A/N Hey guys! Hmm so I can't believe its been another year since I've updated this story! I'm sorry, time just flies by before you know it. Anyway for those of you who are still hoping for an update, here yougo! R & R xx

Chapter 27 Emma.

"You're not going to let me out of your sight ever again are you. " I let go of a heavy sigh of defeat.

"Not for a second Kitten," he confirms with a nod and a determined smile, far too simply for my liking.

My eyes fall closed at the thought of Jacob being by my side forever. Conflicting emotions of passion, fear and doubt, all cross through my mind in a flash. Will I ever be able to be in a normal relationship again? Do I even want to be?

Jacobs calloused fingers slip under my chin, carefully tilting my head upwards, to meet his eyes. Like pools of cerulean blue they bear deep into my soul, desperate to uncover all of my deepest thoughts and fears. And to conceal the awkwardness clear in my expression, I raise an eyebrow in a sarcastic manner.

"Then can you at least tell your hounds to back off? I feel like I'm in that bloody game show, " I say in exasperation.

"My hounds?- Ohh" he interrupts himself, chuckling in realisation, "I don't think the boys would be thrilled hearing you call them that. Especially after coming to your rescue the other night."

"I never asked anyone to rescue me," I reply stubbornly, with a roll of my eyes.

"Yes, but I'm sure Hunter would of locked you up forever and a day if you'd have returned home in that state," he declares, causing me to glance up. A knowing smirk tugs at his lips, he's won and he is well aware of the fact.

"Between you and my brother, I may as well be in a bloody prison cell," I mutter under my breath in annoyance.

"Hmm?" he enquires, continuing with his playful humour, tilting his head at an angle so he can get a better look at me.

"Nothing," I grumble, scowling at his irritatingly perfect face.

"That's what I thought, Princess," he replies before tugging on my hand, "C'mon, I want to show you something."

"What?" I moan, all of a sudden not wanting to leave the warmth and sanctity of his home. I'd been cooped up for a while now since the school term had finished, only really leaving to go to work my shifts at the club. And even then, as soon as my shift came to an end, either Jacob or Tom would be waiting, dutifully, in the car park to collect me. I must say I've grown quite fond of Tom. At first I'd thought he was a bit pretentious, but through our conversations I'd learnt that actually he is a very down to earth guy. A little on the serious side sometimes, but it made a change from Jacobs haughty school boy behaviour and uncanny ability to turn everything into an innuendo.

I reach for my coat off the peg in the hall, grumbling to myself, "Grab you're coat you've pulled," I replay the phrase commonly expressed between clientele at the bar.

"Only if you want to," chirps Jacob, twisting around to give me a teasing wink.

Inside my chest, my heart does a little flip, but I roll my eyes to conceal it and hastily shove Jacob out the front door. The air outside is crisp and dry, a positive development on the heavy downpours we'd experienced the last few days. The perfect weather for a midday stroll. The local park is relatively quiet, save a few keen dog walkers in their woolly hats and gloves, and the odd couple walking hand in hand. As I side glance Jacob, I ponder the idea of others presuming we're a couple, and feel a warm glow spread to the tips of my fingers at the thought.

"Where are we going?" I enquire, as Jacob turns right, exiting the park.

He turns to me with a barely visible smile, grasping my hand in the process, "I want you to meet someone."

Meet someone, I question in my mind. Who could he possibly want me to meet? The only landmark in the direction we are heading is- oh, the graveyard. Suddenly it all makes sense, his quiet demeanour, his forced smile. He's taking me to meet Emma.

The graveyard is calm and still, and eerily peaceful. Upon entering the area, the aged steel gates groan in protest. Stones shift beneath my boots, whilst I tag along behind Jacob, following him as he climbs a shallow knoll. Once we reach the top, he stops dead, in front of a glossy black, marble headstone. In comparison to the two positioned either side, it's clear to see that this particular grave has not occupied the ground all that long. I know who it belongs to, even before I cast my eyes upon the name, carved in intricate scroll.

Emma May Rose, March 2000- March 2015.

My breath catches in my throat. Even though I never knew her, the thought of a girl losing her life so young makes me feel uneasy, and sorrowful. Lifting my eyes from the inscription, I'm surprised to see a small smile grace Jacobs lips.

