"Julia, you need to get laid!" My exhilarating best-friend, since our dear high school days, exaggerated my need for a new man in my life. Loud enough for the entire coffee house to hear it.

I shrank behind the coffee machine to get away from the peering eyes of the nine-o-clock rush of the Los Angeles amateur script writers and actors, whose heads swirled around at her outburst.

"Amy!" I scowled at her.

Quickly, finishing up an order for an 'Andy'. I called out his tall, nonfat, caramel macchiato… hold the caramel. Which was just a normal macchiato! If these people didn't supply my paycheck, I'd have given them some choice words about their caramel macchiato with no caramel and where they could shove it. And that would be up their pretentious asses.

When Andy came up to the counter, he had a smirk on his face and he gave me that look. You know the one that says I-heard-you-needed-some-and-hey-I've-got-what-you-need. It didn't think for a second he couldn't give me some, although I didn't need whatever my friend undesirably made known. So I smile and tell him to have a nice day. He shrugs in a your-loss type of way.

I turn to my dear co-worker, and lift a palm towards a now exiting Andy, "You see what you do?"

"I would've hit it." She smile out the side of mouth, "Come on, you're telling me you didn't even think about it?

"…Not twice, at least." Then gave her a knowing look as she raised a suggestive eyebrow at me. I silently forgave her embarrassing me, but I guess getting hit on by a moderately attractive male wasn't the worse outcome that could have happened.

And I couldn't stay mad at her for long. She was only looking out for me.

It's been a couple months since my husband, also known as high school sweetheart, had become my ex-husband. As I look back on it, all the fault was with him. You know with all the lying, cheating and deceiving he was doing. I was surprised he still had time to come back home and keep the charade up for seven years of our marriage.

I remember thanking the all omnipotent god that we had not indeed gotten pregnant despite his mother begging over the prospect of holding a grandchild. I never really understood why he was just as against the idea as I was. I mean I was in my mid-twenties then, not ready for the vicious mood swings of a pregnancy and the thought of child birth made me want to pull my own wisdom teeth out. Although, once I saw a leggy redhead, naked and wrapped around my husband, who was also naked… it was like a light bulb went off in my head.

If we had a baby together, it would totally ruin that wouldn't it.

Every time I thought about how much time I wasted on him, thinking we were what romance novels were made of, it made me sick to my stomach and left a very sour taste in my mouth.

"By the way how's the new house." Amy asked me as she blindly filed out an order and handed the cup to me.

Oh, did I mention that I caught them having sex on my kitchen counter. The same place that I have been cooking dinner for him every night for the past years of our marriage. So I moved.

To a lovely little home, very comfortable and manageable for a young single woman in her mid-twenties. The only thing I wished was manageable, more than comfortable, was the ugly kidney shaped pool in my backyard. Which was a huge selling point for my realtor as she kept shoving the idea of pool parties down my throat during the house tour. I was already bent out of shape about my recent ex-husband that I daydreamed about the best parties I would have in that pool, and how many shirtless men I would have in it.

Although, I was signing for the place before I realized I didn't actually know any men, shirtless for that matter, to bring to said parties. Parties that in fact have never once occurred.

Why do you ask? That blasted ugly algae-green covered pool! I don't want to look at it much less than scrub the sides of it clean. So it sits there and I flip it off when I have to walk past it because it is a reminder that my life is lame, and that I'm lame.

"Yeah… the house is great." I say, being deceitful only slightly to my friend. I did actually like the house.

"Let's throw a house warming!" She suddenly turns to me like this is the greatest idea she ever had of all time, completely ignoring a couple who have stepped up to the counter to order, "I mean… its summer now."

"How 'bout not." I tell her simply, completing two orders of hot chocolates. I don't understand people who show up to a coffee place and get no coffee. It's like going to a hotdog vendor and asking for hamburgers, but they're like a shady hotdog place and can get you those hamburgers.

