NOTICE/WARNINGS: M/M slash, aromantic bisexual MC, dubious consent (ymmv), terrible attempts at writing smut, generally unsafe sex, some minor violence, coarse language

Extra: Art (mostly scribbles) of the boys on tumblr - boolsart. tumblr . com /tagged/InSang

EDIT 4/10/23: All translations and other notes are compiled in the last chapter (which will be updated as needed).

PART 1: Inho meets Sangjun.

Kkangpae (깡패): Literally translates to 'thug', but is often used as an umbrella term for 'gangster', 'mobster', hoodlum', etc. to include both the South Korean mafia and any unorganized street gang. Mafiosos/members of organized crime are also referred to as jopok (조폭) or geondal (건달).

1988, Late March

"Inho! Help!"

The door to the cramped, secondary stockroom banged open, and Inho looked up from his checklist.

Taegyu, the storeowner and Inho's employer and friend, grabbed Inho's arm and cowered behind him, pushing him out of the room. "Quick! You have deal with this."

Seven gangsters from the area's protection racket—some of them young men who, Inho noted, should be in school right now—had just started to make a mess of the store's stock.

"Did you call the police?" Inho asked calmly as he stretched his neck and shoulders.

"You know how slow they are, no!"

Inho rolled up his shirtsleeves and went swiftly to work. He grabbed too-large suit collars and gaudy neck chains, bashed heads, toppled clumsy ones with sweeping kicks, struck some pressure points to immobilize, all the while dragging the thugs toward the exit. The quick, efficient, and no-nonsense thrashing spooked the kids. They scrambled to grab their less mobile brothers, cursing and tripping over themselves. Inho straightened his shirt as he watched them run off.

After taking seven leisurely years up north to complete his mandatory military service and graduate with his degree in civil engineering, Inho had worked for a year at a construction firm in Seoul. Then he'd begun to feel aimless and homesick, so he'd decided to find work in his hometown. When he'd moved back south to the bustling port city of Busan over two years ago, he hadn't expected much. He'd found work quickly enough, as a paper-pushing office monkey at some fancy, up-and-coming architecture firm, but he'd gotten restless with that six months in. During a walk through his old neighborhood, on the day he'd turned in his two-weeks' notice, he had run into Taegyu, a friend from secondary school, who was doing pretty well for himself with his respectably large textiles store. They'd talked over drinks, and by the next morning, Inho had a new job as an inventory manager.

Inho had no idea that he would also be acting as a one-man security force when he accepted the position, but he quickly found out that there was a need for his skills, with the rare turf wars between gangs, and the less uncommon power struggles between small-time mob bosses. As much as Inho wanted his actions to reflect the propriety and gentility of his Choi family name, the call of the adrenaline-drenched violence of street fights was strong, and these rough, classless brawls helped keep his skills and instincts honed. And it was exhilarating, for the most part: a lot of these thugs were unskilled young men, plenty of grit but not much of a challenge. All too often, after the fights were over, Inho felt pity, and a profound sadness, for these youngsters who threw away their lives for a gang.

The dust had long settled and no more such young thugs were in sight, when Inho stopped reminiscing. He sat down on a low display table near the entrance. The other employees began tidying up, and Taegyu brought over some gauze and a bottle of disinfectant.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Inho joked, swiping the disinfectant over bleeding knuckles. "What's your problem now with those punks?"

"You know how well things are going these days, right? They caught on and just upped their protection fee, and I...might have sort of flipped them off."

Inho sighed. This part of Seo-gu was overseen from the shadows by a well-established and influential gang, and Taegyu had been wrangled into agreeing to the gang's 'protection'. The local police weren't terribly quick to respond, and the gang's threat was too immediate for police to be much help if they were to become involved.

"That was idiotic. I can't fight them off every time, you know. One day they might just decide to come back for revenge, burn down this place..."

Taegyu squeaked when Inho abruptly pulled him down.

"And maybe," Inho murmured, staring Taegyu dead in the eyes and stabbing his side with an invisible knife, "kill off all of us in the process."

It was mostly a joke. The gangs were busy with their internal affairs and with evading the law, and for the majority of civilians—even those under gang 'protection'—fatal encounters weren't a serious threat.

