A/N: It's sappy, and fluffy, and maybe even a little cliche, but I just love it. Pardon some missing letters, my keyboard has been acting up. Enjoy this piece of fluff. :)

A wish granted in a cinema

I don't know why I said yes. I had promised myself I wouldn't see him again, not like we used to. but then he asked so fucking nicely, and as always, I gave in. I just can't resist those lips. Everyone says it's his eyes, his sweet eyes, and whenever he asks for something, you can't help but say yes.

But that's not what does it for me. It's his lips, the way they jerk upwards as if he's going to smirk and instead a sweet smile comes along. And I fall, I fall for it every time, and I just smile and say "Sure" like now.

"Come on Jessica, we'll be late for the movie!" Anya was pulling me along in the parking lot. She was excited about this way more than I was. Of course, she was crushing over Finn big time, like most of our class. It's really annoying. Finn and I go way back, we've known each other since elementary school, and have always been good friends, the best of friends actually.

"We're in time Anya, slow down, Finn and the others will hold the seats for us."

"Yeah but I want to sit near Finn, you know that. I came just for this, I couldn't care less of the stupid movie." Obviously, the movie was so not her style. It's a science fiction story I actually am very keen of, but had no intention to come watch with them But then Finn asked…

Why did he ask anyway? He knew Anya would come only he she wasn't the only girl, that's why right? He has finally given in to her advances. I scoff. I shouldn't have come, I knew it would hurt, but just can't stay clear of him. Damn me and my stupid hormones!

"Hey guys!" Anya was jumping up and down once she sees the others. Finn smiled, and his lips twitched, oh God, and I just couldn't help but smile and hug him back once he's done with Anya.

"Good to see you girls" He ushered us inside, and James and Oliver bought tickets for us all. "How are you Jess? I haven't seen much of you lately."

"Been busy. I'm good now though." I smile and them scold myself for it. I'm good now? What's that supposed to mean. You were good before too, without him, you were perfectly fine.

We all went in the darkened room and sat together, Anya holding her seat next to Finn while we all adjusted ourselves in the dark. When I sat, on the other side of Finn, as Anya insisted so that he wouldn't be distracted by his mates, my fingers brushed on his arm, innocently enough.

I jumped though. I hadn't seen him in a week, and I craved more of him. On top of all that I felt for him now, I also missed my best friend.

"Sorry" I mutter.

"No problem" I heard him chuckle. I turned to see what's so funny, and on his lips, there was an actual smirk.

And then the lights shut.

Damn it!

I sit quietly in the dark, images of trailer flashing before my eyes on the screen. But I don't care. I only care of that smirk. I had never seen him smirk, in ten years that I have known him. He was always the sweet guy with innocent eyes. I knew he was also a bad boy sometimes, but it seemed to fade as we grew up, and the smirk I ached so much for every time he smiled was never there.

But now it was. And I couldn't see him anymore.

I heard shuffling, and I knew Anya was adjusting her already low cut shirt even lower to catch his eyes. It suddenly made me so jealous I gripped the arm holder.

And I felt Finn's hand on mine, squeezing too. I looked over to him, but my eyes were still not adjusted to the dark and I saw nothing. I felt him coming closer though.

"Don't worry. I don't care how much bare skin she has, I'm not touching a single inch of her."

I swallowed. "Why not?" and then lower. "And why should I worry?"

"You're jealous." And I knew he was smirking again. Damn it!

"In your dreams" I scoffed and pulled my hand away. He let me slip it away, and I didn't hear anything from him until half hour into the movie. In the meantime Jasper and Oliver were whispering about the movie, and I tried to concentrate on it too, rather than the warmth from his arm I felt coming from my left.

But it only made it worse. The main character was nothing special but he had that way of talking to the girl, there's always that girl the character obviously likes teasing in these movies. The way he talked to her his teasing, his glances, his way of grazing her skin even when not necessary, made me wish Finn was like that, with me.

I lost track of the story, because suddenly I couldn't think of anything else but of Finn being the guy I knew, not the guy everyone thought he was. It couldn't have disappeared. We used to be two little rascals together. We stole fruit from the store sometimes, we picked up a lost wallet and spent the fifty dollars in it in sweets in a week. We had stomachaches after that one. We even broke into a cinema once in middle school. How could all that just go away? Not that I wanted him to be a criminal or something, but this didn't feel like him to me. He was acting like a little do-gooder and it annoyed the hell out of me knowing he wasn't.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I leaned towards him. "Hey Finn."

I felt, and saw since my eyes could now see in the dark a little, him shift closer. And I also caught a death stare from Anya. They were obviously talking.

"What is it Jess?" he then whispered "Thanks for saving me, your friend is boring."

"Remember when we broke into the cinema? Wasn't that fun?" I smirked myself.

He chuckled. "Sure it was. Wanna do it again sometime?"

Did I just hear that? Was my wish just coming true? Just like that? "Did you just say that?"

"Did you go deaf in the week I didn't see you?"

I ignore it. "Wouldn't it harm the reputation of do-gooder you have now"

"I have a reputation?" Oh great he's toying with me now! Yes… great actually.

