A/N: Hey! This is more of a filler chapter than anything else. It's not my best work and feels a little choppy. But still, I hope you enjoy! I love reviews so pretty please take a moment at the end of the chapter to jot something down. And thanks to whomever reviewed the last chapters, they made me really happy :)

Have a good read!

Eye Candy

Jamie knew from the second he pulled up at the school that it was going to be a really long day. He knew from the way people turned to his car when it entered the grounds, he knew when he stepped out of the car with Kyle and was subjected to stares, and he knew from the whispers that suddenly stopped when he passed their sources.

Great. As much as he liked being in the center of attraction, he didn't like being the center of gossip. Which was why he generally answered any questions that came to him, because at least then, people would spread the truth instead of speculations. He walked down the corridor to his locker and mechanically did the combinations, all the while thinking up ways to stop this incessant whispering.

"We could make an announcement? During lunch or something—get up and tell people what they want to hear and shut them up."

Jamie turned to see Kyle leaning against he locker next to him and smiling. Seeing as they were the last students to enroll, they ended up with lockers next to each other. Jamie liked the arrangement a lot because it meant he could check up on Kyle a lot, but it also meant that he was available for Kyle's amusement at all times, which kinda cancelled out the positive feelings.

"Get your books, we're going to be late." Jamie informed him. Under text: I don't want to talk about it.

Kyle rolled his eyes, "We have ten minutes left. C'mon, lets do that; it's worked before."

Jamie slumped against his locker; "It's also isolated us from the rest of the school before. This time, I actually want to have a social life other than with my family. You know how fun the lot of them are."

"Why?" Kyle asked innocently. The bastard knew why; he just wanted Jamie to say it.

And the blonde would oblige, but only because he wanted to brag, "Because I won't be the only one affected by it, Luke will as well."

"What about me?" Haha, like Jamie was going to fall for that.

"I honestly don't care. And neither do you."

"That is a good point." Kyle conceded, "But is there any other reason?"

"It's not only Luke, I've actually made good friends here, like Brandon. I don't want to push them away."

Kyle nodded and then looked at something behind Jamie before smiling and turning to open his locker. "I don't think you need to worry about pushing people away," he said.

Jamie turned to see what had caught Kyle's attention. He smiled when he saw Luke walking towards them, hair wet and hanging over his forehead, looking like he had come from modeling swimsuits rather than practice. The start of their relationship was going surprisingly well. Jamie had thought that he would have to talk to Luke about how much of his time Kyle occupied. But apparently Luke had already figured that out, as he let them have their space. Which struck Jamie as odd as he had been sure Luke was a little jealous, but he wasn't going to push his luck by asking.

Although, a little jealousy would ease Jamie's insecurity, you know, the one the peeked up every now and then.

Luke reached them with a big smile on his face and leaned down to place a kiss on Jamie's cheek. "Hey," he said softly.

"Hey yourself." Jamie looked up, returning the smile automatically. "How was practice?"

Luke scrunched his nose, a gesture that made him look absolutely adorable, "Exhausting, as usual. I think Coach wants us to drown one of these days."

"That bad?" Jamie asked worriedly. He reached up to brush the hair off Luke's face, earning a blush for his efforts.

"Yeah. Brandon almost had an attack."


"He has asthma."

"Oh," Jamie frowned. He considered talking to Ron about it, maybe he could cure him or get him proper medicine. Of course, for that, he would have to go through his mother, and he wondered what she would think about it. He looked at Kyle and saw that he too was thinking of the same thing. But Kyle just shook his head at Jamie and the blonde decided to let it go. For now.

Seeing the worry on Jamie's face, Luke reached down to place an arm on his waist and said, "Don't worry about it. He can take care of himself."

Jamie smiled up at him and slowly nodded. The blonde leaned into Luke while waiting for Kyle to finish arranging his locker and get his books. They weren't taking all their classes together, so Jamie wanted to make sure Kyle knew his way around school before he let him out of his sight.

Almost as if he read Jamie's thoughts, Kyle glanced up from his locker and sighed pointedly. He raised his eyebrows and gestured to Jamie to leave, to which the blonde just shook his head.

"I'm not a child."

"That remains to be determined."

Kyle huffed but didn't reply knowing that he wouldn't change Jamie's mind. After arranging his stuff and pulling out a book, Kyle glared at Jamie and the blonde just smiled before taking Luke's hand and leading the way into the school. Whispers followed them as they walked though Luke didn't seem to realize it. Kyle grinned broadly at a group of gossiping girls causing them to blush and furiously whisper at each other.

Yes, it was going to be a long day.

At lunch, Jamie and Kyle sat down at the usual table. Predictably, the table became silent once the two had seated before the conversation resumed stiltedly. Brandon smirked at he expression on Jamie's face while Luke remained blissfully unaware. Jamie scowled at Brandon but didn't say anything. He turned to complain to Kyle and found him staring determinately at his tray. Jamie grinned, his mood suddenly lifted. Oh it was going to be fun setting the two of them up.

