A/N: Apologies if you've already read this; I messed up and had to reupload it.

I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it
So say what are you waiting for?
Kiss her, kiss her
I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late

"A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me""- Fall Out Boy




I watched the light of the photocopier, blindingly bright in the dark office, as it did all my work for me, just not anywhere near fast enough.

It was hitting half eleven, on the twenty forth of December, and I was still in the office.

'Make sure those agendas are copied for tomorrow, Astrid.'

My stomach had dropped. The words hit me, just as I'd been packing up my things nearly two hours ago. Of course I had put off the dreaded photocopier, on Christmas Eve. The damn thing is older that me, and takes a fortnight to even turn on!

I had assumed, as any sane person does, that I could do said photocopying after Christmas. After all, the conference wasn't until January. Alas, no such luck.

My boss, Greg 'Everything Needs To Be Done A Month In Advance' Williams, insisted that the copying was done tonight. So they'd be ready for tomorrow.

"Who even works on Christmas day, any more." I found myself grumbling quietly.

"Only chumps." A voice behind me replied.

I jumped at the sound. Greg had just come out of his office. "Mr Williams," I composed myself, and turned back to the machine (which had decided to take an unscheduled break from copying, and was humming quietly to itself), "I didn't realised you were still here." 'So you could have just done the damn copying yourself!' I added internally.

"You can call me Greg. I think we're close enough for that." His tone made sure I knew it was a reference to the Christmas party, only a week ago. A low blow.

I ground my teeth, not all the subtly, when something occurred to me. "So that's why you're making me do this!" I turned back and was met with a overly-confident, raised eyebrow, which gave nothing away. "You could have got anyone to do this. You have a PA for Christ's sake, but you made me stay late to finish this, on Christmas Eve."

I glared for a moment, half-waiting for a response, although I knew I wasn't going to be happy with the one I got. "I'm not making you do anything."

My eyes widened in anger, I felt the blood rush to face. "Fine. Nothing's keeping me staying then." I tried to storm over to my desk, which really wasn't far enough away for storming, and grabbed my bag. The photocopier whined as I walked past, which was just enough to provoke a kick to the base.

I had got to the door, but something was stopping me leaving. He hadn't admitted it. I couldn't just leave, then he would win. I had to get him to admit he had singled me out.

I turned in the doorway. "So, what is it you want, revenge? Revenge for me ruining your precious reputation? Here's a news flash: Everyone already knew. They were all there. They could all tell." My heart was beating ferociously in my chest. "No one was surprised when you announced, so smugly, that we fucked at that damn party. No one cared."

His face was stony and unrevealing. Eventually, he unfolded his arms, and leant back on the desk behind him and said, in satisfaction, "So, that's what's really got you wound up. That I told people."

"No- I..." I took a second to calm myself, thinking of my blood pressure. I took a deep breath and a few steps forward, before saying quietly, "But you didn't have to tell people." I could still hear Sharon's squawking voice saying 'You slept with her!?'

"But I thought people didn't care, anyway?" He challenged, his eyes narrow.

"Well, you didn't have to announce it so proudly." I was closer now, pointing my finger accusingly.

There was a beat and then, "But I am proud that I seduced you." What hit me first was not what he said, but the stupid grin that followed. Like he knew fine-rightly that he was doing it again.

I pushed my tongue against my teeth. "You did not seduce me." I stood back a little and folded my arms in defence. "If anything, I seduced you." I disputed.

He laughed. He actually laughed. I couldn't hide the frown that crinkled my forehead.

"I don't get seduced, Astrid." He raised a cocky eyebrow. He looked far too comfortable. "I am un-seduce-able."

I looked him up and down, then took a step forward. "I could do it again."

"Is that a challenge?"

"It's a fact." Another step forward.

He breathed a little heavier as I slid my frame in between his legs and placed my hands either side of his body, leaning on the desk, inches from touching his body. His voiced lowered, "Prove it."

"I already have." I caught his lips in a kiss before the words were fully out. I pushed against him hard, enjoying the domination I hadn't had with the first kiss. I felt him fight back a little, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip. I couldn't help think back to the Christmas party.

