My first trip with my new girlfriend. She wants me to go with her to her Aunt's house in Colorado for a weekend. I am a bit concerned. Okay more than concerned, I am not "family" kinda girl but if it will make my girl happy, what the hell. She is a great girl and all but I'm just not sure we meld well. We take a morning flight on Thursday and picked up a rental car in Denver. We take the long drive to Drake and arrive late in the afternoon.
Her Aunt and cousins rush out to meet her and I make myself busy getting out the luggage from the car. Ugh. They are all high pitched and screaming and giggle. This IS going to be torture. A man comes up to me and says, "Let me help you with that, I know how Melissa loves to over pack."
She sure does" I reply and I look up to see a handsome older man with a dazzling smile and bright intense eyes. He was about my height and though I don't really like men who think they have to help me out cause I am a "woman" he didn't seem condescending, just friendly so friendly he took me off guard.
I followed him into the house where Melissa introduced me to her clan. They were a friendly group but a little to huggy for me. It wasn't something I was comfortable with. Everyone got busy catching up on family gossip and how pretty everyone looked. I asked her Uncle where I should put our luggage so I can get everything organized, plus let the family catch up. He grabbed a couple of bags and announced to the family he was taking me upstairs to show me the room and they continue their love fest.
He was a funny guy. He showed me to a room with a large bed. I off handedly said. "You guys know we are a couple right?" I couldn't help myself. Maybe a defensive habit I guess. But he said, "Sure we do. It is nice to see Melissa so happy but she doesn't seem your type" he added. He took me by surprise with this statement.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Well she is boisterous, happy go lucky….loud. You seem more...umm…..thoughtful, intense, quiet...actually." he said in an unapologetic tone. I wasn't sure how to feel about that, because to be honest, it was true.
I laughed and said, "I guess it is the whole opposite's thing, ya know". He shook his head in confirmation and showed me around the room and where everything was in our private bathroom. Then he excused himself. I began to unpack but felt uneasy. Was it that obvious how different she and I are. But what made me more uneasy was the fact that…...I was attracted to him. He wasn't really that much older than me, nine, ten years at the most but he had a way about him. I laughed it off and thought I better get down stairs before they think me antisocial… Okay, I am but they don't need to know that yet.
Back downstairs they were all chatting in the kitchen. My girlfriend came over to me to pull me into the room and I am besieged by dozens of questions. Luckily Melissa answers most of them for me. The whole evening goes like this. Dinner just brings more questions. "Which of you do the cooking? Do you both share the cleaning duties? What do you do for a living?'….even "So you think you guys will be getting married" I was just deluged by uneasy questions. I was finally saved again by the uncle. He told everyone to stop with the inquisition and why don't we have coffee in the living room and get a game going. Crap more family friendly stuff, but oh well.
Well I got through the first family dinner and it is time for bed and I needed to get down and dirty with my girl after all this sunshine family stuff. We say our goodnights and head up to our room. We grab our toiletries and go in for a shower. Together. It will be good to be under warm water. Not only am I not used to this happy family stuff. I am not used to cold and snow. I started the water and helped her to get undressed, being sure to kiss a few places as we go along. My girl has a hot body and I like to let her know it. I pull her towards me while leaning on the sink and start kissing her neck as I fondle her breasts. She pushes me away. "We can't do this here in my Aunt's home," she whined.
"C'mon babe I came here with you and participated in everything you asked me to. It is time you gave me a little something" I answered and pulled her back towards me, this time putting my hand between her legs. She let out a little gasp as I rubbed her cunt. My girl loves when I take control of her body. I turned her and lifted one of her legs and have her put it on the edge of the sink and I kneel down to lick my girl's pussy. She tastes good after a long day. Her legs splayed open for me as my tongue probes her already wet pussy. I put in a few fingers and draw out her juices to lick off my fingers. I do it again and fuck her with my fingers as I lick her clit and make her shudder. Then I stand to give and put my fingers in mouth to give her a taste of herself. Then kiss her so she can taste her juices on me.
C'mon babe the water should be warm let me get some soap on you. We got in the shower and let the water cascade over us as, I began to fondler her breasts again then leaned down to suck her nipples. "You know babe, I have wanted to do that to you all day" then I gave them a little bite. She let out a sigh and I turned her to wash her hair then she did mine. We washed each other's bodies till we hit every spot and rinsed off while kissing under the water. We get out and toweled off. I start to get into bed naked when she stops me to ask me to wear something.
"What do we need clothes for? I thought we were going to finish what we started in the shower?" I puzzled. "No" she blurted out quickly. "I am tired and I don't want to get crazy at my Aunts house, I told you." then she threw a shirt at me. I grabbed it and threw it on a small chair near the bed. She put on some clothes and crawled into bed. I grabbed a large fluffy robe that was hanging on the door.
"I am going to go get a drink" I told her.
"Fine, but don't make too much noise and please don't wake me up when you get back" She said as she turned to go to sleep.