"Come on… I'll do all the planning." I look into her begging eyes and finally give in. Immediately, begrudgingly thinking about how I would have to scrub that dreaded pool.

I pull my long gardening gloves higher on up on my forearms and shockingly stand in front of the grossest thing on the planet, which I am currently paying for with my own hard earned cash. Well and a bit of money I made with the divorce. But that's what he gets for being a successful and lustful man… he probably thought of himself as his very own Christian Grey.

Rolling up my jeans for just in case purposes, I wasn't exactly sure if some of that green stuff got on me if I would be able to get it out. Throwing my hair up into a ponytail, I gaze down at the enemy and feel the warrior women in me roar to defeat it. And then, I pick up the tiny brush that came with the pool, pro-bono style.

I spend a good hour scrubbing the thing, and now it only looked like a green swirling mess of algae instead of a calm and collected pool full of algae. Sighing in aggravation, I felt the sweat on the back of my neck, and had about to the Eiffel Tower and back of this pool's shit.

Dropping the brush on the ground, I yank off the gloves as I walk inside and open the fridge to feel the cold air that it softly blows at me. I grab a container of lemonade from the fridge and pour myself a glass. Putting the lemonade back in its rightful place in between the orange juice and milk, I shut the fridge door I take a gulp of the soury-sweetness that cures my dry throat instantly. Walking over to the slider door, I contemplate what I was going to about the party tomorrow night. With my pool still like that… I would be mortified if people saw it.

I guess I should call… I stop mid-thought seeing a young guy possibly in his twenties, with my tiny brush in hand. For a second, I stood there shocked watching this six-foot tall, dark haired male forcibly scrubbing my pool. Um…what the hell was that guy doing?

Yanking the back door open, I walk up to him and as I am about ask him where the hell he even came from and what he was doing to my pool, he cuts me off.

"I've never seen a pool this… immoral." He tilts his head trying to find the right word for the filthiness.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were the 'Pool Police'." I say lamely, trying to mock him as he has unknowingly offended me and my abilities to take care of a pool. When clearly, I couldn't take care of it but that didn't stop me.

He finally pauses scrubbing and nods to the house behind mine, "I can see you from my room, watching you flop the brush around, I couldn't take it anymore." He sighs frustratingly, before pushing the brush harder against the side of the pool.

"Just so you know, I'm not paying you. Since you are trespassing and everything…" I say and take a sip from my glass once more.

"I don't care, I'm just not going to live next to…this."

"I've been living here for a month, you seriously haven't noticed it before?"

"Yeah I've noticed. I just never realized that someone actually lived here with a pool like this, though."

Hmm, I took that little tidbit of information, and swallowed it as I see his tan biceps flexing with fluidity as he cleans. To keep myself cool I took another gulp of lemonade. And nearly spit it out when he raises the bottom of his shirt to wipe his brow. His skin was tan even under his shirt, I noticed, as it contrasted well with his white t-shirt. And sweet lord, that V-cut. I felt the need to bite my knuckle while checking him out.

He gave me a quizzical look as he raises an eyebrow at me, but not in a sexual way but in a way that tells me he caught me checking him out and didn't really know how to feel about it. Obviously, a gorgeous guy that gives me such sexual tension I haven't felt in ages is less attracted to me than well a gorgeous guy would be to an average looking female.

I advert my eyes from him, and glance at the pool.

"You really know what you're doing." I had to admit he was doing a better job than me, so I let him. Continue to clean my pool that is.

"I was a lifeguard in high school."

"You could have just said last week…You were a lifeguard last week." I say cheekily, as I raise an eyebrow in his direction coyly. The more I looked at him the younger he looked but that didn't stop me from checking out his body. I mean he had to be legal at least… right?

"I graduated last year." Oh dear god, here I was checking out a nineteen year old and I'm twenty-six…there had to be mental disorder for that. If Amy was here she wouldn't care one bit, one look at this guy and she'd have her bikini on parading around the pool for him.

