I sometimes think I have no sense of self preservation. As I open the door and see you before me in a skimpy little skirt and a button up sweater, I know it for sure.

For a second, I'm shocked by the sheer amount of the skin you're showing off; I've never seen this much of your legs before, and the heels make you a good four inches taller than usual.

My assessment takes only a heartbeat, then I step back to let you in. You know my house as well as your own, and you slip past me and head directly for the den. I follow you, a little distracted by the sway of your hips and the curve of your ass, but not, I assure myself, any more so than I would be with any other woman.

You glance back, but I flick my eyes away. Hopefully, you didn't catch me ogling your butt.

I leave you in the den and head for the kitchen. I don't need to prepare anything, because I was waiting, but you don't need to know that, and I need a moment to figure this out. I've never had such a strong reaction to you before, and I don't understand why it's happening now. Maybe it's the skirt.

I return with the popcorn, the DVD, and no clue as to why I'm suddenly finding you distracting. I find you curled up on the couch, barefoot and with your legs tucked up under you.

I switch off the lights, hoping that you'll be less enticing that way, but to no avail. You're small and warm and near me, and all of sudden your sweater comes off to reveal a truly tiny tank top. Your breasts are outlined in pornographically clear detail, and I can't quite resist the urge to look. You can hardly blame me, though, because your nipples are tight and you obviously aren't wearing a bra.

The movie has been forgotten. I've just drifted off into a fantasy involving those perfect nipples and my mouth when I feel you snuggling into my side. I'm surprised, but don't object, because from this angle, and with you curled up like this, I can see the inner curves of your breasts and quite a bit more besides.

You reach up and begin absentmindedly playing with your nipples. My cock, which wasn't exactly dormant in the first place, begins to harden. By the time you lift the bowl of popcorn out of my lap a few minutes later, my cock is fully hard and I'm finding it hard to focus on anything other than your warm, soft body sliding across mine.

You settle yourself in my lap, a little unsteadily, and I put my arms around you automatically. You've noticed my erection, and we both know it, but you don't say anything, just squirm into a more comfortable position in a way that makes me want to beg for mercy and slip one arm around my neck.

I don't know quite where you're going with this, but it seems like I wasn't the only one distracted tonight, and for a moment, I'm absurdly pleased with myself for having inspired a seduction attempt from a woman like you. It only lasts a moment, though, because then your fingers are on my collarbone and you're playing with the buttons on my shirt and between nerves and arousal, I'm a mess. I keep catching glimpses of your breasts and your full mouth and the silky skin of your throat, and they don't help.

I'm trying to pretend to be focused on the television when I feel a soft kiss on my temple and I look at you, surprised. You lean close and press a kiss to the corner of my mouth. I jerk in shock, but recover enough to try to kiss you more fully. Our lips touch briefly before you pull away with a giggle and turn around to look at the movie.

I wait for you to touch me again, but you don't even look around, and the soft weight of you sitting on my lap, your ass grinding against my cock, and the way you're unconsciously squirming in my arms combine to make me impatient. I stroke the smooth flesh of your thigh, and you don't say anything, though you still. I slide my fingers slowly up your thigh and curl them around your hip. I'm briefly surprised by the fact that you aren't wearing any panties, and I stop for consider that detail, but then I laugh and kiss your neck. You've obviously been hoping for this all along, and I'd have to be some kind of moron not to enjoy what you're offering.

I reach across your body to finger your clit. It's a gratifyingly engorged little nubbin at the moment, and I'm pleased to discover that you're wet and eager for my touch. I test the waters by sliding a finger into your pussy. You're slick and warm and you practically melt in my arms. I enjoy the feel of you, but I remove my finger with the intention of exploring you some more.

You don't give me the chance. Suddenly, you're squirming around until you're straddling my lap. I don't know why you changed positions, but as you strip off your shirt a second later, I don't care. My mouth is on your nipples in seconds, and my hands on your back press you closer. You moan and rub your wet pussy against my zipper, and you tug my shirt open impatiently. With my mouth on your breasts and you grinding against my cock and your busy little fingers roaming across my chest, I'm in heaven for a few minutes, but then you detach yourself and stand up.

You undo the buttons on your skirt and let it drop without taking your eyes off me. I'm too aroused room be selfconscious as you look me over with a little smile playing across your lips. I'm also too aroused to allow you to be out of my arms for very long. I rise and stand very close to you. You don't object, only smile again and undo the very last button on my shirt and push it off me.

I allow you to push me down onto the couch again and to unzip my jeans. I'm hopeful, but not expectant as you wrap your fingers delicately around my cock. You look up at me, uncertain all of a sudden, and my heart sinks. If you're losing your nerve...

You aren't. You smile a little and then lean down and lick my cock from base to tip like a lollipop. I groan, and you look up at me with an expression of embarrassment and concern on your face. I've had all the teasing I can stand, and I drag you up off the floor, into my lap, and kiss you hard.

You wriggle eagerly against me, and I roll you onto the couch under me. I sit up and strip faster than I ever have in my life before tumbling back down on top of you. I reach down between your thighs to test your readiness and find you even wetter than you were before. You lift your hips to meet my hand unconsciously, and I smile at your impatience. You don't wait for me to tease you before pushing my hand away and wrapping your legs around me. I groan as you press closer and my cock slides into you with minimal guidance.

You close your eyes and a small moan escapes your lips as I begin thrusting inside you. I watch you avidly as I reach down and stroke your clit gently with my thumb. Your lips part and your eyes fly open, and you gasp. Your pussy clamps down hard on my cock, and I slow down, feeling your muscles flutter around me. I keep going for a moment before I come too and collapse on top of you.

Right before I doze off, still deep inside you, I think I hear you murmur to yourself. Mission accomplished? What mission?