Damn she does this to me all the time. Let's me get so far and the leaves me hanging. I am horny as hell and nowhere to let out my frustration. I went down stairs, remembered where their glasses were and got a glass of water. I leaned against the fridge opened my robe and began touching my breasts. It had been a long stressful, anxiety ridden day for me and sex would have been the perfect salve for me and being told no just made it worse. I was down to rubbing my pussy when I thought I heard a noise and turned to see a light shining from under the door of what I think was the family den. I closed my robe quickly put down the glass and walked towards it. I thought I could hear low moaning. I touched the door and push just a bit and there he was. Her uncle sitting on a leather couch with his shirt off and his pants off. Stroking himself. He was fully erect and I have to admit again. I felt an attraction. I caught myself putting my hand in my robe. I haven't had cock in a long time and his was looking inviting. I watched him for a moment. Would he freak out if I walked in? He is deep into servicing himself. Would he be offended to have me… him out? I opened the door a little wider so I could get a better look. I tried to be as quiet as I could.
Watching him go at it was arousing. My robe was fully open my hands at my tits and my pussy. I went for broke. I walked toward him. When I got near he simply looked up. I didn't startle him. He just looked at me and continued his ministrations. He leaned back looking straight into my eyes. I took another step towards him and dropped my robe completely.
He removed his hand from his cock. Seemingly inviting me to join in. I knew exactly where I wanted that cock to go, so I straddled him. He just smiled as I adjusted myself above him and slowly lowered myself on his thick oozing cock. He went in easily. I was already so wet from watching him masturbate.
He let out a groan as my pussy made its way slowly, down his shaft. I began to rock on his cock. It felt good in my burning, wanting pussy. He leaned forward to look deeply into my eyes, searching, for permission? For how far he was allowed to go? I was already riding his throbbing, hard cock and naked before him. He realized me riding him was basically an open invitation so, he reached for my tits. He seemed hungry for them. He took them in his mouth and devoured them. Squeezing them, sucking one then the other. Licking my nipples and biting them from time to time. I grabbed a hold of his head and held him to me as my pussy grinded into him harder and faster. I was losing control of myself, but he grabbed a hold of my waist to steady me. He then leaned back and bucked into me hard. I held onto my own tits as I felt him fuck me hard. I was nearly there and I could feel him start to tense. I finally came to senses in which I believe he remembered himself as well.
He lifted me to pull me off his cock just to let his cock lay between us and grabbed my ass to push me against his body. His cock rubbing hard between us and I could feel it pushing against my clit to give me a whole new sensation. I grabbed his head again and pushed his face into my tits and held him close as we both ground our genitals against each other. And it happened.
We came...both muffling our groans as best we could. I could feel his cum squirting out over my body. I pulled away just enough to watch it squirt up to my tits and then hugged him again to let it spread between our bodies.
We held one another. Just to feel the warmth? To bask in orgasm? I don't know. But we held each other tightly for a few minutes. Finally we pulled apart. Looked into each other's eyes.
I spoke first. "I better get back upstairs".
He nodded and asked, "Are you okay?" I nodded yes.
He lifted me off his lap, picked up the robe and helped me on with it. No more words were exchanged except for a goodnight.
I went back up to my room. Straight to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw his cum all over me. I rubbed it into my body, held myself then leaned into the sink to wash it off. I went back into the bedroom, put on the sleepwear Melissa put out for me and crawled into bed.
What the fuck did I just do? What did this say about me...what did it say about her Uncle? All I know is that I needed that. I wanted that. I could feel him looking at me from time to time but he didn't look at me leeringly or was creepy or anything. But I had no idea he thought of me that way.
It took a while till I fell asleep but I awoke to Melissa nudging me to get up to go help make breakfast for the family. Me of course, cause it really isn't something she would do.
Dressed and in the kitchen I was surprised to see him in the kitchen making breakfast.
Melissa pouted and told him, "Uncle! I was going to make you breakfast!"
He laughed and said, "You? You're going to cook or was your friend here going to do it for you?"
Well you're right Uncle, I guess you know me too well." and she kissed him on the cheek as he looked at me.
"Is there anything I could do to help?" I asked him.
"Sure, he replied, can you get the bacon started the rest of the women should be up soon."
I was glad to be in the kitchen with him as the women gathered and began chatting around the table. There was no flirting, No furtive looks. Just he and I cooking together as if nothing happened last night.
We all sat to breakfast discussing what plans were being made for the day. Or rather they were telling me what the plans are for the day. I finally left them to it to help the uncle clean up after breakfast.
"I got this" he said.
"No please, I would rather be doing this...if you don't mind" I told him. He looked into my eyes and said, "I don't mind at all. We okay?" He asked.
"We're fine" I answered.
He smiled and we continued to clean.
At lunch time more cousins came in to see Melissa and meet me. Her Uncle was out on the deck cooking meat for the gathering. I went out to offer him a beer. He thanked me and drank up. It was pretty cold out there.
"How is it going in there?" He asked.
"Same as yesterday, I am being asked a ton of questions?" I replied.
"They mean well. Just concerned about Melissa I guess," Then he got quiet. I understood why. Here I am his niece's girlfriend home to meet the family and here I was having sex with him in his den, but then again I could say the same about him. Still I didn't regret what we did last night. Pure unadulterated sex. No mind games. No manipulations. Just getting our needs met. Was he regretting what we did? I wasn't sure.