"You in college?" I ask conversationally, I've never been to college you know with the whole getting married out of high school and keeping the house ready for him to get home. I didn't have time for college, much less my part-time job at the coffee house, but I was glad I kept it.

"I've been at UCLA." Okay he was hot… but also smart. What a zinger!

I continued glancing over at him from the corner of eye, and mentally moan every time I see the sheen of sweat on his muscles as he flexes, and the way he grunts slightly with exertion. The visual and audio I was getting off this guy was making me heat up more than the sun ever did. I had to get out of there.

Before I could make it to the slider, he calls out to me, "Do you think I could get a glass of that lemonade?"

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" I wouldn't mind paying him with a little something more personal but I highly doubt he would agree to that. Although, he was after my beloved lemonade. I saw him shake his head. I guess now I had the confirmation that indeed milkshakes do not bring the boys to the yard but in fact lemonade does. It's been a topic of conversation many times with Amy since the nineties when that hit song came out.

"Lemonade will be enough." Is all he says before he lifts his shirt again and fans out the heat from it.

I shut the door on my pool boy fantasy I had been having since I saw his body as I close the slider behind me. I harshly open the fridge, pulling out the lemonade. This guy thinks he can just break into my backyard and get 'free' lemonade. I sigh after pouring him a glass. I know if Amy were here she had been pressuring me to take a leap of faith and try to get him to undress for more actives… that I would probably enjoy so much—

No. Get ahold on you feminine wiles, Julia! My inner angel told me, but something more deep and sinister won. I glance at my appearance in the window, and quickly let my hair fall messily from my hairband, and comb it out of my face with my fingers. Next, opening a couple more buttons on my shirt. I felt sexy. Sexy enough to make this guy look at me twice that is.

Taking a deep breath for stability I walk back calmly, well as calmly as I could muster.

Though, he takes one look at me before immediately lifting the glass from my hand. He didn't even flinch when he saw my C-cup push up bra breasts. I felt myself inwardly gasp at the audacity he had to deny something so tempting in front of him, as I witnessed him down the glass in one big gulp instead of diving into stated breasts.

Once done drinking he gives the glass back to me, and then continues his work.

I flipped my hair behind my head indignantly once he turned around, and then sit down on one of my worn-down deck chairs, placing his empty glass next to me on the ground.

Casually taking sips from my own glass as I continued to watch him under hooded eyes. But he was paying absolutely no attention to me. I hadn't realized I ran out of lemonade until I tipped the glass too much and ice ran into my front teeth. Ice cubes scattered landing on the floor, some sliding down my chest.

I suddenly stood up, cursing and opening my shirt more. Dumping the ice onto the floor, where it melted almost immediately. I glance up to find his eyes on me, watching me while I jumped around, shirt open, trying to free all the extremely cold cubes. He looked at me as if I was crazy and not in some sex crazy type of way. To hide my embarrassment I practically ran inside.

Once in the privacy of my own house, I brace myself on the kitchen counter and tried to breathe. I felt like an idiot for coming on to this guy, and I felt the presence of my ex-husband laughing at me like he did when I found him with his mistress. I wasn't sexy enough for him, and now I wasn't sexy enough for this younger guy, too?

In all honesty, my ex was my first and seemed to be my last. I never had any man other than him, and the day I found him cheating, I wish that weren't true.

"Um… you left these outside," I heard the clank of glasses being set down on the kitchen counter behind me, "Your pool's mostly clean, you're going to have to chlorinate it. Do you know how to do that?"

"Just leave." I say quietly, not bothering to turn around and look at him.

"I'll do it, if you don't know how…"

"Its fine…I'll figure it out, you've done enough." I didn't mean to sound as rude as I did but he caught me while I was down, and I let out a shaky breath wanting him to just leave so that I could cry alone.

I was spun around by his grip on my shoulders. All of a sudden, he was extremely close, as he leans me back against the counter with a conflicted expression on his face. And I kick him.

