America and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
By Roger C. Lackman
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is probably the worst threat to human rights since the Nazi Party. Everyday ISIL is annexing more land, in both Iraq and Syria. The people in ISIL held territories live under constant threat of summary execution, persecution, and imprisonment. American citizens, humanitarian aid workers, and journalists are being kidnapped and publically executed. And yet the United States of America is doing little to stop these terrorists. America needs to drastically increase military action against ISIL. There are many reasons for this: if ISIL succeeds in creating their caliphate, it will severely hurt American foreign interests in the region, particularly in the oil industry; ISIL is actively encouraging American Muslims to attack the United States on our home front; and finally ISIL has unjustly executed many American citizens.
ISIL seeks to create a caliphate, or an Islamic empire, in the lands of Iraq and Syria. They also seek to destroy the United States, and western culture in general. Presumably then, ISIL would bar diplomatic relations with the United States, and cut off one of our primary suppliers of oil. The United States imports 33% of our petroleum products from foreign countries. . ?id=32&t=6 25% of all petroleum products used in the United States are imported from the Middle East. That would leave our country with only 8% as much foreign oil as we need to support our growing capitalist economy. . ?DocumentID=321607 The loss of this oil would likely plunge America into yet another serious economic recession, as well as drastically increasing the price of gasoline, which would further hurt Americans. ISIL creating a caliphate and becoming a political power would also create a military enemy far more dangerous to the United States of America than Iran and its Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Furthermore, ISIL has routinely encouraged American Muslims to attack America where it hurts the most; at home. In early November, Al Baghdadi, "The self-styled caliph of ISIL," called for 'Lone Wolf Attacks' against the United States and its closest allies. In Al Baghdadi's own words, "Snatch them as groups and individuals. Erupt volcanoes of Jihad everywhere." . /isis-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi-demands-volcanic-jihad-canada-australia-by-islamic-state-lone-1474709 In some places, Al Baghdadi's call for 'jihad' has been answered. In 2014, a Muslim convert savagely beheaded a fifty-three year old woman at her workplace, and then attacked another woman, stabbing her twice. In official statements, the FBI has stated that he was inspired by ISIL. news/crime/okla-man-beheads-woman-workplace-fight-report-article-1.1953778 In a similar 'lone wolf attack' that occurred in our allied nation of Canada, a Muslim convert shot and killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo. He then attacked the parliament building, where he was killed by sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police told the media that "he likely had ideological and political motives." world/2014/10/27/police-say-ottawa-gunman-driven-by-ideological-political-motives/ In light of attacks such as these, it is easy to say that ISIL poses a significant threat to American national security and that of our allies.
Even with these kinds of attacks, Americans tend to feel safe and secure at home. After all, we are protected by oceans to the east and to the west, and in the north and south we have benevolent countries on our borders. In addition, we have one of the most powerful militaries in the world currently. Because of these 'protections', it is easy to forget that in other parts of the world, Americans are being brutally murdered just for being Americans. ISIL has many Americans held hostage and has brutally executed several on video for the whole world to see. It has executed many other Americans in less public ways. The vast majority of these people being executed are humanitarian aid workers, journalists, and tourists who have become trapped over there. All three of these groups are categorized as civilians, and therefore executing them is a clear violation of the Geneva Convention as well as other international law. .
It seems clear that the only way to respond to the growing threats is immediate, and decisive military action. President Barack Obama's ISIL doctrine of airstrikes has clearly failed. Despite killing ISIL combatants in these strategic and pinpoint attacks, ISIL appears to be actually growing. Only a few months ago in an official statement from the Central Intelligence Agency, they estimated ISIL to have around 10500 combatants. In a more recent statement the CIA revised there estimate to around 31500 combatants. /24-7/2014/09/12/cia-triples-estimate-of-size-of-isis So if we are killing members of ISIS in these attacks, then why are they growing? Clearly the current strategy is not working. In a recent statement made by Lt. General Jerry Boykin and former Delta Force commander, he said, "The situation with ISIS is very serious now as I am sure that everyone is aware. The Obama administration is totally inept and not serious about reducing the threat to America and American interests. These airstrikes are not effective because they have not been well directed at real targets in most cases and they have not been in large numbers." 2014/10/12/with-u-s-air-campaign-against-isis-not-working-fmr-delta-force-commander-offers-five-point-plan-here-it-is/ America must fully commit our military to act against ISIL, including units of infantry, armored cavalry, and special operations teams to protect this country before it is too late.
Many Americans are weary of this approach, because they do not want to risk the lives of American soldiers any more than is necessary. Their fear is legitimate, and certainly commendable. Unfortunately, people who hold this point of view are forgetting a key word. 'Soldiers.' American civilians are already being killed on a regular basis by ISIL, and they are protected by international law. In addition, many of them went over there before ISIL was a threat and have become trapped. Soldiers, on the other hand, all joined the military willingly, knowing the risks that they might face. In addition, they are professionals who are trained and paid to go into situations such as this. They have also taken an oath to protect and defend the American people. Therefore, soldiers being killed in the fight against ISIL, while tragic, is more acceptable than civilians being brutally murdered by the same organization.
It seems that given the circumstances, America's only viable option is to engage ISIL on the ground in a full military campaign, using all means necessary to defeat ISIL. ISIL need to be dealt with. Hunted down. Rooted out. Destroyed. Only then can America truly feel safe and secure without deluding ourselves. It is important that all American citizens understand this. We need to do what we can to get the word out. Tell your neighbors, friends and families to support increased military actions against ISIL. Write a letter to your representative or congressman. If we all work together, we can accomplish this. If Americans are to stay safe and secure within our borders we must work together. We must make our voices heard.