Chapter 5: Strange strangers
Aria wanted to melt away. Aria Jones was in the arms of Zeal Lachlan, a stranger whom she hated, in a toilet cubicle with a small audience watching the awful event. What in the name of bananas and cranberries is going on?
The manager, who was staring at the two in absolute shock, tried to compose himself, "Um, Ma'am, is there a problem here? Is this man...uh... molesting you?" he asked as calmly as he could manage.
Aria had no idea what to do, what to say. What is he doing to me? For a moment, she had forgotten who she was, where she was and what it meant to be living. She had even forgotten that she currently had all her weight on Zeal and that her feet was still up in the air. Seeing that Aria was virtually senseless, Zeal carefully stood up, carrying Aria in his arms. As he did so, Aria finally woke up from her shock, feeling disorientated in the air without her feet on the ground. Eyes wide, she wrapped her arms around Zeal's neck to gain some sort of balance in the world that was falling apart around her, looking into Zeal's eyes with a sense of desperation. He was the only person who knew their truth. The truth that in actual fact, these two were still strangers. Zeal felt his heart wrench when he looked at her. Do I see fear in her eyes? He gently let her feet the touch ground so that could stand up but her arms remained securely around him.
"No, I wasn't doing anything wrong to her," Zeal said firmly, looking directly at the manager.
"Oh..." was all the manager could say.
But the lady who had complained to him wasn't satisfied, "I want to hear it from the girl! Was this man-?!"
"No, he hasn't done anything wrong... it's all a misunderstanding," Aria said, finally finding her voice. Zeal's confidence had helped bring some of her own back. She quickly let go of Zeal, her face fully red. How is he so calm?!
"Okay then, let's all-" began the manager.
"This is disgusting!" the lady cut off the manager. "This is a ladies' toilet! A man should never be in here- even if some slut has invited him to-"
"Hey, mind your language," cut in Zeal, stepping forward towards the lady.
"Mind my language?! Wow, you famous people are all the same! I recognise you, Mr Lachlan. You're just beginning your career, I know, but don't let this disgusting behaviour with some girl ruin your career."
"She's not just some girl! And listen lady, I know what you're thinking but it's nothing like that!" Zeal had lost his cool. He stood in front of Aria, his arm reaching ever so slightly towards her as if to protect her. Aria stared on, surprised. "And she's done absolutely nothing wrong so shut your mouth!"
'Nothing wrong'?! But this is all my fault!
Aria decided to speak up, "This is truly all a misunderstanding. I was playing a prank on him- I switched the signs on the toilets and-"
"You expect me to believe that?!" the lady laughed.
"You can see for yourself- just go outside and-" Aria tried to say.
"Ha- this is just too much-" the lady cut in again, shaking her head, unbelieving.
"Will you just listen to her, you stu-!" Zeal shouted.
Aria quickly cut in, "Uhh, and then..." Aria went on to explain the situation. The lady listened but she didn't seem very convinced. On the other hand, the manager was smirking.
"This story is actually plausible," the manager said before turning to face the lady. "Sorry Ma'am for this strange turn of events but let's let this one slide and pretend nothing happened, okay?"
"Okay, fine..." the lady said, smirking at Aria and Zeal. Something about the way her eyes glinted and the way she strutted her way out of the toilet did not sit well with Aria.
As Aria worried, she was suddenly reminded that she had an even worse problem at hand. Zeal was glaring straight at her and he did not look at all amused.
"What are you, seven?!" Zeal said, walking out of the cubicle.
"Uh... I'm really sorry..." Aria had no idea what else to say.
"I don't need your stupid apology. It's not going to change anything, is it?" Zeal said, turning on one of the taps at full. Water gushed out of it and Aria's anger was going to too. What's with his attitude?!
"Listen, Mr Lachlan, I didn't know all this was going to happen! At least I'm apologising! I mean, I have no idea why, but it seems like we're destined to hate each other but still, I said sorry, didn't I?! You don't even deserve that!" Aria burst out.
"Yeah, I deserve way more than just an apology," Zeal said ominously. He cupped his hands under the tap and with one quick movement, he splashed Aria's face with water. The cold water trickled down her flushed cheeks and neck, escaping under her dress to her chest.
Once again in shock (but more in anger), Aria screamed out, "What was that for?!" She began wiping her face, purposely shaking off the water so that some drops splattered on Zeal.
"If you can be seven, so can I," Zeal said, pushing passed Aria as he walked towards the door.
"You!" Aria screamed, "I hope we NEVER, EVER, see each other again! "
"Then that makes it the two of us," Zeal said, as he reached the door. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. As he looked at her, it was Zeal's time to be surprised. Wait, she wasn't wearing any make-up? "By the way, you look pretty good, being all wet and all..." he said, smirking before leaving.
Aria stared on, her eyes wide. She hated herself for blushing. Please tell me all of this was just a dream. Please.
Aria couldn't stand being in the same building as Zeal any longer so quickly she dried off as best she could, went out to the main eating area (to her relief, it seemed like Zeal had already left) and dragged the confused Damien out with her out of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry Damien but I have to go back to the hotel now. I'm... I'm not feeling well..." Aria tried to explain.
"Why? What happened? Are you okay?" Damien asked, holding onto her arm gently.
Aria carefully pushed his hand away, "I'll be better once I get away from here."
Someone watched the two as they left the place. She smirked to herself as she looked at the photos on her phone.
A day later, in his hotel room, Zeal was watching the television when Sam burst into his room.
"Zeal! Change the channel to Channel X! Now!" He cried, sitting next to Zeal.
"But that's a stupid channel- they just gossip about people-"
"Just change it!" Sam grabbed the remote control off Zeal and followed his own command. As he did so, to Zeal's surprise, a picture of himself flashed on the screen with some hazy pictures of a girl next to it.
A TV reporter was commentating animatedly as more hazy photos flashed on the screen behind her, "Last night, rising actor Zeal Lachlan was spotted at a restaurant with a women. The woman seems to be none other than model Aria Jones whom Zeal Lachlan was reportedly recently having an ad shoot with. Witnesses say the two were found in a compromising situation in the restaurant toilets. Hmm, do we sense something scandalous here?"
Zeal couldn't believe what was happening. The last thing he saw before grabbing the remote off Sam and turning the television off was a picture of Aria wearing a long red dress in one of the magazine covers she had shot for, her unforgettable grey eyes staring directly at him. With that image still in his mind, he thought,
Why can't we just leave each other alone?!