"You're leaving already." It was a statement, rather than a question.

He was leaning against the wall (he leaned an awful lot), still holding his drink in his hand, looking over at me with an indecipherable expression.

"Well, some of us have to work tomorrow." 'Thanks for that, Asshole.'

He stared for a moment, then pushed himself off the wall and raised the glass to his lips. "You should stay."

I frowned, not amused by his no-explanations-game.

"Are you going to elaborate?" I was fed-up. I should have just ignored him and left. But I didn't really want to. Something about him still intrigued me.

"You want to stay."

I rolled my eyes. This wasn't going to work on me. "No. I want to go home and sleep."

He looked as if he was thinking about it; the alcohol had made him slower off the mark with his response. Eventually, he took a few steps forward. He raised a slightly confused eyebrow. "I want you to stay?"

"Of course you do." I retorted sardonically. I pulled my coat tighter around myself and decided there was no use staying any longer.

I had just turned away, when I heard him make a noise that sounded like mix of a cough and a "yea." I recognised the sound. It was the sound one makes when their back-tracking. It was the 'Yea, I was totally, completely joking just there now. Except I wasn't' I recognised it, cause I had made that noise God-knows how many times in the past.

I looked over, but he wasn't facing me any more. I don't think he even knew I was still standing there. He scratched the back of his head apprehensively.

"Maybe I do want to stay." He turned back around at the sound of my voice. I shrugged. "But someone put me down for 8 o'clock tomorrow." I looked over at him accusingly, wondering how he would react.

There was a second when he looked a little baffled, but I hardy noticed before he had composed himself. "Yeah, whoever did that is an Asshole."

I smirked a little, risking a few steps back inside. "You said it yourself."

"You should complain, seriously." He continued the little charade. "Maybe you could get him fired."

"That's not a bad idea. Then I could have his job." I ventured, watching his expression change from amused to slightly offended, then to something that looked like acceptance.

He chuckled a little. "You're something else, Astrid."

"What? You think I couldn't do it?" I instantly accused, taking a step closer in offence.

"I think you underestimate what I do." He suggested, pointing his finger lazily in my direction.

Something sparked inside me. "Yeah, I'm sure it's really hard to have fancy dinners and sleep with models." I waited a moment, not sure how he was going to react.

Eventually, he laughed and I realised just how close he was. "You have to admit though, I'm really, very good at it."

I didn't have to raise my voice much for him to hear. "I think I'd be better at it."

It would have been easy to stop the kiss within the first few seconds. Point proved, no hard feelings, everyone goes home and it's never mentioned again. But, as I leaned in closer, I came to realise I wasn't just kissing him to prove a point.

So I broke apart the kiss, only momentarily, while I started to shove off my winter coat, which was only restricting me, really. He glanced up at me, a look of surprise hidden beneath a smirk.

"What?" I challenged. He didn't answer straight away, so I shrugged and began replacing my coat. "I mean, we can leave it here, if you want to...?" I said, feigning disinterest.

I raised an eyebrow in question and I saw the fight leave his eyes. "You're amazing."

He stood and his hands clasped my hips briefly while I hopped up to wrap my legs around his waist. My coat fell to the floor and pulled his tie off with ease, choosing not to leave his lips for a while. His hand crawled up my back, sending delicious shivers across my skin. I moaned a little in delight when he dragged his nails across my skin.

I tangled my hand in his hair, enjoying the force he kissed me with, which were sure to leave my lips a little bruised. We shifted a little while Greg pushed off his jacket and in a moment my back was pushed against the wall, my legs still securely around his waist. I fiddled with the buttons of his shirt, undoing only the ones I had access to in my current position, but my hands faltered when his mouth went to my throat and I gasped, thinking of nothing other than how I wanted to tear the rest of his clothes off.