I went back into the house. The rest of the day went well and I am glad it wasn't uncomfortable with her Uncle. He was still friendly and helpful when questioning became nonstop. At night though, I caught myself glancing at him from time to time. Many stories and drinks poured out over the evening. Everyone having a good time and me trying to look like I was as well. It was decided the cousins were spending the night and that they were staying in the den. The sound of that made me sad.
Bed time came late. I tried to get with my girlfriend when we got in bed. I slipped in behind her and fondled her breast and put my hands on her pussy. I put in one finger when she jumped and pushed me away. I tried again but she was far too drunk and after another attempt at fondling her, she just passed out.
I lay in bed thinking of him and night before. I took of my Tee shirt and wrapped myself in the robe I wore the night before and began to touch my pussy. Remembering his want, of his cock deep inside me. After about a half hour of reliving last night's lusts. I heard the door open slowly.
It was him. He walked into the room quietly and sat in the chair next to me. I turned towards him letting the robe fall to my side showing him my naked body through moonlight in the window. He reached to my ear with one hand on going to my cunt.
"Is she asleep?" He asked in my ear.
"Totally passed out and dead to the world." I answered.
He put his fingers inside me and smile as he drew his fingers out to see and taste my wetness. He went down to his knees near my pussy I lifted one leg around his shoulder and let the other on the bed opening my cunt for him. He kissed my pussy and pushed in his tongue. Oh god he did this so well. He was enjoying himself in my cunt as his hand reached up to pinch my nipples and squeeze my tits. Oh it felt decadent. Having him eat me out like this with Melissa passed out beside me but it was the same as last night. Us getting just what we needed from each other. After while he added a finger to my cunt and then a second and third. I grabbed a hold of his short hair and gripped him tightly as I came in his mouth. One of my hands on my own mouth to keep myself from moaning too loudly. I shivered against his face. I held back as much as I could to keep from squirting all over the bed but my orgasm was definitely fulfilling. He continued to lick me clean and nuzzled his face in appreciation.
He stood up and held his cock and began to stroke it. I decided I wanted to show my appreciation as well and I stood up and readjusted myself, putting my head just off the foot of the bed. He walked around to the end and proceeded to present his cock to me. We began slowly as I licked his precum off the head and swirled my tongue around him. He inched closer as I lifted his cock to suck his balls. He tasted good and goo was eeking from his slit again. I licked it up and he fed his cock into my mouth slowly. He reached down my throat, filling my mouth. I began sucking in earnest. He was ready to cum for me. IN me this time. He began to move in and out of my slowly. Going in and out the full length of his cock. Hitting the back of my throat which each stroke. After a few strokes he was all the way in and stayed there a few moments and pulled back out. I had my hands on my tits as he fucked my mouth till I felt his hands fall forward to my tits and I moved my hands to his hips to encourage him not to hold back.
He understood and began to fuck into my mouth with more fervor. His body was tightening and I knew he was close so I tightened my grip on his hips to let him know it was okay to cum in my throat. Again he understood or maybe didn't care but he came with a grunt down my throat as I swallowed furiously to drink him all up. He held his cock down into me for a good while till if finally loosened my grip and pushed on him slightly. He picked up on the clue and slowly backed his cock out of my mouth. Before he could come out completely I grabbed his cock to clean it for him as he did for me. Afterwards he reached down to kiss my mouth. It was the first time we kissed. His tongue probing mine tasting his own cum off of me. In gratitude? I am not sure but it was a passionate kiss.
He walked to the side of the bed gave me his hand and I stood up next to him. He held me close to him and hugged me tightly and kissed me again. Whispering in my ear a soft, sweet, breathy "Goodnight". He tied his robe around him and left the room. Again I put on the night shirt I was supposed to be wearing and laid back down in bed. I should have gone to wash off my face but I wanted to smell him on me.
I fell asleep easily and woke up before Melissa to shower quickly. She woke up with and understandable headache and found nothing amiss. She jumped in the shower and I told her I would go help with breakfast and she grunted something at me.
Downstairs in the kitchen it was just him again. Alone. I walked up to the island where he was cutting some potatoes. "Good morning," he said with a smile. I returned the greeting and the smile. He put the knife down and put his hand over mine and just looked at me. But then we heard noise coming from the stairs and he released my hand and continued chopping potatoes.
The talking wasn't as loud or animated due to them all being a bit hung over. But as soon as it was decided that a shopping trip was in order things got back up into high gear. Okay...this is where I draw the line. Shopping? Melissa knows I detest shopping to no end. Damn!
I pulled her to the side. "Shopping? Really?!" I told her.
"Aw c'mon babe. It will be fun." she said.
"No!" was my reply. "I have done everything you wanted to do this weekend with you not giving me much of anything. I am not going to put myself through shopping now. You want to go. Fine go with your family have fun don't make a fuss and back me up on this and I will just hang out here and do some reading but I swear if you start trying to make me go with I will leave. I mean it." I told her being as direct as I could.
"Okay babe. I promise. I will get you out of this, but are you sure…?"She whined.
I didn't even let her finish her plea when I gave her my don't even fucking go there look and she backed off. Well she went back to the family and they made their plan of attack for shopping and the even add a show to go watch. Damn I am glad I got out of that!
