The sun glared down through the crystal clear sky. Fragile foliage withered and trees sagged as if exhausted. Each begging for a cool drink to quench their thirst. There was no breeze to cool them, no storm clouds in sight. It felt as if the world was an oven. Mother Nature was ruthless. Was she taunting him? Laughing at his predicament? The pack was close to broke, the gardens weren't growing food. Poachers were setting their traps closer every day and he had no men to scout the area. Protecting the members was his duty, but how could he do all of this alone?

The sound of an approaching vehicle brought him back from his thoughts. Slamming the last of his nails into the house frame, he watched as two men climbed out of the run down truck. One was in his late thirties, the other in his twenties. The excited screams of a female member as she ran to the men, told him this was a long awaited reunion. One he was thrilled he could make happen. Making his way over to the group, he watched for any signs of a possible challenge. Sensing no signs of aggression, a smile spread across his face.

"Welcome." Keeping his voice strong, he held out his hand. "My name is John, and if you decide to stay I am your new Alpha."

The thankful smiles that greeted him, were a much needed boost.

"My name is Michael, and this is my son Daniel." Taking John's hand, Michael could barely contain his gratitude. "When Mel called and told us that we could finally return home, I couldn't wait to meet the man who took out Stephen Norton. We are in your debt. Whatever you need of us, just ask."

Looking between Michael and Daniel, John let out a sigh of relief. "We have a lot of work to do."

Daniel stepped forward. He was tall, well built, and looked capable of handling just about anything. "What needs to be done?"

John looked around. What needed to be done first? Work on building the houses? Getting jobs to bring in income for the pack? There was an ever growing list that he could finally start checking off.

"As much as I need help on building homes for the members, I need the two of you to go scout. I can only find so many traps, and they are getting closer all the time. Try to clear one section at a time. We need somewhere to run and with the dangers out there right now, everywhere is off limits."

"I can go with them." The one called Mel stepped forward. "Before Stephen chased out the men, my father used to take me out. I know how to watch for traps. I can be of use." Crossing her arms over her chest, Mel made it clear she wasn't going to sit around and do nothing.

John raised an eyebrow, in an excuse me kind of way.

Realizing her mistake, Mel stepped back. "I'm sorry. It's just I don't want to feel useless."

John could smell the fear starting to surround her. He was impressed with her boldness, but was happy that she acknowledged his dominance over her. It wasn't until then he noticed the similarities between her and Daniel. They both had olive colored skin with high cheekbones. Mel's sandy blonde hair was long and stringy, most likely due to the lack of care she was able to give it. Daniel had a mop of unruly hair, much like his own. Where Daniel's nose was larger with a slight crook to it, most likely broken, Mel's was small and petite.

"It's okay, relax. Daniel you stay with me. Help me out around here. Mel you go with your father. I have a stack of no trespassing signs up at the house. Take them with you and hang them."

The smile returned to Mel's face, happy that the Alpha wasn't angry with her.

The sun finally reached it's peek and the temperature skyrocketed. Pulling off his shirt, John used it to wipe his face. The sweat was beading and rolling down his face, arms and back, and he couldn't take the fabric sticking to him any longer. The giggling of girls brought a smirk to his face. With everything that they had been through, at least they were still able to appreciate the sight of a man.

He watched Daniel closely. John was working him like a horse and not once did he complain. He worked fast and took initiative, John liked that.

"How long has it been since you saw your sister?"

Daniel paused, saw in mid cut. "It's been a few years. Stephen's last mate tried to help out around here. Stephen thought she was involved with another male and kicked us all out. He kept the women around, refusing to let them leave." Looking his new Alpha in the eye, Daniel smiled. "I never thought I'd see my sister again. Thank you."

John nodded, he had to keep watch on this one. He could definitely go far in this pack.

John and Daniel stepped back, both admiring their work. They just finished working on Daniel's family home.

"This is going to be the nicest house any of us have lived in. Thank you John for giving this one to us." Daniel couldn't believe how giving this new Alpha was. "I better get in there and claim one of the bigger rooms before Mel gets in there." He said on a laugh.

"You wont be living here." John turned to Daniel, his expression serious.

"Did I do something to upset you, Alpha? Have I angered you in some way?" Panic swept Daniel.

"Since you came here, not once have I had to argue with you to do something. You have taken initiative in everything. You go above and beyond the call of duty."

"T-then why am I not allowed to live here?" Stuttering, Daniel ran through every scenario. Not coming up with a single reason why.

"Because as my Beta, you live in the Alpha house."