Chapter 1: That first meeting we often forget

Aria Jones was the lean, tall beauty who gave off the aura of confidence in every outfit. Her long dark brown hair fell to her hips and eyes grey eyes shone with a unique brilliance. She was the elegant woman of 23 who every man fell for but didn't approach because they respected her for her modesty. She was also the girl who spoke less and did more.

After yet another busy day at the office, she walked onto the train and seeing as there were no free chairs, she stood near the doorway. She put in her earphones. A cheesy love song played in her ears. Great, Andrie forgot to take this song off my song list. Why does she listen to this crap anyway? Aria was too tired to change the song so just waited for it to finish. As she did so, she watched a guy, who was sitting down close to her, staring at a girl on the other side of the train who was looking down on her phone

The man in Aria's ear sang, "Oh, and I love her so much. Why doesn't she look at me~"

Aria smiled to herself. The guy was not looking away from that girl- as if he just couldn't.

Look at me. See me here. I'm standing here just waiting by your side~

The guy's eyes remained glue to the girl.

Look at me~

The girl stirred, making the guy stir.

I am standing here, silently~

Seeing the girl's eyes remain on her phone, the guy relaxed slightly.

Look at me. Please look at me~

The girl looked up and the guy and girl's eyes met. The guy smiled nervously, and the girl returned the smile. The guy then quickly looked away. His cheeks were flushing despite the train being so cold. Aria smiled to herself as the song finished its bridge. Love is definitely in the air...

In the following weeks, Aria came to learn the guy, girl and herself all got off at the same station. She also saw the two occasionally on the train with the guy playing the usual hide-and-seek games with his eyes. The three became known strangers.

One evening, after another long day, the three train-goers hot off the train at three different doors. As the three walked out of the station, with the girl leading the way, both Aria and the guy noticed when the girl's dangly ruby earrings fell from her ear to the floor. Aria, being closest to it, picked it up, careful not to drop the hot chocolate in her hands. She observed the heart shaped earring and looked over to the guy who was staring at the earring in her hand. Aria closed her fingers over the earring and watched the guy's expression change to a solemn one. Aria walked over to him and to his surprise, held out her closed fist to the him.

"Here, you give this to her," Aria smiled, dropping the earring carefully into his hand.

"Thank- thanks..." the guy said, shell-shocked.

"You better run after her," Aria advised, "...and talk to her! Ask her out somewhere."

"Oh- okay, thanks again!" the guy gave Aria a grateful smile and ran after the girl.

Aria stood and thought, Three strangers who had known each other for weeks had just talked for the very first time.

Just then, a person pushed her from behind. Her hot chocolate fell out of her hands, its contents splattering all over the man who just crossed her path. His white shirt was soon sprayed with dark brown.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-!" Aria began and stopped when she saw this new stranger's face.

Straight, short black hair. Blue eyes. Lean, built and tall. Dangerously handsome.

"You did this, you're going to fix this," the guy said, his voice deep, ominous and annoyed.

"It was an accident-!"

"Do you think I care?!"

Aria looked in her hot chocolate cup and without a second thought, she spilt the rest of its contents onto the remaining white on his shirt.

"There, I fixed it for you," and with one last threatening glare, she pushed passed him and exited the station, not looking back once.

Zeal watched as Aria walked off. Wow. Just wow.

She's beautiful. That's a shame. I hope I never see her again.

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