I knew I wasn't the prettiest of girls. I mean, my board straight brown hair, heavy freckles, and blue eyes didn't exactly scream "super model." Not that my lack of sex appeal ever kept me from having any kind of relationship with the male species.
Oh sure, I didn't get nearly as many guys as say, Mila, did, but then again she was known as the school slut. Not one of those bitchy sluts, but simply put, the kind who was latched to a different guy's arm every week.
On the other hand, I somehow managed to keep the one boyfriend I had for almost a whole two years. Even without feeling a single thing toward him.
But I'm straying from topic. The point is is that I knew I was plain to say the least. But that still didn't excuse what that boy said.
I still remember it clearly. Mila, Liz, and I had all been huddled in her room, laughing about nothing in particular, just excited for it to be summer and for Junior year to finally-finally!-be over. Sometime in our pause so we could gasp for breath, Liz's brother, and his roommate's-whom he had brought home from college for the first month of summer-came floating through the paper-thin walls.
"Dude, seriously, have you ever thought to tell your younger sister that's she hot enough as it is?" his roommate was saying. "She doesn't need to hang out with that fugly Andi to make herself look even better."
I don't know what I had been expecting. In the one or two times I had met him before, I had known that Joey's roommate was an ass, but this was taking it too far.
He was going to regret those words. Even if it was the last thing I did.