But Inho had once witnessed a bloodbath when shit had gone down between two rival bosses and they'd ruthlessly exercised their power. The scumbag who'd sold street drugs to kids was dead, and the other one had recently been released from jail and (according to rumors) was still running Seo-gu's largest loan sharking business. Most of the casualties had been gangsters, but there had been a couple bystanders killed in the crossfire.

That had been an 'accident', though. Violent gang confrontations didn't occur as often or as spectacularly these days. But the smallest of affronts could spark a fight that led to fatalities; you never knew the whims of mob bosses. And if you were unfortunate enough to catch the attention of one of those fuckers...

Taegyu laughed nervously. "You're scary when you say things like that." He patted Inho's shoulder. "Anyway, I have the Tiger working for me. Those punks don't stand a chance."

Inho scoffed, picking up his abandoned checklist. His days of being known as the 'Tiger' were long over, and he wanted to bury that history of reckless, egotistic teenage foolishness. He was too old for that shit now, and he liked the thought of living a peaceful life. Settle down. With a respectably paying job and a nice apartment... And down the line, a pretty wife and some kids; not now—the occasional street-fight still excited him—but...inevitably.

"I'm not telling you what to do..." Inho muttered, flexing his scratched-up hands, "but I'm telling you to just do your job, Taegyu. Don't provoke them."

April 13

The storeroom door creaked open, and Inho turned as the door clicked shut again, expecting to see Taegyu.

But it wasn't his stick-thin, slouching friend standing there. Instead, it was some clean-shaven guy, a few inches shorter than Inho, with movie-star good looks. He looked sharp in his glinting Rolex and dark gray shirt. His flashy white waistcoat and trousers, combined with the way he carried himself—that arrogant set to his shoulders and chin, the untamed confidence sparking in his was a quintessential look, belonging to old-time mob bosses. His deceptively pleasant smile further raised Inho's hackles.

"And who might you be?"

"Lee Sangjun," the man supplied readily, holding out a hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquain—"

"Cut the bullshit, you worthless thug. What business do you have here?"

"Ah." Sangjun dropped his hand, huffing out a laugh. "I almost forgot about your fearless disdain for us hardworking folk, Choi Inho. My father talked about you, back when you used to pick fights with gangsters. I only got to see you in action a couple times before you disappeared, but I could never forget a face like yours. Why didn't you ever join a family?"

"Because I'm not a criminal," Inho sarcastically addressed the only relevant point of that rambling introduction. "No sane man wants to tarnish his existing family's name by joining some good-for-nothing gang."

Sangjun's pleasant smile wavered, took on a cold edge.

The rational part of Inho's brain yelled at him to stop provoking the guy, but Inho had always acted more on recklessness than wisdom when it came to certain types of confrontation.

"You say that now, but don't lie to yourself. You fought like a beast. You were trying to prove yourself to us back then."

There was a grain of truth to that, but not enough to make Inho pause. "Why are you harassing me? Shouldn't your business be with Taegyu?" Wait. "You didn't do anything to him, did you?"

"No," Sangjun waved a hand. "I'm actually here for you."

"Do you have some sort of quarrel with me that I didn't know about?"

"No quarrel. I just want the famed Tiger under me." Sangjun's gaze swept down and up the line of Inho's body before meeting Inho's frown. "Working for me, that is."

"You can't be serious." Inho was getting a weird feeling about all this... "Let's try this again. Why are you even here, dirtying your shoes in our modest neighborhood? I would assume the protection racket is one of your...cruder, endeavors."

"Like I said, my business is with you."

"Yes...yes, you're trying to recruit me. All right, I'll buy that. Why?"

"'Recruit' Let me elaborate: I'm not giving you a choice. I'm here to force you to work for me."

"Force, hm?" Inho stared, eyebrows raised in incredulity.

"It isn't like you're doing anything worthwhile in this shithole."

Inho let out a short burst of sarcastic laughter then. "Okay, I think that's enough nonsense from you." Dropping his strained smile, Inho gave Sangjun his most serious, dead-eyed glare. "First of all, the 'Tiger' doesn't exist anymore, and secondly, I don't work for low-life criminals. Get lost."