Well, instinctually, of course. Any normal single women, all alone in her house, would have down the same thing. He scared the living hell out of me.

I saw him take a huge gasp of air in and he immediately let go of my arms.

"You can't just kick a guy there…"He said backing away from me, holding his most delicate of places, "What are you going to do if I can't use it anymore?" Bending over, he groans out the question before glancing up at me with a pained expression.

"Then… I'd say you deserved it. Trying to take advantage of me…"

"Honestly, I'm not that passionate."

"Who knows...?" I say crossing my arms defiantly.

"…What? You think you can turn me on that easily?" He said teasingly before he straightened, seemingly over getting kick in the balls, "Especially an unhappy wife like you?" As he says this I feel my heart drop in my chest, and he smirks at my reaction, obviously reading it wrong, "I can still see the tan line where you took off your ring."

I unconsciously cover my ring finger as he tries to gaze at it again. The action makes him shake his head at me disappointed, "Cheating wives like you make me sick, coming on to me while your husband's probably out at work—"

"You have it twisted, my ex-husband was the cheating one."

The way he looked after I said that made me wish I had one of those life-remotes that could pause his expression for me to look at over and over again. It was priceless, as he immediately regretted everything he had said to me previously. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck, as he casts his eyes down on my kitchen's hardwood floor.

"Shit, I'm sorry. It's just when I was working as a lifeguard a lot of older women…" I felt my eyebrow raise of him comparing me to with these 'older women', but he doesn't catch it as he is still wishing for the floor to suddenly open and he could fall out of this situation, "... it's just they'd always try to get me to sleep with them. Some not even bothering to take off their wedding rings."

"And when I saw your tan line when you sipped from your glass, I immediately just thought…" He sighs loudly, before glancing up at me, "Shit, if I had known that… Do you know how hard it was to resist you? Specifically, when you walked outside with you hair like that…and…those out!" I points at my breast like there the most stunning thing in the world to him.

"I guess at your age, boys aren't that picky." I shrug nonchalantly, he didn't seem to be struggling to resist anything when I was coming on to him with everything I had… that didn't exactly extend to sticking my hand down his pants.

"You don't think that every guy who sees a pretty woman wants to fuck her?" He slowly comes closer, encompassing me as he places his hands on either side of me on the kitchen counter behind me, holding himself up as he leans into me further, "I had to chug that whole glass of lemonade hoping it would set my mind straight from jumping you right then and there."

I scoffed at his heated words, before he could tell how much of an effect they had on me, "You don't know what you're saying… I've got to be like seven years older than you. I mean there's got to be girls at college that you—" I cut myself off. Right now Amy would be cursing at me for saying these things and talking myself down like that. What was I saying!? I was trying to get him into me not even a minute ago. Maybe I really did have some mental disorder.

"I don't really give shit about those girls, there just as bad as those sex-deprived wives." Before I can unconsciously protest again, he captures my lips with his, stepping closer as he presses his full body against mine. One hand moves to hold the back of my neck as his fingers tangle into my messy hair, tilting my head back as he kisses me, and suddenly his fingers tighten around my locks of hair making me gasp.

He takes the opportunity to sink his tongue into my mouth, as he teasingly glides it against my tentative one. I've never been kissed this thoroughly in a long time. I forgot how passionate a kiss could be, missing my teenage days of kissing my ex when we first were dating. Of being pulled into the pantry or closest to have quick make-out session unbeknownst to his family members in the house. I didn't realize how much I missed the exciting parts of a relationship until being kissed furiously by this stranger. I mean I didn't even know his name, but I didn't care. And that scared me. It scared me that I didn't care.

Even though, I could picture Amy mentally high fiving me for doing this.

I finally pulled away from him to breathe, but he continues to kiss me, running his lips down the side of my neck. Stopping to suck at the conjunction were my neck met my shoulder. I cried out and griped his hips tightly. I couldn't believe in seconds he already found one of my sensitive spots. I could feel his lips pull up in a smirk at my reaction before he keeps lick, biting and sucking on the skin there.