Later that afternoons she finally broke it to the family that I wasn't 'coming with'. They started to protest but she kept her word to back me up on my lack of a shopping gene. And they continued their preparations. I said goodbye and went up to my room to dig out a book to read and have a little peace now that everyone and all their questions were gone. I found a good one and headed back downstairs. I wondered if they had left any alcohol so I went to the kitchen and HE was there.
"Hey, hi. I thought the whole family had gone," I said as I looked around to see who else might be there.
"Nope, it is just me," he said as he was wiping down a counter.
"We are here all alone?" I asked.
"Yep" he replied then tossed the towel down on the counter and walked around it.
"For how long" I asked him.
"Not sure," he replied as he walked up to me grabbed me and kissed me deeply, hungrily. I returned the kiss and we bumped up against the wall near the stairs. His hands on my chest. My hands down his pants. He finally grunted out.
"We have hours and hours. Who knows, with any luck they will have to stay the night. I checked the forecast...they didn't, but for now I just want to take advantage of the fact that I can fuck you without having to muffle my voice" and he continued his assault on my mouth and my tits. Then suddenly he stopped
"Do you want to do this?" he asked.
"Are you kidding me? I replied. I have my hands down your pants grabbing your cock and waiting for you to fuck me in the ass and you ask that?!" I said with a wink and a smile. He laughed a loud and hearty laugh that disarmed me.
"Good then where do you want to start." he asked.
"Mmmm. How about where you first looked at me and decided you wanted a piece of this." I said jokingly, grabbing my own crotch. He took me by the hand and said.
"Well we might as well start here as he turned me to face the front couch and reached into my pants and squeezed my pussy. "I wanted to fuck you when I saw you outside when I was helping you with your luggage but here when you first walked in will do. I unzipped my jeans and dropped my pants in front of him. He did the same and pulled down my underwear and bent me over. I thought he was going to fuck me right there but instead he go down on his knees and began licking my pussy from behind. Damn this man certainly knows how to please a woman.
I opened my stance to give him full access to my cunt. He licked, fingered and shoved his face into my pussy. I proceeded to take of my shirt and play with my own tits as he pleasured me with his tongue. Pushing his tongue in and out of me. Licking me then inserting his fingers deep inside me. He stood, grabbed hold of my waist with his left arm and facing towards my ass he began to finger fuck me furiously. I shook as he fucked me manically. This didn't last long he was just looking to see how sloshy he could get me I suppose for next thing I know he was done there licking me again.
Where you serious about me fucking you in the ass?" He stopped to ask me.
"I am game if you are," I answered. I stood and turned to face him and he stood to meet me licking his fingers and offering me a taste.
"Sorry but it was something I have been thinking about doing to you since we started this...what...affair?"
"I am not sure what this is but I do know that whatever it we need to take advantage of this time to fulfill any fantasy we may have in our minds to do with each other because I am pretty sure I will never be invited here again." I knew this to be true so I had to let it out. He looked at me and knew it to be true as well.
Okay, what I know I do want is to fuck you on my lap again. For you to straddle me again. To take my time with you and not be so rushed. Is that something you would like to do? He asked me.
"Yes, I think I would love that" I answered.
"Good come on" and he took my hand and led me to the den. He grabbed a blanket out of a closet on the way. He placed it on the couch and sat on it. His cock was hard as it was when I first walked in on him. He gave me his hand so I could climb on top of him and lower myself onto his cock. Taking it slow, to feel him slowly fill my cunt. Again he grabbed my tits to suck, squeeze, fondle and bite as I rocked on his cock. We fucked again in total silence. Just me and him and sex. Both of us filling a need without worrying about anything else but our mutual pleasure.
Orgasms were coming near and this time we began to moan without restraint. He did that move again where he grabbed on to my waist to begin bucking into me. This time I put my hands on his shoulders to buck right back into him and not just have him fuck me. We were fucking each other this time. He was balls deep into me and we seemed to be trying to get so far into to each other that we could possibly get. He put his hands on my ass and squeezed hard. I was cumming. Shaking, yelling out "Fuck". I was sloppy wet and dripping all over him but he was holding back. He was reaching his climax. He wanted to cum inside me but knew he shouldn't. He yelled out. "I am going to explode.
I pushed up and got off of him quickly dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth in one shot. He was so wet thanks to my orgasm it was easy to get him down my throat. I bobbed my head up and down, sucking hard squeezing his balls and he let loose. Cumming hot down my throat. I sucked some more then released his cock from mouth to allow his cum to spill out on my tits. I put my tits on his lap squeezing them together to give his cock some more friction. He looked down to watch me as had his cock being rubbed up and down by my tits.
"Oh god yes" he whispered quietly. He squirted a few more strands of cum that I caught in my mouth and reached down to kiss the head of his cock and flicked my tongue on the slit of his cock as he pumped up through my breasts.
He leaned his head back in exhaustion. I stood up and straddle him again. I wanted that hug that he gave me when we first did this and he obliged most willingly. We sat there in each other's arms. Bodies smashed together. Spreading his cum that was on my chest. We were taking each other in, breathing each other's scent in. To implant them into our memories? I am not sure but we stayed like this for a long time.