He pressed himself against me, making my body burn with desire. When his lips disappeared, I opened my eyes to see him staring at me. It was hard to decipher his gaze; he looked almost at a loss for what to do. I felt my lips twist into a grin. I slid my legs down, my feet landing a little shakily on the floor. I completed my task with his shirt buttons within seconds, and caught his lips in another kiss, while I took care of my own buttons.

I shimmied the blouse off, letting it drop to the floor without a second thought. I took the hem of his shirt and walked us towards the desk. I hopped onto the desk, and lay down flat on my back, the bottoms of my legs dangling off the edge. I but my lip when I saw Greg's eyes widen. Lifting a finger, I did a little 'come here' gesture, that seemed to pull him closer with every movement.

He paused for a moment, just above me, then said, "I think you're right. You did seduce me."

I replied, a little out of breath, "You did a pretty good job of seducing me too."

His body flushed with mine and his attention went to my neck. His left a few glistening kisses on my throat, then I felt his teeth drag along my collar bone. He trailed kisses down my body, pausing at more sensitive spots, until his path was blocked by my clothes. I lifted my head to watch him skilfully unhook the clasp on my trousers. I shifted to help him slip the fabric down my legs, and I pushed off my shoes and socks with it.

I pushed myself up on my elbows. "You're wearing too many clothes." I stated. "We need to fix that."

The removal of Greg's clothes was a little more frenzied, the tension that was building had started to control how our bodies moved. Our lips met again, and it made my heart beat faster to feel him against me, our bodies almost completely bare. The Christmas party hadn't been like this. It had been rushed, and dark and clothed (I almost scorned myself for not getting a better look at Greg's amazing body last time). It was nothing like the tantalisingly slow pace that we were going now.

I felt his hand curve round my hip and tease the string of my underwear.

"Wait." I whispered, and I pulled back for a moment. Something had just occurred to me. I took his hand and walking meaningfully towards a desk. A specific desk.

"Is this... Sharon's desk?" He quizzed, a smirk on his lips.

"I hate Sharon." I provided the explanation quickly. In one swift move, I unhooked my bra and pulled it off, before sliding my underwear down my legs. Just to add extra venom to the act, I dropped said underwear on Sharon's disgustingly-well organised pens, nudging them, just enough, off kilter.

"Oh fuck, me too." He said it in such a way them made me question if he really did. Or if he even remembered who Sharon was at the point. He moved closer, going in for another kiss, but I held up a finger, pressing it lightly against his chest to stop him.

"Ah-ah." I looked him in the eyes, then followed my finger, as it trailed down his body to hook onto his boxers. I pulled him closer. "First things first." I whispered.

When, at last, we were both equally nude, we pulled ourselves against each other, practically falling on the desk behind us. The stationery pots rattled with the movement. I clawed at the skin on his back, half in an attempt to grab onto strength. He moaned in pleasure, the sound right next to my ear, like it was a secret. His teeth nipped at my neck and I gasped lightly at the feeling. One of his hands pushed mine above my head, knocking over a neatly sorted stack of files in the process. The pace quickened. Our bodies, slick with sweat, moved together, like we'd planned and practised every move perfectly.

In the climatic moment, I lost track of whose limbs were whose, where I was; I wouldn't even been able to recall the date if I'd been asked. Then we were still for quite some time: delicious sated, but completely drained of energy. Eventually, our bodies pulled apart, and we lay side by side, facing up, not wanting, or not able, to move any further than that.

After a few moments, I heard the photocopier 'ding', a sign that it had completed the copying.

"It is just me, or was that so much better than last time?"

"A couple more times, and I bet we could be pros."

A/N: Woah! That was exhausting! Oh my goodness, I'm so nervous to hear what you have to say about this! I haven't posted anything like this before... So please let me know if it is alright?!

I wrote this as a kind of practice for the fic I'm working on at the minute (It's called Don't Stand So Close To Me... Check it out?) So I would really like to know peoples' response to this kinda thing, and maybe I'll post more? I find it easy to write sort little oneshots with no real plot or background, to take a break from the longer fic for a moment, then I'm so much more focussed when I go back to it!

Anyway! Thanks so much for reading, I love you all!