My dear Son,
By the time you read this I shall be long gone, from this earth at least. I'm sure this will come as a shock to you but my health has been in a steady decline for some years. I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want you to worry, you needed to concentrate on becoming a leader not worrying about your ailing old man.
You'll be a fine leader, Judas. You're strong, smart, fearless and you have a great heart. The man will follow you, and you'll take care of them. I couldn't be more proud of the man and leader you've become.
There is however, something I must tell you. For your entire life, from the moment you were conceived I loved you. You were my son, you were my hope, your mother loved you but the secret we held tore her apart. I am sterile.
I am not your father.
I kept the secret from you, your entire life. I knew how it would change things, I didn't want to push you away, I didn't want to lose you. The second you came into this world you were mine, I held you in my arms and you were my son.
I love you so much, I never cared one lick about your dna. You're my son and you always will be. Your mother, couldn't live with the truth, couldn't except you for the blessing you clearly were but I do know she loved you.
Your father is one of the red dragons, they do not know of your genetics. In every aspect that has ever mattered you were my son. I wouldn't trade you for a boy of my own, the years I spent raising you were the happiest years of my life.
Do not be angry at your mother, and please do not hold a grudge against me.
I'm leaving the men in your hands, I know they'll be well looked after. You my son I am leaving your care to Velvet, stop pushing her away.
Any man would consider himself lucky to have her by their side, and she is completely devoted to you. I've watched you squander that for the past few years and I'm telling you right now, if you love that girl do something about it.
Do something about it or let her go.
I know you, you think if you let her get close, if you admit you're in love with her that makes you vulnerable like your mother did with me. It's worth the risk. People you love get hurt, and sometimes they hurt you but it's worth it, every minute with your mother was worth it. You love that girl and you need to be man enough to admit it you her and yourself.
I wish you'd have put a ring on her hand while I was alive to see my grandchildren, but I won't be. So, grant this dying old man his wishes. Fulfill your potential, be a husband, be a father and love that woman with the depth of your soul. Where ever life takes you, whatever path you choose, you are and always will be my son and I love you.
Love, Pops.