Sangjun pocketed his hands. "You're treading dangerously."

"What will you do if I cross a line?" Inho asked softly, looking down his nose at the mobster, stepping deliberately into the man's space. "Try to kill me?"

Sangjun returned Inho's direct stare. "You're aggravating, but murder isn't on the list of things I'd do to you. But sure, I'll go with the good old-fashioned threats. You wouldn't want something unfortunate to happen to your friends and loved ones, would you? You should know that the price of your refusal will be so high that your genteel morals won't stand for it."

Inho was never the first to react in anger. If he ever threw the first punch in a fight, it wasn't due to an emotional reaction. This physical control was something he prided himself in, although he could admit to himself that his reactive words still needed work—a lot of work, if his current situation was something to go by. But right now, as he clenched his fists, the fury boiling up inside him was threatening to spill out.

And there was dread, alongside the anger. Inho had to concede that the threat was sufficiently real. He never expected his past notoriety to land him in a situation like this. It was a twist of misfortune that there were gangsters still alive who knew his reputation, and this crazy fucker had to be one of those who just couldn't leave well enough alone.

"You are going to great lengths to get me to go with you." Inho kept his arms at his sides, afraid that any movement now might become violent.

"Men have desires," Sangjun shrugged, "and I have the means to fulfill mine. Including this one." He paused and reached up with a mocking smile to straighten Inho's collar.

Inho put on his best contemptuous expression (it wasn't difficult). "Real men learn to tame their desires, to exercise restraint and practice ethical conduct."

Sangjun laughed. "Where did you learn to rattle off that load of shit, at a fucking monastery? Is that what old aristocratic families teach their sons these days?" Gripping the collar that he'd neatened, Sangjun pulled until they were eye-to-eye. His voice was low, barely louder than a whisper. "You try to hold onto some higher moral ground, using your fancy lineage as an excuse. Morals and noble prestige mean shit with your family's outdated politics and declining financial influence. You should know your place."

"And you should stay in yours," Inho growled, digging his fingers into Sangjun's wrist. "Stop flapping your mouth and fuck off, go play with your fellow criminals."

Sangjun took a step forward, stubbornly refusing to give in, and crowded Inho. "Your efforts are useless but you keep protesting."

"I have my principles." Sangjun's mocking gaze was fixed just inches away from Inho's heated glare, and it was taking Inho a good amount of willpower not to punch that expression off the mobster's face. "You know my contempt for your kind."

"I do. And yet...I'm being very generous here. You won't be working for the mob, you'll be working just for me."

"Yes, so kind of you. It's the same damn thing."

"It isn't." Sangjun finally let go and eased back while Inho dropped his own hold. "I do have a mostly legal front to maintain these days," Sangjun said, absently rubbing his wrist.

'Mostly legal'—Inho snorted. Knowingly working for any kind of mob was fundamentally opposed to everything that Inho stood for, but Sangjun predictably didn't seem to care about that. Pissants like him just barged into the lives of hapless law-abiding citizens, playing lightly with human lives for fun to satisfy their ridiculous whims. Inho hated men who abused their power like that.

But right now, Inho was just an average citizen and powerless to do anything about his status. He had zero leverage against the mobster's threat, and he absolutely refused to involve his family in any way in this sort of base affair. He let out a small sigh, gathered his thoughts.

"Fine," he capitulated, enduring Sangjun's smug grin. "But let me be perfectly clear with you. I'll do whatever tedious, menial task you ask of me—I'll even fight other low-life gangsters for you—but I won't engage in any other criminal activity. I will not threaten innocent people, and I certainly won't kill for you."

"Oh, don't worry," Sangjun laughed lightly, moving forward again, and this time, Inho had to take a step back to avoid a collision. A hand reached out, fingers brushed Inho's wrist. "That's not what I want you for."

There was no other warning for Inho before he was shoved back hard into the boxes overflowing from a supply rack. His wrists were caught in a sudden strong grip and his body was trapped by a thigh pressing firmly against him, and before he could wrap his mind around what the hell was happening, there were lips...crushing his—...?


