Chapter 1

Beep, beep, beep. I rolled over and turned off my alarm clock. I hate Mondays, especially ones like today. Chilly, Dark, and Foggy. I got up and put on my favorite short-sleeved red shirt and jeans, and like usual I didn't comb my brown messy hair. I grabbed my backpack and waited for my best friend Phil and his little sister Lisa.

"Sup, Tim"

"Oh, hey Phil" I said. Phil was about 2 inches taller than me with fiery red hair and brown eyes like mine. "How was your weekend?"

"Horrible, little Miss. 6th grader over here broke my Xbox 360" he said as he glared at Lisa. Lisa was about a foot smaller than me. She had dark brown hair that was almost black and had brown eyes. In all honesty she looked more like she would be my sister than Phil's. She also was very shy and didn't talk to a lot of people. She only ever really talked to Phil and one of her best friends and me.

"Dude Lighten up that's super funny! And think about this, now you can buy an Xbox 1."

"It's not funny, and I don't want and can't afford a Xbox 1 right now."

"Whatever, so Lisa how was your weekend?"

"Um, I-it was um I guess ok. Other than Phil flipping out on me."

"Ok." The last 10 minutes of the walk no one talked.