"So how is California City treating you?"

"It's great Ben. The weather in nice, the people are friendly. It reminds me so much of home." I answered opening the curtains of our room and taking a deep breath as the fresh air hit my nostrils. The sun was shining brightly which made me smile as I basked in its light.

"And you are safe right? There has been no incident?" he asked worriedly.

"No Ben." I sighed. "He brought me here because it was safe. He wouldn't have chosen this city if it wasn't safe."

He exhaled. "I am still not convinced Jade, I mean there was no need for you to leave Florida. You could have just stayed if the danger was over."

"Ben it was important to him. He wanted a new start, a new place, a new beginning. He wanted to leave everything behind and I was happy to oblige because I actually wanted the same thing."

"But everything important to you is still here, your house, your old job. I mean if the danger really was over, why did you both have to move?" I could tell he was still not over his frustration.

"I have said goodbye to all of that a long time ago Ben. Everything I want and everything that is important to me is here. Emanuele is my everything Ben and I will go wherever he wants me to." I smiled as I looked down at the driveway of our two story house where he was parking his car. He was home from work earlier than usual today. He now owned a successful automotive business. When he came to me about the idea three months ago, I looked at him like he was crazy. But seeing his passion for cars and the way he talked about them, I was convinced that his heart was in it and he would be able to make something out of it. I was happy with my decision now because we were doing great financially and his business was still flourishing.

I still remember when he came home one day smiling from ear to ear and announced about the huge deal that he signed which earned him a lot of profit. I was almost bouncing from the excitement and then cried when he presented me the 10 carat diamond ring which I still wore proudly to this day.

"This is insane Jade. Are you really sure about this? I mean he is still a criminal. Once a criminal is always a criminal! He has killed people and he is danger walking on two legs. You can't change that." Ben's voice raised an octave.

"Stop it Ben! Can't you see me happy?" I almost screamed. "He is never going to hurt me. He is changed Ben, he doesn't do all of those things anymore. He could have had it all; he became the boss after killing Raimondo but refused that position because he wanted to change for me. He left it all for me Ben. And you want me to abandon him?"


"I am marrying Emanuele in a week Ben, whether you like it or not. I have waited for this moment for five months already."

He sighed but didn't try to change my mind again. "I talked to Charles."

My heart thudded excitedly. "You did?"

"Yeah, he was asking about you. I told him about you getting married, at first he was quiet but then he sounded happy for you. He said he wished he could walk you down the aisle."

Tears filled my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I could hear Emanuele downstairs in the kitchen shuffling about. He probably knew or heard that I was on the phone so he was giving me my space. "I wish so too Ben, but it is better if we maintain some distance. Even though now the family is run and controlled my Dario who is loyal to Emanuele and wouldn't ever go after Charlie, there are still some bad apples that are rebellious and hell bent on avenging Raimondo. It is better if Charlie and I don't contact each other for some time, not until that rebellion is taken care of."

"He misses you Jade. He told me he met a girl. They have been dating for three months now. He wanted you to meet her."

I chuckled. "I miss him too. I am just happy that he is happy." I heard footsteps behind me and turned around, glancing at Emanuele who was now leaning against our bedroom's doorframe with his arms crossed at his chest. He looked incredibly delicious in his suit with a gorgeous smile on his face.

His smile made me smile back at him.

"Take care kiddo. I am just glad you are moving on from everything. I wish you the best of luck." His voice was thick and laced with emotions.

"You too. Thank you for everything." I disconnected the call and after putting my cell phone at the side table, made my way towards him.

He uncrossed his arms and fully entered the room, opening them for me. I dived into them and sighed deeply. All the stress of the day, the tension I was feeling due to our upcoming wedding, regarding the arrangements and the lack of time, the nerves I was experiencing as the day neared, it all drained away from my body. It was like he was my own personal healer.

He pulled my chin up, kissed me lightly on the lips and backed away. I frowned, unsatisfied and pulled him back to me joining our lips again, kissing him thoroughly. It made him chuckle.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me securely. "Was it Ben?"

I nodded my head.

"What did he say?" he asked as he saw the remnants of tears in my eyes. No matter how hard I try to hide them from him, he always sees through me and my lies. It was like he could always see directly into my soul. Because frankly speaking, it had been hard, leaving everything behind. The first two months after we moved here were the most difficult. I cried a lot because I missed them all terribly, I missed Charlie and even if I knew that it was still not safe to see him, I would still throw tantrums at Emanuele and act like a bitch to him.

He still handled my every mood swing pretty patiently. He was always calm with me and would wipe my tears away and take me into his arms, finally soothing me down. It happened a lot and at one time when my rationality finally kicked it and I could see reason, I thought he would leave me because I was being such a nuisance in his life. He didn't need to handle my tantrums, didn't need to bear my cold shoulders, my unresponsiveness and coldness. He could leave me in seconds to rot and whine alone and move on with his life. I felt incredibility guilty for what I was making him go through!

But he didn't leave me. He never complained and showed me time and time again how much he loves me. He stayed with me till I was used to this new life and began appreciating what I have. I chastised myself for all the time that I had lost in my whining when I could have spent that time reciprocating Emanuele's love and care. But after that everything was perfect between us. I accepted that Emanuele was my only family now and he keeps me happy. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him.

I still cry from time to time though, because sometimes it becomes unbearable and overwhelming. But he is always there, to put a smile on my face and to wipe my tears away.

I can't believe this was the same man who was so callous, so unforgiving, unrelenting and so cruel! He changed so much for me and now whenever I see his face, I never see blankness and emptiness, I see the depth of love and affection he has for me and that is enough to make me feel incredibly special!

"He was talking about Charlie and how he met a girl." I smiled. "And he was giving his best wishes for our wedding."

He smirked. "Was he really?"

I scowled at him. "No."

He laughed lightly, kissing my forehead to remove the creases.

"You are home early?" I asked while enjoying him raining his kisses from the side of my face down to my neck. I closed my eyes in pleasure.

"I was free and I thought I should help you with the arrangements and all. We still haven't confirmed the menu right?"

I shook my head.

"We should start from there." He decided and went back to my neck, trailing a path to my shoulders now. I controlled the urge to shudder. "Or we could go later because I would love to rip this sundress off of you." His eyes were heated as he stared at me waiting for my approval.

My breathing quickened. "Don't rip it off. It's my favorite." I showed my approval by working to take his clothes off.

He smirked at that. "It is my favorite too Tesoro." I laughed as he joined our lips together, getting rid of both of our clothes in record speed, not tearing my dress, much to my delight. Our lips were locked as we both walked back to the bed in a frenzy where he pushed me on my back and hovered over me. He kissed and caressed all over my body making me arch my back repeatedly and release all kinds of noises from my mouth. He spent extra time on my core eliciting two orgasms out of me and then he entered me with a single thrust, making me cry out in pleasure.

"Ti amo Tesoro." He whispered just above my lips. "Sei il grande amore della mia vita!" (You are the love of my life).

"Ti amo anch'io." I spoke one of the first few phrases of Italian that I learned from him. "Only you." I exclaimed and pulled his head back, joining our lips again. We then were lost in the bouts of passion.