I wiped the little beads of perspiration from my upper lip with the back of my hand. The place was getting more crowded and uncomfortable by the second. The music changed to another one of cheesy slow songs, which according to these people was "good music" and I groaned. Listening to them for the past two hours, I was close enough to have my head explode. If it wasn't the music contributing to the pounding in my head, it was the loud chattering, murmurings and laughing of these people around me. I took another sip of my cranberry juice and sighed. Half of it was already gone and I didn't have the money to buy another one. Everything here was so expensive and I had only the money of a stay for one day. If I wasn't successful today, then I might not get another chance anytime soon.

I looked around at the dim lighted room for the third time in the past ten minutes. Where was he? He has been in there for forever! The VIP area was more protected by big bulky guards in their "men in black" suits then the rest of the casino. No surprise there since their underboss was inside. According to Tampa Police Department, it was shocking for the underboss to be inspecting and assessing the on goings of one of the casinos the mafia owned. Lane said that the surveillance was mostly done by the guards and the people who work for them, or otherwise it is the duty of the manager to report to the owner. So when Lane told me that he was going to be here tonight, I thought it to be an ideal opportunity to initiate my plans.

I had even picked the most perfect red dress for this specific moment. It was neither too provocative nor too concealing. Just short till my mid-thigh and sleeveless. When I had looked in the mirror before leaving my room which I had booked for just a single day in this casino plus hotel, just for the purpose of meeting the underboss for the first time, I thought I had looked decent enough. The cleavage was the right amount, appropriate for seduction, I think it was! My red hair and ivory skin complemented the dress I wore and all my pampering and beautifying myself will be in vain if he didn't come out of the VIP lounge.

"Hey pretty lady; want me to buy you a drink?" A man with vile features, short height and rusty teeth settled on the seat next to me at the bar while grinning from ear to ear. He reeked of alcohol and there was certain madness in his eyes that triggered the warning bells in my head. Seriously what kind of people do they allow in here? Of course criminals and offenders!

I immediately began shaking my head. "No thanks. Now go away." I began to drink the rest of my juice, ignoring him.

"Come on doll! Don't be like that." He inched closer to my face. His foul breaths making me avert my face away. "I think a woman like you needs something bigger and stronger." The double meaning of his words was not lost to me.

"And I think you need to leave me alone!" I said sharply. A few heads turned to our direction, including the bartender's but none came forward to help. Why would they help a young woman in need over a criminal, after all this entire casino was run by criminals!

"Don't be difficult! I can give you a great time." He began running his fingers up my arm when a small amount of panic hit me and I instantly got up from my seat, taking a few steps away from him.

"Touch me again and I'll scream!" I tried to threaten him, but of course my threat was going to be futile. My empty threat was not going to scare him. He seemed like a dangerous man.

He laughed at the tiny amount of fear he saw beyond my façade of determination. Men like him were used to women resisting him but in the end, they still get what they want by making those women their prey. That is how they became criminals. "I think I am going to like making you scream for me." He took a step towards me.

"Take another step and I…" my words halted when I saw his face morph into an expression of fear. He literally began trembling and took a few steps back. I felt a moment of pride in myself, until I realized he was staring at something behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I felt a strong presence behind me. I resisted the urge to shiver and closed my eyes. Something settled deep in my stomach as I felt tingles spreading all over my body.

"Is there a problem here?" the deep, rich, husky voice filled with an Italian accent was what made me open my eyes again and come back to planet earth. I felt him take a few more steps and stop next to me. There he was Emanuele Bertolino.

I gaped at him with my mouth open. I had heard that Italian men were attractive but was witness to the extent of their attraction for the first time. He was the epitome of perfection, starting with his hard jaw to chiseled features and the elegant contours of his diamond shaped face. His dark locks of hair that fell on his forehead with dark eyes so haunting, profound and enigmatic; they knocked the breath out of me. He wore a black suit which greatly enhanced his mysterious, powerful and menacing aura and personality. It will even make the devil cower in fear. The pictures that were shown of him were nothing compared to his actual presence beside me. But then I remembered my mission and I stopped myself from swooning further.

At this time, all eyes that were present at the bar and lounge were on us. People were staring and whispering among themselves. No wonder they would do that now!

"Is he troubling you Miss?" his smooth voice called out to me. My wandering eyes landed on his face and I almost lost my balance and my train of thoughts. My God he was gorgeous!

No Jade! Remember why you are here! He is a criminal!

All eyes were on me, including the guards that were surrounding him for his protection. I gulped and cleared my throat.

"Do you know him?" Emanuele asked pointing towards the man who not so long ago was trying to force me, now was shaking with fright, wide eyed.

I shook my head. "No. He was being improper with me."

Emanuele became even more rigid. His jaw clenched as he turned to face the man again. His eyes were almost burning. "I want you to leave my hotel right now! And don't ever come back. If I see you anywhere near this area again, my men will not hesitate to rid of you. Am I clear?" he exclaimed furiously.

The man looked as if he would shit his pants any second.

Emanuele looked at the guard on his right side who took the hint and moved towards the man who looked close enough to have a seizure right now. He was dragged away from the casino while screaming and begging for mercy. I felt a little pity.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly. He must have seen the panic on my face.

"You are not going to kill him, are you?"

He seemed to think for a while. "Not if he retaliates and becomes a nuisance."

