The only noise you could hear now was the whistling of bullet shells rolling across the tavern floor. Tables were left flipped up as cover from the police. Blood and booze flowed through the gutters into the street. The Mafia left as much wreckage as they could for all of the city to see. They weren't cowards. Oh, God no! They were up for any fight in the streets of Chicago. They were just like any other proud Chicago citizen, they loved the city and it's heritage, but they were also born greedy. One day, they'd be making a deal with a good friend to get them some whisky, the next day, they'd moltov his car because he told a friend where he was getting his booze from. Nobody, not even the federal agents, wanted to fight them. The Mafia had nobody to trust, not even themselves...
I was runnin' back to the exit by the ladies restroom. There was shells poppin' right into that bullseye mark on the dartboard. Guess those target practices in the police academy taught them that red circles are their biggest enemy. The van was sitting at the corner of 4th St. and Eve Ct. waiting to take the four barrels we got hitched over our backs. Those things must've weighed 150 lbs. each. We felt like those ancient turtles with a dome over their back. 'Cept we were movin' a lot faster than that.
Before we knew it, we were off to the warehouse. On the way there, we were plugging up all the holes in the kegs. Those things were getting shaken around a bit. We made it all the way there with all four tires fully pumped. As I said, those police officers, couldn't shoot themselves in the head if they tried.
I knew what was going on, the plan for me was to make it through the deal and get the other two gangsters in that black delivery van. I did a little fixing up of some 4th of July fireworks in that engine. Soon as that oil cooks up, that thing is lighting up the sky like the New Year's Ball. You can't rely on no one in the Mafia. There was a lot of money to be made in this business, but even more to be stolen. Everyone knew that, so if you got into this, you likely had nothing to live for anyway. Go big or go home, Chicago style. I came from a wealthy family back in Venice. They sent me here because I could do new things for the innovation of technology. Nobody ever appreciated my work though and I had enough, so I left. The family didn't have quitting in their resume. I wasn't getting no financial aid, that's for sure.
When I sped off, that damn van was speeding up behind me. He kept sliding up against my car. Trying to warn me about some police trailing up behind us. I couldn't really hint to him that he was about to made into a protein smoothie, so I just kept pushing away from him. But, he sped back up in front of me trying for a drag race in the middle of all this fun. Before I could even let it process what just happened, I giant firecracker went off and I was going straight into the light.