Now in a good mood, Jamie happily started eating his food. In an unspoken agreement, Kyle slid his pudding to Jamie who added it to his tray. He caught Luke staring at the cup and snatched it up, holding it protectively against his chest.

"No chance in hell. This is my sugar fix."

Luke rolled his eyes, "And who's the one who thought fighting over pudding was stupid?"

"Oh, you think you're so right. I'm merely accepting a gift; you're the one who pushed someone to get pudding. You can't compare the two."

Luke smiled but didn't say anything. Slightly pacified, Jamie placed the cup back on his tray and resumed eating. The rest, already used to Jamie's antics, just ignored them. As such, they missed the grin that crept across Luke's face before he suddenly leant forward and snatched the cup off Jamie's tray. When Jamie looked up, intent on talking (and jabbing) his way to the cup, Luke leaned forward and captured his lips before they opened. Jamie's eyes widened before fluttering close. He leaned forward to access his boyfriend's lips better barely registering the sudden lack of noise at the table.

They kissed for only a moment before Luke pulled back again, leaving Jamie staring at him with wide eyes and an open mouth—although Jamie, being Jamie, only took a moment to regain his composure.

"If you wanted it that badly," he said, slightly breathily, "All you had to do was ask."

Luke opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by someone, "Now that was picture worthy. Please tell me someone caught that." They turned to see Charlene grinning at them with Amanda nodding at her side. Damon just rolled his eyes before going back to his food. When nobody replied, Charlene pouted before looking at the two of them expectantly.

"No way," Jamie said. "I'm not doing it again for your satisfaction." Her pout grew but Jamie glared at her and she sighed before morosely going back to her food.

When everyone else was concentrating on their food, Jamie turned to Kyle and gave him a questioning glance. Kyle caught it and just nodded. Jamie grinned—Kyle had gotten a picture of them. Corny as it was, Jamie wanted it. Which went to show how fucking deep he was sinking.

The rest of lunch went by calmly. Jamie kept shooting glances at Luke, who sometimes caught them and gave a smile in return. After lunch, Jamie and Kyle went to History and spent the entire class discussing their family history, which was probably more extensive than the actual World History. The teacher kept shooting them glares, but every time he called on them, they always had the correct answer ready so he couldn't blame them or anything. They shared this class with Brandon who kept shooting them mock glares whenever they got an answer correct. It was hilarious; Kyle would immediately shut up when Brandon turned back and start staring at his desk. The poor swimmer probably thought Kyle didn't like him.

After that class, Jamie left Kyle to go for gym—his second favorite class after Biology, but only because he shared it with Luke. The sports themselves were boring as Jamie could probably play all of them in his sleep. The gym teacher had asked him to join the respective team whenever he introduced a new sport, but Jamie declined every time. He had no doubt Kyle would be asked the same questions as well.

Throughout the class, Jamie and Luke kept glancing at each other and giving slight brushes of their fingers. If the coach noticed, he didn't say anything, and Jamie was once again glad that the people here were quite accepting of his sexual orientation. Which reminded him, he wanted to ask Luke something.

"Hey," he called out to Luke when they were changing back to regular clothes after gym.

Luke glanced up and gave him a questioning glance, "Yeah?"

"How open are you about being gay?" Jamie knew Luke hadn't told his parents, but he hadn't tried to hide anything at school either, so the blonde wanted to know how far Luke was willing to go.

Luke took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. He didn't answer while he put on his shirt and Jamie didn't push it. Finally, Luke silently took Jamie's hand and led him out of the locker room. They were walking back to the school when Luke started, "I don't generally tell people about it. If they ask, I tell them the truth, but I don't advertise the information. So, I guess I'm pretty open at school."

"At home?" Jamie prodded.

"At home…is a different issue. I haven't told my parents and they haven't asked, so it's fine for now. I'd like to think they'll accept me for who I am, but I'm honestly… too scared to find out. I-I don't know." He bit his lips and Jamie squeezed the hand that he was holding.

"I think," he continued, "I think if they ever found out, I'll declare it outright to them, but I don't…want to do it till then. Is that," he sighed, "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah," Jamie answered, "I wish your parents knew but that's only because I don't like keeping secrets from family. If that's what you wish, then I'll support you."

Luke nodded and was silent for a while before he asked, "How did your mom react when you told her?"

Jamie huffed and made a show of pouting. Luke laughed at the expression (which had been the result Jamie had been going for) and said, "Well, what'd she do?"

"She told me that if I was ever going to experiment with Kyle, I should always read up on it, or at least ask an adult, before we did it."

Luke froze and their joined hands pulled Jamie to a stop as well. When Jamie looked back, he saw a comical expression on Luke's face—amusement mixed with incredulity. "Did she really?" he finally asked, starting to walk again.

Jamie shrugged, "Something like that. Kyle was also there at the time and the bastard just nodded and told her that he would never do anything without proper research."