I exhaled in relief. I couldn't have someone's blood on my hands, unlike the man in front of me was used to.

"Thank you for helping me. I didn't think someone would!" I tried to show some appreciation in my voice.

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he was pestering me for quite a few minutes but none of the people here came forward to help!"

He put his hands in his pockets and nodded his head while pondering. "I guess we will have to remedy that!" he looked past me towards the bartender who was busy making a cocktail for a customer. "Beppe, you are fired!" the bartender looked shocked but he didn't say anything. He knew not to argue or try to explain himself. He left the drink he was making, wiped his hands with a cloth and exited from the back door.

I stared at Emanuele astonished.

He glanced at the guard on his left. "Dario why don't you tell all the guests present here to leave the premises now and never come back again." He said nonchalantly while I was staring at him with my jaw slack. What the hell!

The guard hesitated.

"Ora!" Emanuele said with force and not only him but others also begin to carry out his order. Even I shook at the authority in his voice.

Soon enough this entire part of the casino was empty except for us and a few handful of his men. That was so not part of the plan. An empty place with just him and his men, that was nothing short of a huge risk. My resolve faltered briefly but the face of that one person who meant everything to me clouded my mind and I straightened my back again.

"Why did you do that? That was completely unnecessary!"

"I can't see a beautiful woman like you in distress!" he smiled lightly. So he was the type who thought of all women to be damsel in distresses. One who consider themselves to be alpha males and think of women to be the object of fascination, pleasure, oppression and a machine of making babies. That thought was enough to force down the blush that was beginning to appear on my cheeks.

I lightly narrowed my eyes at him. "As oppose to what you think, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"I never suspected otherwise, Amore!" he smirked teasingly.

My eyebrows furrowed and I crossed my arms at my chest. That was when his eyes swept over me from top to bottom hungrily. I internally bounced giddily at my successful attempt of preparing myself. Step one was complete.

"What is a stunning lady like you doing in a place like this?" his intense eyes settled on my face again.

"I was waiting for someone. He didn't show up!" I made my voice a little sultry.

His eyes widened a little. "He will be a bastardo to keep a woman like you waiting!"

I gave him a fake smile. "Maybe he is!"

He took a few steps towards me and I gasped at the sheer concentration of the goose bumps that overwhelmed me. I didn't like what was happening to me by his presence. Not one bit!

"This place is dangerous. I don't think you should come here after today!" although his tone was calm and gentle, I still detected a hint of warning concealed in it.

I swallowed. "Is that a threat?"

He scoffed as his eyes blazed. From anger or lust, I didn't know. "That is an advice!"

I nodded my head. My job here was done. I was only here to make myself be noticed my Emanuele Bertolino.

I moved past him as his men cleared my way. I was about to make my way out when his voice stopped me. "I didn't catch your name!"

I turned back to him. He was looking at me expectantly. "That is because I didn't tell you." He gasped at my audacity and was about to say something when I rushed out of there as fast as I could.

"This is the rest of your money!" I handed Henry a pile and he immediately stuffed it in his pant pockets. He was one of those pathetic, homeless junkies who lived off from robbing people. He was caught red handed robbing a couple when Lane gave him an ultimatum to either help us with our plan or go to jail. He obviously chose the former.

I saw Lane shake his head at me from the corner of my eyes.

"This is less. I need more!" Henry said agitated while his eyes roamed around the dark and deserted road where the three of us were.

"Two hundred dollars was the deal." I said angrily with my teeth clenched.

"Yeah but that was before I was almost beaten to death. Do you know how strong those men were? Two hundred dollars is less for what you put me through with the mafia guys. I need money to leave the city before any of them spots me again." He said frantically. He had a black eye and the left side of his face was swollen. He didn't look that bad to me.

"Well you are the one who over acted your part. I just told you to come and flirt with me until the underboss sees me. What happened to you is your own fault!"

"You bitch you…"

"Okay that is enough Henry!" Lane interrupted and walked to the SUV that was parked a few steps away from us. He came back with another pile of money which looked to be about one grand and handed it to Henry.

His eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets. I knew my expression mirrored his.

"This will cover all your expenses for escaping the city and a visit to the hospital. If you need more contact me and not Jade, do you understand?"

He nodded his head and after giving us a last glance, ran away. I turned and began walking towards the SUV. "Do you have any sense of the severity of the danger you are putting yourself in?" Lane prevented me from getting in the back seat by putting his hand on the door. His voice and features were thick with worry. His graying hair neatly styled with not a lock out of place, not even the breeze was able to disturb them.

"I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you Ben!" I screamed at him.

"Jade if I could I would take it back. How many times do I have to apologize to you? I know I made a mistake but there has to be other ways to get what we want. Risking your life is not the solution!" he tried to reason.

"You weren't able to do anything for months Ben! And I can't wait any longer. The more time we waste the more his life is in danger. I just want him back safe and sound."

"And we will. But not like this Jade. You know how angry he will be when he knows about this. We are breaking the law here. I am risking my job…"

"That is all you care about Ben, your job. If you would have remotely thought about anything other than your job, maybe Charlie would be with us right now." I wiped the few tears that escaped.

"I am doing everything I can Jade." He said with sympathy.

"Well...it is not good enough." I jerked the door out of his grip and entered the SUV. He soon followed and we were on our way.