Young in love
When we are young we just don't know what we are really doing
We go in life careless of what our actions will cause
We live without the feeling of negativity that comes with growing up
We just live and expect to make it in the future
When we are young we tend to hurt the people we care the most
In consequence, we lose the people we care the most
Then we are miserable and suffer some days or months
When we learn to love… that's the breaking point
We still are young, but we start getting conscious about these things
We really start regretting almost every single mistake we made
We don't want to make mistakes
¿Why love changes us?
¿Does it makes us more mature?
¿Does it means we are more conscious about ourselves,
Or what we really want?
Sometimes, not knowing the answer kills me
It's difficult not really knowing what happened
But it's ok
Because I'm still young