Finally he moved to lift me off of him.
"C'mon. Let em clean this up and the living room. You go upstairs. Get a shower going and I will meet you there." he told me.
"No, I told him. "Let me help you" I got up grabbed our clothes while he cleaned up any mess we may have left. I went to the front to get our pants up off the floor and made sure we left nothing there. I met him at the stairs and we went up together. I dropped my dirty clothes off in my room and grabbed my robe and he took my hand to lead me to his room.
"This shower is bigger let's have a bath. He grabbed the telephone and brought it into the bathroom with us. He turned on the water then pulled out some towels for us. I tested the water and it was perfect, warm but not too hot.
I got in and lowered myself into the warm water. He then followed and got in behind me. Pulling me towards him and wrapping his arms around me. I laid my head back onto his shoulder. He asked if would mind if he asked me a few questions.
"You too" I asked laughing.
"Just a few, I promise." he said.
"Okay, sure, fire away." I gave in.
"So your bi then?" he asks
"Yes, but I don't do labels. You are attracted to the person, not their gender and yes I have had lovers of both sexes and no. I have never had an affair with a married person before. Why you? I guess would be you next question? I don't know. I find you hot. I felt a pull since I met you. As if we needed each other." I added.
"Okay, that answered most of my questions I think." he laughed.
"Do you have any expectations from me and what has occurred between the two of us? He said quietly probably feeling worried about the answer.
"I have no expectations. The way I see it is a lets fulfill a need for now. Make a memory or 10. Enjoy the here in now. I am not looking for a commitment. You already have one. And I don't think you are looking to get out of it but just maybe...a last fling….maybe?" I assumed.
"You're right, I think. I guess I needed a fling. I am not looking for a side piece. I don't want to leave my life or my wife. And I thank you for understanding that and to answer a question you may be wondering….No. I have never done this before either. I think you and I are...the right person...right time. Memories. Yes making a good memory for my old age!" He said as he laughed again.
"Stop… I smiled. Questions done?" I asked.
"Questions done" he replied.
Next thing I know he reaches for the soap and starts washing my body. Caressing me. Seemingly trying to put every nuance of it into his memory. He soaped up my arms then rubbed the lather with his bare hands. Soft and warm not missing a spot. Then moving to my shoulders as he reaches down to kiss them. Nuzzle my neck and inhale my scent. Down with two hands to the top of my chest and straight down my cleavage avoiding my breasts, but going around them. Teasing me? I am not sure but he circles around them several times then goes across my torso to my stomach. Soaping and rubbing in turn. He pushes my leg up with his and washes them in turn. Rubbing and stroking them. I cross them in front of me as he reaches my toes and slowly glides back up my leg to my sex and rubs up and down the outside of me. Two hands...rubbing back and forth my lips down there. Firmly but just staying on the outside.
He then slides back up my body and washes my chest. Squeezing, circling my tits and pinching and pulling on my nipples. I melt in his hands. My head leaning back on his shoulders. Turning to kiss his neck as his hands go back down my body to my cunt. This time he slides in. Probing me, cupping me then putting his finger inside me again. I just lean back and enjoy his finger burying inside me, deep inside me, but now I have a need to touch him.
"May I wash you?" I asked quietly not wanting to break this spell of memorizing each other's bodies.
'Of course" he replies.
I move to turn and straddle him. Sitting with my legs wide across his so he doesn't have to close his legs. I take the soap and began to lather him in return. Following the lines of his body. Washing his shoulders, his neck, his chest. He was, in one word….sexy. The hairs on his chest were graying and it just accented his body so well. I couldn't help but reach down to kiss it. I few kisses later and I was on his nipples. Giving each a bite that made his breathing a little heavier. I don't have his will power apparently because I found myself kissing up to his neck and bringing my body in further up his lap till I could feel his cock full underneath me again. Kissing him full on the mouth as my legs encircled him.
"Sorry, I said to him, I seem to not have the fortitude you have. Being able to tease me the way you do. Controlling my want for you is not something I am good at. I need to have you again…..Please?" I begged him.
"Let's get rinsed off and do this right...okay?" he said as he touched my chin and pulled it towards him to kiss me.
"Okay," I relented. We got up and turned on the shower. He still went slowly as he rinsed me off thoroughly and hugged me under the cascading water. Oh..he is doing this on purpose or is he trying to teach me patience...nah. I think he is just teasing me….messing with my appetite for him….making me want him more.
I finally think I come up with a salient point.
"Shouldn't we hurry what if they come back soon?" I asked thinking this would move him to take me sooner.
"No worries my sweet, wanton girl." He said with a smile. "They will be gone for the minimum of 5 hours. It takes an hour to drive from Drake to downtown Denver. Plus at the least an hour of shopping till their show starts and then a two hour show. Not to mention, I checked the weather report. If it is anywhere to being correct. They may not even make it back tonight" he added with a smile.
I spun around quickly and asked. "Seriously?!"
"Seriously!" he replied with a grin and proceeded to dry my hair.
We dried each other off and he informed me that we needed to take the time to eat a little something. He grabbed my robe and put it on me and as we walked through his bedroom, he slipped on a pair of jammies and nothing else.