"Yeah, and I don't like it. I like the real Finn better. The one who used money in a lost wallet to buy sweets, not return them to the police station."

"You like criminals Jess?" and I could swear he smirked, right on my face.

I like you. The words just about came out, but them the brain took over, and I just sat there, in the dark, repressing tears sprung up from nowhere. I felt him stare at me for a while, but I didn't return the glance, I was afraid he could see me crying.

A few minutes later I heard him shuffle in his pockets, and then talk to Anya. I scoffed and tried to watch the movie again, but I was interrupted. His hand caught mine and before I could say anything he sneaked a scrap of paper between my fingers, and he stood up, leaving the room.

Anya stared wondering at him, and then at me. I just shrugged and hid the paper.

I searched for my phone and with its light I looked at the scrap. It read 'follow me', and it didn't take me even a second to decide. I stood up and left the room hurriedly.

I found him in the empty hallway outside, leaning into the wall.

Suddenly, I was pissed. "What did you want me out here for? So we can talk without disrupting the show? What a good citizen you are!" I scoffed walking towards him. He had a look in his eyes I had never seen, angry somehow.

"No." his voice was low. "I wanted you out here so I can do this." In a second he had me pinned against the wall, and his lips crushed on mine. Without waiting for me too kiss his back, he took my head in his hands and held me in place, while his tongue traced the inside of my lower lip.

And as always when his lips were concerned, I gave in. I open my mouth and kissed him back, sneaking my arms around his neck and pulling his hair, just to make sure he was real and this was really happening, and it was not just another one of my fantasies.

"Jess…" he whispered in my mouth.

"Finn.." it came out more like a moan.

He groaned between my lips, and sucked on my lower lip, backing away of a hair. "Don't you ever hide from me for all that time again." he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Don't you make me then. Don't you change, ever." I whispered, and this time, it was a plea, not a scolding.

"I didn't change, I only behaved myself because after we broke into the cinema my mom found out and she was sure you were a bad influence on me and threatened me not to let me see you again." he said it all in one breath, next to my ear. It gave me the shivers.

"She did what?" I pulled his head so that he was facing me again.

"Yeah… I couldn't bear it. I just needed you around. I didn't know why, we were kids, but then you refused to talk me all week and I realized…" he broke off, inhaling. His body still pressed me to the wall.

"I couldn't stay around you and see the person I cared so much for was changing right before my eyes and didn't even notice how much it hurt me…" I had to stop before I cried again.

"I get it. But it's not true. I didn't change, and I did notice. I wasn't sure why you always had that sad look in your eyes." His hand cupped my face. "I get in not."

"Do you?" I inhaled sharply, and his lips twitched, and he fucking smirked. "God I love it when you smirk." And I was the one to kiss him. I bit his lower lip and he basically moaned in my mouth, before taking full advantage of my parted lips and explored my mouth with his tongue. His hand squeezed my sides, pressing me against him, and I just melted under his touch, and I felt myself, embarrassed enough, getting wet down there. Damn that was quick.

Maybe he felt it, seeing how thin my leggings were, and he groaned, pressing me harder into the wall.

"Wanna get out of here?" the phrase, so often heard as an universal signal of 'I want to fuck, let's go somewhere else', was hilarious rolling out of his mouth.

I chuckled at the thought, for no reason, and just pushed him off me. "Where are you gonna take me?" I grinned, fully knowing he understood my words perfectly.

He smirked again. "In my car, for starters, then I'll take you to dinner, because Anya told you haven't eaten and we need all your energy, because we are going to my house then. My mom's out of town." He offered me his hand, and I took it.

"Aren't you your friends' ride?"

"They can walk. You instead, are not going to be able to after I'm done with you." He grinned and pulled me against his chest again. I was sweating now, too excited to even talk. I just stared up at him, breathing out of my parted lips.

The run to the car was frantic and giggly. He kept pulling me along, and my legs kept giving out on me, and I ended up falling in his arms more than once.

At the car, he laid me on the hood and pinned me on it, kissing down my neck, nibbling at my heated flesh.

"Finn…" I breathed. I raked my nails down his back, and wrapped my legs around his waist, so that I could feel him hard against me. I groaned, and it shocked me I made such a sound. But then he growled.

"Jess… if you keep this up I'm gonna fuck you in this parking lot."

"Go ahead." I honestly couldn't care less.

He bit my neck harder, and pushed my hips down. "I don't want to get us arrested. Get in the car, I know a place."

He helped me up and we ran in the car, both in a hurry. He kissed me hungrily once more before starting the car and driving away. It was as if the last week hadn't happened. I changed his gears, as always since he taught me how to and he started driving me around. It was our thing.

Sometime later he pulled over in a construction site. "It's abandoned, no one ever comes here."

"Good." I smirked, but I wasn't sure he could see me in the dark. "How many did you bring here before me, playboy?" There was more than just teasing in my voice. I really wanted to know.

"No one." He was serious. "I… have never done this before."

"Really?" I was relieved. "So you really are a do-gooder!" I giggled while he climbed over to my seat and reclined it, laying on top of me.