Luke shook his head incredulously, "That's…she's pretty open."

Jamie shrugged again, "I guess," he said, "A lot of her friends—most of them, actually—are gay as well. She's literally the only woman in the group and the rest are all gay. So I guess that's to be expected."

"Yeah," Luke replied, still trying to wrap his head around the wonder that was Jamie's mom.

Jamie just shook his head and pulled him along so that they wouldn't be late for their next class.

On Tuesday, Luke entered the cafeteria with a confused expression on his face. He sat down next to Jamie and absentmindedly put his hands around the blonde. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it almost immediately. This happened a few more times, before Jamie finally became fed up with it.

"What?" the blonde snapped at Luke.

Luke's eyes snapped up to look at him. He shook his head slowly, "Nothing."

"No, you were going to say something."

Luke blushed, "It's nothing, really."

"Luke, the blushing isn't really helping your case."

In answer, Luke blushed even more. He stared pitifully at Jamie who just raised his eyebrows. Then, Luke tried pouting, which was equally unsuccessful. Finally, he sighed, "Have you noticed anything…strange in school lately?" he finally asked.

Jamie frowned, "Strange?"

Luke nodded, "Like…giggling"

"Giggling?" Jamie asked incredulously. What was he talking about? Giggling, really?"

Luke nodded again, "Yeah, I keep hearing girls giggling whenever I pass them. But it always stops. It's not freaking me out or anything, it's just a little…weird."

Oh, that's what Luke meant. Jamie rolled his eyes and laughed, "Oh, that."

Luke pouted at him, "Do you know what's happening?" He seemed adorably sad that he hadn't figured it out. And, Jamie thought, he should really stop finding everything about Luke adorable. But honestly, who could help that?

Jamie shook his head, "It really is nothing much. Those girls were probably gossiping about you, and stopped when you passed them."

The confused (and yes, adorable) expression reentered Luke's face, "Why would they be gossiping about me? Is there a rumor being spread or something?"

"You mean you honestly don't realize?" Ah, Kyle and his bluntness. What would the world do without it; oh, yes, it would be happier.

Luke turned to look at Kyle, "Realize what?"

Kyle rolled his eyes, "The girls, and probably most of the guys, are talking about you and Jamie being together. And you know how girls love a gay relationship—they probably think the two of you are adorable."

Jamie shot Kyle a look, but the boy ignored it in favor of catching Luke's reaction. Luke frowned at Kyle and said, "What?"

Kyle sighed, "I said, they're probably talking about you dating Jamie."

"I got that, I'm not an idiot." Luke snapped. "What I want to know is…urggh, forget it." He groaned and pointedly looked down at his tray and started eating. Jamie shot Kyle a look that told him to stop talking before he too resumed eating. He thought he had an inkling about what was confusing Luke, and he decided to wait till he had a chance to talk to him about it later.

So, after school that day, Jamie waited by his car for Luke. He could see Brandon next to his own car, but Luke hadn't come out yet. He'd told Kyle to head back without him. Finally, after five minutes, Luke exited the school and made his way to Brandon's car. Jamie pushed off from his car and walked towards him. He intercepted Luke right before he reached Brandon's car.

"Hey," he called out. Luke turned and saw him coming and smiled.

"Hey, were you waiting for me?"

Jamie grinned, "Yeah, I was wondering, how do you feel about coming over to my house for a while? My mom's not there so we can be alone."

Luke pursed his lips as he thought about it, "Kyle?"

Jamie waved his hand, "At his own house. Contrary to popular opinion, we don't live together."

"Oh," Luke smiled, "Sure then. Let me just go and tell Brandon." Jamie nodded and Luke went off to talk to Brandon. He said something to him, and Brandon nodded. Luke grinned back and walked to Jamie.

"All clear. Let's go." Jamie nodded and led the way to his car. They got in and drove in a comfortable silence all the way to his house. Once there, Jamie led the way in and they got situated in the living room couch, snuggled up against each other. Jamie switched on the TV and flipped the channels to one that was playing a movie. They sat like that for a while before Jamie spoke up.

"Why do you find it surprising that people are interested in you?" he asked softly.

Luke jumped at the sudden noise, before settling back down and thinking about the question. "I don't know," he said finally, "They've never really done it before."

"But you didn't think it was weird when they were talking about me and Kyle, did you?"

"No, but you're different. It was news because you two were new. They've never talked about me like this, like, you know…"

Jamie turned so that he was facing Luke, "There's really not much of a difference. And you're selling yourself short. I've told you, you're hot enough to qualify as a Greek god, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever noticed that. Your fan girls have probably just never been this obvious before."

Luke wrinkled his nose at the thought, "Fan girls?"

Jamie smiled and nodded sagely, "Yes. I'm sure you have them."


"So, really, don't worry about it too much, okay?"

Luke nodded and they went back to watching the movie. Jamie sighed internally, before snuggling in further. Really, did Luke not realize how popular he was?