We made our way into the kitchen and raided the fridge. He offered me a beer and declined. I really didn't want to dull any of my senses. We made ourselves some sandwiches from the leftovers and discussed music as we ate. Our tastes weren't completely mutual but we found an appreciation for our differences. We cleared the dishes and he grabbed me by the robe and pulled me to him and up against the kitchen island.
He opened my robe to just look at me and asked.. "You wouldn't mind being my dessert would you?"
I rolled my eyes at that question but smiled and laughed anyway. Then I nodded my ascension as I pulled open my robe further. He bent over to cup and kiss my chest and my tits in turn. He patted the island and said, "Then serve yourself up for me"
I stepped on the bench's second shelf and hopped up on the island. I scooted back on the table with the robe underneath me and laid back. He grabbed my legs and pulled them to the edge of the island and he put my legs over his shoulder. He put his hands on each side of my slit and pulled my lips wide open and licked my pussy from the top to my ass and dipped his tongue in my cunt. He grabbed hold of my hips and dived into my pussy like a starving man. His tongue darting in and out and licking and sucking on my cunt lips. I felt like I was being devoured. He buried his face in my pussy. His tongue now penetrating deep inside me.
I had my fingers circling my nipples. Stopping only to pull on them. Then his tongue began to concentrate on my clit as I felt his finger invading me. His left hand move over my legs and on the top of my pussy to pull up and expose my clit to him. His tongue flicking, licking and swirling all the while adding more fingers inside my cunt. I couldn't control my body as I bucked into his face but he held me down as much as he could with his left hand. It was overwhelming and I felt myself building. There was no holding back at this point. He fingers inside me were drilling into me hard and he would stop to crook his finger, hitting that spot deep in my sex.
My hands slammed and held onto the sides of the island as my orgasm blasted through my body. I squirted… I squirted all over his face. He drank me up as fast as he could. My body was shivering, convulsing. My pussy was pulsating and dripping everywhere. He slipped both hands under my ass and held my pussy to him to finish licking me off. Every time his tongue slipped back in, it sent aftershocks through my body.
A few minutes later he slides me up the island and releases my ass and begins kissing my thighs. Going up and down my legs. Going around my body to my tits to kiss and nuzzle them. Finally up to my face and he passionately kisses my lips with one hand on my head and the other caressing my torso.
It was about this time when the phone rang. Damn how long have we been at this? He stopped and answered the phone leaving one hand on my body. He said a few "yes's" an "it's fine" and that he made reservations already at a downtown hotel since the thought it was a possibility and then a better to be safe and goodnight. He hung up the phone, looked at me in the eyes and kissed me.
"We have all night my love. Let's take our time" he said with a huge smile on his face. I sat up quickly and put my arms around him.
"All night, seriously?" I yelled out.
"Yes." he said, and kissed me deeply again.
"So, where shall we have sex now? I asked as I pulled away from him.
"Oh my lovely single, minded, dirty girl. Where would you like to do it now?" I thought about it and the place we had been. The den, the guest room where I slept. The living room. His tub and now the kitchen.
"Is your bedroom off limits?" I asked timidly. He looked at me, took me by the chin and said, "Nothing is off limits to you my love," he said with a kiss. I was excited and jumped on him and wrapped my legs wrapped around his body. He laughed and held me tight.
"Here let me clean up in here a bit. Are you sure you wouldn't like some wine or something?" he asked me.
"No maybe just some water and maybe a snack of some sort for later. Let me help." I added.
"No go up to my bedroom and get comfortable. Freshen up or whatever you want. It be more than a minute or two," he ordered.
"Yes sir!" I said as I saluted him. He laughed and smacked my ass as I turned to leave. I made for his bedroom and remembered something. I stopped by my room and find what I wanted and finally took of the robe and went to his room. In his room I looked through a few of what looked more like a 'masculine' dresser and found a white 'wife beater' type undershirt. I put that on my naked body. Looked in the mirror and loved the look of it. I pulled off the top comforter and put it on a nearby chair and sat in the middle of the bed with my surprise pick from my room. I decided to push it under a pillow and hide it.
It didn't take him long. He came into the room with a couple of water bottles and a bowl with grapes and cheese in it. He stopped and looked at me. He put the items on a small table in the room and crawled into the bed and sat in front of me.
"Is that my shirt?" He asked.
"Yes, I am sorry. I promise I didn't snoop and I only had to open two drawers to find this. I kind of wanted something to wear that I could take with me. Something to remember this by. If you don't mind of course." I asked looking into his eyes to see if he was annoyed with me going into his personal stuff.
He pushed a strand of hair off my face and said, "You're more than welcome to it my love and if I didn't trust you I wouldn't be doing this with you. But not only am I not annoyed, I am aroused by your choice. I will think of you now whenever I wear a shirt like that," He said as he leaned forward and kissed my lips. And we sat there. Just kissing. Enjoying the moment and the time we had together. After a few moments he leaned a little further making my body lean further back on the bed and he followed and laid on top of me.
