Deanna sat with her fist clenched; she couldn't accept what was happening. Her father was negotiating her selling price. Marcus cared for nothing except money and power, and he didn't care who got hurt in the process. Nobody challenged him, they were petrified of him. Marcus was beyond powerful. His pack refused to challenge him, because he wouldn't think twice about killing anyone who defied him.

"Deanna girl, are you listening? I do believe Stephen here will be able to handle you." Marcus beamed.

Deanna looked at Stephen, he wasn't a dreadful looking man but she knew looks could be deceiving. Inside he was as cruel and just as much a monster as her father.

"I hear you father but you're not listening to me. I will never agree to this. You cannot make me tie myself to any man that I do not choose."

Stephen chuckled, sending cold chills up her spine. "That is where you're wrong. He is your father and you are his property. He owns you," grinning Stephen took her hand "and soon I shall."

"The only thing you will own is a broken nose if you don't release my hand Stephen. You may be my father's closest friend, but that doesn't mean I'll agree to be yours to control," Deanna jerked her hand away, turning to leave.

"I can't wait to break that spirit of yours."

Eyeing him over her shoulder Deanna shook her head "You will be waiting a very long time."

Rushing to her room Deanna threw herself onto her bed and braced herself for what was to come. She knew her father wouldn't kill her, she was worth far too much for that.

Marcus burst through the door. "How dare you treat our guest that way? How dare you act like a spoiled brat! I thought you learned your lesson long ago. I will not make that mistake twice. This time you will learn."

Deanna barley had time to blink before her father tore her shirt from her back, and she felt the first sting of the belt against her flesh. Biting her cheeks she refused to cry out. She would not give him that satisfaction. Tasting blood, she realized just how hard she was biting.

"Twelve lashes so far," was the last thought she had before she passed out.

Deanna woke to the feel of a warm compress on her back. Looking through blurry vision she discovered her best friend, Marie, sitting next to her on the bed.

"Dee, I don't understand why you do this. Why are you so stubborn and go against your father's wishes?"

Deanna groaned, "Marie I can't live like this. I have to… how terrible is it?"

Marie glanced at the marks on Deanna's back. "A few of the lashes split the skin and are very deep, they will likely scar. The other marks are healing already."

Deanna nodded, this wasn't the first time her father's lashes would scar but it would be the last.

"Marie I need to get out. My father expects me to marry a man who is as cruel as he is. I fear he will kill me if I don't get away. Please Marie; promise me you will help me."

"Deanna don't ask me to do this again. I can't stand to see the marks your father leaves on you. You had such a horrible infection last time. Dee you're my best friend, but I couldn't…"

Deanna cut her off before she could continue "Marie my father wants to tie me to Stephen Norton. I won't last long as his 'property'. Marie, please. I have a plan." Noticing the horror on her best friend's face she gave her a questioning look.

"Did you say Stephen Norton? He is old enough to be your father and he's been through four wives! Oh Dee I can't let that happen, but just as before if you are caught, I had no part in it. You do know your father will be expecting you to try to escape, right?."

"That's why I have a plan." Deanna smiled.