He hated waiting, loathed it actually. The material Daniel ordered was supposed to be in a week ago, yet they were telling him they couldn't find it. How hard was it to put the order into your computer and get it to the customer. He came in everyday for the past week, only to be told the same thing every day.
"I'm sorry Mr. Storm. We just can't seem to locate your shipment. We've serched and searched but the material just isn't here. We resubmitted the order, and we are hoping that the new shipment will be here." The small town employee gulped. "When it comes in we can have it delivered directly to you."
John took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. He needed this stuff to finish the packs meeting building. More members were starting to show up and the basement in the Alpha's house just wouldn't cut it anymore.
Looking at the nametag on his shirt, John looked him in the eye. "No Matt. Just like I told you yesterday, and the day before that, I don't want it delivered. I want it to get here and I want to pick it up." Shaking his head and narrowing his eyes. "Was the order placed correctly in the first place? Who took the order?" John all but snarled at him, anger evident in his voice.
"B-Beth." Matt tried to keep his composure while speaking into the intercom. "Please come to the front."
John tapped his foot. Great now he had to try to keep his temper with a female. Why didn't he send he Beta to do this job?
"Yes, Matt?"
John froze, the voice that reached his ears was as soft as a sweet lullaby. Turning his head, his breath caught in his throat. Standing before him was a goddess. Starting at her feet, he allowed his eyes to slowly roam her body. Long legs were encased in tight denim jeans. He wished she would turn and give him a view of her backside. Trailing his eyes up, he was a little disappointed at her loose fitting shirt, the standard red uniform every employee wear. Sliding his eyes further he stopped on her face. Bright green emerald green eyes stared back at him, her face framed by her strawberry colored hair. Was that slight blush he saw?
Matt cleared his throat. "Beth he put in an order a few weeks ago, and it still isn't here. If you didn't follow the right procedure Mr. Sanderson isn't going to be happy."
John pulled his eyes away from Beth, he had to fight back the urge to rip Matt's head off. Nobody would talk to his mate that way and get away from it.
Choking back a cough, John's eyes widened. Where did that come from? Ya, she was attractive and he wouldn't mind taking her to bed, but mate? No way is that possible.
No matter how much he tried to deny it, his inner wolf kept repeating the same word. Mine.
Authors Notes:
I hope you all enjoyed this little piece of the next story.
I'm not sure how many of you are FB users, but I was thinking about opening up a page for us to talk about these stories. What we liked and what we didn't, and other things. If that is something you are interested in you can either comment or send me a pm. :) Have good one!