"Emma," he utters peacefully, "This is Kitty. She means as much to me as you do. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, I won't ever forgive myself," his voice falters a moment, before he turns to look me straight in the eye. His eyes are glossy, as he holds back unshed tears.

"But I will not fail to protect you."

For what seems like an eternity I'm speechless, listening to the wind whistling through the trees. The manner in which Jacob speaks tugs at my heartstrings. His words are a promise, to himself and to me.

"Jacob," I finally say, offering my hand out to him, "Let's go get a hot drink to warm us up."

With a firm nod, he smiles allowing me to pull him to his feet.

"One large double shot mocha," I place the steaming drink on the table In front of Jacob. He looks tired since visiting the graveyard, but still manages a small smile, probably because I remembered his drink order without asking him at least three times like I normally do.

"You're an angel, Kitty," he declares before taking a sip, instantly regretting it and burning his tongue.

I position myself atop the stool opposite him, with my own hot chocolate. I never have liked coffee.

"I'm pretty sure if I were an angel, I'd be able to bring you something better than coffee, " I chuckle lightly.

"You underestimate the magic of caffeine," he returns, with an eyebrow raised.

"Jacob," I begin quietly, cupping my hands around the warm polystyrene cup, "Can you tell me about her?"

His eyes meet mine, a deep sadness within his gaze but he plants a small smile on his face as he answers, "Sure."

He straightens his back on the barstool, letting out a tiny chuckle, as if remembering something funny. Happy memories, maybe.

"Me and Emma, we met on a family holiday. I was living in Florida at the time and-"

"Hold it there Wilde," I immediately interrupt him, placing my hand in front of me for emphasis, "You lived in Florida?"

"Yeah," he drawls out slowly, as if it was a well known fact.

"You never told me that," I bleat dubiously, sounding a little accusatory.

"You've never asked," he shrugs in response, "I lived there until I was fifteen."

Raising my eyebrows, I flop back in my chair in realisation, "That explains your incredible tan!"

Jacob shakes his head as if I'm a lost cause, a stifled chuckle leaving his lips, "Anyway. Long story short, I trampled on Emma's sandcastle she'd built."

"You evil bastard," I deadpan, with a smirk.

"I was ten!" Jacob protests, throwing his hands by his side in exasperation.

We both know that neither of us are being serious making fun of one another, it's just friendly banter. It's great that we can communicate in this way, I like it.

"So mum told me off, then much to my disgust made me sit and help her build a new one," he rolled his eyes, still grinning, "From there my mum got talking to her mum, I got over my paddy about having to help her, and we became friends. Well, pen pals, for quite a few years. We met up a couple of times when her and her family came to visit the states. Then once we moved to the UK we obviously saw each other a lot more," he explains, stopping to take a breath, "We were fifteen and Emma was already dating by the time I started at her school. I hadn't seen her in person for a couple of years previous to that, and she'd changed considerably. Each day I saw her, I noticed something different. She'd stare off into the distance in the middle of our conversations, go completely stiff whenever I gave her a hug, even cower from me if I raised my hands above my head," he shakes his head regretfully, "Completely our of character. I knew something was wrong. I should of pulled her up on it."

I place my hand on top of his own, trying to will his to stop shaking, to calm him down a little, "You weren't to know Jacob, you can't blame yourself."

He growls in frustration, clenching his fingers together into a fist, "But I do blame myself, every fucking day. She promised me she was ok, and then she was just gone.."

Struggling to contain my own emotions, I swallow hard and suck a deep breath in. I've never been very good when people are upset, especially guys. They don't tend to show emotion as much, well at least the ones in my life didn't.

"They found her body on the bottom floor of the mall car park, registered it as suicide. I knew Emma, and I never to this day believe that. But I couldn't prove anything."

The faraway look in Jacobs eyes tells me his mind is, understandably, flooded with an overwhelming amount of thoughts and emotions. So we sit quietly for some time, in a comfortable silence, sipping our drinks.

Until Jacob spots his younger sibling through the shop window, walking, well more like being dragged by their family dog. In a crop top and shorts.

Seems like something Danielle would do.