The shock rendered Inho completely still. Utterly shameful for someone whose instinct was to act, act, act when something as mind-boggling as this happened. Before he could think to bite down—do something—Sangjun pulled away but kept his face unwisely close; if Inho had had the presence of mind, he would have headbutted him.

But Inho's entire worldview was getting a savage shaking in those few seconds that he spent staring blindly at the other man, unable to process the situation.

"...Is this your idea of a joke?" It came out as a horrified whisper.

"I rarely joke." Sangjun smiled, daring to bring a hand up to Inho's face in a mocking caress. "This will be a secret little...affair, between us."

"An affair. How fucking quaint," Inho laughed humorlessly.

Inho knew how he wanted to deal with gangsters. Typical thugs usually had more bark than bite. Right now, however, he was completely lost. He didn't know how to act or how to apply any of his principles in the face of this bizarre new development. This...unspoken taboo. He had no idea of the mob's stance on the issue, but he didn't think it was any better than that of the rest of society.

Still unable to raise his voice above a whisper, Inho tried to say something to help him get over his shock. "You don't seriously expect to keep this—this transgression— actually—..." he trailed off, gave up trying to find the words to express his confused jumble of emotions.

"The fearless Tiger of the West is working for me. I think that's enough of a cover."

"Enough with the Tiger nonsense." This response was almost becoming automatic for Inho. "I'm not a woman."

"Obviously not," Sangjun quipped and shifted his thigh against Inho, which earned him nothing but a frown.

"I'm not a homosexual."

"It doesn't matter."

Inho finally had enough of the intrusion into his personal space. He pulled his hands out of Sangjun's grip and shoved the gangster back. "I'm not a whore."

"You are, for all intents and purposes," Sangjun replied flippantly, an annoying smirk on his face, and that prospect needled Inho's pride like nothing else. "From what I've heard, you've always been rather promiscuous."

Young, reckless Inho had two reputations—the tiger and the womanizer—and right now Inho deeply regretted his entire history. He knew from experience that women tended to find him attractive, but men? He hadn't considered that angle before (not seriously, at least). Currently it was, more than anything, befuddling him. There was some of the knee-jerk repulsion and denial, but mostly...

Mostly his anger was threaded with confusion. And, even as his pride screamed at him, there was an inkling of curiosity...

Fuck. He could hardly believe what he was considering, but this wasn't the time to dwell on it. He sighed shortly, resigned. "Is that all I'm doing? Late-night 'service'?"

", actually. I could use another guy on my security detail."

This whole situation was becoming stranger with each passing second and giving Inho a headache. "You think I'm going to risk my life to protect yours?"

"I'll pay you for your work. Some of my ventures are actually legal, and I am held somewhat accountable."

"You're bullying me, practically blackmailing me into some kind of sexual servitude, but you're also expecting me to be your paid bodyguard."

"Straightforward, no?"

"No. You're crazy."

"It's very simple." Sangjun lifted Inho's right hand. "Corporate managing director's security detail," Sangjun said, and then brought the hand down, near his belt buckle, "and mobster's fucktoy."

Managing director. So he had an actual title. (Inho resolutely ignored the last part.) That explained some things. Many gangs were adapting, had evolved in tandem with the modernizing world. They reduced their presence in the gritty, violent streets to infiltrate sterilized metal-and-glass corporations, and even establish their own, looking to the world like any other legitimate business.

"What makes you think I won't kill you, or turn you in to the authorities when I get the chance?"

"You're too much of a gentleman to kill anyone. And you won't run," Sangjun smirked. "Because it's true, your estimation of me. I'm the worst kind of degenerate, good-for-nothing kkangpae at my core, with too many resources at hand." He lifted Inho's unresisting hand, kissed the knuckles in a mocking gesture. "And you should always be aware of the sincerity of my threat."


Seo-gu, Busan (서구, 부산) = West District, Busan (Busan is the 2nd largest city in South Korea)
Inho (인호) = [some wordplay re: MC's name] -ho (호) has various meanings depending on its Sino-Korean character (hanja); 'tiger' is one