"I'll show you good." He smirked taking my hands in his and pinning them over my head. "Have you?" He whispered once he was close to my lips.

I was about to ask what he meant, but I saw his serious stare and reclined my head to a side. "Of course not. I… I think I always wanted this to happen with you."

I saw him visibly relax, and his kiss felt relaxed too, so I teased him. "Are you jealous?"

"Maybe…" he mumbled in the crook of my neck. "What? You want me to believe you aren't?"

"Am not!" I giggled and tickled him under his shirt. He shimmied out of it and threw it on the back.

"You are! You hated Anya being so close to me!"

I turned away from his playful eyes. Whatever. I heard him laugh. "I'm glad you are." He said warmly, nuzzling his nose in my neck.

"And you are too." I raked my nails down his bare back. "Just admit it Finn."

"I am. You are mine, since we were five and you asked me if I wanted to help you kick that little bully's ass."

We giggled. "I didn't say it like that!"

"Oh but you did it! We both got detention remember?"

"Sure I do, started our friendship."

"And now?" he slipped a hand under my halter top. "What is this starting?"

"Something even better?" I tried.

"Oh I hope so." he smirked, and I melted.

His hands untied the laces the held my top on behind my neck, and then slipped it off me. I felt his finger graze my skin just above the waistband on my leggings, but then he raised them to my chest. He pushed the cups of my bra down my torso and slid the straps down my arms.

"You're breathing faster." He murmured.

"Why do you think that is?" I stared deep into his eyes and raised my hand to his waistband. I slid two fingers inside and pulled him to me. He rested on his elbows and nuzzled his face on my bare chest, nibbling and licking at my nipples. I inhaled sharply. I had ached for his touch for so long…

I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and helped him shim out of them and his boxers.

As he kneeled between my spread legs, I sat up and turned him around, pushing him down the seat on his back. Smirking, I wrapped my hand around him and enjoyed his intake of breath, his O shaped mouth and the hungry stare. Stroking him, I straddled his waist, feeling myself moister and moister every second. It soaked through the leggings, and I felt my dampness stick to his thigh. As he groaned, I bent down and slowly licked the head, trying out his taste. More than anything else, his moan turned me on. I took him in my mouth slowly, inch by inch, and when I couldn't go further, I swirled my tongue along him and circled the head. His fingers entwined in my hair and pushed me down. I didn't mind, I loved it that I could cause him that much pleasure.

I bobbed my head up and down until my jaw hurt, then I let him push my head down until I was about to gag, and he groaned even louder.


He pulled me up and in a swift move he was on top of me, my legs in the air, he was getting rid of my last pieces of clothing. When I was finally stark naked in front of him, he grazed my skin with a fingernail, from my jaw, to my shoulder, my breast, my side, my thigh. He stopped there and glanced up at me, and slowly resumed, to my inner thigh, to my wet slit. I groaned as soon as he touched me.

"God you're so wet already…" he breathed. I could almost taste his voice. "I want you so bad."

"Me too."

He smirked again. He seemed to do it on purpose now. I didn't mind at all.

His finger grazed my folds and he pushed in, drawing a moan out of me. He took his time exploring me inside, and leaned down to kiss me.

"It's.. so tight." He murmured on my lips. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"It'll be ok." I was short of breath. His finger was moving in and out, faster, and then another one joined. I gasped in surprise, and pleasure.

"You okay?"

"Oh yes!" I couldn't help it. I shut my eyes and felt him grin. He picked up the rhythm, and before I knew it I was unraveling underneath him, shaking, and I was over the edge.

Panting, I opened my eyes. "That was…" I couldn't finish, I didn't know how to.

Finn just grinned, and pinned my down again, kissing me hard. "You're beautiful."

He laid between my spread legs and aligned himself with my opening. "You ready?" his lips twitched in that failed smirk I came to love too.

"Yes." As always, I complied.



"I love you." My eyes went wide at his words, and some teasing joke was about to pass my lips, but it must have been evident because he added. "Shut up, you know it's true."

I felt my own rising into a smile. "I love you too."

He entered me right then, and I slowly felt myself stretch, but no pain came to bother my enormous joy. I breathed fast, even more excited, and moaned when he got so deep I never thought he could.

Then he moved, and I moaned loudly, gripping his arms. His hands were holding onto my shoulders, to get leverage, and as he found the right rhythm, we were soon both panting and moaning. His breath itched my neck, and I was almost sure I hurt his back with my nails when he reached a spot that made me scream.

"God, Jess…" he panted. "Wrap your legs around me."

I obliged and it was much more intense. He kept plunging into me until I just screamed his name and went over the edge again.

"Finn! Oh God!" and this time it wasn't over, I was just there again, building up faster and faster.

"Jess I can't…hold on…"

"It's okay, I think I'm going to.. again.."

"Oh God, Jess, I love you." He groaned and dove into me once more, causing my dam to burst, and his to explode.

With him on top of me, we both laid there panting.

"So you are a do-gooder." I grinned after a while.

He chuckled. "You are just trying to get me to do round two aren't you.?"

"Maybe…" I bit my bottom lip.

He sat up and kissed me. "After dinner. Where do you wanna eat.?"

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