Jacob wastes no time in racing to the front door of the independent coffee shop and shrieking at his sister like a banshee

"What in the hell are you wearing? You're going to catch your death."

Rolling her eyes like the typical teenager she is, she shoots back haughtily, "Alright Grandpa, I'm perfectly fine."

Jacob mutters something under his breath, before storming out the door to reprimand his sister. I grab the remnants of our drinks and follow him out, good job I preempted ordering our drinks in take away cups. With one hand grasped around the girls skinny arm and the other gripping onto Dukes lead, they stare daggers at each other. Like I'm actually convinced they'll shoot laser beams from their eyes at any minute.

"Home. Now," he growls at her, his tone one I recognise well , " You're not even supposed to be out on your own."

Scowling at him she yanks herself free of his grip. I glance up and down, taking in her appearance. She's petite, rather malnourished, but it's still clear to see, incredibly beautiful. It must run in the family. Small, she may be, but she must have some strength behind her to haul herself free of her brother. I've tried many times and failed. Thick strands of her dark hair billow around her face in the wind, making her appear fierce. When in reality, I reckon a sharp gust of wind could probably knock her over.

"For goodness sake!" She cries aloud, " Why do you people think I'm a bloody flight risk?!"

Jacob straightens up, letting out a sarcastic snort, " Because you forget, I've known you for sixteen years my dear sister. I can predict your every move, " he responds narrowing his eyes ever so slightly, "Plus now you're back home, we know you have enough personal funds to just hop on a plane and leave the country again."

Her eyes roll skywards once again, and she stomps her boot on the tarmac, with her hands resting firmly on her hips, " You guys have made it perfectly clear that I'm not allowed my freedom anymore. I'm not going to try anything."

"Sure you're not," Jacobs tone is full of doubt and sarcasm, " Go home."

Her baby blue eyes narrow in on Jacob in a challenge, and I notice for the first time they are exactly the same shape as his.

"I'm walking Duke," she points at the happy dog as if it's not obvious enough.

"Not without an adult you're not," quips Jacob simply.

Without warning, Cally points her finger at me, and my body flinches in an automatic reaction, "She can come with me. She's like-how old are you? Nineteen?"

"Eighteen," I correct her, "My names Kitty."

Cally flaps a hand about in the air dismissively to show the irrelevance of my name, "Great. You can wait here big brother, " She coos as she pushes him towards the shop door. "Have another coffee, me and Kitty will have a wander around the park and be back within the hour. Sound good?"

Before Jacob can respond I nod my head in agreement, " I like that idea Cally."

"I'm not so sure about that," Jacob responds dubiously, eyeing up the cunning teen at his side.

"Tough," I pipe up snatching the dog lead to his surprise, " You are outnumbered."

Jacob grumbles to himself in defeat, before sighing and heading back towards the door, "If you're not back in an hour I'm sending a search party," he calls over his shoulder.

I roll my eyes at his back, and we both giggle, heading in the direction which me and Jacob had walked earlier this morning. Despite my initial interactions with Cally, she's a sweet girl, with a lot to say. A typical teenager through and through. We sit comfortably on the grass and she tells me stories of her modelling career from a young age up until she broke up with her agent recently.

"Did Jacob tell you he drugged me to get me home?"

Shocked by her question I turn to her, to gauge if she's being serious by her expression. She is.

"No he did not," I answer still in shock, pulling out random blades of grass pointlessly.

We both jump as Duke barks aloud, running circles around the large green before us. He's full of an endless supply of energy, which I wish I could steal some of. A quick glance at my phone tells me that we need to be heading back soon, but when I turn to speak to Cally she's not there. Blinking in confusion, I confirm to myself I'm not going mad. The space is empty in which she sat. Stupidly I call her name out quietly, but she's nowhere to be seen.

When Duke abruptly stops running to bow before me, snarling and baring his sharp teeth I know something is seriously wrong. But I realise it a little too late when something with a strong chemical scent is shoved over my mouth. I struggle desperately for about a minute, but the grip of the hand holding the material in place is like a vice, trapping me until the drug takes effect and I go limp in their arms. Even as my eyes close heavily of their own accord I know for sure who is behind my kidnapping. And I know now I'm going to be dragged back to my own personal hell.