shit in order to feel some kind of control over our own life" Hunter said and I looked up at him surprised

"We are also sorry for forcing you into this marriage into this whole situation really… we just wanted to make up for how we fucked up in the past, we wanted the kids to at least know their fathers, but once again we screwed up by making you unhappy, and we completely understand if you would like to end it all right now"

"End it? End it how?"

"By getting a divorce, of course we would still like to be part of the kids' lives but you would be free to be with who you please"

"I…I did not expect this at all… wow… I… don't know what to say… I just know that my children come before everything and I have never seen them this happy… and I would not change that for the world… and I am willing to work it out with you guys in order for that to continue… I don't want a divorce." I said surprising myself with this revelation

"So… you really want this? Us?"

"I do, I really do… I love you… the both of you"

"We love you too Jules"