I was starting to get weak in the knees as he was relentless, and the heat between my thighs was burning. He suddenly starts kissing lower, his tongue giving quick licks on the top of my breasts, before running his tongue teasingly over my bra. I could feel myself tighten under him, as I let out a sharp breath when he shoves his thigh between mine, pressing it up against me.

The friction of his hot thigh pressing my jeans closer to my core, made me melt. I couldn't stand it anymore and moan as he rubs it tortuously slow against me. His other hand finally leaves the countertop as he begins to unbutton my shirt.

One of my hands lowers to grip the top his thigh to balance myself on him, and the other moves up his body. My fingers run under the bottom of his shirt and push it up as I fell the contours of his abs, then feel higher running them up to his chest. Feeling the muscle that I had been staring at earlier, begging to touch them, and now I was. He leans away from me, pulling his shirt off of his body and stares at me as I gawk down at the slightly glistening muscle.

God, I felt like I was in a trance. I slowly run my gaze up his body, pausing at his lips which were slightly red from kissing and I had a feeling mine weren't any different. We are both breathing heavily as I met his eyes, and I bite my bottom lip slightly to keep me from moaning. The look he was giving me, it made my insides tighten.

I almost whimper when he moves his leg away from me, but he immediately lifts me onto the kitchen counter and pushes me back, laying me out in front of him. Abruptly, he is placing quick kisses on my lower half, occasionally sucking on the sides of my naked stomach, as he unbuttons my jeans. Once done, he runs his hands under me, lifting me as he seizes my jeans, yanking them off me easily.

I watch, in only my underwear, as he gives me a once over with hungry eyes.

Sitting up, I hook my hands around his neck pulling his lips to mine once more, as he steps closer gripping my hips, aligning mine with his. I gasp into his mouth when pushes his clothed erection into me.

His fingers press into my back, making me bow into him and he quickly uses that hand to unhook my bra. Not bothering to let go of me enough to remove it, he only pushes it aside as he places his other hand under it, and then his thumb circles my nipple.

I cry out into his mouth, but he swallows it with his kiss, then puts pressure on my back. His hand flush to my skin, holding me close, as he thrusts harder against me. I begin to feel lightheaded as I move my hands to dig my nails into his shoulders. I can't hold back the moans that are escaping me anymore, as I so close now.

Unexpectedly, he pinches my nipple and it sends me over the edge. I tilt my head back and cry out as feel myself shatter and my legs hooked around his hips, tighten, pulling him in close as he helps me ride my orgasm out.

I lean against him breathless, as I feel him move under me. But once I hear him unzip his pants I snap out of my trance and quickly push him away from me, as he stands before me in only boxers. His erection could be scene easily through the fabric.

I quickly shake my head as he raises an eyebrow at my reaction, "We can't…we can't do it here." I say exasperatedly as he steps into me again. Images of walking in on my ex-husband having sex on the kitchen counter pretty much ruined the location for me right now.

"…Where then?" He asks before nibbling on my earlobe making my shiver.

"The first door on the left." I state pointing to a hallway past my living room.

He quickly lifts me his hands under my thighs, as I instinctively wrap my legs around him and wrap my arms around his shoulders making sure he won't drop me. But he carries me easily through my house, leaning me onto my closed bedroom door so that he could reach out and turn the handle.

Once in the room, he throws me down on the purple sheets covering my bed, and then climbs on top of me, "By the way, my name's Alex… in case you want to scream it later."

"Only someone young would say that so confidently…" I say breathless, then smile up at him before flipping us over so that he's now on his back and I'm straddling him, "I'm Julia… you can do whatever you want with it though."

Alex smirks before pulling me into a heated kiss.

Thank you for reading :)

Please review! I plan to make this a full story, but after I finish Figuring Out Foster. I'm going to change the title and the summary eventually. There is going to be drama with Alex, and her ex and her parents/Alex's parents.