"This time we were going to make love." He said. He put his hands on the sides of my head kissing me deeply. His legs between mine slowly grinding into my body using his knee so part my legs. Resting his body on me. He continued his passionate kissing. I returned the kisses and caresses. We were going to make love. My hands caressed his shoulders and arms. He lifted his body off of me and began kissing me down my neck and shoulders. Slowly making his way down my body. At my breasts he kissed all around and kissed and flicked his tongue on my nipples, till finally he gave them a little nibble that I felt straight through to my cunt. I jutted my hips up to grind against his crotch for some sweet needed friction.
He pushed back at me to keep my body down as he continued kissing my tits. His hands now cupping and squeezing them gently but with passion. He kissed further down my torso, to my stomach as I kept trying to buck up into him. The palm of his hand went down to my sex and cupped it. His returned to my head and shhhhh'd me. Calming my tigress. We are going to do this slowly. I want to remember every sinew of your body. I want to remember everything about you. Now calm yourself. I will get you where you need to go but for now you need to calm yourself.
He then kissed my lips and returned to kissing my stomach, his hand still cupping my sex and keeping me down. Then kissing my hips and that soft part above my thighs. Licking my skin as he goes. Tasting every part of me. He reached the top of my pussy and gave me soft kisses all along the edge of my cunt. I held myself down as best as I could. His breath, his tongue and the heat of his mouth was making me shiver in anticipation. Finally he gave me a bone by dipping his tongue onto my clit and swirled his tongue. My hand went to my breast as I pinched my own nipples. But again he stopped. Readjusted his body. He climbed on me again. His head at my pussy. His body over mine and his cock dangling before me.
"Wait! I yelled out and reached under the pillow to pull out my surprise.
"Maybe you wouldn't mind using this" I said as I pulled out a vibrator. He smiled and took it in his hand.
"Hmm. I know just what to do with this." as her returned his head to my pussy and turned it on. He put it to my wet, open cunt and I moaned as he pushed it deep, into me.
I moaned as he began to play with my pussy and enjoyed the feelings he was bringing to my body but I then a turned my attentions to the live cock in my face. Mine to play with, to do with what I will. I took hold of his cock and licked and kissed it. Making myself take it slowly as he wished. I pulled his cock to the side and kissed and licked his balls, taking one at a time into my mouth and sucking them softly. I took a good look at his cock and stroked slowly. Getting to know every inch of him. Running my thumb over the slit and licking the pre cum that formed drops there. Kissing the tip. Swirling my tongue around the head. Then watching it as I stroked him slowly. It was beautiful. I never stopped to really look at one. I was always into just frantic sex whenever I was with a man. With women I took is slower. Enjoying her cunt and all the folds of her pussy. But with men it has always been...Let's fuck and let's go.
I was truly enjoying this. Taking my time to enjoy not only what he was doing to me down there but also to enjoy his wonderful cock here in front of me. I took him full in my mouth, pulling off slowly, sucking hard so as to hear a "pop" as I sucked to the end, then licking him again. I scratched his balls with my nails as I took his cock in my mouth again. God he is yummy. I put him back into my mouth, took a deep breath and swallowed him whole, putting my hand around him grabbing his ass and pushing his body into my face. Holding them for a few seconds I pushed up on him and pulled him down on me again. On the second one he couldn't help himself but to buck into me. I pushed up on him again, took another deep breath then this time he pushed himself into my mouth and continued fuck into me. Pushing my head down on the bed. After about a half dozen strokes he lifted himself off me and turned leaving the vibrator still buzzing inside me.
He came up to my face again and kissed me. Laid down next to me then pulled me on top of him. Not missing a beat I straddled him. He reached into my cunt and pulled out the vibrator as I moaned and lowered my cunt onto his cock. He was hard and full and my pussy was wet and dripping and I ease myself onto him without a problem. I leaned forward, put my hands on his shoulders and started to ride him. Mmmm, this felt great he grabbed my tits and pulled them to his mouth and kissed them and bit my nipples. Giving them a few good squeezes before he put both of his hand behind this head and looked straight at me. I picked up my pace and fucked him. Riding him to my hearts delight. I could tell he was close when his hands came to my hips and he brought up his knees and fucked me back hard. His groans growing. I knew by now how close he was…"Cum in me" I whispered.
"What" he groaned out.
"Cum in me. It's okay. I am taken care off. I have only been with Melissa for a year, trust me...please. I want to feel you cum in me" I blurted out. He must trust me more than I thought or couldn't bear to come out of me but he did. He held me tight at the top of my thighs and fucked me hard and fast now. I could feel him starting to convulse. Aw the groaning and grunting coming from his throat and mouth was exciting. I had already been on the edge as he was licking and making love to my pussy that it was easy to release again. I came with him seconds after. He had my cunt in a speared with his cock and was holding my body down hard on him until his orgasm subsided.
Both of us shaking, holding on as we came down off our high. I slumped on his body he straightened out his legs as his penis slipped out of my dripping pussy. We stayed this way for several minutes. Finally I pushed to move off his body when he held me tighter to him.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"I just thought I should clean up a bit" I answered.
"No, stay here with me. Let's sleep in all our juices for a while." He turned and took me with him. I turned away from him. He got up, grabbed a blanket and covered me and got back in and spooned me. He held me close.
"If I snore, just elbow me." He said. I laughed and gave him a quick shot to the ribs.
"When….I….snore…. I said." He laughed and held me tighter.
