"I am tired! Must we continue? " said Mona Lisa she had been sitting in the same position for twelve hours and was growing bored and tired. "Do not move. You must stay still. The slightest difference changes everything. " now unlike most Lisa was not intimidating by the "Great Da Vinci" even though he was by far the most handsome man she had ever seen. With his tall, broad-shouldered body or soft brown hair and eyes. It didn't bother her at all that he was smart, brave and as hot blooded as a true Italian man should be. "But I must move. My arms are aching and my neck is stiff." She said slouching and rubbing kinks out of her neck. Leonardo was not about to be defeated by a spoilt rich brat even if she had the finest skin and the most glorious chestnut hair. "You should be grateful to be chosen to grace my work. One day you will be remembered for this. " but Lisa was defiant "if I don't die of boredom first! "She retorted cheekily sticking out her tongue. Leonardo groaned in annoyance and fought the urge to find better uses for that tongue.

"Pray be still! The light is fading and I must finish. " he begged her the sooner he was done the sooner he could get away from the irresistible temptation which is Mona Lisa. "Why is it that I must stay so still? That y hand should be placed thus? " she moves he hands to indicate the way one sits over the other. "Why not thus? " she asks swapping them over Leonardo sighed and went over to her swapping them back I their previous position. "I grow weary of your games. " he says tiredly "And I grow weary of your painting. " she replies ignoring the sparks that make her hands tingle and the feeling of excitement in the pit of her stomach. Leonardo glared at her, he was tired and aroused stressed which didn't sit well with him, "I will not stand for your sarcasm a moment longer! Be silent! " Then maybe he wouldn't be so tempted to kiss her, "Very well. " she quietens down, but starts grinning.

Leonardo exasperatedly puts the paint brush down "And take that insolent smile off your face! " she cheekily smiled and leaned forward "Never! " she said, Leonardo was tempted to kiss her but sucked in a breath and said "Very well, you shall be remembered for that childish grin." But she didn't seem t the least bothered and sarcastically replied, "All I will be remembered for is being foolish enough to allow the "Great Da Vinci" to make my bones ache and my head heavy from holding it so still! " oh he would show her how great he is, he'll show her in a way that will really make her body ache. "Stop talking! I'm trying capture that smile. " that sexy, mysterious smile, "You may capture the smile, but you'll never know what I'm thinking! " on the contrary, with the darkened eyes and teasing voice, Leonardo knew exactly what she was thinking.

Which is why he didn't stop himself from kissing. His tongue found it's way into her mouth and he explored and tasted every inch of it. Lisa moaned into his mouth and had become pliant in his arms. Leonardo and Lisa kicked off their shoes and he laid on to the bed in the small artist's studio. She pushed his jacket off his back and unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed down her neck and fiddled with his pants. Once he was naked he pulled her dress off of her and stared. In the dim light from the candles and the sunset she looked beautiful. Her perfect olive complexion glowing under him. He leaned down to kiss her breasts.

Teasing each nipple in his mouth rolling it around with his tongue. He kissed her breasts lightly biting the soft, smooth flesh. Lisa moaned softly, her hands in his hair. He left her breasts and kissed down to her navel, dipping his tongue into her belly button and eventually kissing his way to her womanly pride. His tongue and lips teased her until she was a squirming mess. Moaning and begging for more, Lisa had turned into a submissive awaiting her pleasure. "Shh darling I will satisfy you soon. " cooed Leonardo, Lisa whimpered when their eyes met. He dipped his head and began sucking on her neck before slowly easing his way into her.

Lisa moans at the feeling of him entering her, he groans in appreciation, "You are so wet cara mia." He whispers hotly in her ear. His thrusts become faster and harder until they reach their climax. "Leonardo! " she cried as she completed her climax.

They lay in each others arms, breathing heavily, their bodies covered in a light sheen of sweat. "Will you start listening to me now? " asked Leonardo she smiled up at him "No." Then she kissed him