In a small rural community near the deep, dark, depths of the forest live creatures that have beautiful alluring bodies, sharp bright eyes, and the intelligence that would make any genius quiver in surrender. These creatures, are no ordinary living specimens , they are neither human nor anything that one may believe could be real. They are werewolf's. They are hungry, thirsty, and savage beings that would do anything for a hunt. At first observation one may think that these creatures are harmless, that they are just doing their best to survive, well that is all a lie. Do not go near one, do not befriend one, and certainly not fall in love with one because if you do, then you are a goner.

Author notes: Hello I am a new author for fictionpress, but I do have a couple of stories on fanfiction. Anyways this is just the prologue for now, I shall see if people like this or not. Also I'm trying something new to see if I actually like it and who knows, I may love writing this story so much that I would actually update more often then I usually do. SO yea if you guys like the prologue, which right now is basically nothing compared to the real story please do tell. I shall be posting chapter one in a couple of days.