I must have been exhausted because I did fall asleep. I woke in his arms. First with the feeling of being sated and happy and warm I actually nuzzled into him. Then I realized where I was. I jumped, waking him.
"What's wrong", he asked?
"Is it morning?" I yelled out.
"Nearly there, we have time." He said as he pulled me close again. He kissed me on the cheek and gave my tits a squeeze.
"But we should get up. Take a shower maybe," he said as he nuzzled my neck. Then he lifted a leg over me jumped off and smacked me in the ass.
"C'mon wench" he said with a booming laugh. I laughed out loud myself and we went into the shower. I brushed my teeth and he started the shower. Then I entered the shower and he brushed his teeth. He got in behind me in the shower and put his hands on my hips.
"May I fuck you one more time?" He asked with a smile full well knowing the answer. I turned kissed him and said, "A goodbye fuck?" And I put my arms around him. He kissed me, passionately. His tongue probing my mouth, his hands on my ass squeezing hard.
"Turn. Hold on to the wall" he ordered.
I did as he said and he put a few fingers into my pussy. He worked in few fingers for a few moments and the next thing I know, he pushed his hard cock into me with no problem. My cunt has become used to him. Always wet when he is around. Always ready for him. He held himself deep inside me. Not moving. Just filling me up. I began to move. I swiveled my hips. Grinding into him. Pushing in and sliding on him. He stood there and let me take control. He leaned into me more and put his hands on the sides of the shower to brace himself against my onslaught. And I did. I fucked on his cock for all I had.
This would be the last time. I knew I was never going to feel him in me again. I pushed in until I felt his balls smash up against me. I squeezed my cunt muscles and pulled back off him. Milking him with my cunt. I could hear him groan as I did this a few times. He grabbed a hold of me. He couldn't take it anymore. He put one hand on my tits. The other down to my pussy and fucked me machine gun style with his middle finger pushing into my clit. I was building with him.
He grunted in my ears. "I am going to cum inside you again!
"Yes!" I answered. He pinched on my nipple harder sending shock waves through me. We came. We came for the last time….together. My hands on him. His on me. We stood there. Shuddering in our mutual orgasms. We stood there leaning on one wall. Holding each other.
"I will never forget you. You know that?" He said in my ear.
"Same here." I replied.
"Will I ever see you again? He asked in a whisper.
"I don't think so" I lamented. "We don't really run in the same circles. Let alone the same state." I added.
"And to be honest. I will probably split with Melissa soon." We really aren't very compatible." I continued.
"I noticed." he said with a laugh. I laughed as well.
"One thing I will never get out of my head is that laugh. I love your laugh. It comes so easily and whole hearted."
He turned me around kissed me and said, "My darling girl. I will keep your memory with me for the rest of my life. Thank you," he said as he kissed me again.
He let out a heavy sigh. And I did as well. He stood up straight and said matter of factly. We better get cleaned up and ready. They should be back in an hour.
So we did, we washed. Exchanged a few more kissed dried off and got to work. He cleaned up his room. I went to mine being sure to take the 'wife beater' with me and my toy. I packed all of my and Melissa's stuff and went downstairs to see if anything needed to be done but it seems he did a good job cleaning up after the kitchen island escapade. So I began to make us some breakfast. He came out of the laundry room and gave me a start.
"I started breakfast. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I asked.
"Nope, I have got it all under control." He said as he came to me and kissed my neck.
"I just got a text. They should be here in about 20 minutes." He grabbed a couple plates and I served up breakfast. We ate together on the island. Both smiling and kidding. We washed the plates together looked outside to see if they were coming. The next thing I know he pulled me into the hall. We were kissing again. Groping and fondling each other. Our tongues intertwined. Our hands grasping each other as we smash our body parts together till we hear a car outside.
We pull apart from each other and straighten ourselves out. Smile and kiss one last time as we walk out to greet the returning shopping party. Everyone is smiles and hugs and tales of what they were up to last night. I go upstairs with Melissa and repack all the new stuff she bought. We bring our bags downstairs and leave them in the hall and join the group again. They were gathered on the living room on different couches showing each other their 'finds'. I sat at the edge of the couch that he and I had sex on the previous day when the group first left us alone. He walks in with some warm cider for everyone and stands behind a couch on the other side of the room. Looking at me. We lift our glasses to one another from across the room and take a drink.
After an hour of this banter it was time to go. I went to pack up our rental car as she said goodbye to her family. He of course came out to help. We loaded the car and I said my goodbyes and thanked them all for their hospitality, shaking everyone's hand. He opened the door for me he grasped my hand firmly and said goodbye. I smiled. I wanted to hug him so much but it wasn't something I was known for. Fuck it I thought. I gave him a quick hug and jumped into the driver's seat. No one had notice because Melissa was still hugging her goodbyes when I yelled out,
"Get a move on woman!" and she jumped in too. We took off. I looked in the rearview mirror as Melissa stuck her head out the window for a last wave.
He was still there waving goodbye. She sat back down. "Now, didn't I tell you it wouldn't be torture spending time with family? We really need to do this again during spring vacation!" She said excitedly. Spring vacation? I thought. Well, maybe I won't break up with her just yet.